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Let us look at the reaction to the airport bombing. According to Turkish media reports, a Russian citizen was among the three suicide bombers responsible. This report came from Reuters, which \\\\\\\\\\\[naturally\\\\\\\\\\\] cited an unnamed Turkish government official who also maintained that the two other suspects were from the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Those, in themselves, are supposed to explain everything. One thing that never ceases to surprise me is how quickly blame is allocated without any hard proof. The faster the fixing of the blame, the more questions should arise as to who benefits. If Turkey is adopting it too, it is not hard to see that it has been told to get with the programme, having long faced criticism for failing to do exactly this. The mastermind of this bombing is claimed to be the Russian citizen involved, Akhmed Chateev, an ethnic Chechen. As reported in previous articles, US and Georgian intelligence have long been importing Chechens for training in Georgia, and all the known terrorist networks, the ones which can be shown to be funded and armed by either the US State Department or the CIA, have a history of Chechens suddenly joining them, even though the conflicts they are part of seem to have little to do with Chechnya. This is an attempt to play on the Western assumption of institutional superiority. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are Muslim states which do not pretend to be democracies, and as such are seen as inferior to Georgia, which the West always insists is a democratic state in defiance of the experience of the local population. Consequently they can blamed for anything by the mere strategic mention of their names, whilst everything that goes on in a democracy must be alright really, however dodgy it may appear on the surface. Based on the nationalities of the three suspects, the Turkish and international leadership and media quickly suggested that the Islamic State IS was responsible. Neither Russia, Uzbekistan nor Kyrgyzstan are controlled by the IS, but as they are not regarded as beacons of democracy either, we are led to draw conclusions about what their nationals might be up to. Equally predictably, little mention is made in these US reports of how he has been funded and been able to recruit and train terrorists so openly. It is alleged by intelligence sources in Tbilisi that Chateev was trained in Georgia by US operatives. Russian media has added that he joined the Islamic State in and has apparently been under the protection of foreign intelligence services in Europe in recent years. Turkey has frequently allowed IS operatives to pass through its territory, often with faked Georgian passports. This is hardly surprising given the longstanding Turkish and US intelligence co-operation. Both the Istanbul airport bombing and the subsequent failed coup plot bear the usual hallmarks of responses to US intelligence orders given to further its own ends. But the Bataclan tragedy was perpetrated using very similar methods. Turkey is doing what France tried to do then — mending relations with Russia, which were damaged by the shooting down of a Russian fighter plane near the Turkish border seven months ago. This was another motivation for CIA operatives to try to overthrow the government. The question asked when that happened was where would this lead? It was pointed out that the consequences may be such that the framers of Turkish foreign policy would look back on the old days with nostalgia. Turkey is on the main supply route to all the terrorists. Turkey apologising to Russia, and then following the Russian policy of cracking down on terrorists to show it is sincere, could disrupt those supplies. What was done in France was therefore much more likely to happen in Turkey at some point, particularly when the same media game is being played by those responsible. At one time the US could exploit this strategic relationship in order to avert any threat of Turkey going off-message. But now there is an extra factor at work which has persuaded the US to take direct action, though it is entirely its own fault it has emerged. The more crimes the US has allowed the Erdogan family to get away with the more it has left it susceptible to blackmail. Thus protecting itself from blackmail has become its top priority. It has already tried its own blackmail to forestall the need for the airport bombing, but this did not have the desired effect. Thousands of foreign fighters, hired by the CIA on the basis of false promises, have been kept on Turkish soil as a reminder of what might happen if Turkey bites the hand that has long fed it. Then they have not been given what they were promised in order to make them hostile to Turkey. Thus he can continue supplying terrorists, and terrorising his own Kurdish population, by regaining the moral high ground. He hopes that will be enough to protect him from any evidence the others might present as to his business dealings, including the smuggling of stolen oil. The Turkish leadership also has other problems it needs to address by means of bombings and attempted coups. Firstly, it has to extricate itself from its involvement in Syria. It is similarly under the reduce migration flows. It has much to gain by helping the EU promote the idea that migrant equals terrorist. Erdogan is probably hoping that the 40 dead at the airport, sacrificed to further several ends, are a much smaller number than might be killed by the advanced weaponry Russia is threatening to supply to the Kurds. The US is likely to pull more stunts like this in the near future, as many countries are going off-message to varying degrees. It was the US which once promoted globalisation most aggressively. Now the same US is doing its utmost to prevent its allies having other friends, even though globalisation implies that they should. Russia can help Ankara get back on track economically and politically. Turkey has now given itself more credibility with the US be being a willing victim. But what will the US find easier: allowing its partners to find common geopolitical ground with other nations, or keep blowing things and people up until no one, least of all Erdogan, is safe? The important question, however, now is: to what extent can the U. Given the on-going diplomatic spate between Turkey and the U. For Erdogan, however, this tussle implies a perpetual threat to his rule and country—a situation that he would not have to face if aligned with Russia in Syria. The U. As such, were Turkey to step away from the U. There is, as such, an excellent opportunity for Russia to cash in on the Turkey-U. The coup-attempt is a grim reminder of the bad policies Turkey has been following for past two-three years and that have now come to haunt his own country. The realization in Turkey is quite obvious and its revamped relations with Russia are in the hindsight. The protagonists may have specific interests in Syria, but the bottom line is that Turkey is under enormous pressure to abandon the disruptive role it has played so far by supplying and equipping Syrian opposition groups. There are some signs that indicate this change. For instance, Syrian National Coalition, which is supported by Turkey, demanded immediate halt to air strikes in Manjib which, Pentagon, of course, promptly rejected. On the other hand, Russian response was quite measured. With Turkey ready to sit with Russia and with the U. Simply put, the Russian prognosis is coming true. And with the U. Emerging reports from Syria suggest United States naval and special warfare elements may be assisting extreme jihadists break out of embattled Aleppo. Unconfirmed reports of US warships sharing intelligence with the group Jeish al-Fatah, also suggest US Special Forces elements may be trapped within the surrounded city. If confirmed, these reports would not be the biggest surprise to objective observers. According to this report;. If Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal can provide puzzle pieces, then certainly the most one sided media on Earth can render puzzle pieces. But US warships forwarding intel? Green Berets or Seals embedded in terrorist units? I had to investigate. First of all, Fatah al-Islam was a near dissolved militant jihadist organization from Lebanon. In the final analysis, some American family has dead and buried heroes put in the ground by the same people Clinton and the Obama administration now fund. The funding of Jeish al-Fatah is not in question here, but direct intelligence and advisers is. I hope the reader grasps the significance. Like other extremists organizations fighting in the region, Fatah al-Islam has no qualms about using barbaric tactics. Some readers will recall recent reports of Jaysh al-Islam using Syrian soldiers and their families in cages in Eastern Ghouta to deter Assad Regime attacks. This says nothing for the far reaching terror and chaos caused. But direct support such as the kind mention by the Iranians bodes of an even more sinister strategy. Jaysh al-Sham has received funding from Saudi Arabia since its inception in , and currently receives funding from Qatar and Turkey as well. On US military assistance to Jaysh al-Sham, this Yahoo News report from last November tells of land deliveries of ammunition to the jihadists by the Pentagon, and it speaks in the same sentence of U. This suggests Special Forces personnel may in fact be with the jihadists blowing themselves up against Assad in Aleppo. I witnessed a YouTube video just yesterday, an anti-Assad rebel driving a makeshift armored vehicle laden with explosives into a strategic target inside the city. Of course this video could have been concocted, but Pentagon support for rebels there is not. Turning to the sharing of intelligence in what now amounts to a proxy war with Syria, Iran, and Russia, this is not as easy to determine. But given the likelihood Special Forces advisers are on the ground in Aleppo, it only makes sense to assume the US Navy Seals are there as well. I am speculating a bit, but anybody who familiar with Spec-Ops knows, the Seals are never left blind. Chances are, this time the Iranian reports are accurate. At the end of all this, underneath the piles of dead bodies, investigators may one day connect the truck loads of US, Saudi, Qatari, UK, and other western money donations that flowed into Syria to kill off Assad. Given this, and other mounting evidence, I think it is safe to say American arms and mercenaries are now aligned against Assad and his Russian allies. The relief chopper shot down just the other day near Aleppo, may well have been as a result of Mr. US politicians doing everything in their power to start another war…. Somehow I just do not see all this going well for my country. Europe is overrun — China and Russia, and almost all the Middle East and Africa are alienated — US taxpayer billions are being spent to not transparent ends — one has to wonder if dethroning one political figure was worth it all? On a personal level, I would just like to hear the justification for all this killing. I think America at peace would help Americans a lot more than war. What do you think? The Central Asian region has always been distinguished by an extensive amount of attention from various international players paid to it. After the collapse of the Soviet Union this resource-rich and strategically important region began attracting the attention of China, the United States, India, and a number of other influential and wealthy states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and a number of others. Each of these global players have been pursuing their own agenda in this region. Washington has even embarked on a mission of straightforward bribery, promising various credits in exchange for the sovereign interests of local players. If we are to take into consideration the fact that Central Asia has always been connected with Russia, both historically and geographically, we can notice that over the last two decades the United State has done a lot to push certain regional players away from Moscow. During the meeting which brought together the foreign ministers of five regional players Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan American diplomats put forward five different projects that ranged from the fight against terrorism, to investments in environmental protection and culture. However, the current governments of Central Asian states are well aware of this and have made this goal as difficult for the US as they possibly can. There is every reason to believe that Uzbekistan will be the primary target of the US, since this country has a number of inner contradictions that can spark civil unrest, and the White House is planning to take full advantage of this fact. The reason for this deficit can be illustrated by the example of Turkey. Ankara has been a loyal ally of Washington for decades, and now with it having been betrayed, it openly defies its former masters, and Washington can literally do nothing about it, since it has lost access to all levers of military influence. Under these circumstances many countries are beginning to wonder if Washington really is capable of protecting them? The policy of destabilization that has been widely used by the Pentagon across the Middle East and Central Asia and other regions of the world has led to the strengthening of influence enjoyed by China and Russia. It is also necessary to add that the government of Central Asian countries in recent years have learned to tell the difference between the sincere desire to help, manifested by China and Russia, and the diplomatic maneuvering, which is utilized by Washington. This maneuvering has only persuaded Ukraine out of all the former Soviet states so far, and while watching their sad example, political elites of Central Asian are approaching the United States with extreme caution. That is why the United States in recent years has lost the right to use military facilities both in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, while American business presence is diminishing rapidly across the region. Crime and punishment Turkey has frequently allowed IS operatives to pass through its territory, often with faked Georgian passports. The birds in the path of the stone The Turkish leadership also has other problems it needs to address by means of bombings and attempted coups. Nuclear options can also run out The US is likely to pull more stunts like this in the near future, as many countries are going off-message to varying degrees.

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Let us look at the reaction to the airport bombing. According to Turkish media reports, a Russian citizen was among the three suicide bombers responsible. This report came from Reuters, which \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[naturally\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] cited an unnamed Turkish government official who also maintained that the two other suspects were from the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Those, in themselves, are supposed to explain everything. One thing that never ceases to surprise me is how quickly blame is allocated without any hard proof. The faster the fixing of the blame, the more questions should arise as to who benefits. If Turkey is adopting it too, it is not hard to see that it has been told to get with the programme, having long faced criticism for failing to do exactly this. The mastermind of this bombing is claimed to be the Russian citizen involved, Akhmed Chateev, an ethnic Chechen. As reported in previous articles, US and Georgian intelligence have long been importing Chechens for training in Georgia, and all the known terrorist networks, the ones which can be shown to be funded and armed by either the US State Department or the CIA, have a history of Chechens suddenly joining them, even though the conflicts they are part of seem to have little to do with Chechnya. This is an attempt to play on the Western assumption of institutional superiority. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are Muslim states which do not pretend to be democracies, and as such are seen as inferior to Georgia, which the West always insists is a democratic state in defiance of the experience of the local population. Consequently they can blamed for anything by the mere strategic mention of their names, whilst everything that goes on in a democracy must be alright really, however dodgy it may appear on the surface. Based on the nationalities of the three suspects, the Turkish and international leadership and media quickly suggested that the Islamic State IS was responsible. Neither Russia, Uzbekistan nor Kyrgyzstan are controlled by the IS, but as they are not regarded as beacons of democracy either, we are led to draw conclusions about what their nationals might be up to. Equally predictably, little mention is made in these US reports of how he has been funded and been able to recruit and train terrorists so openly. It is alleged by intelligence sources in Tbilisi that Chateev was trained in Georgia by US operatives. Russian media has added that he joined the Islamic State in and has apparently been under the protection of foreign intelligence services in Europe in recent years. Turkey has frequently allowed IS operatives to pass through its territory, often with faked Georgian passports. This is hardly surprising given the longstanding Turkish and US intelligence co-operation. Both the Istanbul airport bombing and the subsequent failed coup plot bear the usual hallmarks of responses to US intelligence orders given to further its own ends. But the Bataclan tragedy was perpetrated using very similar methods. Turkey is doing what France tried to do then — mending relations with Russia, which were damaged by the shooting down of a Russian fighter plane near the Turkish border seven months ago. This was another motivation for CIA operatives to try to overthrow the government. The question asked when that happened was where would this lead? It was pointed out that the consequences may be such that the framers of Turkish foreign policy would look back on the old days with nostalgia. Turkey is on the main supply route to all the terrorists. Turkey apologising to Russia, and then following the Russian policy of cracking down on terrorists to show it is sincere, could disrupt those supplies. What was done in France was therefore much more likely to happen in Turkey at some point, particularly when the same media game is being played by those responsible. At one time the US could exploit this strategic relationship in order to avert any threat of Turkey going off-message. But now there is an extra factor at work which has persuaded the US to take direct action, though it is entirely its own fault it has emerged. The more crimes the US has allowed the Erdogan family to get away with the more it has left it susceptible to blackmail. Thus protecting itself from blackmail has become its top priority. It has already tried its own blackmail to forestall the need for the airport bombing, but this did not have the desired effect. Thousands of foreign fighters, hired by the CIA on the basis of false promises, have been kept on Turkish soil as a reminder of what might happen if Turkey bites the hand that has long fed it. Then they have not been given what they were promised in order to make them hostile to Turkey. Thus he can continue supplying terrorists, and terrorising his own Kurdish population, by regaining the moral high ground. He hopes that will be enough to protect him from any evidence the others might present as to his business dealings, including the smuggling of stolen oil. The Turkish leadership also has other problems it needs to address by means of bombings and attempted coups. Firstly, it has to extricate itself from its involvement in Syria. It is similarly under the reduce migration flows. It has much to gain by helping the EU promote the idea that migrant equals terrorist. Erdogan is probably hoping that the 40 dead at the airport, sacrificed to further several ends, are a much smaller number than might be killed by the advanced weaponry Russia is threatening to supply to the Kurds. The US is likely to pull more stunts like this in the near future, as many countries are going off-message to varying degrees. It was the US which once promoted globalisation most aggressively. Now the same US is doing its utmost to prevent its allies having other friends, even though globalisation implies that they should. Russia can help Ankara get back on track economically and politically. Turkey has now given itself more credibility with the US be being a willing victim. But what will the US find easier: allowing its partners to find common geopolitical ground with other nations, or keep blowing things and people up until no one, least of all Erdogan, is safe? The important question, however, now is: to what extent can the U. Given the on-going diplomatic spate between Turkey and the U. For Erdogan, however, this tussle implies a perpetual threat to his rule and country—a situation that he would not have to face if aligned with Russia in Syria. The U. As such, were Turkey to step away from the U. There is, as such, an excellent opportunity for Russia to cash in on the Turkey-U. The coup-attempt is a grim reminder of the bad policies Turkey has been following for past two-three years and that have now come to haunt his own country. The realization in Turkey is quite obvious and its revamped relations with Russia are in the hindsight. The protagonists may have specific interests in Syria, but the bottom line is that Turkey is under enormous pressure to abandon the disruptive role it has played so far by supplying and equipping Syrian opposition groups. There are some signs that indicate this change. For instance, Syrian National Coalition, which is supported by Turkey, demanded immediate halt to air strikes in Manjib which, Pentagon, of course, promptly rejected. On the other hand, Russian response was quite measured. With Turkey ready to sit with Russia and with the U. Simply put, the Russian prognosis is coming true. And with the U. Emerging reports from Syria suggest United States naval and special warfare elements may be assisting extreme jihadists break out of embattled Aleppo. Unconfirmed reports of US warships sharing intelligence with the group Jeish al-Fatah, also suggest US Special Forces elements may be trapped within the surrounded city. If confirmed, these reports would not be the biggest surprise to objective observers. According to this report;. If Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal can provide puzzle pieces, then certainly the most one sided media on Earth can render puzzle pieces. But US warships forwarding intel? Green Berets or Seals embedded in terrorist units? I had to investigate. First of all, Fatah al-Islam was a near dissolved militant jihadist organization from Lebanon. In the final analysis, some American family has dead and buried heroes put in the ground by the same people Clinton and the Obama administration now fund. The funding of Jeish al-Fatah is not in question here, but direct intelligence and advisers is. I hope the reader grasps the significance. Like other extremists organizations fighting in the region, Fatah al-Islam has no qualms about using barbaric tactics. Some readers will recall recent reports of Jaysh al-Islam using Syrian soldiers and their families in cages in Eastern Ghouta to deter Assad Regime attacks. This says nothing for the far reaching terror and chaos caused. But direct support such as the kind mention by the Iranians bodes of an even more sinister strategy. Jaysh al-Sham has received funding from Saudi Arabia since its inception in , and currently receives funding from Qatar and Turkey as well. On US military assistance to Jaysh al-Sham, this Yahoo News report from last November tells of land deliveries of ammunition to the jihadists by the Pentagon, and it speaks in the same sentence of U. This suggests Special Forces personnel may in fact be with the jihadists blowing themselves up against Assad in Aleppo. I witnessed a YouTube video just yesterday, an anti-Assad rebel driving a makeshift armored vehicle laden with explosives into a strategic target inside the city. Of course this video could have been concocted, but Pentagon support for rebels there is not. Turning to the sharing of intelligence in what now amounts to a proxy war with Syria, Iran, and Russia, this is not as easy to determine. But given the likelihood Special Forces advisers are on the ground in Aleppo, it only makes sense to assume the US Navy Seals are there as well. I am speculating a bit, but anybody who familiar with Spec-Ops knows, the Seals are never left blind. Chances are, this time the Iranian reports are accurate. At the end of all this, underneath the piles of dead bodies, investigators may one day connect the truck loads of US, Saudi, Qatari, UK, and other western money donations that flowed into Syria to kill off Assad. Given this, and other mounting evidence, I think it is safe to say American arms and mercenaries are now aligned against Assad and his Russian allies. The relief chopper shot down just the other day near Aleppo, may well have been as a result of Mr. US politicians doing everything in their power to start another war…. Somehow I just do not see all this going well for my country. Europe is overrun — China and Russia, and almost all the Middle East and Africa are alienated — US taxpayer billions are being spent to not transparent ends — one has to wonder if dethroning one political figure was worth it all? On a personal level, I would just like to hear the justification for all this killing. I think America at peace would help Americans a lot more than war. What do you think? The Central Asian region has always been distinguished by an extensive amount of attention from various international players paid to it. After the collapse of the Soviet Union this resource-rich and strategically important region began attracting the attention of China, the United States, India, and a number of other influential and wealthy states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and a number of others. Each of these global players have been pursuing their own agenda in this region. Washington has even embarked on a mission of straightforward bribery, promising various credits in exchange for the sovereign interests of local players. If we are to take into consideration the fact that Central Asia has always been connected with Russia, both historically and geographically, we can notice that over the last two decades the United State has done a lot to push certain regional players away from Moscow. During the meeting which brought together the foreign ministers of five regional players Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan American diplomats put forward five different projects that ranged from the fight against terrorism, to investments in environmental protection and culture. However, the current governments of Central Asian states are well aware of this and have made this goal as difficult for the US as they possibly can. There is every reason to believe that Uzbekistan will be the primary target of the US, since this country has a number of inner contradictions that can spark civil unrest, and the White House is planning to take full advantage of this fact. The reason for this deficit can be illustrated by the example of Turkey. Ankara has been a loyal ally of Washington for decades, and now with it having been betrayed, it openly defies its former masters, and Washington can literally do nothing about it, since it has lost access to all levers of military influence. Under these circumstances many countries are beginning to wonder if Washington really is capable of protecting them? The policy of destabilization that has been widely used by the Pentagon across the Middle East and Central Asia and other regions of the world has led to the strengthening of influence enjoyed by China and Russia. It is also necessary to add that the government of Central Asian countries in recent years have learned to tell the difference between the sincere desire to help, manifested by China and Russia, and the diplomatic maneuvering, which is utilized by Washington. This maneuvering has only persuaded Ukraine out of all the former Soviet states so far, and while watching their sad example, political elites of Central Asian are approaching the United States with extreme caution. That is why the United States in recent years has lost the right to use military facilities both in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, while American business presence is diminishing rapidly across the region. Crime and punishment Turkey has frequently allowed IS operatives to pass through its territory, often with faked Georgian passports. The birds in the path of the stone The Turkish leadership also has other problems it needs to address by means of bombings and attempted coups. Nuclear options can also run out The US is likely to pull more stunts like this in the near future, as many countries are going off-message to varying degrees.

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