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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Elena Ovechkina , mariana balasanian. Dmitry Rudenkin. The central issue of the paper is the peculiarities of the attitude of Russian youth to the tough policy of the state aimed at limiting the dissemination of information on the Internet. The author notes the contradiction between the progressive tightening of the policy of the Russian state in the field of moderation of the Internet and the lack of a clear understanding of the specifics of the reaction that such a tightening causes in society. An analysis of the current scientific literature leads the author to the conclusion that the attitude of young people to the practices of introducing state censorship will largely affect the effectiveness of the functioning of such censorship. The negative attitude of young people towards state censorship of the Internet will hinder its functioning, while agreement with the need for its introduction, on the contrary, may become a favorable prerequisite for its development. Using the data of his own sociological research conducted among the yout Sikachina A. Impact—factor: MIAR — 2. License type supported CC: Attribution 4. The Journal addresses issues of global and regional Science and Practice. For scientists, teachers, graduate students, students. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 7. Глущенко Валерий Владимирович. Gunara Aydarbekova. The article discusses the features of the evolution of political and legal values of a traditional society in the conditions of nomadic statehood on the example of a cultural and legal monument — the Epic of Manas. The subject of the research is political and legal values in a nomadic society on the example of a cultural and legal monument — the Epic of Manas. The object of the research is the formation of individual political and legal values of a traditional society in the context of nomadic statehood and the characteristics of the evolution of the national legal culture. In the study of the problems were used: universal and private scie Elena Ovechkina , Клейберг Ю. Impact—factor for GIF — 0. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 3. Elena Ovechkina , Наталья Ванюшина. Овечкина Елена , Асаматдинов М. В , Шаяхметова Р. Овечкина Елена , Кузина Н. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Bulletin of Science and Practice. Brovko R. Валентин Долуда Овечкина Елена. Related Papers. Глущенко В. Bulletin of Science and Practice Evolution of political and legal values traditional society in the conditions of nomadic statehood by the Epic of Manas materials.

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