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Купить Скорость ск Бали-Чангу закладкой

Купить Скорость ск Бали-Чангу закладкой

Купить Скорость ск Бали-Чангу закладкой


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Серф кемп Wave House находится в южной части острова Бали, в районе Чангу, всего в метрах от пляжа и серф спота Berawa.  Серф кемп на Бали – интернациональная команда инструкторов с большим опытом обучения серфингу. Уроки проходят на разных серф спотах острова в.

Благодаря тому, что остров Бали является известным туристическим курортом и меккой серферов а эти ребята умеют веселиться , ночная жизнь здесь кипит от заката и до рассвета. Сотни различных баров и клубов ежедневно открывают свои двери для самой разношерстной публики. Здесь нет обыденного кутежа в пятницу и субботу, — веселье на Бали не прекращается ни на один день. Под покровом ночи каждый страждущий найдет себе развлечения по вкусу: пляжные вечеринки, концерты различных исполнителей, романтические знакомства, кутеж и пьянки, — этот список далеко не полный. Столицей ночной жизни по праву можно назвать Куту. Центральная улица Legian является сосредоточением баров и клубов. С наступлением ночи загораются сотни вывесок, гремит музыка, улыбки прекрасных девушек-зазывал не оставляют шансов пройти мимо. Sky Garden, Eikon и Bounty — самые популярные места. Добраться до них не составит труда, эти названия любой таксист знает на зубок. Остальные бары и клубы находятся на всех основных улицах Куты совсем недалеко друг от друга. Ночная жизнь в районе Семиньяк не менее интересна. Тут и знаменитые развеселые вечеринки в гей-клубах на Jalan Dyana Pura, и отличный бар Maria Magdalena, где часто играют русские диджеи, и концерты местных групп в The Straw Hut. Говоря о Семиньяке, нельзя не упомянуть легендарный пляжный клуб-ресторан KuDeTa, знаменитый прекрасной музыкой, своим шеф-поваром из Новой Зеландии и сигарной комнатой. На улице Jalan Petitenget баров и клубов-ресторанов не меньше, чем в Куте, но все они более высокого уровня, часто с приглашенными звездами и знаменитыми диджеями. Нельзя не заметить, что найти ночью приключений и приятную компанию можно в каждом туристическом районе Бали. Но, говоря о культовых вечеринках, было бы ошибкой не рассказать о воскресных кутежах в Single Fin, что на Улувату, и в Deus Ex Machin a в сердце Чангу рядом с пляжем Batu Bolong. Если вам по душе серферская культура на Бали, то обязательно приезжайте в клуб Single Fin в воскресение. В программе — выступления местных рок и регги групп, отвязные вечеринки загорелых серферов, танцы до рассвета и шум океана. Будьте здесь аккуратны с таксистами, что возьмут с вас втридорога, и сразу продумывайте, как, повеселившись, попасть домой. А среди рисовых полей в деревушке острова Бали Чангу, в клубе-ресторане-магазине Deus Ex Machina можно встретить ту же публику и те же команды, играющие на сцене, что и в Single Fin. Тут все располагает к тому, чтобы приятно провести время за беседой и бокалом вина, съесть потрясающую пасту с грибами, насладиться музыкой талантливых местных групп. Ночь на Бали может быть романтически прекрасной, пьяной и шумной, полной приключений, — это решать только вам. В заключение отмечу, что один из самых популярных способов провести ночь на Бали — это уснуть пораньше в своей постели, проспать глубоким сладким сном до рассвета, и со свежей головой, без мук совести за вчерашнее, поехать серфить по волнам. Нескучной всем ночи! Ночная жизнь на Бали или гид по клубам. Ночные клубы в Куте, Бали Столицей ночной жизни по праву можно назвать Куту. Последние записи. Rip Curl или Apple Watch: нужны ли сёрферу сёрф-часы. Открыть третий глаз: церемонии и практики на Бали. Топ-5 мобильных приложений для сёрферов. Сёрфинг во время пандемии.

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In this article, I will tell you all about tips for renting bikes that I gathered over these years. And I learned a lot, as in I launched a service for renting bikes from locals and firms, «Getbike». Getbike is service for renting and delivering bikes to hotels, and works much like AirBnb. The locals and small rental shops offer up their bikes through this service. Since March , Bali has closed. There were almost no tourists. Local residents sit at home more often, and there is significantly less traffic on the roads. The prices for renting scooters in Bali are already among the lowest in the world. Many renters have reduced their staff, which has affected the speed of delivery. More often, they began to refuse delivery to far districts. It is impossible to imagine an active life, rest and travel in Bali without private transportation. This is my experience, and the opinion of those I had met on the island. In other countries of Asia, such as Thailand or the Philippines, and even Vietnam, there is «some form of» public transportation; mainly, of course, in big cities. But Bali just happens to be a large island — the population is that of a big megapolis of 4. With all that in mind, the cost of renting a scooter, motorcycle, or car is very low. For example, the cost of renting an inexpensive bike would be equal to the cheapest bottles of beer in a supermarket. A taxi or a personal automobile with a driver befits some people better, but this is not about them. An examplary road in Bali, filmed in motion from a bike. This is typically not a main road. Very narrow lanes, so if a car approaches you will need to go to the side. Bali has buses, but they stop by quite rarely, very irregularly, and have few routes, so that even if you find a bus stop and this is not easy , you would not want a repeat experience. Myself, I had not ridden buses but heard in turn, that the driver always overcharges tourists compared to the aboriginal population, so I would not recommend using this form of transport. You have to agree that the more you see, the freer you will be, the better and brighter your vacation will be, as sitting around inside a hotel is not our way. Bali is such an extraordinary and magical island, which has a huge number of unforgettable destinations, that spending a vacation being a lounge chair potato on the beach would be criminal. As always, you have options, such as looking at popular attractions and finding treasures hidden in the heart of the island. Among international companies, there is Uber, Gettaxi, and Grab which is the cheapest. There are major local companies; for example, the most popular one — «Bluebird» they are promoted by the local government. Not one other taxi operates at the airport, everything is occupied by the «Blue Birds». For example, if you want to call on Grab, you need to go beyond the boundaries of the airport. Prices on airport territory are two to three times higher, but if you go past its limits, you instantly get access to international taxi services and the very same «Blue Birds» will have a lower price. Of all the taxi services available I would recommend taking GO-JEK — this is a motorcycle taxi, cheapest and quickest on the island. Of course if you have a child, choose a car instead. As always, it depends on what is most important to you: time, price, and quality. This method suits those who flew over for more than one day, who are in no hurry, and are more likely to spend a few days on bike choice along with appreciating interaction with the locals. It is the same for those who want to save money and snatch a bike at the lowest possible price. After that you have two ways to go: walk, or call around. Taking that into consideration, the second option does not eliminate the possibility that you might still end up browsing different rentals, because often times you cannot estimate the condition of the bike until you see it, and only when you come to the rental shop will you fully be able to affirm availability. As I mentioned earlier, this is the cheapest way of renting a bike. The algorithm is simple — walk out on the street, spot a lot of bikes and a sign «Motor rental» — walk right in and say: «I want to rent a bike». Find out the price, look at what bikes are available, and bargain. It is possible to bargain very well, but the prices are already low. Compare prices with the average across the island, and watch our special with an analysis of prices for renting Vario This method is more suited for tourists who vacation for a whole month or several. Regrettably, you cannot always find a good bike for an adequate sum of money, even if you spend a couple of days looking. For example, during my last visit, I searched for a bike for two days, when that was my third long trip. In the end I rented a Honda Vario for one million rupees, with a mileage of 43, kilometers. I had to take it because I got tired and found out that it was not new only when the renter took me to his shop. I needed either to refuse and get to my hotel on my own, or just take that bike. Tricking tourists is unpopular on the island, but it is good to be aware of. It is often possible to run into an insane bill for the scratches that you made. Aside from that, in different regions there are different conditions for a bike search. Well, and if you are located far from the aforementioned regions, it is possible that finding a rental on foot will be impossible. Such regions are: Amed, Sanur, and Berava among others. As a general rule, you will pay double the price, but you will be spoken to in english, sometimes russian, plus you will get insurance and a lesser chance of being fooled. Only a couple of years ago it was not a possibility, and to get a low price, you would need to walk or call and check lots of stores. The most complete list of rental contacts and companies in Bali, with division by region, can be seen in the section for «Rental Contacts». By my own estimate there exist over a thousand rentals and a huge selection of scooters and bikes. Most rentals present the same array of scooters see section «Types of Bikes». Motorcycle and Custom rentals can be counted on one hand. Mainly, the cost depends on such parameters as the duration of the rent, the condition of the bike, and the region in which you are renting. If you plan to rent for several months, talk to the owner, even if the prices are already low. Unless, of course, they first wanted to charge you double the price. Sometimes there is no understanding of how profit is made at that price. Many big local rentals, it turns out, profit not only off renting out bikes, but their sales too. I would not advise searching for the cheapest bike. You can get a much better bike after paying the above sum. Take a good bike, with no more than 40,km on it. Bali also has many beaten-up bikes. Often times, they are handed out in Kuta, where the tourists are ready to take the first vehicle offered. Look at the price table for renting bikes. These are prices at a prolific local rental at Seminyak. Applicable as of June 22, On the Getbike website you may rent with these very same prices. Prices also fluctuate slightly from season to season. November and December, when there are more tourists, are the most expensive. Most likely you will only be asked for your phone number and the address of where you are staying at. I had not run into any cases in which you need to leave behind documents as a deposit. If you experience this, it is best not to rent a bike from that place. Motorcycles and customs are a whole different story, hence I will not speak about them here. Scooters in turn have two subcategories: mini — and maxi. Generally two scooter brands are presented on the island, Honda and Yamaha. Perhaps, this is the most popular scooter on the island. Personally, I always take precisely this model. It is comfortable to control, light, and dexterous. Its power is enough for anything you want, even for steep inclines with a passenger onboard — it effortlessly goes up any hill. But — speed is not the deciding factor in Bali. This bike has a comfortable trunk, in which a helmet or an average bag of stuff fits quite well. By the steering, there is a nifty hook onto which you can hang a few grocery bags. Very similar to its «little brother», Honda Vario Techno , but with a larger engine volume. Size-wise and control-wise, these two models are practically identical. This one has better lights than its predecessor, as they are now diode-based. Additionally, it has combined breaks. An inexpensive mini-cooter. Not a bad option, if you want to save a little. Aside from that, the bike is among the lightest. Disadvantage-wise, these models of bikes are already old, often from the mids and have a moderate mileage. A diminutive mini-scooter, resembles Honda Spacy and is less powerful than Vario. One of the cheapest scooters on the island. Is becoming increasingly rare now, mostly very old bikes. This is an excellent maxi-scooter. It is bigger in size than those of a Vario type. Lately it has been gaining popularity, and the locals are actively switching to this model. It is analogous to Honda PCX. Powerful and comfortable, good for long drives you are able to stretch your legs a little , suited for two people. Among the disadvantages is it being a little harder to maneuver in traffic jams and the absence of a hook to hang a grocery bag upon. And of course, it costs more. Analogous to NMAX. Some people say that the trend for this scooter transferred over from Thailand. Description: models exist with and without an ABS. Grab one if you find one with ABS. Personally I had not driven one like this, but will do so given a chance. Users mark up a comfortable seat and a spacious trunk. It is difficult to say which bike will suit you best, so use the model descriptions when choosing. If you have no preferences and you are alone — take a Vario or NMax. Remember that you can always swap bikes if you want a different model. This can be done at any rental. I already mentioned that, unlike places like Vietnam and Thailand, Bali has many new scooters and bikes in mint condition. Taking that into account, older bikes also never disappeared. If you grab, for example, an Nmax or Xmax, they will always be new. This is speaking in terms in five years those Nmaxes will not be so fresh. Be especially vigilant when renting such bikes as Honda Vario or Mio, Scoopy, or Spacy from small local shops. There are lots of bikes that ran over 50,km. Their condition depends on care, bit it is most likely that they would be quite beaten up. This often happens in small rentals in Kuta. Everyone is relaxed. Wherever you rent a bike, there will always be models both old and new. After all, the rentals consistently try to squeeze out maximum profit from their fleet. Because the prices of bikes in Bali are extremely low, this solidifies the presence of old bikes in fleets of rentals. At Getbike, we mark the status of the bikes and you can preemptively look up their run and condition. We offer different prices on new bikes and those with a long run. Bali does not have official insurance for renting bikes. This is in connection to a large number of fraud cases, when locals, in case of any accident or theft back then, theft was rampant applied for a compensation. Some rentals and companies still have insurance policies. I heard of one case from a large renter, Ketut, located in Seminyak. His fleet has more than bikes. One client had his bike stolen from a villa parking in Renting a bike with insurance, as a rule, is twice the normal cost. If you are being offered insurance with the price remaining on the level of local rental shops, be suspicious. When renting, I recommend to record a video of your talk with the renter about contract details, or record audio in order to present evidence if needed for a case of conflict. There are many variations of renting, including one where your bike will be delivered right to your hotel or villa. But, there are also nuances. Mostly, it depends on the term of renting and its cost. Yes, even if you suggest to pay for it this is a quirk of local mentality. If you rent a scooter for a minimum of 7 days, in my experience, about half of local rentals will deliver the bike to you for free, although I would say you have to be in a certain distance away from them — 10 minutes, and taking into account the traffic jams in Bali, 5km. If you take a bike for a month or more, then like with a 7 day term, most would deliver to you within the limits of their region. Exceptions exist too. You need to ask. Additional costs may range from 50, to , rupees. Firms and companies work on the same principle — delivering only within the limits of their region. For now, even Getbike does not deliver to the north of the island, but we plan to cover the area too in Usually a delivery goes as follows: the owner of the bike or one of their family members, if the ride is local and short, comes on two scooters, leaves one for you, and drive away on the second. If the owner is not at some sort of a ceremony, the bike may be delivered very shortly, in about 30 minutes to an hour. But, you need to take into account that Balians are a calm people and everything can get stretched out to a day, and sometimes even two. Factually, it is impossible to reserve a bike in Bali. Even the biggest firms do not have a system for reservations. The case is such that due to many factors, that a bike may already be gone, even if you somehow reserved it. First of all, it can be rented out to another tourist, and nobody will save the bike for you if anybody else wants to rent it right now. Second, if it is planned that a bike will be available by the time of your arrival and will specifically be given to you, the previous tourist may always extend their term. Thus, when reserving a bike, you get the same result as if you ordered it the day of your arrival. I recommend making a list of suitable rental shops and firms which have bikes that appeal to you, and are satisfactory in price and reviews. And when you arrive, communicate via WhatsApp and order a bike with delivery from the first responder. WhatsApp is the primary method of communication in Bali. All communication goes through this app. All renters have it. Availability needs to be verified and you may be additionally charged. Generally, in all local rental shops, the helmets are of very bad quality, dead, old, and often without visors. My recommendation is to firmly ask for a good helmet and warn them ahead of time in WhatsApp that it is important for you. Frequently, the owner will agree and find a good helmet, maybe even give you his own. If you need a bike for several months, I insist you purchase your own helmet. Bali shops have them for very cheap. Prices start as low as rubles. A good one may be purchased for rubles, and one in top condition from to rubles. They are sold at practically every supermarket. Likewise, a large selection is offered in Hardice. Kuta also has many small shops, additionally on Uluwatu street, right after Dreamland. These spots have low prices and good finds. Getbike always gives out two helmets for free, clean and in good condition, but they sometimes might be without visors. If you are an automobile enthusiast, then you already know that you need to check the sound of the engine and that a bike needs breaks. It has its own nuances. When you are handed the renting form, diligently read through it and discuss it, as there might be very unexpected conditions for the price of renting and insurance. Everything will be hunky-dory until you are a participant in a serious crash, where an insurance company has to get involved. Alas, they refuse those that do not have the appropriate license class for a bike, or any license at all. Keep that in mind. A Guide to renting a bike in Bali: prices, contacts, rules, and delivery. Introduction Why do you need a scooter in Bali? Where to rent a bike? Cheap and slow Fast and expensive Cheap and fast Price of renting scooters and bikes Rental Contacts in Bali What you need for renting a bike: documents, security deposit, and other questions. Popular models of scooters in Bali Recommendations on scooter choice, how to pick a bike Bike condition Insurance Bike Delivery How to reserve a bike Helmets Usage How to drive a bike in Bali First time renting a bike. Comments 2. Faltin 2 years ago. Do I need international rights to drive a scooter in Bali? Or my Indian drivers is good enough? However, some tourists travel only on their national rights. Bali is one of the group of countries that have ratified the Vienna Convention on road traffic. According to this Convention, it is possible to drive under national driving licenses in the participating countries. But it can be risky if you get caught. Local police officers can extort a bribe and say that your national rights are not enough. Your email:. Your name:. Pickup and drop at. Tirta Bali. Family Rental. Nyoman Mudita — company Fajar bali. Bali tour driver. Sewa motor Bali. Adie Bike Rental. Lanang rental. Karbit Bike Rental. Dewa, DBR car and scooter rentals. Tmax rental Bali. Gede Suryandana. Rentscoot Rental. Ama classik motorbike. Bozzer rental Motor Bali. Nirvana Rental. Komang rental scooter. Oddy sari. Restu Ananda. Gede Awan Rental. Wayan Sudita. Dua Bersaudara. Jacky rent bike. Rent Bali. Adi Jaya. RBELL motor bike rental. Nyoman Canggu. Bali Big Bike. Windu santika. Bayu Rent Motorbike. Ni Made Sudarti. Motor adventure Bali. Bali-Bali bike rental. Marga Bike Rental. Nyoman Subadi. Changu bike rental. Vespa rent Bali. Sarana Harley-Davidson Bali. Darma Putra. Baliceria Motor Bike rental. Bali Jaya. Richi Bike rental. Bike house. Ubud Scooter rental. Scooter Bali rental.

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Говорят, на Бали сбываются все самые заветные мечты, стоит только подумать о чем-то и остров дарит тебе это.  В модный тусовочный Чангу будем стоять в пробке вечерами, выспавшиеся и на веселе, а жить и учиться будем в родной Куте. На вилле несколько комфортных номеров с ванной комнатой и.

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