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Купить Марихуана Пенза

Это сельскохозяйственная культура попала в Европу из Китая и стала традиционной для России с го века. Это наш традиционный экспортный продукт, наряду с пшеницей, пушниной, мёдом. Это культура многоцелевая и перерабатывается полностью, без остатка. У нас представлены все основные продукты из конопли: пищевые семена и масло из них, строительные экологические утеплители из волокна объемные и нетканые и конопляная костра, которая применяется как наполнитель и сорбирующий материал в строительстве и сельском хозяйстве, в садоводстве и при содержании животных. Вся продукция сделана из разрешённых в РФ безнаркотических сортов конопли «Гляна», «Сурская», «Мария». Сравнение 0 Отложенные 0 Корзина 0. Заказать звонок. Личный кабинет. Корзина 0 Отложенные 0. Сравнение товаров 0. Продукция из конопли. Продукция из конопли Канаты Веревки Шпагаты Шнуры Нити и нитки Электрический кабель в декоративной оплетке Мешки и сетки полипропиленовые Пакля, межвенцовые утеплители и уплотнители, лубяные волокна Оборудование для упаковки Сопутствующие товары. Масла и семена. Утеплители и волокно. По популярности По алфавиту По цене. Быстрый просмотр. Под заказ. Есть в наличии. Межвенцовый коноплянный уплотнитель 1,7 м х 40м. Костра конопляная 40 литров. Костра конопляная литров. В этом разделе мы предлагаем продукцию из технической конопли. Фильтр по параметрам. По популярности возрастание. По популярности возрастание По популярности убывание По алфавиту возрастание По алфавиту убывание По цене возрастание По цене убывание. Наши предложения. Хит 1 Советуем 2. Диаметр, мм. Выбрано 0 Показать. Будьте всегда в курсе! Полиэфирные канаты. Полипропиленовые канаты. Пеньковые смоленые канаты.

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The Konoplex Group is a Russian agricultural holding focused on growing and processing of industrial hemp, as well as on research and breeding new sorts of this crop. We are a leader in hemp acreage in Russia. Konoplex produces seeds, crete and fiber from industrial hemp. Healthy food products made from hemp and other crops are marketed under the brands 'Konoplyanka' and 'Happy Kitchen'. The agricultural activity of the enterprises of the Konoplex Group is based on the principles of conscientious, environmentally responsible farming, which comprise simultaneously achieved high yields and maintaining the health of the lands. Along with this, restoring the rich, but almost completely lost in the practical context, the Russian experience of hemp cultivation, the Konoplex Group domesticates, develops and introduces modern high-performance and technological methods of hemp cultivation. Agricultural enterprises of the Konoplex Group use certified seeds of non-narcotic hemp of the Central Russian varieties for growing that meet all the requirements of the current regulation: 'Surskaya', 'Nadezhda' and 'Vera'. The Konoplex Group priority focus is processing of hemp to produce the highest quality products: raw and hulled hemp seeds, hemp oil, hemp flour and hemp fiber. In , in the Otvel Technopark in the Penza Region, Konoplex Group built and launched a full-cycle production complex to produce of cold-pressed oil from hemp, flax, mustard, sunflower, camelina, pine nuts and other crops. The capacity of the new enterprise is 15 million bottles per year. The total investment in construction and equipment is over million rubles. Foodstuffs under the brands 'Linnet' and 'Happy Kitchen' are presented on open market: in retail chain, marketplaces, online health food stores and our own online store hempproduct. Read more in the Products section. In the Penza region, Konoplex produces hemp fiber using for various purposes. A by-product of fiber production is shive, which is used in horticulture and animal breeding. In , the first in Russia high-tech hemp fibre processing line with European equipment is being launched in Penza. Domestic hemp fiber without excess use of chemicals can replace imported cotton and other raw materials. The scope of application of natural Russian materials is expanding every year, replacing synthetic analogues. Consumers are becoming more demanding, preferring eco-friendly products. Hemp fiber is a valuable industrial raw material for the construction industry, the manufacture of mattresses, technical fabrics, insulation materials, rope and twine products. The company also produces hemp oil for - Cosmetology - Pharmaceutical companies - Chemical industry. Varietal and sowing qualities. Industrial raw material. Modernization of the Russian hemp industry requires solving the problem of restoring the seed-growing complex and expanding the market for conditioned seeds of drug-free common hemp varieties. Autonomous non-profit organization 'Central Research Institute of Industry and Agriculture' , a member of the Konoplex Group, is engaged in research activities aimed at improving and developing new common hemp varieties. The Konoplex Group supports and continues the breeding activity of Russian scientists to obtain new highly productive, drug-free hemp varieties with improved biological and economic characteristics. Research activities are carried out by Central Research Institute of Industry and Agriculture, a member of the Group, in close cooperation with the Penza Agricultural Research Institute. The Institute conducts research activities in 10 subject areas, including selection and seed production of common hemp and certification to the organic farming. It is aimed at introducing the latest achievements of Russian science into the practical activities of agricultural enterprises. ANO 'Central Research Institute of Industry and Agriculture' provides methodological, scientific and practical support within the franchise provided by seed-growing enterprises. Central Research Institute of Industry and Agriculture in cooperation with the Federal Scientific Center of Bast Crops bred new varieties 'Milena' and 'Roman', developed and implemented technologies for their cultivation. These varieties, registered in , according to the results of competitive variety trials, showed a significant superiority over the standard variety in terms of: 'seed yield', 'oil content', 'oil harvest' and 'precocity'. In , this work was awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture in the category 'For Achievement in the field of Agricultural Innovations'. Наш сайт использует файлы cookies, чтобы улучшить работу и повысить эффективность сайта. Продолжая работу с сайтом, вы соглашаетесь с использованием нами cookies и политикой конфиденциальности. The Konoplex Group. Hemp growing and processing.

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