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Чай прессованный «Превосходный чёрный чай» Грузинский органический , 50 г. Грузинский зеленый фермерский чай август , Moychay. Грузинская Красная габа SHQ. Грузинский Шэн SHQ. Грузинская Габа SHQ. Великолепный вкусный красный чай, который стал для меня неожиданным открытием! Купил в магазине на Чистых прудах последние 22 грамма. Очень жаль, что чай закончился! Привезите ещё такого! Михаил, здравствуйте! Этот чай есть в наличии в чайных клубах в Санкт-Петербурге. За такую цену - нет. Летом был красный А и Б- совсем иное дело. Конечно отличается от грузинского дикорастущего, но тот - хороший чай на каждый день за разумные деньги. Очень похож на дикорастущего брата, но цена в три раза выше.. Если в той же ценовой категории, Краснодарский габа красный интереснее. Грузинский красный очень удивил и порадовал. Очень объемный вкус, отчётливо сладкий. Однозначно советую попробовать. Сбалансированный, объёмный, многогранный, бархатный. Очень ароматный, маслянистый и нежный красный чай. Первые ассоциации Алишань Хун Ча и красный чай из Цимэнь. Собственно второй и был впервые высажен в Грузии, в районе Озургети, Батуми и Чаквы. Готовый букет древесно-фруктовый, с нотами тёмного мёда, хлебной корочки, печёной тыквы и бисквита. Хорошо держит пролив, достаточно быстро экстрагируется, но не перезаваривается, не уходит в горечь. Послевкусие долгое, сладкое. Аромат из горячей пустой пиалы стойкий, яркий, сладко-медовый, тёплый. Чистый вкус и яркий звонкий аромат. Продолжить покупки. Войти в аккаунт. Всего в корзине 0 товаров на сумму 0. Для того, чтобы иметь возможность оценивать товары и полезность отзывов, добавлять товары в свою коллекцию Любимых - зарегистрируйтесь или войдите. Корзина пуста. Что такое 'Копилка'? This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. You can review our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy which are parts of our User Agreement , accept usage of all cookies on our website, view the list of cookies and manage whether you accept usage of specific cookie groups or only necessary cookies under Cookie Settings. User Agreement. Cookie Settings. Accept All Cookies. Such cookies do not process any user personal data nor do they send any data to third party services. They are strictly required for our site to work properly. Show cookies list. Maintenance cookies Cookies that we use to enhance user experience like switching mobile and desktop versions on mobile devices. Statistics cookies Cookies that store impersonal user data to track user activity within our website via third party statistics services. We use such services to analyze our website performance and enhance overall user experience. Third party cookies Cookies that store various settings and user preferences over third party services i. If not accepted, such services will be unavailable within our website. Manage your cookie settings You can either delete cookies from our website by changing your cookie preferences in this settings section, or by deleting cookies data in the specific browser. Show instructions. Accept necessary cookies only. Accept selected cookies. User Agreement Last updated: 14 January General Provisions 1. A prerequisite for Buyers in accordance with this Agreement is familiarization with the provisions of each of the sections of this Agreement, as well as other documents and information posted and available for reading in the relevant sections of the Site, as well as full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this Agreement each clause Agreement and the entire Agreement as a whole , as well as additional conditions, established by documents and information posted on the Site. Terms and definitions Buyer - a capable individual who has reached the age of 18, or who has reached the age of 14 and has the consent of parents or other legal representatives, placing Orders on the Site or indicated as the Recipient of the Goods. Good - any product offered for sale on the Site. It presents the Goods offered by the Seller to its Buyers for placing Orders, as well as other conditions for purchasing these Orders to Buyers. Delivery service - a third party that provides services for the delivery of Orders to Buyers under an agreement with the Seller. Account - information that the Buyer indicates about himself when entering or registering on the Site. Site user or User - any person who entered the Site. Cookies cookie files - small data files created by the Site. They are sent to the device of users while using the Site and are saved on the device, so that they can then be re-transmitted to the Site the next time they visit it to simplify the work with the Site and to save information about its preferences. Tags or web beacons - code fragments embedded in the Site code that collect information about user behavior on the Site. Order placement and User Registration on the Site 3. To register in the Site, the Buyer must: 1 Register an Account using one of the following options: Option 1. Option 2. Authorize through a social network, subject to the preliminary registration of an account in one of the social networks by clicking clicking on the corresponding social network icon located next to the registration form of the Site. Authorization using social networks means clicking clicking on the field 'Login with Facebook' or 'Login with VKontakte', or 'Login with Twitter'. After clicking on the 'Add to bag' field, the specified Good will appear in the 'Bag' section of the Site. Persons under the age of 14 are not allowed to place an Order and register on the Site. When re-placing an Order if the Buyer has a Personal Account entering the data provided for in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 3. Placing an Order by the Buyer means sufficient and complete familiarization of the Buyer with the Good, its characteristics and qualities. The Buyer himself bears full personal responsibility for the content and accuracy of the information provided by him. The Buyer has the right to edit the registration information. The Buyer undertakes not to disclose to third parties the login and password specified during registration on the Site. The Seller has the right to fully or partially cancel the Order if the Seller does not have the required quantity of the ordered Goods in the warehouse, in which case the Seller informs the Buyer by e-mail or telephone. In case that the Seller cancels the paid Order, the value of the canceled Order is returned by the Seller to the Buyer in the way in which the Goods were originally paid. By placing the Order, the Buyer agrees that the Seller can entrust the fulfillment of his obligations to the Buyer to third parties, while remaining responsible for their fulfillment. Cost, payment for the Goods and refund 4. The price for each item of the Goods is indicated on the Site in the 'Catalog' section. The price indicated on the Site for a Good temporarily unavailable for sale is not valid. When the Good appears on sale, the price may change. In case of a discrepancy between the price of the Goods displayed in the 'Catalog' section and the price displayed in the Order Bag at the last stage of placing an Order, the purchase price of the Goods is the price displayed in the Order Bag. The price of the Goods can be changed by the Seller unilaterally at any time before the completion of the Order. In case of a technical failure on the Site that occurred for any reason, the Seller has the right to cancel the Order unilaterally. If, as a result of a technical failure on the Site, the Order was placed with an erroneous price for the Goods, the Seller informs the Buyer about this to confirm the Order at the corrected price. If the Buyer refuses, or if it is impossible to contact the Buyer within 2 Two business days, this Order is considered canceled, and the Seller returns to the Buyer the amount paid for the Order in a manner similar to the prepayment. The total cost of the Order includes the cost of the Goods and the cost of delivery services. Payment for the Order is carried out in any convenient way by the Buyer: 4. Cash - only when choosing a courier delivery of the Order or pickup. Webmoney, QIWI wallet - payment can be made through a wallet of one of the specified payment systems if available , or through any payment terminal. Cashless payments - for legal entities. Cash upon receipt at the Russian Post offices - for postal orders with cash on delivery. By card online on the Website or offline for courier delivery of the Order in Moscow or for pickup. After confirming the selected Order, a secure window will open with the payment page of the CloudPayments processing center, where the Buyer must enter the bank card details. For additional authentication of the cardholder Buyer , the 3D Secure protocol is used. If the Bank that issued the card used by the Buyer when paying for the Order supports this technology, the Buyer will be redirected to the server of the corresponding Bank for additional identification. Information about the rules and methods of additional identification can be clarified with the Bank that issued the bank card. Security guarantees when paying by credit card online. Information is transmitted to the payment gateway using SSL encryption technology. Further transmission of information takes place through closed banking networks with the highest level of reliability. CloudPayments does not transfer bank card data to the Seller and other third parties. For additional authentication of the cardholder, the 3D Secure protocol is used. In case the Buyer has questions about completed payment, the Buyer can contact the customer support of the payment service by e-mail support cloudpayments. Due to the cancellation of the Order by the Seller - within 10 Ten calendar days from the moment the Buyer was informed about such a decision; 4. Due to the return of the Goods by the Buyer - within 10 Ten calendar days from the date of receipt of the Goods by the Seller return. Goods delivery 5. The ways of delivery of the Goods are indicated on the Website in the 'Delivery' section. The cost of delivery of the Order is calculated individually, based on the territory and way of delivery and is indicated at the stage of ordering on the Site. Delays in delivery are possible due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred through no fault of the Seller. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the Goods are received by the Buyer or the recipient. The date of delivery of the Goods to the relevant Buyer or recipient is determined by the date of transfer of the Order to the Buyer or recipient in the hands, or in the case of delivery of the Order sent by courier service or the Russian Post, transfer of the relevant Order by the Seller to the operator of the courier delivery service or to the Russian Post office for sending to the relevant Buyer or recipient. The seller is not responsible for the delivery of the Order sent by courier service or Russian Post. Failure to receive a prize sent by a courier service or Russian Post, through the fault of the respective Recipient, means that such Recipient has refused from the corresponding Order. An employee of the Delivery Service has the right to refuse to transfer the Order to a person who was not marked as the recipient of the Goods when placing the Order, as well as to a person who refused to provide an identity document. When delivering the Goods abroad, the customs service of the country of the recipient of the Goods may additionally require you to specify the details of an identity document. When transferring the Order, the Buyer or the recipient if the recipient of the Order is a person other than the Buyer must check the appearance and integrity of the Order packaging, the quantity of the Goods in the Order, the completeness and assortment and sign a document confirming the receipt of the Order. If the Buyer provides inaccurate personal information, as well as inaccurate personal information about the Recipient of the Goods if the Recipient is a person other than the Buyer , the Seller is not responsible for the execution of the Order. The Buyer understands and agrees that delivery is a separate service that is not an integral part of the Goods purchased by the Buyer. The purchase of the Goods with delivery does not give the Buyer the right to demand delivery of the purchased Goods for the purpose of replacement, does not make it possible to replace the Goods by visiting the Buyer and does not imply the possibility of refunding the cost of delivery of the Goods in cases where the Buyer has the right to a refund for the Goods as such, in in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation 'On Protection of Consumer Rights'. Advertising campaigns, promotions and discounts 6. In this case, the Seller sets the rules for the conduct and validity of the Promotion. By taking part in the Promotion, namely by performing a sequence of implicit actions specified in the rules of the Promotion published on the Site, the participant confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with these rules. The Seller has the right to unilaterally cancel the Promotion or change the conditions of its implementation at any time. The number of Goods for the Promotion is limited. The purchase of the Goods for the Promotion is possible only if the Seller has the relevant Goods. When placing one Order, the Buyer has the right to use only one promotional code. The Buyer does not have the right to use a promotional code to purchase a Product participating in the Promotion or if the Product is sold at a discount if applicable for the relevant Promotion. Return of Goods The Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods at any time before the transfer of the Goods to the Buyer, as well as on the following conditions: 7. Return of non-food products of proper quality: 7. Within 15 Fifteen calendar days from the date of transfer of the Goods to the Buyer. The return of the Goods is possible if the Goods were not in use, their consumer properties, presentation, packaging, complete set, labels, as well as a document confirming the purchase of the specified Goods have been preserved. The return of the Goods can only be carried out in full. The Buyer does not have the right to return the Goods of good quality specified in the List of non-food goods of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of The exchange and return of the Goods is made on the basis of an application completed and signed by the Buyer. If the Buyer refuses the Goods in accordance with clause The Buyer has the right to return the Goods of inadequate quality to the Seller within 15 fifteen days from the date of transfer of such Goods to the Buyer. After this period, the specified requirements are not subject to satisfaction. The Seller has the right to check the quality of the Goods. The timing of the inspection of the quality of goods is established in the Law 'On Protection of Consumer Rights' dated The Seller has the right to conduct an examination of the Goods at his own expense in the event of a dispute about the causes of defects in the Goods. If, according to the results of the inspection or according to the conclusion of the expert, it is established that the defect was not found, or the Seller is not responsible for it, the Buyer is obliged to compensate the Seller for the costs of the inspection or examination and transport costs. When transferring the Order, the Buyer must check the appearance and integrity of the packaging of the Order, the quantity of the Goods in the Order, the completeness and assortment and sign a document confirming the receipt of the Order. In case of violation by the Buyer of clause The Buyer has the right to send all claims for improper execution of the Order to the Seller in the manner prescribed by clause Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Information 8. In order to fulfill this Agreement, the Seller and other persons involved by the Seller to fulfill their obligations hereinafter - 'other partners' need the personal data of Buyers and recipients of the Order, specified by them during registration or when placing an Order on the Site. For the purposes of this Agreement, personal data means any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual personal data subject. The processing of personal data in this Agreement means any action operation or a set of actions operations performed using automation tools or without using such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification updating, changing , extraction, use, transfer distribution, provision, access , depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data provided by the Buyer in order to accept this Agreement and its execution. Agreements if applicable. Buyers understand and agree that the personal data specified by them when registering or placing an order on the Site will be processed by the Seller and other partners in all necessary ways in order to fulfill this Agreement and agree to such processing when accepting this Agreement, as provided in clause 1. The Buyer independently and freely decides to provide the Seller with his personal data. Consent to data processing can be provided in any form that allows you to confirm the fact of its receipt, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the European Union. In particular, consent is deemed to have been granted if the Buyer ticks the checkbox in the registration form on the Site to confirm that he agrees with this Agreement. The Buyers undertake to indicate accurate and relevant reliable data when registering on the Site, as well as for placing an Order and receiving it. By logging into the Site through the Social Network clause 3. The buyer, being the owner of the profile account in Social Network through which he is authorized on the Site has the ability to manage the privacy settings of his profile in relation to the data published by him on the Social Network except for open data by default. According to sub. Additional consent of the personal data subject to the processing of personal data made publicly available by the personal data subject is not required. The Seller and other partners acting on behalf of the Seller guarantee the necessary measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access. All personal data provided by the Buyers for the purpose of executing this Agreement will be stored and processed by the Seller and other partners acting on behalf of the Seller, in accordance with the current legislation of the European Union and in compliance with the guarantees specified in this Agreement. Box , Amsterdam, Netherlands. Digital Ocean is a legitimate Data Processing Operator, which hosts our server. Consent to the processing of personal data is provided by the Buyer for the entire duration of the Agreement and until the expiration of 2 Two years after its termination. Cookie and Tag Policy 9. The seller uses cookies to ensure the operation of the Site, as well as to collect analytical data. Purpose of Cookies and Tags collected on the Site: 9. Necessary Cookies: The usage of these functional cookies cannot be prevented when visiting the Site, as they ensure the correct operation of the Site. This includes cookies that store information of other cookie groups permissions. Used only for authorization on the Site. Maintenance Cookies: Anonymous Cookies that allow users of the Site to navigate the Site, use its features and access secure areas. Some cookies may appear only if user is logged in their Google account and are processed accordingly to Google cookie policies. Cookies are not harmful to the device as they are simply text files and not executable programs. However, new browser settings may affect interaction with the Site and restrict access to certain functions. Web beacons are used to facilitate the collection of Site statistics. Web beacons also allow you to calculate the total number of visitors to the Site who viewed certain pages of the Site and track their interaction with the content of the Site, which allows you to better personalize the content provided. Web beacons are not used to collect or access personal information. The Site may contain links, maps, images, other files leading to third-party websites that are not under the control of the Seller and have their own principles of working with personal data. The Seller is not responsible for the security and privacy of any information collected by third party websites. The Seller receives information about the ip-address of the website visitor. The Seller is not responsible for the disclosure of information provided by the Buyer on the Site in a public form. Intellectual Property The owner of the exclusive rights to the Site, including but not limited to the domain name, the logo, advertising and information materials posted on the Site, is the Seller. The Buyer or another person does not have the right to use the Site in ways not provided for in this Agreement without the written permission of the Seller, including the content of the Site cannot be reproduced, processed, distributed, displayed in a frame, published, downloaded, transmitted, sold or otherwise used in full or by parts. None of the provisions of this Agreement, as well as other documents and information posted by the Seller on the Site, can be considered as provisions, in accordance with which the Buyer and other persons are granted any rights to use the brand name, trademarks, commercial designations, domain names , as well as any other means of individualization and means of addressing the Seller, as well as any results of intellectual activity posted on the Site. Such rights can be granted only under a separate agreement drawn up in writing on paper with the execution, if necessary, of other requirements of the current legislation of the European Union and Russian Federation to the form of such an agreement. Responsibility The Seller is not responsible for any losses of the Buyer caused by this Agreement, including, but not limited to: income, loss of profits or other consequential losses. Under this Agreement, under any circumstances, the aggregate responsibility of the Seller, for any claim against him, is limited to the amount of payment paid by the Buyer for the corresponding Order and is imposed on the Seller if there is a proven fault in his actions. The parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances force majeure. The party affected by force majeure must notify the other party in writing within 3 Three business days. If force majeure circumstances continue for more than 1 One month, then each of the parties has the right to refuse to further fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Other Provisions This Agreement, the procedure for its conclusion acceptance and execution are governed by the current legislation of the European Union and Russian Federation. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will be resolved by the parties through negotiations. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes and disagreements shall be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the European Union and Russian Federation. The invalidity of individual provisions of this Agreement does not entail the invalidity of the Agreement as a whole. Seller shall undertake to modify, supplement or replace all or any such invalid, illegal provisions with enforceable provisions. The Seller has the right at any time, at his discretion, to make changes, including abbreviations and additions, to the text of this Agreement, as well as to other documents and information posted by him on the Site, which entails a change in the respective rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement, and these changes come into force simultaneously with the introduction of such changes and their publication on the Site. The Buyer undertakes to independently check the text of this Agreement, as well as other documents and information available in the relevant sections of the Site, for their changes and additions. Necessary cookies The usage of these necessary whitelisted anonymous cookies cannot be prevented when visiting the Site, as they ensure the correct operation of the Site. 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The guidelines are provided by the browsers themselves and are subject to change. Грузинский красный чай, Озургети. Нет в наличии. Комментарии Отзыв полезен? Отзыв полезен? Андрей Мойчай. Подарки Обучающие видеокурсы Концерты и мероприятия Чай производства Мойчай. 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В течение нескольких минут вы получите письмо с инструкциями по подтверждению вашей учётной записи. Настоящим подтверждаю, что я ознакомлен и согласен с условиями политики конфиденциальности. Я даю свое согласие Индивидуальному предпринимателю Ястребовой М. Я согласен на предоставление мне информации и предложение продуктов путем направления почтовой корреспонденции, посредством электронной почты, телефонных обращений, SMS-сообщений. Данное согласие действует с момента подписания настоящего заявления в течение срока предоставления услуг и пяти лет после прекращения указанных услуг. По истечении указанного срока действие настоящего заявления считается продленным на каждые следующие пять лет при отсутствии у ИП Ястребова М. Или зарегистрируйтесь с помощью.

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