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The Queens of Ecstasy are the most powerful embodiments of their faction. They command legions of lesser demons who are slavishly dedicated to them. The demons of Ecstasy, and those who have devoted themselves to their cause, exist in a state that is beyond mundane reality. They joyously partake in extreme acts of frenzied debauchery and excess. Their euphoria takes them beyond the bounds of reason, and they impulsively indulge in any act that takes their fancy. Their lives are endless orgies of sadomasochistic pleasures, and unrepentant desires. Whereas the lesser demons of Ecstasy are satisfied just existing in this crazed but blissful state, the more powerful demonic Queens go a step further and project a psychedelic haze that induces feelings of rapture, love, and inhibition in all who approach. This aura not only acts to ensure the loyalty of a notoriously unpredictable breed of demon, but to bend the weak minded to the ways of Ecstacy. Entire armies have turned on one another in the presence of a Queen of Ecstasy, former brothers in arms lost in ecstatic madness. The touch of a Queen is even more intense than her aura, and ignites the senses with feelings of pain and pleasure so extreme that even the strongest of minds will break almost instantly. Enemies have willingly impaled themselves upon the claws of a Queen of Ecstasy, all the while gazing with admiration into her soulless eyes. Her subjects will compete relentlessly with one another for a chance to receive the overwhelming sensation of her caress. While to be so blessed by a Queen is almost always lethal, her embrace is considered the finest of ways to die. The Queen of Ecstasy is hand cast in pure, unfilled, resin. She comes with a custom mm round base and has a height of Model is unassembled and unpainted. 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Kings Canyon was a map on Apex Legends located in the planet Solace. It lasted from the Pre-Season to Season 2 until it was removed in Season 3 , it featured an abundance of areas varying from military facilities to slums, with a river dividing it down the middle. It is an island filled with Creatures , and surrounded by water on all sides, with hazardous cliffs that drop to the sea level below. A night-time version of the map was used for the Shadowfall limited-time mode which was available during the Fight or Fright event. The Leviathans made their home in the river and caused the destruction of the settlements on it. The Legends were evacuated and the games put on-hold due to the attack. This respite allowed the Syndicate to add new areas to the map, including a huge structure near the destroyed Bridges and Hydro Dam called The Cage and a camp near what was once Cascades called Containment. Map until Season 2. Map from Season 2 until the Iron Crown Event. Sign In. From Apex Legends Wiki. Jump to: navigation , search. Main article: Map Features. Main article: Creatures. Categories : Maps Locations. Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion. Views View Edit Edit source History. This page was last edited on 10 November , at Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. All rights reserved. This site is a part of Fandom, Inc. Support Contact PRO. Airbase is located on the western most side of the map in close proximity to Runoff. Assorted supply bins and buildings on the landside. Predominantly mid-range engagements. Artillery is located on the northernmost part of the map. A large concrete base with multiple large buildings, surrounded by high walls. Mid to long range engagement distances. Bunker is a tunnel, located in the middle of the map that connects the village on River Central to the village on High Desert. It also has 3 supply bins near the entrance of each side. Currently the tallest structure in the game not considered out-of-bounds, Cage is maze-like structure flanked on its western and northern sides by tunnel like corridors. A Leviathan is located in the center where the eponymous bridges used to be. A couple of structures are located on the eastern side of the area. All but two buildings are left standing after the Leviathan invasion, with the Leviathan located in the center of the area. This area exists above Hillside Outpost and contains two buildings with a small underground tunnel located on the one near the Nesting Grounds. Hillside Outpost is an area located in-between Destroyed Cascades and The Farm with a couple of buildings nestled in a facility carved into the hill. This area was formerly a grassy, downhill area going to Cascades in Season 1 but has been developed since. The Hydro Dam is a huge area with varying connections to nearby locations. It has several buildings spread out over a large area and a large bunker with several floors that can be accessed by the large door out the front. Relay is situated in the north-east corner of the map. The area consists of a larger uncovered structure in its northeast featuring plentiful loot containers, as well as a series of buildings, interconnected by zip-lines, and separated by a river and bottomless chasm. A town takeover for the Voidwalker event. The exterior area of the Town Takeover, there is one small facility to the north of the giant portal while their is a bigger excavation camp around it. A huge door can also be accessed on the dig site, allowing access to the interior area. The area can be accessed in two ways, by the Giant Portal protruding from the external Singh Labs area and the giant door located near it. The Market is a completely indoors area with close-mid range engagements. It has several rooms with varying loot in each, as well as loot around the floor area, inside empty store parts and on top of the canvas roofs of the markets. It has two entrances at the top with zip-lines for easy access as well as several medium-sized doors on the upper level. The Repulsor is situated towards the South-East of the map. It contains three covered pits, and two larger multi-story buildings, as well as some smaller structures. In Season 2 , the eponymous Repulsor Tower has crashed and is now on fire. River Center is an area dotted with medium to large shacks connected by ziplines straddling the riverside. The entrance to Bunker is located on the northernmost parts alongside the road to Hillside Outpost and the Nesting Grounds. The southern part of the area has roads leading to Golden Sands, the caves to Skull Town and a small path towards Destroyed Bridges. The area is colloquially called Bunkertown. The Runoff is a sewage treatment facility on the far west of the map. It is comprised mainly of several large buildings of two floors interconnected with bridges. Some circular rooms in the buildings contain zip-lines to navigate between the two floors. Skull Town is a plus-shaped 4 lane area with multiple buildings and several levels to traverse. It is partially covered by a large animal skeleton that has several zip-lines connecting it to the town. The Slum Lakes is a large town of shacks in the north-west corner of the map. The town is split by a wide trench containing two long industrial pipes and a zipline spanning the length of the area. It provides close access to Runoff and The Pit. The Swamps are located on the easternmost portion of the map. This area features buildings raised on stilts above the mud, large partially submerged pipelines, and ziplines and bridges connecting large shacks. The northern area has a wooden bridge that extends across a sheer drop at the edge of the map, and the southern area provides access to Hydro Dam and Repulsor. Thunderdome is an area with caged structures connected by ziplines. This area features two grounded cage structures, connecting to a hanging cage, a spiral staircase tower, and loot areas surround a respawn beacon up the hill. The Pit is a small circular canyon arena situated in the north-west of the map, accessible only by three narrow paths. The area is level and clear, with only a few supply bins and crates for cover. Water Treatment is situated on the south coast of Kings Canyon. The main plant building lies at the southernmost cliff, with four sewage containers surrounding its north perimeter. The building has 4 main rooms connected to each other by corridors on the second floor. Aside from the building, loot can be found in supply bins outside the building on the south side and with occasional weapon spawns near the outer rings. This area has a nearby Respawn Beacon on the east side with 3 Supply Bins around it. A supply ship may land on its east or west landing platforms. An Octane themed area with a track field with jump pads in it and a huge ramp in the middle with a flaming ring of fire. Located near the northeastern side of the map, Wetlands consists of a few clusters of protected buildings overlooked by a number of protected rock vantage points. While not known for abundant loot, it can provide protection despite the surrounding high ground. Bridges is a small settlement located beyond the Caves near Skulltown and on the road going down from Hydro Dam in Season 1. The West Settlement is a small cluster of buildings located north of Thunderdome, south of Airbase and west of Skull Town. It was in the game until the Iron Crown event where it was replaced.

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