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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Ирина Кипелова. Мария Севостьянова. Анка Кузнецова. Екатерина Головлева. Zoya G Proshina. Nastya Pashchenko. Rachel Sollano. Nataliia Pavliuk. The textbook is for the students of translation courses. It covers the main morphological and syntactic features of English and Ukrainian, singles out their isomorphic and allomorphic characteristics. Renaat Declerck. Nelly Paityan. Екатерина Белова. Lucivaldo Costa. Angelina Kudina. Melania Anghelus. Богдан Пустовой. Farhan Ali Attari. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Ольга Мойсова. Related Papers. Intermediate Russian. Менгардт английский для техн вузов. Saakyan a s angliyskaya grammatika bazovyy teoreticheskiy ku-. Contrastive Grammar of English and Ukrainian. Kaitakusha Tokyo A comprehensive descriptive grammar of English. Declerck English grammar first edition. Бойко Мойсова, Ольга Борисовна. М74 Практическая грамматика первого иностранного языка английский : учеб. ISBN Учебное пособие включает в себя теоретический грамматический материал и практические упражнения. Грамматические навыки закрепляются при помощи разнообразных упражнений, рассчитанных на развитие речевой активности студентов. Предназначено для студентов 1 курса специальности «Перевод и переводоведение», изучающих дисциплину «Практическая грамматика первого иностранного языка» английский в рамках модуля «Практический курс первого иностранного языка». УДК Морфологическая структура глагола. Basic forms………………………………………………………………… 72 2. Виды наклонений. Conditional Mood…………………………………. Depending on their semantic and grammatical properties nouns fall into Common and Proper ones. They can be countable and uncountable. There are different groups of common nouns: class nouns, collective nouns, nouns of material and abstract nouns. Class nouns denote persons or things belonging to a class: Car, house, man. They are countable and have two numbers: singular and plural. Collective nouns denote a number or collection of similar individuals or things as a single unit. Nouns of material denote material: iron, gold, paper, tea, water. They are uncountable and are generally used without any article. Nouns of material are used in the plural to denote different sorts of a given material: wines — сорта вин. Nouns of material may turn into class nouns thus becoming countable when they come to express an individual object of definite shape: But the person in the glass made a face at her, and Miss Moss went out. Abstract nouns denote some quality, state, action or idea: kindness, sadness, fight. Proper nouns are individual, names given to separate persons or things. Here are some of the most important suffixes of nouns: -ance, -ence, -ing, -ism, -ment, -ness --tion, -sion, -er, -or. For example: resistance, presence, meanings, agreement, decision, reality, speaker, musician. Nouns ending in o or ch, sh. But words of foreign origin or abbreviated words ending in o add s only: dynamo-dynamos, kimono-kimonos, piano-pianos,kilo- kilos, photo- photos, soprano-sopranos. Nouns ending in y following a consonant form their plural by dropping the y and adding ies: baby- babies, country- countries, fly- flies, lady-ladies. Nouns ending in y following a vowel form their plural by adding s: boy- boys, day-days, donkey-donkeys, guy- guys. Twelve nouns ending in f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. These nouns are calf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf: loaf- loaves, wife- wives, wolf- wolves etc. Other words ending in f or fe add s in the ordinary way: cliff- cliffs, handkerchief-handkerchiefs, safe-safes. A few nouns form their plural by a vowel change: foot- feet, louse-lice, mouse-mice, woman-women, goose-geese, man-men, tooth-teeth. The plurals of child and ox are children, oxen. Names of certain creatures do not change in the plural. Others add s: crabs, herrings, sardines, eels, lobsters, sharks deer and sheep do not change: one sheep, two sheep. Collective nouns, crew, family, team etc When a possessive adjective is necessary, a plural verb with their is more usual than a singular verb with its, though sometimes both are possible: The Jury is considering its verdict. The jury are considering their verdict. Certain words are always plural and take a plural verb: Clothes police garments consisting of two parts: breeches pants pyjama trousers etc. A number words ending in ics, acoustics, athletics, ethics, hysterics. But names of sciences can sometimes be considered singular: Mathematics is an exact science. Words plural in form but singular in meaning include news: The news is good certain diseases: mumps, rickets, shingles and certain games: billiards, darts, draughts, bowls, dominoes But s is also possible: librettos, tempos. These, with hair, information, knowledge, news, rubbish, are sometimes countable in other languages. I want some information. He has had no experience in this sort of work. These nouns are often preceded by some, any, no, a little etc. Some examples are given below. Whenever she finds a grey hair she pulls it out. We drink beer, coffee, gin, but we can ask for a cup of coffee, a gin, two gins etc. We drink out of glasses. We can walk in woods. I do homework. She does housework. A good map would be a help. Point out nouns in the following sentences. Arrange them into: countable and uncountable: proper and common; class, collective, material and abstract. If possible use an article. I have bought two books. Coal is produced in many districts of our country. He made a speech yesterday. Animals do not possess the power of speech. There are many amusements in the Park of Culture and Rest. He does that just for fun. The boy threw a stone into the water. The ground was as hard as stone. His voice was as dry as a biscuit. She has sent me some magazines from London. What a clever man. What luck! Love is a special feeling. I love my family very much. Add some water. Peter is my best friend. There are four seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. I want to visit my aunt Mary. She lives in New York. My sister likes to play with pets. Give the plural of the following. Write the words in transcription. Remember these words. Write them in transcription. Make the sentences using these words. Give the plural of the following compound nouns: a custom-house, a man of war, a hotel-keeper, a mother-in- law, a passer-by, a man-servant, a woman-doctor, a schoolboy, a housewife, a postman. Give the plural of the following: a mouse, a piano, a baby, a knife, a deer, a dish, a trout, a man, a box, a sheep, a woman, an ox, a life, a child, a thief, a roof, a potato, a brother-in-law, a handful, a man of war, a criterion, a phenomenon, a wife, a fly, a louse, a half, a foot, a spoonful, a nose, a hero, a goose, a shelf, a toothbrush, a forget-me-not, a stimulus, an appendix, hair, people, a datum, gin-and-tonic. Give the singular of the following. Remember to use an indefinite article where necessary: flies, loaves, men of war, spoonfuls, women-doctors, feet, deer, swine, heroes, mice, donkeys, bases, data, fathers-in-law, handfuls, stimuli, wives, boxes, ladies, solos, youths, lice, leaves, wolves, potatoes, teeth, geese, oxen; police, people, trousers, oaths, appendices, goods. Choose the correct verb form: 1. Give the following sentences in the plural. Remember to change the verb Pattern: This is a photo. These are photos. This is a hero. This is a leaf. This is a cargo. This is a knife. This is a toy. This is a shoe. This is a tomato. This is a handkerchief. This is a city. This is a roof. This is a key. This is a box. Give the following sentences in the singular. Remember to change the verb. Pattern: Those are teachers. That is a teacher. Those are girls. Those are children. Those are oxen. Those are horses. Those are students. Those are postmen. Those are mothers-in- law. Those are passers-by. Those are apples. Those are wolves. Those are maps. Those are pencils. Give the following in the plural. Pattern: She is a housewife. They are housewives. He is a hotel-keeper. He is a man-servant. She is a woman-doctor. He is a schoolboy. He is a postman. She is a mother- in- law. She is a judge. He is a child. He is a businessman. She is a landlady. Translate into English. Летом мы едим много фруктов. Его волосы совсем темные. Я купил эти часы вчера. Они очень хорошие. Эти новости очень интересные. Ваши советы мне очень помогли сегодня. Кому принадлежат эти деньги? Его одежда не новая. Эти дети очень вежливые. Где зубные щетки? Положи книгу на полку. Копии этих писем будут разосланы завтра. Последний лист упал с дерева. Почему дети не хотят есть груши? Remember the nouns that may be both countable and uncountable, but with different meanings. Insert much or many. He does not drink Did you pay Use the correct variant: much, many, a lot of, lots of. He has not He has He has as He has got Have you invited We have invited You have invited too I have bought Insert little, a little, few, a few. He had very He had He drank There was very The chairman said May I have Hurry up! We have very Choose the correct determiners. Spot the errors one sentence - one mistake. Is there many ink left in my pen? Did the storm do many damage to crops? Is there a great many coal left in the shed? Were much passengers sea-sick? We have not a few time to get to the station. This train stops at a little stations. May I have a few wine, please? The Category Of Case. Case is the inflected form of the noun indication the grammatical relation in which the noun stands to other parts of the sentence. English nouns have a two case system: the common case the basic form and the genitive case the possessive case. Sometimes certain nouns can be used in the possessive case without the second noun. Names of people can sometimes be used similarly to mean When the possessor noun is followed by a phrase or clause: The boys ran about, obeying the directions of a man with a whistle. I took the advice of a couple I met in the train and hired a car. Use the following word combinations in the Genitive Possessive Case. The birthday of my son, the ball of my brother, the questions of the child, the dog of our niece, the new tie of my husband, the little sister of Ann, the book of my nephew, the photo of her child, the face of the girl, the cassette of her elder brother, the grandchildren of Andrew, the car of the businessman. Change according to the pattern. The clothes of the boys, the parents of the girls, the conclusions of the experts, the toys of the children, the questions of the teachers, the dictionaries of the students, the letters of my friends, the houses of my relatives. Translate the phrases into Russian. Translate these sentences into English. Мне нравится квартира Анны. Сын моей сестры хорошо играет на пианино. Он даёт уроки брату Ника. Возьми тетрадь Макса. Преподаватель вернул тесты студента. Чей карандаш на столе? Мне нравится новое платье моей подруги. Есть ли ошибка в домашней работе моего сына? Дедушкины очки лежат на столе. Машина моей племянницы - синего цвета. Translate into Russian. Give in the Genitive Case. Grey, the uncle of Bat and Pam, the grandparents of Sam and Tib. Insert the nouns or noun phrases in the Genitive Case. In Moscow I stayed I buy cabbage He buys bread We buy medicine They were married She is going to I often go to We buy meat Choose from: at St. Replace by the Absolute Genitive and translate them into Russian. Мой словарь хороший, но у Хелен — лучше. Эта книга очень интересная, но у Макса — интересней. Дом Саймона большой, а у Мэри дом — уютнее. Профессия Сэма опасная, но у Джейка она ещё опаснее. Мое платье красивое, но у моей сестры — ещё красивее. Собака моего племянника очень умная, но у Бет — ещё умнее. Мой брат высокий, но брат Анны — ещё выше. Её сестра очень привлекательная, но сестра Мэри ещё привлекательнее. Мой текст сложный, но текст Джонатана — ещё сложнее. Машина Дона очень дорогая, но у Сьюзен — ещё дороже. У тебя есть какие-нибудь английские книги? Жена моего брата Ника уехала в Нью-Йорк. Он не знает ещё решения директора. Это дом мистера и миссис Хопкинс. Он очень большой и красивый. Тётя моей подруги Кэйт — очень известная художница. Рабочий день моего палы начинается в девять утра. Какого цвета глаза у Сары? Один из друзей Джейн - известный политик. Её друзей зовут Пэм и Джулия. Чьи это кассеты? Это машина не моих родителей, это машина моего дяди. Дети Дона и Аманды очень смышлёные. Есть у вас карта Соединённых Штатов Америки? Чья это сумка? Двери гаража закры- ваются автоматически. У тебя есть вчерашние газеты? На прошлой неделе я был на свадьбе у Пита и Брук. Дочь мистера Эванса — моя лучшая подруга. Answer the following questions. Where do you stay in Moscow? Where would you like to stay in London? Explain the definitions according to the example. When the speaker presents the object as belonging to a certain class in the meaning of «какой-нибудь», «некий». It happened in a small town. He bought a book yesterday. When a person or a thing is mentioned for the first time. After the first reference the definite article is used. I watched a bus as it came up our road. The bus stopped and a man got out. The man had a case in his hand. With the case the man looked like a salesman. A seamstress sews clothes. A horse has four legs. A palm pilot is a tiny computer. Christmas comes but once a year. She bought half a kilo of meat. After the attributes such, rather, quite. He is such a rich man. She is quite a clever girl. It was rather an interesting film. With uncountable nouns and nouns in plural no article is used. They were rather strange children. Before a direct object. Sue wants a husband and three kids. All the world loves a lover. It will be a good chance. This is a friend of mine. It is the novel our teacher mentioned last time. The definite article is used: 1. When the object or group of objects is unique or considered to be unique: the earth, the sea, the sky, the equator, the stars 2. Before a noun which has become definite as a result of being mentioned a second time: His car struck a tree; you can still see the mark on the tree. Before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or clause: the girl in blue, the man with the banner, the boy that I met, the place where I met him 4. Before a noun which by reason of locality can represent only one particular thing: Ann is in the garden, the garden of this house Please pass the wine, the wine on the table Similarly: the postman the one who comes to us , the car our car , the newspaper the one we read. Before superlatives and first, second etc. When the situation itself makes the object definite the speaker and the listener know what particular object is meant. The exam was very tense. The lecturer was very strict and the students were nervous. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. When the speaker uses an attribute pointing out a particular object — a particularizing attribute. This is the house that Jack built. The pictures in this book are very interesting. I have got an interesting film which was directed by S. He went to the forest where a lot of birds were singing. When nouns are used in a generic sense as a type or genre. The horse was domesticated many centuries ago. The computer microchip was invented in With the nouns man, mankind, humanity no article is used. What shall we tell mankind? Man is helpless in this case. With the noun woman the definite article or no article is used. Only the woman could do it. With nouns modified by: a some adjectives same, all, wrong, right, very, next, last, following, only, whole, main, principle, central, present, former, latter, necessary, opposite, previous, lower, upper, usual, so-called : Had Gooch not been injured in the last two games. The only virtue of the latter newspaper techniques is to bring an event to the attention of a reader. No article is used when nouns day, night, morning, afternoon, week, and year are modified by the adjective next denoting future and last denoting past. There are over Dracula films. With substantivized adjectives and participles the rich, the old, the wounded etc. With collective singular nouns denoting social classes, social groups, nationalities the public, the peasantry, the British etc. What are the British like? He went to the police to claim that he had been robbed. Geographical use of the There are some specific rules for using the with geographical nouns. I prefer red wine. The definite article is used When the definite quantity of substance or substance in some definite place is meant:Everybody liked the soup she cooked yesterday. Substances are treated like countables To denote a kind or a variety of substance: He drank only green Ceylon teas. To denote a portion of food or drink: He ordered two icecreams for kids and a coffee for himself. To denote an object made of a certain substance with wood, paper, iron, glass, tin, cloth : There was a glass of water on the table. When such nouns as a duck, a lamb, a chicken, a fish, a turkey etc. If there is an attribute expressing: a degree great, huge, endless, perfect, complete, immense etc. The indefinite article is used If a certain aspect of an abstract noun is meant: His face expressed a dramatic eagerness. She had a grace which impressed her friends. When an abstract noun is modified by the adjectives certain or peculiar: He felt a certain impatience. With the nouns the present, the past, the future, the singular, the plural: During the honeymoon they were planning the future. But: in future means «впредь»: Please be more careful in future. Explain the use of the indefinite article. He had met a young woman at a party, named Joan, an actress. At that moment a light flashed in and a voice yelled: 'Get out of here! Our manager has just finished an all-afternoon conference with a media representation. A traveler must be able to walk long distances. In a minute she glanced at Peter and saw a tear on his cheek. Why a girl has to be silly to catch a husband? Not a word was spoken, not a sound was made. Is it a book or a magazine? He has always been a good neighbour to me. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. I wish I were a poet to describe it to you. Only a month now remains and not a moment must be lost. Insert a, some, any where necessary. I have For half There remained Do you have I always prefer London is Give me … hammer. I bought Insert the article. We were met by There came He is He gave her We wrote There is She left One day she got She answered Do you like Never try to stroke How many flats are there in Do you know Analyse the use of the article in italic. All the four sides and angles of the square are equal. Fortune flavours the brave. The tiger has always had the reputation of being a man-eater. Surely he had suffered everything that man can endure. The Russian people are doing their best to preserve peace. People who pick rare flowers are vandals. Conan Doyle is a master of the detective story. The old are often helpless. Недавно я познакомился с одним музыкантом. У вас есть какой-нибудь журнал почитать? Мы не знали, что здесь есть озеро. Озеро глубокое. Дом был окружен красивым садом. Дом построен два года назад. Мое любимое дерево - дуб. Возле дома рос старый дуб. У нас сегодня яблоки на третье. Яблоки на столе. Мы получили письмо об этом после того, как он уехал. На столе было письмо. У тебя есть нож? Возьми нож и отрежь хлеба. Fill in the articles articles with nouns, modified by certain adjectives, numerals, pronouns. They had met first in the South, where they were staying in What was They got married She is Margaret is She came in surrounded by You should get on Find out what has! He won While the Smiths continued to talk Some people were bathing in the sea Turn to Глава 15 начинается на странице Вы смотрели обе серии этого! За первым взрывом последовал второй, затем третий. Вы не могли бы зайти ко мне на будущей неделе? Подожди меня на следующей станции. Я ищу работу последние 5 месяцев. Вас пригласили на премьеру? Это тот же самый фильм, который мы смотрели в субботу. Вы именно тот человек, который мне нужен. Он написал еще один роман. Тигр - одно из самых опасных животных на земле. Она чрезвычайно красивая девушка. Вы единственный ребенок в семье? Прошу вас сделать все необходимые изменения в статье. Insert articles with nouns modified by descriptive and limiting attributes. We want He was Many years had passed since Maple street was Kelly counted I was like We went down I know This is not Tired with Они вошли в вагон, в котором не было свободных мест. В вагоне, в который они вошли, не было свободных мест. В городе строится новый стадион, который будет вмещать десять тысяч зрителей. Где проект нового стадиона, который строится в вашем городе? Он закрыл дверь, ведущую в зал. Это была Виржиния, с шарфом на голове и в сером пальто. У этой семьи очень хорошая сиделка 8. Он послал ей только записку, в которой сообщалось, что он возвращается. Он не смотрел на лицо человека, о котором говорил. Его не интересовали новости, которые мы ему сообщили. Я знаю женщину, которая сдает квартиру. Insert articles with nouns modified by nouns in the common and genitive case, prepositional phrases. What is She was John wore If any of She suddenly saw The books were so much a part of He would gladly take There was He entered … Danson bank with shaking knees. He might have been given Nobel Prize for that. She wore, jacket of She opened As he reached They decided to rest at They are supposed to come to Analyze the use of the articles with nouns modified by attributes. I After supper he took the book on European politics which he had shared with Tommy the previous evening. The woman looked at me there was a glint of humour in the dark eyes. He is a most experienced doctor. She is as spoiled as if she were an only child. My mother needed me more than the Other members of the family. They lived in a newly pained house. He took the cigarette which I offered him. Suddenly we heard the shot of a gun. She took a third helping of the pie. Insert articles with material nouns. These flowers should be put in As she opened the window she knocked down the vase. For breakfast he took only She looked hungrily at Russia sells My heart felt as heavy as … lead. She hoped she could save enough money to buy Her address was written on the piece of Insert articles, explain. This is On the beach we saw children making castles in Sacks of You really must stay to Nothing like It was Explain the use of the articles with material nouns. She entered the room, the silk of her dress making a slight rustle in the silence. I like French wines which are so light. We must take a rug, a lamp, a soap, a brush, toothpaste. I was drinking a tea. If you want tot please the boy buy him an ice- cream. I must go now. The tea was lovely. The kettle was of cast iron. He prepared a light breakfast -a ham and a cheese on bread, lettuce and mayonnaise, a glass of milk and a coke for later. The strong black coffee that she had made was just what we needed. This is a light French wine. I saw him in the bar drinking a beer. Мои туфли полны песка. He сиди на песке, он мокрый. Этот книжный шкаф сделан из дуба. Я не люблю минеральную воду и предпочитаю стакан крепкого чая. Выпей стакан молока. Выпей молока. Выпей молоко. Кофе слишком крепкий, я не люблю крепкий кофе. Холодная вода освежила его после долгого сна. Вы получили табак, который я послал вам? Вы не могли бы принести мне стакан сока. Когда суп был съеден, он взял газету. В баре мы заказали два пива и одни виски. Земля и крыши домов были покрыты снегом. Снег был очень глубоким. Она не любила вареную говядину. Ей не понравилась вареная говядина. Он стал белый как снег. На ужин у нас была холодная телятина. Суп на кухне, принеси его, пожалуйста. Мне хочется есть, дай мне супу. Его сестра вязала что-то из красной шерсти. Я часто провожу время на свежем воздухе. Я хочу купить синий бархат на платье. Он изваял ее в мраморе. Это хорошее французское вино. Insert the articles with abstract nouns. Jim was the first to break After all these hours of strain they relapsed into No sooner had 1 opened the window when His parents do not approve of We both respect They were surprised at He is particularly interested in When in distress, people look for Our city has Suddenly 1 felt What we need now is The lights in the garden suddenly went out. I always appreciate … good advice. What … weather like today? If you want The book is about the man who lives Michael found Russian literature the most interesting subject here. What a noble thing You had to admit that he had She guessed from He left the room with The flight was cancelled because of She was glad to escape for a few moments His footsteps were heard at English natural history seemed familiar to her. It appeared that she had studied When they were together, it was Explain the use of the articles with abstract nouns. Such weather makes everybody disgusting. I have no other feelings than the feeling of sympathy to you. She has attached to youth and hope and now they failed her more than age and despair. In Italy they studied Renaissance and Baroque architecture. He is insensible to kindness. He asked her about it with intense interest. He smiled for the first time during a period of many hours. She sang so low, that the wind was as music. She was a woman dressed with shabby neatness. He felt honest admiration for her. He had to surrender to the inevitable. A dull rage rose in her. Her husband got a salary of twenty pounds a week. Think of situations to the following sentences. Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. That is the love that makes the world a miracle. They will build a new life somewhere else. It was better not to think of the past. Nothing could alter that. Curiosity killed the cat. No news is good news. Гостеприимство характерная черта русского народа. Иностранцы всегда поражаются гостеприимству русского народа. Весенняя природа часто вдохновляла молодого художника. Он чувствовал некоторую неловкость при встрече с ней. Студенты второго курса должны знать английскую историю. Где деньги, которые я тебе оставил вчера? Меня удивило спокойствие этой женщины. Не выходите в такую погоду, если плохо себя чувствуете. Я распечатал письмо с большой осторожностью. Молчание раздражало каждого, кто сидел за столом. Будьте счастливы в жизни, которую выбрали. Странно, что вы надеетесь найти здесь поддержку. Ему не нравилась вежливость, с которой она обращалась к нему. Спасибо за хороший совет. Все народы мира борются против войны. Война, в которой гибнут люди, не может быть справедливой. Молчаливая война никого не удивила. Вчера мы весь вечер слушали русскую народную музыку. Как жаль, что ты не сможешь выступить на соревнованиях. Деньги интересовали его все больше и больше, когда он начал делать эту работу. Я не уверен, хорошие ли это новости или плохие. Какая отвратительная погода! Неожиданность нашего прихода ошеломила всех. Мальчик сидел на дереве на высоте нескольких футов. Это вопрос принципа, и мы должны обсудить его до того, как примем решение. Explain the use of the articles with nouns in some syntactic positions. She was a good hostess. Davis, the owner of the bar, introduced him. I feel hot, Doctor. I was still child enough to believe him'. What a pleasant man! You are not the person you claimed to be. He was appointed guardian. Johnson, chairman of the committee, received me in the office. She was wife of the manager of the firm. Insert articles with nouns in set expressions. Could you describe the situation in He plays He seems to have read all English classics in He was always in She sent a letter by I have never told him anything but He takes everything too much to He fell in love with the car at If you tell it to her, she will fly into Make up dialogues, using set expressions. Insert the articles with nouns denoting unique thing. The huge disk of The clouds broke away and we had the advantage of Magellan made the first voyage round We live in such I kept my eyes on Insert articles with nouns denoting names of seasons and times of the day and night. I should remember the rose garden in The weather is often wet and cold in It all happened on It was early in We returned late in It was late in You see, The navigation will reopen in It had been It was dusk, but I could see Mary walking across the road. I went to my parents on Sunday evening. I B течение лета мы часто ездили за город. Была поздняя осень, погода портилась. Они должны были пожениться в начале весны. Прошлым летом мы ездили в Шотландию. Мы пробыли за границей всю зиму. Какое скучное лето ждет нас! Летом года она победила на соревнованиях. Была дождливая, холодная осень. Мы должны вернуться до рассвета. Вечер был холодный и ветреный. Был теплый летний вечер. Было раннее утро, в доме все спали. В течение всей ночи он работал над статьей. Я думаю о тебе с утра до вечера. Ты напоминаешь мне о вечере, когда мы впервые встретились. Мы приедем в Москву рано утром, проведем целый день в городе, поздно вечером сядем на поезд и на следующий день к ночи вернемся домой. Insert the articles with nouns denoting meals. John prepared I have not enough money to buy We all came to We had cold turkey for She entered the room and said that She gave As I sat at As soon as she was dressed she sat down to It was during the first part of Insert the articles. Six month in He was in She was a clever girl and was doing well at John lay back in After I left the office I drove into I had known him slightly in The last time I saw her she was in По субботам у них бывают гости к ужину. В этом кафе вы всегда можете получить горячий завтрак. Почему вы так быстро вернулись из города? Я не пойду в школу сегодня, я забыл выучить текст. Что у нас будет к ужину. Мы заказали обед из трех блюд. Школа находилась в деловой части города. Мне пришлось провести ночь в тюрьме. Он учится в вечерней школе. Мы позавтракали рано утром. Завтрак состоял из яичницы и чая. Как долго вы пробыли в больнице. Возможно, он был в итальянской тюрьме. Его отправили в среднюю школу в соседний город. Explain the use of the articles with names of persons. She looked into her mirror and saw a prettier Mary that she had seen before. Wherever the Rayns went they tried to stick together. When a Jones sees a black oat it can either mean good fortune or bad luck. Their nurse was a Miss Robinson, quite a nice girl. When yesterday poor Jane spoke of a new dress, mother got very angry. When 1 went out I saw the cheerful Peter, who always makes me smile. John is handsome. Insert the articles with names of persons. Even his closest friends Scarlet never asked him about his plans. This was Jodie with whom you should be on friendly terms. And when he allowed Peter who wrote to me is now Mr Bossing smiled and said: «Why, you are quite Monte Cristo'. Raphael hung on the walls. Bill Welles from Dacota. Who knows, maybe I am Orson you are looking for. Green, I no more belong to the family. She spent a fortune on Sarah I love. Match the beginnings of the sentences in part A with part B. I wonder 3. Tell Nurse to put a warm hat on our baby 4. When the Berns arrived 5. You are not a Byron 7. You should warn Mom 8. Every morning he drove out 9. When I saw little Johny put on his clothes. Молодой Рэйнольд Вейд несомненно талантлив, впрочем как и все Вейды. Я не ду- мал, что это был новый Моцарт, но видя явное желание и тяга к музыке, согласился помочь в его музыкальной карьере. Я предъявил ряд требований, которые бедному Рейнольду порой было трудно выполнять, но уже через месяц передо мною был совершенно другой, серьезный и погруженный в работу Рейнольд. От легкомысленного и беспомощного Рейнольда не осталось и следа, разве что его щеголеватые костюмы от Диора. Этот Рейнольд оказался славным парнем, который добьется своей цели. Однажды он приехал ко мне на шикарном Кадиллаке и, широко улыбнувшись, сказал: «Подарок отца за победу на конкурсе. Добро пожаловать знаменитому Рейнольду Вейду. Оставайся в этой жизни таким, каким я тебя знаю». Explain the use of the articles with geographical names. He made up his mind to spend his profit and buy a house in Riviera. I remember the time we went to South China. In the Netherlands and Belgium St. How ill she was when there was a storm in the Indian Ocean. When we were in the' Mediterranean we enjoyed passing Gibraltar. I took my belongings and stepped out of the train, and there was the Grand Canal at my feet. The Pacific Ocean is rich in mineral raw materials and fish. Warm air and light wind began to move from the Gulf of Mexico. For their honey moon they went first to the Bahamas and then traveled to the Canaries for a change. The golden sands of the Sahara always fascinated young John. The Browns went to the Swiss Alps from the Christmas holidays. You should not leave the park without visiting the Great Canyon and the lower Falls of the Yellow-stone river. Make up sentences using the following words: 1. Saudi Arabia, are, production centers, Persian Gulf, of, the, along. Rocky Mountains, extend, the, Mexico, to, Canada, from. Had, he, in, a, small house, the. We, directly, tried, the, to get, to, North Cape. Mother, many presents, brought, her children, from, the, to, Senegal. Hear, is, he, off, Central Africa, to. My, was, North Carolina, grandfather, of, Governor. They took us for a ride on the river under Niagara Falls. Kilimanjaro is a snow covered mountain which is said to be the highest mountain in We decided to have some rest at the foot of Bear Mountain. It happened a long time ago in Far East. Sicily and Australia is the largest island and the smallest continent in the world. You should rest from the work. Go to Hague or to The Slavic people living on In the morning they were fascinated by the sunrise in Saint Gotthard Pass. Jordan River and Dead Sea are on the Israel border. There were the lights of the harbour across Little Traverse Bay. Mongolia occupies a part of Goby Desert. On the splendid shore of.. French Riviera stands a large hotel. Answer the questions. Where is Mount Everest? How high is Mount Everest? Where do anteaters live? What is the capital city of the Netherlands? Where is the Eiffel Tower? Which country and city? Which is the longest river in the world? Which is the highest waterfall in the world? Which is the biggest country, the United Kingdom, France and Spain? Which river flows through London? What and where is the Valley of the Kings? Where is the Sea of Tranquility? I Name at least three countries in Europe which have red, white and blue flags? Which river flows through Cairo? Which is the nearest big city to Heathrow Airport? Which Roman town was covered by volcanic ash? Winch island was first seen from a Dutch ship on Easter Day in ? Nepal, Tibet border. South America. The Hague. France, Paris. The Amazon Salto Angel in Venezuela metres 8. The UK. The Thames. A place where many kings and people of the court were buried - in Egypt. The moon. The Nile. Faster Island. Pay attention to the ways of translation of the articles. The ship is not the ship that we saw at the harbour yesterday. She is such a nice person. She has not got an enemy on earth. The only solution in this situation is a peace which would give the Serbian people the freedom they desire. On this particular morning she sat facing a new client, a Mr Wade. It was a very sharp and decisive Mary who spoke now. But I could say for sure that a woman came out of that particular room at that particular time. This was not the Paris I used to dream of. An agreement between the government and the president was reached after four days of talk. The agreement is a victory. Did you know a Kristen Brown? A young girl is a very interesting phenomenon. The speaker was not very attentive. A restlessness in the audience was not noticed by him. Her dreams of a happier life would be nothing without him, the loving and handsome John. I was certain now that a phase in our life ended. This Bern had no relation to the one I remembered. History shows us great writers and great talkers, but we rarely find the two combined in one figure. Petrovs are He was born on Volga river. The light in But one way or. Of all … houses which had received him in I got acquainted with him on Many famous people were frequent guests at Abramtsevo, among them, writer Gogol, How much are.. Where have you got such The earth shook with There are several kinds of adjectives: Demonstrative: this, these, that, those Indefinite: some, any Negative: no Distributive: each, every, either, neither Quantitative: some, any, no, little, few, many, much Interrogative: which, what, whose Possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their Of quality: good, red, simple, political, medical, remarkable, easy, beautiful etc. Divide the adjectives into monosyllabic, disyllabic, polysyllabic.. Short, comfortable, expensive, nice, deep, few, large, complicated, good, broad, thin, fine, huge, young, beautiful. Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the of disyllabic adjectives. Simple, narrow, pretty, horrible, noisy, tasty, bitter, happy, boring, stupid, silly, heavy, famous. Look at the list if adjectives below, put them into 3 groups: Positive, Negative, Either. Match the adjectives on the left with their opposites on the right. Use the following phrases in the comparative and superlative degree. A clever trick, a far corner, an unfortunate loss, a small room, a tender kiss, an exact copy, a bitter quarrel, a funny face, a slim young lady, a happy smile, a miserable sight, an able woman, a magnificent view, a useful hint, a bad idea, a nasty accident, a good suggestion, a stupid boy. Compare the size or quality of the objects. Form the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives. Pattern: My brother is taller than I am. Shy, great, soft, hot, dry, sly, thin, dull, few, brave, pure, sad, fat, mad, wet; Pattern: This story is happier than that one. Funny, simple, polite, sincere, terrible, narrow, clever, tender, slender, usual, urgent, serious; Pattern: His essay is worse than mine. Good, many, little, far, old, late, near; Pattern: Her dress is more beautiful than mine. Compare unequal things. Pattern: This book is more interesting than that one. That book is less interesting than this one. Compare equal objects. Pattern: This boy is as clever as that one. This room is as large as that one. Put in the right form of the adjective. I am young than my sister. His grandmother is old than mine. She is not as old as Mary. Max is small of the family. Gretchen is pretty than Pam. My little 'sister is naughty girl that I know. Mike is noisy of them all. Ruth is fat than her sister. Choose the right word. He is the Where is the Have you already heard the What is the Make up dialogues using the adjectives: short, easv, interesting, dark, angry. Pattern: - Is he taller than you? Personal pronoun describes the person speaking I, me, we, us , the person spoken to you , or the person or thing spoken about he, she, it, they, him, her, them. He helps poor. Use of Personal Pronouns. She is intelligent They are playing chess. He sent me a letter. It is raining. We love our country. The teacher appreciated them. I met him yesterday. He gave her a gift. Did you go to home? This book is mine. That car is hers. Your book is old. Mine is new. The pen on the table is mine. The smallest cup is yours. The voice is hers. The car is ours not theirs. I have lost my camera. May I use yours? They received your letter. Did you received theirs. Note: Possessive adjectives my, her, your may be confused with possessive pronouns. Possessive adjective modifies noun in terms of possession. Both possessive adjective and possessive show possession or ownership, but possessive adjective is used with noun to modify the noun while Possessive pronoun is used instead in place of a noun. This is my book. Reflexive pronouns always act as objects not subjects, and they require an interaction between the subject and an object. You should think about yourself. They prepared themselves for completion. She pleases herself by think that she will win the prize. He bought a car for himself. He locked himself in the room. He who loves only himself is a selfish. Note: Reflexive noun can also be used to give more emphasis on subject or object. Usage and function of intensive pronoun are different from that of reflexive pronoun. For example, she herself started to think about herself. See the following examples of intensive pronouns. Intensive Pronouns I did it myself. I myself did it. She herself washed the clothes. She herself told me. Reciprocal Pronouns Reciprocal Pronouns are used when each of two or more subjects reciprocate to the other. For example, A loves B and B love A. Examples: John and Marry are talking to each other. The students gave cards to one another. The people helped one another in hospital. Two boys were pushing each other. The car and the bus collided with each other. The students in the class greeted one another. Relative Pronouns Relative Pronoun describes a noun which is mentioned before and more information is to be given about it. Or Relative pronoun is a pronoun which joins relative clauses and relative sentences. For example, It is the person, who helped her. Examples: The most commonly used five relative pronouns are, who, whom, whose, which, that. Examples: It is the girl who got first position in class. Adjective is a word that modifies noun. The man whom I met yesterday is a nice person. It is the planning that makes succeed. The boy who is laughing is my friend. It is the boy whose father is doctor. The car which I like is red. Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that points to a thing or things. Short distance or time: This, these. Long distance or time: That, those. Examples: This is black. That is heavy. Can you see these? Do you like this? John brought these. Those look attractive. Have you tried this. Indefinite Pronouns Indefinite pronouns are words which replace nouns without specifying which noun they replace. Correct: Each of the members has one vote. The subject, each, is singular. Use has. Incorrect: One of the girls gave up their seat. Correct: One of the girls gave up her seat. Her refers to one, which is singular. Plural indefinite pronouns take plural verbs or plural personal pronouns. Correct: A few of the justices were voicing their opposition. Few is plural, so are were and their. For indefinite pronouns that can be singular or plural, it depends on what the indefinite pronoun refers to. Correct: All of the people clapped their hands. All refers to people, which is plural. Correct: All of the newspaper was soaked. Here all refers to newspaper, which is singular. State the group to which each of these pronouns belongs. Name all the other pronouns of the same group: F, mine, this, both, either, it, himself, who, whose, the same, other, much, some, nothing, everything, none, one, neither, any, such. Translate the sentences, name all the pronouns and identify the group they belong to. We were in Alabama - Bell Driscoll and myself - when the idea of kidnapping struck us. Bill and me thought that Ebeneter would gladly give us for the boy a ransom of two thousand dollars. Bill was examining some bruises on his legs. Are there any real Indians in these woods? A mischievous kid like that is just the kind that parents love. Now, you and the chief get up and cook breakfast while I go up on the top of this mountain. Nobody was dragging the creek, no couriers dashed here and there. He put a hot potato down my back and then mashed it with his foot; and I boxed his ears. I made a kind of peace between them. Nobody ever yet struck the Red Chief but what he got paid for it. I went out and i night that boy and shook him until his freckles rattled. Now, you come and make friends with him. The only terms on which you can have him back are these: the money is to be at midnight at the same place. One farmer. For an hour I had to explain him why there was nothing in files A gang of constables should be watching for anyone who comes for the hole. Her is the Objective Case. You is the Nominative and the Objective Case. The- Singular: it, she, him, you, me, her, I, he. The Plural: we, them, you, they, b Identify the case and number forms of the personal pronouns: 1. This letter is not for you. Where is Ann? Why are you talking about him? We are going to the ballet Will you join us? Mary and Nina have just come from France. Have you Iwrii u ith them? How can she waste time?

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