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Hi, im colombia girl and i want to know if somebody can help me for buy marihuana in Warsaw. Search this thread maybe: There is plenty online stores selling seeds, like this one: All sold seeds are feminized. Shop TanieSianie. We are aware of the needs of customers, and we know how to professionally approach to the client, that he has always been happy with the purchase and return to us time after time. Dear Officer Colombiana, Fishing again are you. Gee, a real girl that wants to get high, how wrong could it go? It might even lead to sex in exchange for some free weed. Yeah or better yet, be set up on some forum by the cops to get arrested. Go fish. It was more than 1. They arrested two people. The police found a professionally prepared substrate for the cultivation with irrigation system, sprinklers, heating and ventilation. In both halls were more than 1. The police entered the halls shortly after, when the first plants were cut down. Inside the sorting was also prepared, during which the mature inflorescences were packed. The police detained there a person that prepared marijuana for packaging. Later been arrested one more person implicated in dealings. He comes here about once a month trying to entrap the youth of Poland and tourists into a State manufactured crime. Frame drug dealers and addicts. Lock them up and isolate from society. I will report this thread and the website to Polish police though. We are talking ganja here, not meth or heroin. Just think how pleasant the streets would be without drunks at every corner that harass, threaten, beg change and want to fight. These are the people that should be taken out of society first and foremost. Do tell Marijuana is illegal in Poland. There are no 'soft' acceptable narcotics to Polish law. And just for the record here, may I say that, I do not use any kind of drugs personally, legal or non legal. See, the sh! Winners resort to a nap to rest their brains which makes them even more productive. This is your brain on weed Any more stupid questions? Like most of my generation,I did smoke some weed when I was young. I prefer a glass or two of beer or wine The problem is that the weed,or now skunk,that is out there now is lethal. Ive never heard of marajuana ever killing anyone. I have said it before and I will say it again, you are such a pedant! Still,on the positive side, with your pedantry, I bet your house is lovely, tidy and organised What does a grammar Nazi have to do with buying weed in Warsaw? Atch, Refer to the language thread on Polish-English malopropisms and have a good laugh. To post as Guest, enter a temporary and unique username or login and post as a member.

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