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Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». This claw seems more ideal for a rogue with the increase in weapon speed as compared to the Eskhandar set. Комментарий от zushiba Where exactly does this drop? Комментарий от This is indeed a great rogue weapon with a high speed that makes it ideal for sinister strikes or hemo build. It drops off of a boss named Hydromancer Thespia in 'The Steamvault' instance. Комментарий от Kaigami Dropped from the first boss in heroic steamvault. True story. Комментарий от I would like to see any rogue run around with that, trying to sneak around with 80lbs of metal on there hand Комментарий от About it not being for rogues: Rogues have a fist spec in combat, so fury warriors and combat fist rogues like myself would probably enjoy this weapon. Комментарий от Malichai It all depends on what you prefer. I personally prefer somthing more constant, and less chance on hit. Комментарий от I realize that this question might seem stupid, but can the haste effect proc off ranged hits, or melee only? But I am neither a hunter, nor do I have this weapon. Комментарий от frmorrison When an item says: chance on hit, that means the item must hit something for the proc to go off. When the items say: Equip: Gain Haste, that means a hunter could find a use out of it. Комментарий от crasah is this weapon has an off-hand version with the same appearance? Комментарий от onecrazymonkey No listing of the proc rate on the spell yet. Anyone know what the proc rate is? Комментарий от Im suprised noone has said anything about how HUGE this thing is, im dying to see it on a gnome. Комментарий от Procwatch puts this at around 3ppm over an hour or so in regular steamvaults. Get ready for whispers if you ever decide to pull this thing out in a crowded city. Комментарий от hey guys i am an enhancement shaman deeply looking to get this weapon, and all u guys that posted saying u got it or it dropped for you Heroic Shatt Halls, please tell me what you all had in your group would make me a step closer to getting this, as i have tried heroic Shatt halls many a times and have failed mizerable on the 2nd boss and never got to down Warchief. Комментарий от I would like to comment this as level 70 warrior. You can either get huge AP for big bloodthirst and some high normal but not very fast ,and often overall crits ,or you can consist on white,very very very fast crits. Since this is main hand ,we cant take advantage of any wpn spec at all. But still even from now when a poster above stated the proc rate is 3ppm this looks way more then promissing Warriors and Rogues should have prio on taking this ,its just that they can put it in bigest use of all classes. Yes shaman has Flurry also ,I know But somehow I just dont think he will catch up the dps on rogue or warrior using this. Комментарий от I want to see a pic of this on a gnome. Комментарий от An epic picture posted by 'wasabimilkshake'. Be sure to check it out. I laughed so hard it hurt. Комментарий от That sounds really nice. I also play a fist rogue Sn Cenarian Circle , and imo having both classes, this is definately a rogue priority weapon. Peace, CL. Комментарий от Got this today. Heroic Shattered halls is extremely easy with a prot paladin. You know the types. So my knowledge is based on running one instance like times a week until I get the drops, or get the rep, or the key, or the attunement quest, etc, then move to another one. As a tank this is pretty easy to do consistently as on my server, there are no freaking tanks. This one has a lot of larger group pulls, making aggro management much more difficult. Personally I find that this is one of the harder instances for me to maintain every mobs attention, and here they hit so damned hard that cc or armor is about the only things I want with me in here after an awesome healer who does a little more than just watch the icons and never moves around. Its hard to keep softer toons alive in this run. Frankly I find the bosses easier than some of the group pulls, and so enhancement shammies are awesome at boss time but just not AS USEful during the clearing of the large groups. Real CC in here is pretty much a must, and i really prefer frost mages to fire here as well. Have run this with a few enh shamms, all of them died a lot on the way to bosses except one, he was uber and ripped and was way better at his toon than most, including me with mine, and he was 12, lol. All of them that made it to the Kargath fight without leaving, there they did a lot better with totems and such, healers and mages really appreciated it. Maybe if you were using a pally-tanked group it would be a better fit, better crowd aggo control more mana replenishment requirements. Easier to use instance friendly tank spec then respec fury or arms, cuz most people tend to want warrs to tank because there just arent enough tanks. Go resto and amass a gearpile for your respec. I did not like this advice as a player but its what i basically did. On older servers you see the same gear on everyone- I am so sick of knowing that after a certain level we all have the same gear. Used to love those badass warrior shoulders but now they irritate me because of their ubiquity. You know the ones. Why in the holy hell cant blacksmiths fix armor? I mean really? But mages can make food and water. At least armorsmiths-armor, etc. I think this is a relatively good aside for this instance because as a tank my repair bills after this place suck. I love it how far afield you can get on these posts when distracted while typing. Never listen to anyone who tells you you NEED crowd control, I always ran with a group of friends in a melee power group, and I can tell you now that CC just slowed us down. That being said, good luck getting it, it looks awesome and it will certainly serve you well until you start getting some of the raid weapons, or pvp reward weapons if you decide to swing that way. Paladins have an enormous advantage in SH. Shammies have limited AOE capability, but are tremendously useful for dealing with the various casters in each pull, as well as the general utility they bring. I average a 1. As a prot pally, I would rather run with a shammy than just about any other class at this point, no matter the instance. Комментарий от Warrok I got this the other evening for my off-gear. Primarily I picked it up as a kind of trophy, as the weapon will draw looks to you once drawn pun intended. That being said it has some drawbacks. For raiding it lacks hit. Комментарий от Bubbladin i just lost my manhood just looking at that big thing. Комментарий от Picked this up today on my 70 enhance shaman. We were all in the same guild, which did help as well.. Funny thing was, he dropped his Eviscerator on the same run.. Комментарий от does enchants show up on this weapon? I was thinkin Stormreaver Warblades , but I just want to be sure. Stacking a haste proc with SnD and BF as a rogue is a beautiful thing. Also, you have to consider Fist Specialization versus Sword. Sword spec in its current form is just inferior to the crit offered by Fist. LOL How stupid can you be? The fact that offhand sword spec procs giving a mainhand hit while an offhand fist crit will add damage equivalent to an extra offhand hit makes sword spec superior in most cases unless your mainhand is a load of poo lawl Over and out! Комментарий от did shattered halls heroic blue geared hunter resto druid feral druid rogue and fury war me we had sap on some groups if it was possible wasnt in a risky of pulling anything and trap whenever the hunter was awake really, most of the time he did it too late or someone accidently dotted it lol was great fun. Комментарий от Allakhazam to be honest with you, if your lvl 70, and have not 1 thing blue or green, except your tabbard and shirt, means you have no life at all Комментарий от Allakhazam im on it to get it. Комментарий от Allakhazam lol Unique Main-hand? Draneis will be able to wear Main-hand weapons in Off-hand? Комментарий от Allakhazam i was just wondering if the chance on hit is counting both ranged and melee or if it is only melee. Комментарий от Allakhazam With a name that long, it has to be good. Комментарий от Allakhazam gief more fist weapons. Комментарий от Allakhazam Kargath -- heroic mode. Last boss in Shattered Halls. Комментарий от Allakhazam Haste rating ftw! Totally getting it with ym orc rogue Комментарий от Allakhazam This item looks amazing. Комментарий от Allakhazam Think of a Gnome using this Copy Bunny and this attached message into your signature to help him on his quest for world domination. DO IT! Комментарий от Allakhazam Very nice topend damage. I hate Blizzard for it ;o. Комментарий от Allakhazam Wow finally some fist weapons! Комментарий от Thottbot This drops from Kargath in Heroic mode. Комментарий от Thottbot nice to see that blizz is doing some work in the fist weapons category. Комментарий от Thottbot this wep is hilarious on a gnome! Комментарий от Thottbot heroic shattered halls. Комментарий от Thottbot I have this weapon with mongoose and it procs quite a bit. I also have the Abacus of Violent Odds. This, plus the lightning speed, the haste is ridiculous. Комментарий от Thottbot get a life man? Комментарий от Thottbot Imagine this dual wielded with blackout truncheon with abbacus of violent odds and both with mongoose. Комментарий от Thottbot Just lost this to a ninja hunter. His reason? If you play on Silvermoon US , avoid grouping with Foodmaxxfabo. Комментарий от Thottbot would this wepon work with flurry and mongoose and bloodlust with all this buffed it would be faster than 1. Комментарий от Thottbot Are there any weapons out there that match the bladefist for offhand? Комментарий от Thottbot just read history of kaegath,in this weapon was put instead of his left hand when he himself cut it of Комментарий от Thottbot Yay just got this on my druid. I collect fist weapons This weapon could theoretically be used by a hunter trying to get a cheeky proc, however since this weapon has no base stats, you will be banking on the proc alone for damage. Feral druids, if I recall correctly, still can not proc weapon effects, and are stuck with stat stick staves and polearms. This weapon has no bonus stats, so it may be a downgrade depending on your current weapon set-up, especially if you rely on your weapon to reach hit cap, want expertise to reduce the amount of times an enemy dodges your attacks, or you are playing a warrior or rogue who is using sword specialization and who currently is using two swords. If anyone nabs this before I do, please let me know if you can proc the buff and weapon-swap without losing its buff. It could make for potential risky to your dps plays to weapon swap off Bladefist after an opener just for the haste buff, since If you are like me and really want this weapon, but want to know of some alternative weapon choices for your Mainhand that are slow weapons around 2. And above all else. The bladefist gives you style points, which is often the most desired stat of all. Посмотреть в 3D Найти лучше Краткая информация. Цена продажи: 10 46 Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Ознакомьтесь с нашим замечательным руководством! Желаете узнать ответ на свой вопрос как можно скорее? Посетите канал russian на нашем Discord-сервере. Для загрузки изображения воспользуйтесь приведенной ниже формой. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. 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