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Most people consider Social Security benefits as something available to them upon old age retirement. However, those monies withheld from each paycheck, and those paid each quarter by self-employed individuals, provide a variety of benefits to both the worker and his family. The most misunderstood element of disability entitlement is the requirement that the claimant must be unable to perform any work. A finding of not disabled at any step precludes further inquiry. Specific to older claimants 50 years and older , the regulations recognize their limited marketability and vocational adaptability. See, 20 C. P, App. This rule awards benefits to an individual who has only a marginal education formal education at the sixth grade level or less and work experiences of 35 years or more as an unskilled physical laborer, which now due to a severe impairment, he is incapable of performing. Once an individual is found disabled, the benefits he receives are dependent upon his work history. Quarters of coverage are earned for income upon which Social Security taxes are paid. The amount of income required to earn a quarter of coverage is:. Disabled insured individuals are paid monthly benefits beginning the fifth month after disability onset, in an amount commensurate with Social Security taxes paid. Twenty-four months after disability entitlement, the disabled worker, assuming continuing disability, is entitled to Medicare coverage. Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing care, home health care, and hospice care. An uninsured individual who is disabled is entitled to benefits when the income and resource assets limitations are met. Note, this list is not exhaustive. For further detail, refer to 20 C. For further information regarding countable income, refer to 20 C. Because SSI benefits are awarded on a need basis, monthly benefits and Medicaid coverage are immediately available, upon the first month of the disability onset or the date of the application, which ever is later. Under 42 U. The offset is applied when the beneficiary is receiving benefits paid to a worker through a state or federal plan because of work-related injury or disease. ACE is defined in 42 U. This figure is subtracted from the amount of entitlement before the offset to determine the amount of the offset itself. Generally, the rate or monthly amount at which Social Security prorates a lump sum will be the amount of the rate specified in the lump sum award. If no rate is specified in the award, the rate paid prior to the lump sum payment is designated. Also excluded are amounts set aside for rehabilitation, as well as penalties and interest. These amounts must be included in the settlement document and must be properly documented. The deceased spouse was insured at the time of death; 2. The claimant is at least 50 years in age; and 3. When a worker dies fully insured, family members may be entitled to monthly benefits no medical insurance coverage is available. Those eligible family members include:. In order to qualify for retirement benefits a worker must be fully insured, i. At present, the normal retirement age is However, under legislation passed in that age has risen:. An insured worker may retire as early as age 62; however, the monthly benefit will permanently be smaller than if the worker waited until normal retirement age to receive retirement benefits. Taking Social Security at exactly age 62 will add 10 additional penalty months to the benefit reduction formula used for early retirement, yielding If a worker waits until after his normal retirement age to receive Social Security old age benefits, the monthly benefits are increased by a percentage for each year receipt of benefits is delayed up to age If the eligible child is not the naturl child of the spouse, the spouse must have been married to the insured for one year. Divorced spouse. A divorced spouse is entitled to benefits on the account of an insured worker, whether or not the worker has applied for retirement benefits if he is: — At least 62 years in age; — Unmarried; — Was married to the worker at least 10 years; and — The divorce occurred 2 years prior to the application. Note: There is a maximum family limit to auxiliary benefits. However, the workers benefits are not reduced. Further, any amount payable to a divorced spouse is not included in the family maximum. However, workers over the normal retirement age no longer face this issue because in , Congress eliminated it. Income not attributable to services performed after the month of entitlement does not reduce monthly benefits. Examples of passive income not affecting retirement benefits are capital gains, dividends, interest, rental income, pension, annuity, retirement pay and royalties. The key to excluding income is; it must be passive. Particularly in dealing with family businesses and closely held corporations, it is suggested that an individual seek advice regarding structuring of post retirement income. The Social Security Administration has the authority to examine retirement arrangements and generally, claim that an individual is guilty until he proves himself innocent. The Listings are generally organized by body systems, i. Each individual listing has a general introduction containing definitions of key concepts used in that section. Also found in the introduction are certain specific medical findings, some of which are required to establish a diagnosis or confirm the existence of an impairment in using a Listing. Most of the listed impairments are permanent or expected to result in death, or a specific statement of duration is made; otherwise, the evidence must show that the impairment has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period of at least twelve months. The Listing of Impairments Part A applicable to individuals age 18 and over is divided into 14 sections as follows:. Involvement of one major peripheral weight-bearing joint i. Involvement of one major peripheral joint in each upper extremity i. Evidence of nerve root compression characterized by neuro-anatomic distribution of pain, limitation of motion of the spine, motor loss atrophy with associated muscle weakness or muscle weakness accompanied by sensory or reflex loss and, if there is involvement of the lower back, positive straight-leg raising test sitting and supine ; or. Spinal arachnoiditis, confirmed by an operative note or pathology report of tissue biopsy, or by appropriate medically acceptable imaging, manifested by severe burning or painful dysesthesia, resulting in the need for changes in position or posture more than once every 2 hours; or. Lumbar spinal stenosis resulting in pseudoclaudication, established by findings on appropriate medically acceptable imaging, manifected by chronic nonradicular pain and weakness, and resulting in an inability to ambulate effectively. Both hands; or B. One or both lower extremities at or above the tarsal region, with stump complications resulting in medical inability to use a prosthetic device to ambulate effectively which have lasted or expected to last for at least 12 months; or. One hand and one lower extremity at or above the tarsal region, with inability to ambulate effectively; or D. Hemipelvectomy or hip disarticulation. With: A. Solid union not evidence on appropriate medically acceptable imaging and not clinically solid; and. Inability to ambulate effectively and return to effective ambulation did not occur or is not expected to occur within 12 months of onset. Functional loss is defined as the inability to ambulate effectively on a sustained basis for any reason, including pain associated with the underlying musculoskeletal impairment, or the inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively on a sustained basis for any reason, including pain associated with the underlying musculoskeletal impairment. The inability to ambulate effectively or the inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively must have lasted, or be expected or last, for at least 12 months. Inability to ambulate effectively means an extreme limitation of the ability to walk; i. Ineffective ambulation is generally defined as having insufficient lower extremity functioning to permit independent ambulation with out the use of a hand-held assistance device s that limits the functioning of both upper extremities. To ambulate effectively, an individuals must be capable of sustaining a reasonable walking pace over a sufficient distance to be able to carry out activities of daily living. They must have the ability to travel without companion assistance to and from a place of employment or school. Inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively means an extreme loss of function of both upper extremities; i. To use their upper extremities effectively, individuals must be capable of sustaining such functions as reaching, pushing, pulling, grasping, and fingering to be able to carry out activities of daily living. Should be supported, as applicable, by detailed descriptions of the joints, including ranges of motion, condition of the musculature e. Medically acceptable imaging includes, but is not limited to, x-ray imaging, CAT scan or MRI, myelography, and radionucleur bone scans. Must include a detailed description of the rheumatological, orthopedic, neurological, and other findings appropriate to the specific impairment being evaluated. Major joints refers to the major peripheral joints including the knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist-hand, and ankle-foot, as opposed to other peripheral joints e. The ankle and foot are considered separately in evaluating weight bearing, since only the ankle joint with the hindfoot, but not the forefoot, is crucial to weight bearing. For purposes of listing 1. 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Introduction Most people consider Social Security benefits as something available to them upon old age retirement. Does the claimant have a severe mental or physical impairment? Is the impairment listed in or equivalent to an impairment in 20 C. See Appendix A of this material. Does the impairment prevent the claimant from doing past relevant work? Does the impairment prevent the claimant from doing any other work? Medicare Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing care, home health care, and hospice care. Supplemental Security Income SSI benefits: the uninsured worker An uninsured individual who is disabled is entitled to benefits when the income and resource assets limitations are met. Those eligible family members include: Spouse. A spouse or divorced spouse who has in his care an eligible child as described immediately above, who is under age sixteen or disabled. Under this benefit program, a divorced spouse is not required to have been married to the insured for a specific time. However, he must be the natural or adoptive parent of the child. Dependant parents. The parent of a deceased insured can qualify for benefits if he is at least 62 years in age and was receiving one half of his support from the insured at the time of his death or at the beginning of any period of disability that continued up to death. Normal Retirement At present, the normal retirement age is Early Retirement An insured worker may retire as early as age 62; however, the monthly benefit will permanently be smaller than if the worker waited until normal retirement age to receive retirement benefits. Late Retirement If a worker waits until after his normal retirement age to receive Social Security old age benefits, the monthly benefits are increased by a percentage for each year receipt of benefits is delayed up to age The Listing of Impairments Part A applicable to individuals age 18 and over is divided into 14 sections as follows: 1. Evidence of nerve root compression characterized by neuro-anatomic distribution of pain, limitation of motion of the spine, motor loss atrophy with associated muscle weakness or muscle weakness accompanied by sensory or reflex loss and, if there is involvement of the lower back, positive straight-leg raising test sitting and supine ; or B. Spinal arachnoiditis, confirmed by an operative note or pathology report of tissue biopsy, or by appropriate medically acceptable imaging, manifested by severe burning or painful dysesthesia, resulting in the need for changes in position or posture more than once every 2 hours; or C. One or both lower extremities at or above the tarsal region, with stump complications resulting in medical inability to use a prosthetic device to ambulate effectively which have lasted or expected to last for at least 12 months; or C. Solid union not evidence on appropriate medically acceptable imaging and not clinically solid; and B. Loss of Function defined Functional loss is defined as the inability to ambulate effectively on a sustained basis for any reason, including pain associated with the underlying musculoskeletal impairment, or the inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively on a sustained basis for any reason, including pain associated with the underlying musculoskeletal impairment. Inability to Ambulate Effectively Defined Inability to ambulate effectively means an extreme limitation of the ability to walk; i. Inability to perform fine and gross movements defined Inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively means an extreme loss of function of both upper extremities; i. Diagnosis and evaluation Should be supported, as applicable, by detailed descriptions of the joints, including ranges of motion, condition of the musculature e. Physical Examination Must include a detailed description of the rheumatological, orthopedic, neurological, and other findings appropriate to the specific impairment being evaluated. Major joints defined Major joints refers to the major peripheral joints including the knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist-hand, and ankle-foot, as opposed to other peripheral joints e. Major function of the face and head defined For purposes of listing 1. Excellent post. I definitely appreciate this website. Прием психолога? Ukraine on July 9, at pm. Мир Дикого Запада 4 сезон 4 серия on July 14, at pm. Site on July 16, at am. Лука on July 17, at am. Соник 2 в кино on July 18, at am. 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MiclRed on February 1, at pm. MarkGak on February 2, at am. JackGak on February 2, at am. MiclRed on February 2, at am. EvaGak on February 2, at am. EdgarBlume on February 2, at am. UgoGak on February 2, at am. LisaGak on February 2, at am. JasonGak on February 2, at am. KiaGak on February 2, at am. CarlGak on February 2, at am. NickGak on February 2, at am. MarvinWhads on February 2, at am. TimothySeige on February 2, at am. CharlesEmemn on February 2, at am. MiclRed on February 2, at pm. SueGak on February 2, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 2, at pm. AshGak on February 2, at pm. TimothySeige on February 2, at pm. Michaelasync on February 2, at pm. KimGak on February 2, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 2, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 2, at pm. MarkGak on February 2, at pm. CarlGak on February 2, at pm. UgoGak on February 2, at pm. KiaGak on February 2, at pm. MichaelPek on February 3, at am. Curtisthelf on February 3, at am. Tommyphymn on February 3, at am. BooGak on February 3, at am. RobertAbors on February 3, at am. MiclRed on February 3, at am. JaneGak on February 3, at am. MichaelDek on February 3, at am. MarvinWhads on February 3, at am. Michaelasync on February 3, at am. DenGak on February 3, at am. PaulGak on February 3, at am. MiaGak on February 3, at am. CharlesEmemn on February 3, at am. CarlGak on February 3, at am. DavidStani on February 3, at pm. CharlesEmemn on February 3, at pm. MichaelDek on February 3, at pm. Michaelasync on February 3, at pm. JasonGak on February 3, at pm. NickGak on February 3, at pm. SueGak on February 3, at pm. MiclRed on February 3, at pm. CarlGak on February 3, at pm. UgoGak on February 3, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 3, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 3, at pm. DavidStani on February 4, at am. JimGak on February 4, at am. JaneGak on February 4, at am. MarvinWhads on February 4, at am. RobertAbors on February 4, at am. WimGak on February 4, at am. KimGak on February 4, at am. MichaelDek on February 4, at am. KiaGak on February 4, at am. Michaelasync on February 4, at am. BooGak on February 4, at am. LisaGak on February 4, at am. JasonGak on February 4, at am. TimothySeige on February 4, at am. PaulGak on February 4, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 4, at am. EdgarBlume on February 4, at pm. BooGak on February 4, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 4, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 4, at pm. MiclRed on February 4, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 4, at pm. MarvinWhads on February 4, at pm. PaulGak on February 4, at pm. JaneGak on February 4, at pm. KiaGak on February 4, at pm. TimothySeige on February 4, at pm. KimGak on February 4, at pm. DenGak on February 4, at pm. DavidStani on February 4, at pm. AmyGak on February 4, at pm. EvaGak on February 4, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 4, at pm. KiaGak on February 5, at am. KimGak on February 5, at am. TimothySeige on February 5, at am. JaneGak on February 5, at am. JasonGak on February 5, at am. UgoGak on February 5, at am. DenGak on February 5, at am. Curtisthelf on February 5, at am. SamuelOpell on February 5, at am. MiclRed on February 5, at am. JimGak on February 5, at am. SueGak on February 5, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 5, at am. NickGak on February 5, at am. PaulGak on February 5, at am. WimGak on February 5, at pm. Curtisthelf on February 5, at pm. MichaelPek on February 5, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 5, at pm. KiaGak on February 5, at pm. Tommyphymn on February 5, at pm. JaneGak on February 5, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 5, at pm. DavidStani on February 5, at pm. AmyGak on February 5, at pm. EvaGak on February 5, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 5, at pm. LisaGak on February 5, at pm. KimGak on February 5, at pm. MiaGak on February 5, at pm. MiclRed on February 6, at am. SueGak on February 6, at am. MarkGak on February 6, at am. SamuelOpell on February 6, at am. JudyGak on February 6, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 6, at am. PaulGak on February 6, at am. KiaGak on February 6, at am. NickGak on February 6, at am. AnnaGak on February 6, at am. Tommyphymn on February 6, at am. CharlesEmemn on February 6, at am. LisaGak on February 6, at am. Curtisthelf on February 6, at am. CarlGak on February 6, at am. KimGak on February 6, at am. Michaelteato on February 6, at am. EvaGak on February 6, at am. TimothySeige on February 6, at am. Michaelteato on February 6, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 6, at pm. JaneGak on February 6, at pm. NickGak on February 6, at pm. LisaGak on February 6, at pm. MichaelPek on February 6, at pm. Larrystade on February 6, at pm. And Bye Bye Bye. Curtisthelf on February 6, at pm. RobertAbors on February 6, at pm. DavidStani on February 6, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 6, at pm. DenGak on February 7, at am. AnnaGak on February 7, at am. PaulGak on February 7, at am. SueGak on February 7, at am. MarkGak on February 7, at am. CharlesEmemn on February 7, at am. KimGak on February 7, at am. JaneGak on February 7, at am. SamuelOpell on February 7, at am. Michaelasync on February 7, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 7, at am. KimGak on February 7, at pm. JasonGak on February 7, at pm. LisaGak on February 7, at pm. JamesBlava on February 7, at pm. JackGak on February 7, at pm. DenGak on February 7, at pm. AmyGak on February 7, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 7, at pm. DavidStani on February 7, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 7, at pm. TimothySeige on February 7, at pm. MiaGak on February 7, at pm. CharlesEmemn on February 7, at pm. CarlGak on February 7, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 7, at pm. JudyGak on February 7, at pm. PaulGak on February 8, at am. Tommyphymn on February 8, at am. DavidStani on February 8, at am. EstebanStalp on February 8, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 8, at am. JudyGak on February 8, at am. Jamesiwyu on February 8, at am. Curtisthelf on February 8, at am. KiaGak on February 8, at am. AmyGak on February 8, at pm. JaneGak on February 8, at pm. NickGak on February 8, at pm. AnnaGak on February 8, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 8, at pm. MarkGak on February 8, at pm. Tommyphymn on February 8, at pm. RobertAbors on February 8, at pm. Curtisthelf on February 8, at pm. MiaGak on February 8, at pm. JasonGak on February 8, at pm. Jamesmyih on February 8, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 8, at pm. DenGak on February 8, at pm. MiaGak on February 9, at am. JimGak on February 9, at am. EdgarBlume on February 9, at am. NickGak on February 9, at am. JudyGak on February 9, at am. AnnaGak on February 9, at am. MarvinWhads on February 9, at am. Jameslget on February 9, at am. Michaelasync on February 9, at am. MarkGak on February 9, at am. KiaGak on February 9, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 9, at am. DavidStani on February 9, at am. SueGak on February 9, at am. EvaGak on February 9, at pm. JaneGak on February 9, at pm. SueGak on February 9, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 9, at pm. NickGak on February 9, at pm. JudyGak on February 9, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 9, at pm. AmyGak on February 9, at pm. PaulGak on February 9, at pm. CarlGak on February 9, at pm. MarkGak on February 9, at pm. DenGak on February 9, at pm. JaneGak on February 10, at am. Jamessxvu on February 10, at am. AmyGak on February 10, at am. NickGak on February 10, at am. EdgarBlume on February 10, at am. MiaGak on February 10, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 10, at am. MichaelDek on February 10, at am. EvaGak on February 10, at am. Michaelasync on February 10, at am. Michaelteato on February 10, at am. Jamesbnnn on February 10, at am. LisaGak on February 10, at am. PaulGak on February 10, at am. MarvinWhads on February 10, at am. Tommyphymn on February 10, at am. TimothySeige on February 10, at am. EstebanStalp on February 10, at pm. AmyGak on February 10, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 10, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 10, at pm. PaulGak on February 10, at pm. Jamesuppc on February 10, at pm. KimGak on February 10, at pm. MiaGak on February 10, at pm. JimGak on February 10, at pm. MarvinWhads on February 10, at pm. UgoGak on February 10, at pm. JasonGak on February 10, at pm. TedGak on February 10, at pm. MichaelDek on February 10, at pm. DenGak on February 10, at pm. AmyGak on February 11, at am. TedGak on February 11, at am. ZakGak on February 11, at am. JackGak on February 11, at am. Jamesgjpr on February 11, at am. JudyGak on February 11, at am. SueGak on February 11, at am. EvaGak on February 11, at am. EstebanStalp on February 11, at am. Tommyphymn on February 11, at am. Jamesrzfe on February 11, at am. Michaelteato on February 11, at am. MarvinWhads on February 11, at am. KimGak on February 11, at pm. RobertAbors on February 11, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 11, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 11, at pm. MarvinWhads on February 11, at pm. JackGak on February 11, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 11, at pm. Jamesuvbp on February 11, at pm. JaneGak on February 11, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 11, at pm. WimGak on February 11, at pm. YonGak on February 11, at pm. MiclRed on February 11, at pm. KiaGak on February 11, at pm. MarvinWhads on February 12, at am. Jamescqup on February 12, at am. CarlGak on February 12, at am. DavidStani on February 12, at am. EstebanStalp on February 12, at am. MiaGak on February 12, at am. RobertAbors on February 12, at am. KimGak on February 12, at am. TedGak on February 12, at am. SueGak on February 12, at am. SamuelOpell on February 12, at am. EstebanStalp on February 12, at pm. LisaGak on February 12, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 12, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 12, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 12, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 12, at pm. UgoGak on February 12, at pm. JaneGak on February 12, at pm. MarkGak on February 12, at pm. AnnaGak on February 12, at pm. YonGak on February 12, at pm. MichaelDek on February 12, at pm. DenGak on February 12, at pm. PaulGak on February 12, at pm. MiclRed on February 12, at pm. NickGak on February 12, at pm. Michaelasync on February 12, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 13, at am. DenGak on February 13, at am. JaneGak on February 13, at am. UgoGak on February 13, at am. LisaGak on February 13, at am. BooGak on February 13, at am. AmyGak on February 13, at am. MiclRed on February 13, at am. SueGak on February 13, at am. JasonGak on February 13, at am. JackGak on February 13, at am. Tommyphymn on February 13, at am. Curtisthelf on February 13, at am. EdgarBlume on February 13, at pm. MiaGak on February 13, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 13, at pm. MarvinWhads on February 13, at pm. MichaelDek on February 13, at pm. DenGak on February 13, at pm. WimGak on February 13, at pm. TeoGak on February 13, at pm. JaneGak on February 13, at pm. SueGak on February 13, at pm. NickGak on February 13, at pm. MarkGak on February 13, at pm. JackGak on February 13, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 13, at pm. PaulGak on February 13, at pm. Tommyphymn on February 13, at pm. RobertAbors on February 13, at pm. YonGak on February 14, at am. JaneGak on February 14, at am. JasonGak on February 14, at am. AmyGak on February 14, at am. AnnaGak on February 14, at am. BooGak on February 14, at am. SamuelOpell on February 14, at am. LisaGak on February 14, at am. KimGak on February 14, at am. DavidStani on February 14, at am. SueGak on February 14, at am. CarlGak on February 14, at am. JaneGak on February 14, at pm. TimothySeige on February 14, at pm. Curtisthelf on February 14, at pm. MarkGak on February 14, at pm. Michaelasync on February 14, at pm. MiclRed on February 14, at pm. AshGak on February 14, at pm. JimGak on February 14, at pm. PaulGak on February 14, at pm. Tommyphymn on February 14, at pm. ZakGak on February 14, at pm. YonGak on February 14, at pm. JudyGak on February 14, at pm. NickGak on February 14, at pm. JackGak on February 14, at pm. TedGak on February 14, at pm. CharlesEmemn on February 14, at pm. Ледниковый период: Приключения Бака on February 14, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 14, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 14, at pm. DenGak on February 14, at pm. JaneGak on February 15, at am. JimGak on February 15, at am. Michaelteato on February 15, at am. MichaelPek on February 15, at am. DavidStani on February 15, at am. Curtisthelf on February 15, at am. JasonGak on February 15, at am. AmyGak on February 15, at am. MarkGak on February 15, at am. MiclRed on February 15, at am. NickGak on February 15, at am. JackGak on February 15, at am. TedGak on February 15, at am. BooGak on February 15, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 15, at pm. Tommyphymn on February 15, at pm. SueGak on February 15, at pm. MiaGak on February 15, at pm. JasonGak on February 15, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 15, at pm. CarlGak on February 15, at pm. ZakGak on February 15, at pm. KiaGak on February 15, at pm. Michaelteato on February 15, at pm. MarkGak on February 15, at pm. MiclRed on February 15, at pm. JaneGak on February 15, at pm. NickGak on February 16, at am. Elwoodvit on February 16, at am. CarlGak on February 16, at am. AmyGak on February 16, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 16, at am. JackGak on February 16, at am. KiaGak on February 16, at am. JaneGak on February 16, at am. TeoGak on February 16, at am. MiaGak on February 16, at am. JudyGak on February 16, at am. PaulGak on February 16, at am. JasonGak on February 16, at pm. MarkGak on February 16, at pm. BooGak on February 16, at pm. WimGak on February 16, at pm. KiaGak on February 16, at pm. Tommyphymn on February 16, at pm. SueGak on February 16, at pm. EvaGak on February 16, at pm. Michaelasync on February 16, at pm. JudyGak on February 16, at pm. TedGak on February 16, at pm. DenGak on February 16, at pm. PaulGak on February 16, at pm. KimGak on February 16, at pm. Michaelteato on February 16, at pm. MarvinWhads on February 16, at pm. MiaGak on February 16, at pm. AshGak on February 16, at pm. MichaelDek on February 16, at pm. MiclRed on February 16, at pm. CharlesEmemn on February 17, at am. Elwoodvit on February 17, at am. Michaelasync on February 17, at am. Michaelteato on February 17, at am. SueGak on February 17, at am. SamuelOpell on February 17, at am. DavidStani on February 17, at am. AnnaGak on February 17, at am. EstebanStalp on February 17, at am. Tommyphymn on February 17, at am. JasonGak on February 17, at am. TeoGak on February 17, at am. AmyGak on February 17, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 17, at am. BooGak on February 17, at pm. CharlesEmemn on February 17, at pm. KiaGak on February 17, at pm. EstebanStalp on February 17, at pm. SueGak on February 17, at pm. LisaGak on February 17, at pm. CarlGak on February 17, at pm. Michaelteato on February 17, at pm. UgoGak on February 17, at pm. DenGak on February 17, at pm. MichaelDek on February 17, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 17, at pm. EvaGak on February 17, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 17, at pm. Manuelclaro on February 17, at pm. TimothySeige on February 18, at am. SamuelOpell on February 18, at am. MarvinWhads on February 18, at am. SueGak on February 18, at am. MiaGak on February 18, at am. Curtisthelf on February 18, at am. RobertAbors on February 18, at am. CarlGak on February 18, at am. ZakGak on February 18, at am. PaulGak on February 18, at am. AnnaGak on February 18, at am. Elwoodvit on February 18, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 18, at am. JudyGak on February 18, at am. DenGak on February 18, at pm. SueGak on February 18, at pm. Michaelteato on February 18, at pm. EdgarBlume on February 18, at pm. JaneGak on February 18, at pm. JimGak on February 18, at pm. WimGak on February 18, at pm. PaulGak on February 18, at pm. CarlGak on February 18, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 18, at pm. MichaelPek on February 18, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 18, at pm. MarkGak on February 18, at pm. CharlesEmemn on February 18, at pm. SamGak on February 18, at pm. RobertAbors on February 18, at pm. SueGak on February 19, at am. TimothySeige on February 19, at am. RobertAbors on February 19, at am. EdgarBlume on February 19, at am. JasonGak on February 19, at am. CharlesEmemn on February 19, at am. ZakGak on February 19, at am. AmyGak on February 19, at am. SamuelOpell on February 19, at am. MichaelDek on February 19, at am. JaneGak on February 19, at am. KiaGak on February 19, at am. EvaGak on February 19, at am. Michaelasync on February 19, at am. RicNuh on February 19, at am. UgoGak on February 19, at am. Curtisthelf on February 19, at am. RicNuh on February 19, at pm. Curtisthelf on February 19, at pm. Jamesvep on February 19, at pm. CharlesEmemn on February 19, at pm. PaulGak on February 19, at pm. EvaGak on February 19, at pm. DenGak on February 19, at pm. DarrylGeoni on February 19, at pm. ZakGak on February 19, at pm. RodneyWaibe on February 19, at pm. Elwoodvit on February 19, at pm. JoeGak on February 19, at pm. Tommyphymn on February 19, at pm. CarlGak on February 19, at pm. Michaelteato on February 19, at pm. EyeGak on February 19, at pm. TeoGak on February 19, at pm. MasnaLJuple on February 19, at pm. JaneGak on February 19, at pm. Richardjal on February 20, at am. DarrylGeoni on February 20, at am. MaryGak on February 20, at am. KimGak on February 20, at am. SueGak on February 20, at am. JoeGak on February 20, at am. Jamesvep on February 20, at am. KiaGak on February 20, at am. BooGak on February 20, at am. TimothySeige on February 20, at am. LisaGak on February 20, at am. Curtisthelf on February 20, at am. AshGak on February 20, at am. EvaGak on February 20, at am. CarlGak on February 20, at am. AlanGak on February 20, at am. Michaelteato on February 20, at am. WimGak on February 20, at am. MiclRed on February 20, at am. JudyGak on February 20, at am. RodneyWaibe on February 20, at am. SamGak on February 20, at pm. CarlGak on February 20, at pm. JudyGak on February 20, at pm. UgoGak on February 20, at pm. YonGak on February 20, at pm. SamuelOpell on February 20, at pm. AlanGak on February 20, at pm. MerleBup on February 20, at pm. JaneGak on February 20, at pm. Jamesvep on February 20, at pm. WimGak on February 20, at pm. DarrylGeoni on February 20, at pm. MarvinWhads on February 20, at pm. JamesLeple on February 20, at pm.

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