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Купить бошки Пас де ла Каса

Купить бошки Пас де ла Каса

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Купить бошки Пас де ла Каса

We have two fantastic discounted ski packs in Pas de la Casa, allowing you the option to combine ski and snowboard rental with Grandvalira lift passes and group lessons, you can even choose to add lunch on the mountain each day! It has always been our aim to provide flexible ski extras at the best prices, with this in mind we have created two different types of ski and snowboard packages, enabling our customers to choose the product that suits them best, whilst making great savings in the process. Our ski packages are quick and easy to book, just visit our online shop via the book now bar found below to browse our range of products and get your booking started. If you require any assistance when making your booking or once you have arrived in resort, our knowledgeable team of local experts are available to you at all times and will ensure your booking is looked after. Complete packages, including equipment rental in Pas de la Casa, group lessons and your Grandvalira lift pass, options for both skiers and snowboarders, plus you can choose your level of equipment to best meet your budget and ability. These are great value inclusive ski packs providing everything you need, suited to skiers and snowboarders who want everything included at the best price. Another great product you will find within our special offers section is the Grandvalira lift pass with lunch offer, with lunch included on the slopes daily! For anyone purchasing a Grandvalira lift pass it is well worth considering the upgrade, this really is a fantastic money saving option, helping you to budget your spending money in advance. The above packages have been selected for our special offers as they provide the best value for money, they are made up of specific products which offer added value and the best discounts in Pas de la Casa. Please visit the special offers section of our online shop to book these packages. We appreciate that fixed ski packages do not suit everybody, many of our customers require flexibility and prefer to tailor make their own ski packs, therefore we also offer some attractive discounts for visitors who prefer to build their own ski extras package. Start to create your own perfect ski pack today by visiting our online shop , just select the products you require and any qualifying discounts will automatically be added to your basket. We believe we offer the best range of discounted ski extras in Pas de la Casa, as well as quality products and excellent service. Our Pas de la Casa ski hire is provided by Rentaski who are one of the most established and well located ski hire shops in Pas de la Casa, and all our Grandvalira lift passes and lessons are supplied by the official ticket offices and schools of Grandvalira. We have confidence in our great prices, however should you see the exact same product cheaper with another company, we will happily investigate and match the price if possible. Our local team of Grandvalira experts will ensure your booking is dealt with efficiently, providing you with support and assistance during your stay should you need it. So what are you waiting for? Click on the book now button below to get started and we hope to see you in Pas de la Casa soon! Ski Extras Transfers. Select your resort Select Pas de la Casa. Your first day on the slopes. Add Extras Lift Passes. Set your dates. One Way. Pas de la Casa Ski Package Offers We have two fantastic discounted ski packs in Pas de la Casa, allowing you the option to combine ski and snowboard rental with Grandvalira lift passes and group lessons, you can even choose to add lunch on the mountain each day! We have explained our two package options below: 1. Pas de la Casa Special Offers Fixed Packages Complete packages, including equipment rental in Pas de la Casa, group lessons and your Grandvalira lift pass, options for both skiers and snowboarders, plus you can choose your level of equipment to best meet your budget and ability. Build Your Own Ski Package We appreciate that fixed ski packages do not suit everybody, many of our customers require flexibility and prefer to tailor make their own ski packs, therefore we also offer some attractive discounts for visitors who prefer to build their own ski extras package. Why Book With Us? Book Here. Andorra Instagram. Newsletter Sign-Up Keep up to date with the latest news, offers and upcoming events!

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