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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Джона П. В г. Sifanek, William S. В исследовании, проведенном в е гг. Политика в отношении марихуаны в Голландии провалилась. В конце 60—начале х гг. Они играли в нее до и после курения марихуаны. Почти все ранние образцы РМР начала х гг. Количество образцов, исследованных РМР, резко возросло в е гг. Более активная марихуана необязательно более опасна. Росту потребления марихуаны в е и е гг. Men», University of Chicago Press, Police и International Journal of Drug Policy. Reinarman и H. Erickson с соавт. For a review of the history surrounding marijuana prohibition in the United States, see Bonnie R. Whitebread C. University of Virginia Press ; Kaplan J. For a more recent history of anti-marijuana campaigns in the United States see Himmelstein J. Grinspoon L. Little, Brown and Company ; Bonnie R. Nahas G. Misunderstanding or Exercise in Ambiguity? Jones R. Peterson R. Schwartz R. Chang A. Medicine —33 ; Ekert K. Prochlorperazine», Cancer —45 ; Vinciguerra V. Foltin R. Biochemistry and Behavior —82 ; Foltin R. Regelson W. Advanced Cancer Patients», pp. Raven Press ; Gorter R. Psychopharmacology 79—84 ; Ungerleider J. Crawford W. Hepler R. Malec J. Rehabilitation —18 ; Dunn M. Males » Paraplegia ; Mauer M. Ungerleider J. Spasm or Spasricity» Psychosomatics 81—85 ; Petro D. Consroe P. Clifford D. Discovery of Cannabinoid Receptors: An Overview», pp. York: Academic Press ; Consroe P. Pharmacology —85 ; Consroe P. Disorders», pp. Wren C. Cotton P. Medical Association —74 ; Doblin R. Randall R. Zeese K. Case», Washington Post 20 December , p. Goldin D. Agurell S. Wall M. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology — ; Ohlsson A. Mattes R. Analytical Toxicology 2: — ; Wall M. Hollister L. Cone E. Perez-Reyes M. Mason A. McBay A. Karniol G. Journal of Pharmacology —77 ; Zuardi A. Doblin R. Elsohly M. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior — ; Mattes R. Olsen J. Government Printing Office ; Cohen S. Voelker R. Association for Psychedelic Studies 5, 4: 11—13 ; Lehrman S. Plan», San Francisco Examiner 8 January , p. B2; Okie S. McCaffrey B. Lapey J. Bennett S. Gwynne P. Kassirer J. Hearn W. D18; Goodavage M. Wesner B. Marin G. Arkansas Times 16 December , p. York Times 14 November , p. Angeles Times 14 June ; Goldberg C. Dansak D. Administration Hearing, Docket 86—22 , pp. Gingrich N. Shalala D. Swan N. Johnston L. Department of Health and Human Services Bakalar J. Kandel D. Pickens R. Tunving K. Chesher G. Service ; Hendin H. Policy ; U. Hubbard R. North Carolina Press ; Didcott P. Stefanis C. Bulletin on Narcotics 1—12 ; Bensusan A. Medicine 3: ; Solowij N. Miles C. Operant Behavior: Individual Data», pp. Szara S. Reported in Gannon R. Wiesbeck G. Compton D. Abuse 9: —47 ; Jones R. Aceto M. Hilts P. Hall W. Government Publishing Service ; Roffman R. Miller N. Gold M. Normand J. Zimmer L. Contemporary Drug Problems 1—26 ; Jacobs J. Chalsma A. Himmelstein J. Glaser D. Blum R. West L. Clayton R. Yamaguchi K. Single E. Cohen P. The Case of Amsterdam», pp. Temple D. Department of Health and Human Services , pp. Institute on Drug Abuse ; Welte J. Government Printing Office , pp. Johnson V. Young Adults», pp. Journal of the Addictions — ; Yamaguchi K. Donovan J. Public Health —52 ; Ellickson P. Golub A. Gove W. Social Forces —90 ; Kaplan H. Contemporary Drug Problems 31—73 ; Shedler J. Health», American Psychologist —30 ; Robins L. Clinical Psychology —12 ; Yamaguchi K. Lettieri D. Clinical Psychology — ; Block J. Tanda G. Blakeslee S. Casteneda E. Pharmacology Biochemstry and Behavior —91 ; Herkenham M. Pierre R. McGowan P. Minnesota sheriff, quoted in Suro R. Bennett W. Sentencing Commission , p. Justice , pp. Thomas C. State of Georgia, Department of Corrections, personal communication 23 August Butterfield F. Anti-Drug Abuse Act of , 42 U. Erickson P. Treaster J. Gerstein D. Press ; Erwin B. Hyde H. Morgan J. Booth W. Dao J. Rosenthal A. Califano J. Brown L. The Success of Tough Drug Enforcement. Stevenson R. Bollinger L. Silvis J. Jansen A. Phenomenon», pp. Leuw E. Marshall I. Fromberg E. Sandwijk J. Adlaf E. Service ; Harrison L. Policy, Amsterdam September ; Quensel S. A, Sas, A. De Zwart W. Van Solinge T. Sas A. Department of Health and Human Services , p. Sifaneck S. Gunning K. Prevention ; Jorritsma R. Bertrand M. European Edition, April 28—30 ; Solomon G. Congressional Record, p. E 6 April Blom T. The Netherlands ; Zaal L. Moulton C. Mann Р. Heath R. Kolansky H. Medical Association —92 ; Tennant F. Nattrass F. Government Printing Office ; Russell W. Campbell A. A Criticism of the Study by A. Campbell et al. Kuehnle J. Medical Association —21 ; Hannerz I. Struve F. THC Exposure», p. Drug Abuse ; Struve F. Solowij N. Straumanis J. Patrick G. Scallet A. Harper J. Washington, DC: U. Government Printing Office ; Maugh T. Brain», Science —76 ; Kolansky H. Ali S. Westlake T. Slikker W. Exposure in the Nonhuman Primate», pp. Mathias R. Know, Rockville, MD: U. Newsletter, St. Paul, MN: St. Moulton О. Ernie D. Cohen S. Office ; Benabud A. McGlothlin H. American Medical Association —92 ; Kolansky H. Walters P. Hogan R. Psychology 58—63 ; Brill N. Archives of General Psychiatry —65 ; Miranne A. Mellinger G. Search of a Model» pp. Brill N. Kupfer D. Students: I. Goode E. Jessor R. Shedler J. Farrell A. Addictions —82 ; Tubman J. Journal of Public Health —52 ; Kandel D. Hendin H. Musty R. Comitas L. Pihl R. Carter W. Boulougouris C. Society —45 ; Register C. Gill A. Michaels R. Kaestner R. A Preliminary Report», pp. Mendelson J. Gabriel G. Robert G. Ferraro D. Addiction and Drug Abuse», pp. Gilman A. Darley C. Psycbopharm acology —41 ; Abel E. Nelson-Hall Publishers b ; Wetzel C. Psychopharmacology —81 ; Dornbush R. Miller L. Psychopharmacologia —76 ; Block R. Hooker W. Dornbush R. Tetrahydrocannabinol», Psychopharmacology —48 ; Tinklenberg J. Clark L. Psychopharmacologia —18 ; Kiplinger G. Pharmacology and Therapeutics —15 ; Klonoff H. Psychological Tests», Nature —18 ; Weckowicz T. Bromberg W. McGlothlin W. Steckler A. Journal of the Addictions 9: —26 ; Gribspoon L. Press ; Pihl R. Addictions 63—71 ; Hochman J. Carlin A. Soueif M. Fletcher J. Bulletin on Narcotics 29, 2: 1—43 ; Carlin A. Harrison L. Treatment», pp. International Journal of Addictions —40 ; Farrell A. Issues — ; Johnson V. Among Adolecents and Young Adults», pp. Rubin V. Hague: Mouton ; Kokkevi A. Bowman M. Page J. Wig N. Ray R. Entin E. Rossi A. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 6: 73—77 ; Carlin A. Weckowicz T. Schaeffer J. Block R. Related to School Achievement: Preliminary Study», pp. Pope H. Publishing Service ; Adams I. In the part of the paper describing the data analysis p. Group C. Figure 2 p. Deadwyler S. Abuse ; Lichtman A. German T. Fossier A. Merrill F. Marihuana: The New Dangerous Drug. Chopra G. Allebeck P. Publishing Service ; Thornicroft G. Negrete J. Mueser K. Schizophrenia Bulletin 31—56 ; Warner R. Andreasson S. Johnson B. Psychiatry 55—67 ; Rodgers T. MacDonald D. Abuse ; Voth H. Abuse ; Kellam S. Perry C. York: Academic Press ; Block J. Substance Abuse 3: —14 ; ShedlerJ. Journal of Clinical Psychology —19 ; Satinder K. Behavior», Journal of Psychology —05 ; Kandel D. Archives of General Psychiatry —09 ; Mayer J. Kay E. Psychology 58—63 ; McAree C. Goldstein J. Weil A. Drugs 2: 37—47 ; Meyer M. York: Academic Press ; Abruzzi W. Sciences —31 ; Wall M. Ritzlin R. Mathers DC. Thomas H. Grossman W. Archives of General Psychiatry 24—27 ; Chaudry H. Keeler M. Addiction —19 ; Edwards G. Bonnie R. Department of Justice ; Harrison L. Youths in Treatment», pp. Friedman A. International Journal of Addictions —40 ; Anthony J. Antecedent Misbehavior», pp. Fagan J. Simonds J. Connections», pp. Ludford J. Tinklenberg J. Watts W. Americans», pp. Institute on Drug Abuse ; Simonds J. Spunt B. Cherek D. Steinberg J. 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Dreher M. Pediatrics —60 ; Tennes K. Hatch E. Epidemiology —93 ; Kline J. Gynecology —26 ; Hingson R. Day N. Outcome», Clinics in Perinatology 77—91 ; Richardson G. Streissguth A. Robison L. Grufferman S. Barr H. During Pregnancy», Pediatrics —41 ; Fried P. Ernest D. Voth E. Lau R. Tetrahydrocannabinol», Science —07 ; White S. Holsapple M. Immunopharmacology 1: —66 ; Nahas G. Banchereau J et al. Cultured Lymphocytes», pp. Paton W. Munson A. Kalant H. Cabral G. Mishkin E. Silverstein M. Huber G. Barbers R. Wallace J. Nieman R. Caiaffa W. Coates R. McCaffery B. Chusid M. Sutton S. Turner C. Inaba D. Tomatis L. Tashkin D. Chiang N. Hawkins R. Institute on Drug Abuse ; Sherrill D. Polen M. Didcott P. Glatt H. Leuchtenberger C. Kalant K. Novotny M. Smoke», Experientia —82 ; Hoffman D. Harvey R. Fligiel S. Sridhar K. Mann P. DuPont R. Martin B. Barnett G. Swatek, R. Garrett E. Moscowitz H. Chait L. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics —16 ; Leirer V. Kreuz D. After Smoking», pp. Ryrfeldt A. Different Tissues of the Rat», pp. Moskowitz H. Jacobs J. Robbe H. Stein A. Department of Transportation ; Hansteen R. Klonoff H. Smiley A. Dependence , Washington, DC: U. Government Printing Office ; Terhune K. Journal of Forensic Sciences —67 ; Mason A. P, McBay AJ. Sciences —53 ; Drummer O. Terhune K. Williams A. D, Pierri J. Ellingstad, V. Cappell H. D, Pliner P. Mayhew D. Brookoff D. Reeve V. Page T. Shuster C. Department of Justice , p. Department of Health and Human Services b. Roberts C. Henneberger M. Drug Enforcement Administration, U. Kleiman M. Tartaglino A. Maugh, T. Psychopharmacology —12 ; Jones R. S, Brill N. Warner R. Knopf ; Goldman A. Mikuriya T. Messinger T. ElSohly M. Pear R. Pharmacology and Therapeutics —24 ; Cappell H. Heishman S. Hawks R. D, Zacny J. Humans», Psychopharmacology —62 ; Kelly T. Higgins S. Herning R. Oviedo A. Calahan D, Room R. Alcohol Studies ; Swift G. Rosenthal E. Burke J. Falco M. Baum D. Department of Education and U. Programs, Washington, DC: U. Government Printing Office ; U. Interview with Thomas A. Block J. Scheier L. Clinical Psychology —12 ; Kandel D. Alan Leschner, quoted in Swan N. Quoted in Suro R. Glynn T. Black G. Black Corporation Bass L. Blunts, Washington, DC: U. Department of Justice ; Califano J. Braucht G. Government Printing Office ; Swisher J. Irrelevent Variable in Drug Education», pp. Brown Company ; Blum R. Lexington Books ; Berberian R. Health Education Monographs 4: —98 ; Goodstadt M. Journal of Drug Education 89—99 ; Schaps E. Journal of Drug Issues 17—34 ; Moskowitz J. DeJong W. Pentz M. Flay B. Wysong E. Problems —72 ; Ennett S. Rosenbaum D. Brown J. Saunders B. Department of Justice ; Moskowitz J. Polich J. Cohen J. Council on Crime and Delinquency ; Engs R. MD: U. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Swisher J. Winston ; Cornacchio H. Louis: C. Mosby ; Dohner V. Lindblad R. Narcotics 35, 3: 41—52 ; Booth W. Jaffe J. McDermott P. Thorsons ; Miller M. Underestimate Kids? McDonald D. Experiences», pp. Quoted in Baum D. Quoted in DiChiara A. Slaughter J. Cook M. Manatt M. Narcotics 35, 3: 41—52 ; Jaffe J. For example, Heath R. Psychoactive Drugs ; Tashkin D. Russell G. Gordon D. Department of Justice ; McCaffrey B. Boodman S. Drugs», pp. Gorman T. Provisions« 28 October ; Lake Research, Inc. Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse , см. Self publishing. Your ePaper is waiting for publication! This will ensure high visibility and many readers! You can find your publication here:. Design embed now. Share Embed Flag. TAGS marijuana institute marihuana rockville cannabis pharmacology clinical prevention association addiction myths www.

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