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Black Beauties. Purple Hearts. And, of course, Speed. Whatever their street names at the moment, amphetamines have been an insistent force in American life since they were marketed as the original antidepressants in the s. On Speed tells the remarkable story of their rise, their fall, and their surprising resurgence. Along the way, it discusses the influence of pharmaceutical marketing on medicine, the evolving scientific understanding of how the human brain works, the role of drugs in maintaining the social order, and the centrality of pills in American life. Above all, however, this is a highly readable biography of a very popular drug. And it is a riveting story. Incorporating extensive new research, On Speed describes the ups and downs fittingly, there are mostly ups in the history of amphetamines, and their remarkable pervasiveness. For example, at the same time that amphetamines were becoming part of the diet of many GIs in World War II, an amphetamine-abusing counterculture began to flourish among civilians. In the s, psychiatrists and family doctors alike prescribed amphetamines for a wide variety of ailments, from mental disorders to obesity to emotional distress. By the late s, speed had become a fixture in everyday life: up to ten percent of Americans were thought to be using amphetamines at least occasionally. Add a dash of theorizing about the medicalization of social problems, and you have a book that is, well, addictive. The history of amphetamines over the past 70 years shows the iron fisted grasp the drug industry has had and continues to have over the medical industry. How it attained and lost that status is the subject of this perceptive book' Washington Post Book World 'Rasmussen, who has taught life sciences and medicine at UCLA and other universities, examines amphetamine as a case study on the place drugs occupy in our culture and our fantasies of miracle cures and elixirs. Rasmussen has mined magazines, books and newspapers in addition to extensive explorations through U. He concludes by calling for strong and immediate action to curb the widespread, dangerous use and abuse of amphetamines, emphasizing treatment and harm reduction like needle exchange rather than punishment, and better regulation of the pharmaceutical industry. Monumental in scope and research, the book traces the history of this seductive drugs uses for a myriad of illnesses when the true sickness may be inherent to our unique American society. Given our current extraordinary use of this drug, On Speed is an urgent and necessary read. Crammed full of eye-popping detail, it brings the history of this extraordinary group of drugs and their effect on American culture vividly to life. Rasmussen lays bare the decades-long attempts to employ amphetamine to gain strategic advantage on the battlefield, wage war against depression and attention deficit disorder, fight weight gain, counteract boredom, and seek thrills in everyday life. Along this journey, we learn about the dysfunctional American policies that failed to adequately address the toll amphetamine took on countless lives. Swann, Historian, Food and Drug Administration. Author Nicolas Rasmussen. Pages Publisher New York University Press. Language English. ISBN Media Book. Format Hardcover. DEWEY Illustrations Yes. Year Publication Date Imprint New York University Press. Country of Publication United States. Edition 1st. Place of Publication New York. Residence Sydney, 76, AT. Birth Subtitle From Benzedrine to Adderall.
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