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The offer is valid only in all establishments participating in this promotion. Last possible date of ski pass Last day of ski pass purchase: Advance sales until There are discounts for seniors, juniors, children and families. Seasonal tickets are not transferable, they carry the name and photo of the owner, and are strictly personal. In order to obtain your day pass in that area, simply take your Dolomiti Superski pass to the ski pass office, together with the voucher you will receive. The seasonal ticket will be accepted on any lift which is open until Points card debit-card Pre-paid cards, which can be used on all Dolomiti Superski lifts. They can be used by more than one person and last the whole season. Ask in the ski pass offices for the table of points required for each lift. Other ski passes These are day passes , afternoon passes from They are issued by the various lift companies. For information ask at the local ski pass office or at the cash desk of the lift itself. Multi-day ski pass For passes for days please see the table of prices in the ski pass offices or calculate the price of your ski pass by using the specific online form. Please ask in the ski pass offices for further information about reductions for children, youngsters and families and the various types of pass. Check the opening and closing dates of the lifts in the Val di Fassa ski areas. These prices could vary in case of exceptional intervention by tax, valutation or social authorities. Advice: multiple-day ski pass are sold only at the central ski pass offices. Download for free the official mobile App of Val di Fassa on your smartphone or tablet. With a simple touch of your finger you can explore the entire valley! Available on App Store and Google Play. Keep up to date with the last minute offers, latest news, curiosities and events in Val di Fassa. Subscribe to our free email newsletter service. Here you can view the informative printed matter, catalogues and brochures, and either download it or ask for a paper copy. Recupera i dati precedentemente inseriti. Fore season. High season. Low season. My ski pass. Price calculator. Fore season High season Low season Seasonal Valid from My ski pass Which is the best ski pass for me? Families There are many discounts for families: children under 8 years, a child born after This free offer refers to 'an accompanying adult for each child'. To obtain a free ski pass it is necessary to ask in person and to present proof of identity. Self certification is not valid; non accompanyed children born after The presence of both parents is necessary as well as a valid proof of identity for the child. Notes Please ask in the ski pass offices for further information about reductions for children, youngsters and families and the various types of pass. Sign up to our Newsletter Keep up to date with the last minute offers, latest news, curiosities and events in Val di Fassa. Download Brochures and catalogues Here you can view the informative printed matter, catalogues and brochures, and either download it or ask for a paper copy. Follow us. Cookies help us to deliver our services. By using these services, you agree to the use of cookies on the Website. More info. Juniors born after Seniors born before

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