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The Holiday season is such an amazing time of year. With snow or fake snow, depending on where you live on the ground, and magic in the air, you can practically feel the joy…and the stress. Choosing a present for everyone you feel should receive a gift can make you want to tear your hair out. Luckily, if you know any stoners or people who enjoy toking on some cannabis, then your worries are about to melt away. Stoner gifts may feel daunting if you know nothing about the lifestyle, or plant itself. Rather than purchasing something that has nothing to do with cannabis, or taking a random shot in the dark, take a moment to browse this list of the best stoner gifts for Christmas. Grinders are an awesome cannabis accessory. They take nugs of weed and break them into smaller pieces. But, most people who smoke probably either have one, or are willing to purchase a new one on their own. With an electric grinder. The best thing about this set is there are two, so the cannasseur in your life can always have two different strains ready to smoke. With the push of a button, it easily grinds even the stickiest of herbs. An electric grinder or two! All you need is some bud and a lighter. Most rolling papers, though, are flavorless or just a normal hemp flavor. With 10 different flavors to choose from, your favorite stoner will have a fun time trying each new rolling paper. When in the hunt for the perfect stoner gift, there are loads of different routes to take. I already covered a popular way to smoke: The other most iconic way to smoke is with a bong. In terms of glass bongs, a straight cylinder ice bong is pretty darn classic. But, what makes it stand out is the two fabulous percs—which diffuse smoke further, creating smoother hits. Plus, it has a reinforced solid tank joint, which helps mitigate glass breakage. Glass is always a fantastic stoner gift. Just like I said above, glass is a phenomenal gift for stoners. Glass pipes are another popular way to smoke and as such, are an awesome stoner gift. Pipes come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and price ranges. This baby has a comfortable mouthpiece, is easy to clean, and has a carb hole on the left side. True beauty as a piece of art, and in terms of functionality. Check out this donut in the shape of a kitty glass pipe! There are two ways to smoke cannabis: With flower and with dabs. Flower is the green, dry herb you typically see people smoking. Dabs, otherwise known as concentrates, are a more potent way to smoke, recently introduced onto the market. You can smoke dabs a few ways, but an e nail is by far the easiest. The Yocan Torch E-Nail is a portable device, that allows for second hits at — degrees Fahrenheit. Choose between black and stainless steel. Just like the e nail mentioned above, this device is also a vaporizer. A vaporizer usually heats up cannabis without combustion—like a lighter—which is healthier for your body. They range greatly in price and quality. It allows for users to partake in both concentrates and dry herb, and users can easily switch between the two. Charging up in an impressive minutes, there are few other vaporizers with this capability. Plus, it comes with back-up batteries, so you can vape and charge at the same time. A touch sensor immediately activates the unit, when you pick it up. Choose from five different colors to really up your awesome stoner gift giver game. While there are plenty of fantastic smoking devices and accessories you could purchase as a stoner gift, there are loads of other options you may not have considered. So, help out your favorite stoner by banishing those high chills. A pair of joggers is the perfect way to do so. And, Starter is such a well-known company in the sweats world, these guys are a no brainer. Looking for a more feminine fit? A pair of ladies Starter Joggers are just as awesome. These babies have front and back pockets, and are extra soft. You can never go wrong with this stoner gift. Onesies are also a fantastic choice. Peep some of the best ones here. Just like sweatpants warm your legs, socks keep your tootsies nice and roast-y toasty. And while you could go with any old pair of socks everyone loves fuzzy and warm! Socks are always a fantastic stoner gift. Providing the answer to both sweet and salty desires, this basket contains everything from Cheez-Its, to Rice Krispies and Red Gum. Tons of other delicious candies, chips, and snacks are packed into this six-quart reusable snack bin. No matter the craving, you can help your favorite cannasseur solve anything with this awesome stoner gift. Of course, watching a movie is always a favorite past time. But, using your brain in a creative manner is just so darn satisfying. So, purchasing your favorite cannabis enthusiast a puzzle book is an amazing stoner gift. It includes tons of different mind benders like word searches, mazes, and more. There are so many different activities to choose from, your favorite stoner will be delighted. If you know your favorite stoner prefers to color, check out this awesome coloring book. This little pocket-sized canister measures in at three-inches high, by 1. Designed with precision-treading and a rubber seal, the odor is sure to stay locked and loaded. Stash jars are a solid stoner gift, no questions asked. I want to thank Keyport for sending me one of these devices to try. My first thoughts were that it was basically a modern Swiss Army Knife—and the company actually describes it that way. After a few days, though, I realized how useful this tool truly is. It even has an eight Gig USB flash drive—as a writer it was an exciting find. Having all of your stuff in one place as a cannabis user makes life infinitely easier. Tearing around the house in search of everyday carries, like keys and ID, is no fun. Instead, give the stoner gift of ease of mind with the Keyport Pivot Key Organizer. It drastically reduces the visible smoke, and thus smell, from each hit. No smell makes for happy housemates, and happy cannabis consumers—a win-win for everyone. So, this is my personal recommendation for glass cleaners. This stuff will get through the grimiest, grossest, gummed up pieces—you can check out how effective it was here on my own bong. Many stoners will clean their glass with various methods, like isopropyl alcohol, or boiling in water. While these are effective methods, Klear Kryptonite provides a better solution…pun fully intended. A cannabis enthusiast may not indulge in cleaning products herself, which is what makes this an incredible stoner gift. Clean glass, clean hits, clean lungs. As far as stoner gifts go, there are a few that work for just about every kind of stoner. While not everyone rolls joints as is typical of a rolling tray , many people use it as a loading tray, as well. That is to say, when someone is loading glass, like a bong or pipe, she may do so on a rolling tray. Even if your favorite stoner has a rolling tray, you can never go wrong with a backup. Stash boxes come in many different flavors. Some are very simple in design, with no lock. Others have beautiful patterns throughout, complete with a lock to keep out nosy eyes. The team over at Hakuna reached out to me to check out their stash boxes. Plus, this stash box comes with a four-piece grinder, a stash jar that fits an eighth, and two keys. It may be considered one of the ultimate stoner gifts. When you grind up flower, a dust forms along the walls of the chamber, or collects in a kief catch. Over time, a significant amount builds up. Cannabis enthusiasts, of course, found a way to really make the most of it: With a pollen press. This bad boy is super easy to use. Once enough kief has been collected, you place it in the middle, and replace the lid. When left for an extended period of time preferably overnight , it creates a hard mass. Bring delight to your favorite cannasseur, with this incredible stoner gift. Vaping and smoking are two popular ways to intake cannabis. Another extremely well-loved way is through edibles. But, they come in many different forms, and are generally made with cannabutter or infused oil. When the Magical Butter Botanical Extractor was first released on the market, it was a revolutionary technology for many cannabis enthusiasts. This baby makes infused oils and butter in as little as four-hours. You might be scratching your head at this one, but think about it: It could be 11 AM on a Tuesday, and if someone offered to scratch your head, would you really say no? This scalp massager is perfect as a stoner gift. In order to transfer the dabs from the container to the heated nail, something called a dabber is required. The dish makes for easy access to dabs, rather than opening a jar every time. This intricate dish and dabber set is made by Empire Glassworks, a well-known glass company based in the US. The dabber is in the shape of a sword, while the dish is shaped like a castle. And, it glows under blacklight. Make this heat-resistant stoner gift, the gift this year. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Funny YouTube videos, memes, hashtags and photos. Your eye on the Internet. Published Nov 3, at 5: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email Address never made public.

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