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While the movement today is quite a prominent part of the Indian psyche, only a few of us know about this valiant lady who braved the government, its gun-brandishing functionaries and the axe-wielding loggers to save the forest revered by the community. Her family was traditionally engaged in the wool trade, and she moved to a nearby village named Reni after her wedding. Because of her engagement in the community and advocacy of forest protection, the women of Reni began to look up to her. In the wake of the Chipko movement, they decided to approach her to head the Mahila Mangal Dal. The goal of this grassroots organisation was to ensure cleanliness in the village as well as the protection of community forests. Even though Gaura Devi was in her late forties, she readily accepted their offer. Gaura Devi. By then the Chipko Movement had already begun to create widespread awareness and inspired by it, Gaura Devi started numerous campaigns in the nearby villages, to spread the word about the importance of forests. Perhaps that is why in , when the state government authorised the felling of 2, trees in the belt, and roped in contractors for the job, the villagers were quick to retaliate, with Bhatt and his DGSS volunteers joining them to protest against the government. Just like the precursor in Mandal, they held peaceful demonstrations, which included public meetings, rallies and other such acts of defiance in Reni village and the adjoining areas. Because of the earlier success in Mandal, the State government and local contractors hatched a scheme to divert the attention of the DGSS and local men to Chamoli under the false pretence of compensation. With the men gone from Reni, the state thought it would be easier to go ahead with their plans and sent a group of forest officials and loggers on March 25—as fixed earlier. Fortunately, a young girl from the village saw them approaching and rushed to inform Gaura Devi. Knowing that there was no time to waste, she quickly mobilised a group of 27 women and confronted the men. While she initially tried to reason with them, it soon became clear to her that they would not budge from their stance. By then, the officials, who were reportedly drunk, had begun to hurl abuses and brandish guns at them, while ordering the loggers to chop the trees. Participants of the first all-woman Chipko action at Reni village in , reassembled thirty years later. Source: Wikimedia Commons. The officials must have been under the assumption that the guns would scare these women away, but little did they know that they were made of sterner stuff and were willing to go to any extent to save the trees. By bravely hugging the trees and refusing to let go, they put their own lives at stake but challenged the officials and loggers to go ahead. This visibly shook the men, who decided to lie low while the women vigilantly burnt the midnight oil to guard the trees. Meanwhile, the DGSS volunteers and the men of Reni came to know about the proposed felling of trees on their way to Chamoli and rushed to the village. Certain that the trees would have been felled, they were shocked to see every single one of them standing unscathed—all thanks to the fearlessness and fortitude of 27 women. When Bhatt met Gaura Devi the next day, she narrated what had happened, and specifically requested him to not report the forest officials or their obnoxious behaviour. She felt that they were only doing what was ordered from the top and the complaint would cost them their jobs. News of their resistance brought people from near and far, and after a four-day impasse, the contractors left. In the memory of Gaura Devi. At the age of 66, she died an uneventful death in Reni, forgotten and unsung. It was only when the Himalayan Action Research Centre and the Society for Participatory Research in Asia featured her in one of their books, did people slowly begin to appreciate and celebrate her contributions that immortalised the Chipko Movement and launched a wave of environmental activism across the world. On the 45th anniversary of the historic movement led by the women of Reni, we remember this unsung environmental activist, without whose courageous leadership and heroic actions, the Chipko movement, or rather, the forests of Uttarakhand would have taken a very different course. Posted by Lekshmi Priya on Mar 27, permalink. Change Yourself, Change the World. Subscribe to Our Monthly Newsletter. The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose. Volunteer With Us Contact Us. Люкс 2-местный 2- ком. 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