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Welcome to the brand new Arthive! Discover a full list of new features here. Fresco from the monastery of San Antonio on the island of Ischia. She lived and grew up in the family of her future husband thenceforth , on the island of Ischia near Naples. They played and learned to read and write together , under the strict guidance of the elder almost 30 years older! She loved art , and poetry at that time was the trend among the court nobility of Naples. Constanza organized a kind of 'hobby club', having gathered writers , and did everything to catch the interest of her educatees with poetry. Young Vittoria was among its most active participants. Aragonese castle on the island of Ischia. Engraving , detail. At the end of , when the girl was seventeen or nineteen years old , the wedding with Fernando took place. The marriage of convenience turned out to be a union of love. In any case , Vittoria recalled later the short time spent together as the best period in her life. The Giovio Series is a series of portraits collected by the historian and biographer Paolo Giovio in the 16th century. However , after the first publications , their fans sought to get their copies. Among her loyal readers were cardinals , bishops , poets , scholars , diplomats who spread the works from hand to hand and even made the subject of their correspondence with the 'divine poetess'. Raphael Sanzio. The Parnassus fresco. It is generally accepted that Michelangelo had just platonic feelings for the Marquise. Some researchers believe that in this way it was easier for him 'to satisfy his raging desires by passing them on to Saint Vittoria Colonna , a woman whose chastity did not threaten his unnatural homosexual instincts' a hint of his relationship with his young student Tommaso Cavalieri , and not only him. Others argue that 'thanks to Tommaso , he finally comprehended the neoplatonic theory of love by Marsilio Ficino , who declated that 'selfless love for another soul in this case , another man helps a person to approach the Almighty'. Portrait of Tommaso Cavalieri. Hermann Schneider. After all , she was not just a donna who wrote poetry , but a free in her views as well woman. Of course , as much as a woman of the Renaissance could be free. Jules Joseph Lefebvre. Top center description: Diva Vittoria Colonna , ca. This gave rise to Rami Targoff , the author of the book about Colonna , to call her 'Forest Gump of the Renaissance': she was not only the first woman whose works were published in Italy , but also the first lady to be posthumously judged by the Inquisition for reformist ideas , while Vittoria was a righteous Catholic for all her life. By using our website you accept our conditions of use of cookies to track data and create content including advertising based on your interest. Find out more about what data we collect and use at here. Enter keywords. Quick search helps finding an artist, picture, user or article and prompts your previous searches. Enter site. Museums and galleries. Products and prices. PRO accounts for artists. Sales via Facebook and Instagram store. Managing clients and sales via CRM. Artworks mailing lists. Sales of reproductions and digital copies. Like Short link. However , her other eminent compatriots devoted verses and prose to her , artists painted her portraits , and the city rulers tried to get the 'precious jewel' in their possession. Portrait of Vittoria Colonna. The first representative of the Colonna family , whose name appears in the documents , was Pietro , who lived in — in the vicinity of the town of Colonna , which had given its name to the family. Girolamo Muzziani. According to art historian Boris Wipper , Vittoria 'was not beautiful or created to be loved by the brilliant and sensual marquis. Nevertheless , she loved the marquis and suffered brutally from the infidelity of her husband , who deceived her in her own house'. Exquisite sadist According to his contemporaries , Fernando was an intellectual , possessed of exceptional dexterity , which he showed during knightly tournaments , and a beautiful appearance. Opponents seldom managed to resist the strength and pressure of the Marquis di Pescara , and the ladies surrendered him without a fight. Vittoria was probably blissfully unaware , because all the years of separation which outnumbered the years spent together , the couple exchanged passionate messages , including poetic ones. Indeed , despite the fact that he was born in Naples , he always felt like a Spaniard and even spoke his native language with Vittoria. Vittoria Colonna. Lithography appeared in or , thanks to Johann Alois Senefelder, a typographer from Munich. Nowadays, instead of lithographic stone, zinc or aluminum plates are used, which are easier to process. Read more. The main thing is that she succeeded. The conspirators wanted the Marquis di Pescara to betray , offering to make him king of Naples. As a result , the Marquis abandoned the idea of treason and reported everything to the emperor. Pescara was especially distinguished in the Battle of Pavia in February , when the French king Francis I was captured. With the wounds received according to other sources — with tuberculosis at the end of the same year , Fernando died in Milan , where he asked Vittoria to arrive as soon as possible. But she did not come in time , and when she learned that her husband was dead , she became depressed and decided to go into convent. Then her friends intervened , who did not want to lose her company. They obtained a letter from Pope Clement VII in which he threatened the nuns with complete excommunication if they allowed the Marquise take the veil. The first lady of the Renaissance The Renaissance is the period that began around the 14th century and ended at the late 16th century, traditionally associated primarily with the Italian region. The ideas and images of the Renaissance largely determined the aesthetic ideals of modern man, his sense of harmony, measure and beauty. Sebastiano del Piombo. She is called 'the first widow who rebelled by crying out about her pain in sonnets'. And most importantly , she was the first of the ladies of the Italian Renaissance The Renaissance is the period that began around the 14th century and ended at the late 16th century, traditionally associated primarily with the Italian region. Recommended artists. Dmitry Viktorovich Aseev. Russia, 2 artworks PRO. Grigor Baghdasarian. Russia, 28 artworks PRO. Alexei Nikolaevich Zavyalov. Russia, 16 artworks PRO. Andrew Lumez. Russia, artworks PRO. Poets of the 16th century glorified her beauty , writer Baldassare Castiglione talked about ' her divine intellect' , and artists hastened to capture the ' most beautiful woman ' on their canvases. It is believed that she is also depicted as the Virgin Mary on the notorious fresco 'The Last Judgment' by Michelangelo. According to another version , we can see Vittoria as one of the women in a scarf to the left of Christ , while the model for Jesus was his favourite disciple and , as suggested , but never proved , his lover Tommaso dei Cavalieri. The last judgment, a General view Michelangelo Buonarroti. Titan and Colonna One of her contemporaries called Vittoria ' an approaching column that stands in the midst of a raging storm'. Thus , he emphasized not only her talent to unite people around herself , but also the fact that she resisted during the Inquisition , despite the dangerous reputation of the reformist movement leader. Vittoria sided with those theologians who opposed the tough scholasticism in the official church: many of them died at the stake , others fled. Colonna remained alive , although under the supervision of the Inquisition. Michelangelo was also considered a violator of traditions , because many of his works aroused the clergy anger and were censored. In a word , they had much to talk about. They met in Rome in or Vittoria was about forty-six , Michelangelo was over sixty. He still keeps many of her letters , filled with the purest , sweetest feeling. He wrote many sonnets for her , talented and full of sweet longing. In his opinion , she did not need this: 'Jewelry , necklaces , flattery , gold , feasts and pearls! Who perceives this dummy when she creates divine things? Enrico Fanfani. Michelangelo reciting his poems to Vittoria Colonna. Another correspondent , Giorgio Vasari , spoke of their prosaic and poetic correspondence: ' He sent countless letters to the blessed Marquise Pescara and received answers from her in verse and prose , being in love with her virtues , just as she was in love with his virtues and she traveled many times from Viterbo to Rome in order to visit him. He meant the poetic messages dedicated to him , which the maestro kept as a treasure. For Vittoria , Michelangelo made 'Crucifixion' drawings in a manner rather unusual for him soft Italian pencil , the nature of a foggy cloud , the general spirit of sublimity and humility , and also made a number of her portrait sketches. Although there were some speculations about the personality of the model , Vittoria has not yet been identified on them: there is no evidence that she is the one depicted , there are only assumptions. Vittoria Colonna, drawing by Michelangelo, British Museum, London. Michelangelo Buonarroti. Christ On The Cross. Created for Vittoria Colonna. Vittoria and Michelangelo 'met every day , read together , dedicated sonnets to each other and had endless conversations about religion , poetry , and art. The Portuguese artist Francisco de Olhanda preserved the memory of these conversations for posterity in his four Dialogues on Painting', the researcher Boris Wipper wrote. However , he devoted a lot of love sonnets to her , including the following: Seeking at least to be not all unfit For thy sublime and boundless courtesy, My lowly thoughts at first were fain to try What they could yield for grace so infinite. But now I know my unassisted wit Is all too weak to make me soar so high; For pardon , lady , for this fault I cry, And wiser still I grow remembering it. To nothingness my art and talent sink; He fails who from his mortal stores hath given A thousandfold to match one gift divine. Their love friendship lasted for a decade until the death of Vittoria in February Because of her death he remained distracted and distraught for a long time,' Ascanio Condivi wrote about Michelangelo , who survived Colonna for 17 years. Theobald Reinhold von Oer. Michelangelo wrote: 'When she who gave the source of all my sighs Fled from the world , herself , my straining sight, Nature who gave us that unique delight, Was sunk in shame , and we had weeping eyes. Vittoria herself , foresaw her imminent end and was not afraid of death: in the other world , she believed , her husband and the infinite happiness of divine love were waiting for her. So I turned to God — And help came. His dear blood will be my ink; His exhausted body , my streaked paper: May I channel the grief all have known , all He suffered , into these poems. Michelangelo in his Studio Eugene Delacroix. After the death of Vittoria Colonna , Michelangelo experienced a feeling of complete loneliness. Recommended artworks:. Natalia Priputnikova. Vyacheslav Yurievich Novikov. Tatiana Gogoloshvili. Vittoria Colonna, by Antonio Locatelli. There is evidence that Vittoria actively participated in supporting the House of Converters in Rome, an institution that hosted women of easy virtue who wanted to atone for guilt without becoming nuns. In her writings, she often mentioned Mary Magdalene. Vittoria Colonna, Engraving Along with monotypy, lithography belongs to the group of flat printing techniques, but this is where their similarities seem to end. Half-length portrait of Vittoria Colonna based on the work by Sebastiano del Piombo. Illustration for the book, print by Francesco de Grado. Unknown artist. Unknown author. La Galleria di Casa Buonarroti, Florence. Francesco Jacovacci. Michelangelo at the tomb of Vittoria Colonna, kissing the hand of the deceased, National Museum and Galleries of Capodimonte, Naples. Francesco Vinea. The plot tells about the troubles on the creative path of Michelangelo, for whose loyalty two powerful families are fighting. Michelangelo was played by Alberto Testone. Share article. To post comments log in or sign up. Choose a language. Apps and services Create a site of an artist or a gallery. Mobile apps for artists Mobile apps for galleries, museums and exhibition projects All Arthive apps.

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Love story in paintings: Michelangelo and Vittoria Colonna

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