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Героин другое название — диацетилморфин представляет собой полусинтетическое опиоидное вещество, оказывающее сильное воздействие на человеческий организм и производимое из опийного мака. Производителем является немецкая компания Bauer. До начала девятнадцатого века средство применялось в медицине как лекарство и даже продавалось в обычных аптеках, а уже значительно позже получило широкое распространение среди наркоманов. Опиоид использовали для подавления симптомов простудных заболеваний, в особенности кашля. Его считали истинной панацеей, ведь препарат якобы не вызывал привыкания и не провоцировал серьезные отклонения поведения. Лекарственное средство применялось даже в педиатрии. Героин пользовался популярностью и у людей, страдающих бронхиальной астмой. Так же его назначали при заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы, желудочно-кишечного тракта, склерозе и частичной амнезии. Однако вскоре появилась информация о побочном эффекте препарата, но его производство окончательно не прекратилось до сих пор. Кроме молодых людей, опиоид популярен и у представителей других возрастных категорий независимо от социального статуса. Цены на препарат относительно невысокая, что повышает его доступность и увеличивает число наркоманов. Сейчас героин можно купить на развес, чаще всего по 1 и по 5 грамм. Стоимость пакетика наркотического вещества весом один грамм варьируется в пределах от до рублей. Российская Федерация занимает лидирующую позицию среди всех стран мира по потреблению героина. Эта информация была официально объявлена во время доклада специалистов управления Организации Объединенных Наций по профилактике и снижению числа преступлений, совершенных в состоянии наркотического опьянения. Конференция состоялась в Вене и носила исследовательский и практический характер. Как выяснилось, за последнее десятилетие число наркозависимых в России увеличилось более чем на пятнадцать процентов. Они употребляют героин из Афганистана, ежегодные нелегальные поставки которого превышают 85 тонн. В настоящее время героин каждый год уносит жизни порядка 35 тысяч россиян. На сегодняшний день власти ведут активную борьбу с наркоторговцами, однако искоренить их полностью очень сложно. Согласно статистическим данным специалистов ООН, по всему миру насчитывается более 12 миллионов зависимых от героина, из которых почти 2 миллиона человек — граждане Российской Федерации. В самом Афганистане один грамм наркотического вещества стоит около 4 долларов, что практически в 25 раз дешевле по сравнению с Россией. Skip to content. Related posts: Что такое героин. История Что такое героин? Героин — это запрещенное наркотическое вещество, вызывающее сильнейшую наркотическую зависимость и в Действие героина на человеческий организм Какие вредные действия оказывает героин на организм? При попадании героина в организм, наркотик вызывает Новый вид наркомании Перкосет Представьте, что вы проснулись однажды утром и поняли, что ваш рецепт на Перкоцет только что ВКонтакте X. Facebook X.

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He works for The Omari Project , a pioneering community-based organization in the struggling tourist town of Malindi, providing treatment and support to heroin addicts in this forgotten hotspot of the international drugs trade. Around half of its staff are themselves recovering addicts. He had been into the drug for so long that he was reduced to injecting heroin into his penis. Now, addicts and their families look to him as a role model. He is living proof that people can recover. The Omari Project was founded in , named after the first injection drug user in Malindi who died after using a contaminated needle. Since then, heroin addiction has been on the rise in Kenya, as the eastern African route for the heroin trade has exploded. The shift, UNODC officials say , is likely due to a crackdown on drug trafficking in central Europe and the war in Syria, pushing cartels to experiment with new routes. As more heroin floods into East Africa, more and more Kenyans are getting hooked on the drug. The United Nations estimates that around 18, people inject drugs in Kenya, with 10, of them living on the coast. Heroin first became readily available in Malindi during the s tourism boom. Injection drug use slowly took off. The Kenyan government has vowed to crack down on the drugs trade, but few high-level arrests have been made. Many Kenyans say authorities either have been in denial, turned a blind eye, or took bribes from the cartels over the years as the heroin epidemic spiraled. Historically, law enforcement and some drug treatment programs in Kenya, as in many other countries, have focused on eliminating drug use, but now the country is embracing a move towards treating drug addiction as a public health, rather than solely a criminal justice, issue. Harm reduction strategies, such as needle and syringe exchanges, or methadone treatment, are politically controversial in many parts of the world, including in the U. The World Health Organization, however, says that such measures do not cause an increase in drug use and are the most effective way of reducing HIV prevalence among drug users. Some 20 percent of Kenyan injection drug users already live with HIV , compared with around 6 percent of the total population. Legal confusion has added to the difficulties surrounding the exchange program. While the program is part of a government-backed initiative, it remains illegal in Kenya to possess injecting paraphernalia. Mohamed says the police visited him in response to community complaints several months after the program launched. However, he managed to convince them that the program had the support of government health authorities. The police in Malindi no longer interfere with the needle and syringe program, even though pockets of the community remain uncomfortable with it, according to Mohamed. The program has also faced funding problems. The largest donor to HIV prevention in the country, the U. President Barack Obama tried to end the ban in but was overruled by Congress two years later. Across the globe, the United States made up more than half of all foreign government spending on HIV response last year. It was difficult for The Omari Project to find non-U. After years of advocacy from international organizations and local groups like The Omari Project, Kenya began its first methadone program this summer in partnership with the UNODC and the University of Maryland , and with funding from the U. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over people have already been enrolled in methadone treatment in three locations -- in Malindi and Mombasa on the coast, and in the capital city of Nairobi. The Omari Project has enrolled people in the national methadone program since it was launched in Malindi in February. Omari Project staff screen participants, provide counseling and support, and accompany them to a clinic in a nearby government hospital where the methadone is administered. Kenya is slowly following in the pioneering footsteps of neighboring Tanzania, which introduced the first methadone program in East Africa in , and has since enrolled over 1, people in the program in the capital city of Dar es Salaam. On a late October afternoon, a group of men who are taking part in the methadone program at The Omari Project drop-in center showed off their biceps and full figures proudly -- they did not look so healthy just a few months ago, they said. Now she has a roadside stall where she cooks chapati, french fries and beans to sell to minibus drivers. Getting former addicts back into work is crucial, Mohamed explained, because heroin users who are not able to hold down a job may resort to crime, and in economically-depressed Malindi, thieves are treated harshly. They had to stop enrolling new participants in the methadone program in April, just two months after it had begun. Heroin users see people on methadone looking clean and healthy, and come begging The Omari Project to open up more spaces on the program, Wanjaa said. That late October afternoon, one man hurtled into their offices in rage and desperation, demanding to be let into the methadone preparation meeting underway in the conference room. But, he is already on a waiting list for when a new space opens up, and the staff gently turned him away, his yells echoing down the orange, dusty road. The partnership between government health authorities and civil society has not always been easy. Mohamed said some of the government health workers in the methadone clinics do not have experience working with drug users and still carry prejudices and misunderstandings. Yet, Bertrand insists this partnership will be critical to the success of the program, and could be a good example to other African countries with heroin epidemics. Hatib started using heroin when he was 18 years old, and has been clean for seven years. We ate from the dustbin together once upon a time. Even staff who have never used heroin are painfully acquainted with its effects. Mohamed started working at The Omari Project in because one of his closest friends was addicted to heroin and he had no idea what to do about it. He got his friend into the rehabilitation center, but he relapsed after one month and died three months later from liver complications. Her two children also got hooked, but they are now in the methadone program. His friends often wonder at the respect he gets from heroin users when they walk together around town. This world is a mirror. If you smile it smiles back. If you frown it frowns back at you. US Edition U. News U. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Newsletters Coupons. Terms Privacy Policy. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Flows of heroin produced in Afghanistan. Balkan route. Northern route. To Russia and Eastern Europe. Southern route. To Europe. To the U. To Southern Asia. To South- east Asia. To Oceania. The Omari Project screens and supports participants in the program. He is one of several outreach workers who provide health education and clean needles to heroin users on the streets of Malindi. Also on HuffPost:. Calling all HuffPost superfans! Join HuffPost. Charlotte Alfred. Suggest a correction. Today is National Voter Registration Day! Daily Life in Kenya. Youth corps members demonstrate their skills at the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya, on July 28,

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