Купить Марихуана Осло закладкой

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Купить Марихуана Осло закладкой

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Legislation: The Norwegian government outlaws all possession and use of hash or pot. Law Enforcement: You can get busted for posessing pot in Norway, however, between all Norwegian cities — Oslo is one of the more pot- friendly cities. Police are not interested in buyers and will not search you unless you are smoking in front of them. People wont snitch unless you are blowing smokerings in their face or smoking in front of their window. Do not buy hash along the river, you will either end up having payed good money for some wood or caught by the police. Or both. Where to Buy Marijuana in Oslo: Easiest way to score some hash is in center of the city, the subway will take you there. Area in the middle of the city, all drug dealers are standing along the river there. Before this period top quality hash was always available at the river, probably due to the high concentration of pushers and thus high competition. Or they will ask you. If possible, avoid gangs of pushers. Do not buy their hash, do not even talk to them. If you want good hashish in Oslo without knowing anyone, you will have to take to the pubs. You always get what you pay for at the pubs. The best time to buy hash off the pubs in Oslo is in the daytime, from around 13 to around In the daytime you will usually have different pushers. The pushers will often sell the same stuff, but there is almost always at least 2 varieties to choose from if you ask around. Any bartender will know what pub it is, and being young and probably smoking themselves will happily direct you. Another hint is that there are very few young people traversing the pub you want to find, and it is also probably the most visited pub in the daytime — it should not be that hard to find. When you step out the train, you simply walk out of the station. Norway, specially Oslo, have a lot of foreigners! Belive me, you will find some good shit around that area. The River is the place,if you want hash, marijuana etg.. This is the perfect place to link hash dealers and hookers on every corner — and inbetween every corner for that matter. There is good hash going, but that is if you are very lucky or know some people. As the years have gone by the old pushers have retired, leaving the market open for new recruits. They have no morals and no real future. Fuck them all. In Oslo it is customary to deal in 5-gram slabs, and they should cost kr. In the event that the hash you are purchasing is something special, the 5-gram slab will cost kr. The prices for good weed are kr pr gram usually. Sometimes you will find people charging from to pr gram, but this is always a bloated price and you should be able to find it elsewhere for kr. Prices for larger amounts vary with the quality and supply. Usually the prices for good name brand hashish from Amsterdam is between 50 and 60 kr pr gram when you purchase a kilogram. The price of soapbar is about half this when purchasing in kilos. Good quality hydro-weed can be gotten as low as 50kr pr gram when buying in kilos, but the usual price will be kr. The hash here in Norway is getting pretty good, if you look at the right places. Standard soapbar crap is almost out of the market. The prices: One gram of hash costs The pot in Oslo is actually gerally pretty good. The pot is mostly skunk. Prices are 19 Euro for one gram, and Euro for five grams. All sorts! But the marijuana, is most jamaican. Marijuana is not so regular in this country. In Oslo, this number is a bit lower, but it is still quite high. Only people with good knowledge and good hookups are able to get good hashish ala the kinds you can get in any coffeshop in Holland. Weed is different. Most of the weed is medium quality — meaning that it is way better than the usual soapbar hashish. There is also some top quality stuff to be had if you know where to look or get lucky. Weed brands range from white widow to superhaze through bigbud. You will find however that most of the weed you get is from a strain that produces a lot of yield sacrificing some of the quality, e. Hash brands are very varied, you can get anything from Nepalese charas to Nederhash — but only if you know the right people. More information: It is much easier to get hold of hashish off the streets than it is weed — and if you do happen to find some weed on the streets be careful to check that it is not some typical African schwag full of seeds. Do not be afraid of turning down the dealers, they are often acting aggressive, but it is a safe place overall. But be careful of getting ripped of especially if dealer is acting stressed and at night time. Always check out the product before giving money. Like many Northern European countries, Norway frowns on most pot and hash smoking even in larger cities like Oslo. While there is still medium-quality bud and hash to be found, strict laws are a stiff deterrent to lighting up even in private. According to the U. Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Norway has also increased fines for possession or transportation of any drugs. But despite the crackdown, there is bud and hash to be found in Oslo especially among the younger set. Hash has become the drug of choice for most people looking to get high. The figure in other parts of the nation was closer to 9 percent. Because of the underground nature of the smoking scene in Oslo, the most reliable way to hook up with a buyer is to start meeting locals. Because it is the most popular smoke, hash is the easiest to find. Marijuana runs about 12 EUR for a gram and a half, but quality is dubious at best. Long daylight hours transform Oslo into a great party scene, where you stand the best chances of finding some smokeables at the local club scene. Head to Radhus near Aker Brygge to find the busiest and hottest bars or drift over to Universitetsgata or Rosenkrantz gate for a slightly slower scene. Most establishments stay open until three or four in the morning and many serve some type of snack food if the munchies strike. Popular bar choices include the Savoy Bar Universitetsgata 11 colored with stained glass windows, The Scotsman Karl Johans gate 17 which is packed with locals despite the eclectic live music and Beer Palace Holmensgata 3 which serves over 50 cooling brews. Mars Storgata 22 has a youthful Olso vibe that resonates to 90s house mixes on weekdays and live music on the weekends. Unlike some European countries, however, you have to be 18 to buy alcohol in grocery stores and 20 for the vinmonopolet. Particularly good buys are hamburgers and polsner hotdogs from local fast food joints. But no matter where you hang out and toke up in Oslo, keep one thing in mind by European standards this is not a pot and hash friendly town. Outdated information. They remain up simply for nostalgic and entertainment purposes. Laws have changed, and places have changed. As of all articles are severly outdated. City Tale Like many Northern European countries, Norway frowns on most pot and hash smoking even in larger cities like Oslo.

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