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Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Краткая информация. Комментарии Комментарий от Интерессная Инста Комментарий от Да очень интресно проходить. Комментарий от Norange Фуллран дает репутации на нормале, примерно на героической сложности. Основная сложность - расконтролить аддов на Делриссе так, чтобы они не отхилились. Гаусс, Ясеневый Лес. Комментарий от GoodSoul Для того, что бы попасть на героический режим сложности, нужно сделать цепь квестов. Сия замечательная цепь даёт нам возможность пробежаться по этому подземелью на нормальном режиме сложности, попутно сдавая всё новые и новые квесты. Начало: В Шаттрате говорим с одним из npc нашей фракции, в зависимости от выбора: Алдоры , или Провидцы. Телепортируемся туда порталом близ центра Шаттрата, отчитываемся npc и берём квест 'Терраса Магистров'. Нас просят найти разведчика-эльфа крови. Что же, сказано-сделано. Собираем партию и идём в инст, который расположен на востоке от пристани Расколотого Солнца. Убиваем первого босса, в коридоре можно заметить маназмеев. Они - признак того, что мы рядом. Смотрим на миникарту в поиске жёлтого знака вопроса, который появится при подходе сюда. Эльф к нашему приходу почти умер, успевает сказать лишь, что нужно использовать некий шар и сообщает, что 'Они подпитывают Солнечный Колодец'. Идём дальше, убиваем второго босса, выходим на балкон. Нашему взору представляется шарик. Жмём правой кнопкой мыши, наслаждаемся роликом. Мы видим, что несколько эредарских колдунов держат с помощью магии некую девушку, парящую над Солнечным Колодцем. На сей радосной ноте ролик заканчивается, а к нам подлетает Калегос. Девушка та, кстати, является Сущностью Колодца, но об этом потом. Сдаём Калегосу квест, берём новый. Теперь нам нужно отрубить голову принца Келя какой добрый дракон этот Калегос , да принести её к пристани. Сам Калегос говорит, что если повезёт, то игроки встретятся с ним ещё раз. Встретятся, как же иначе. Жаль, что уже по разные стороны баррикад. Идём к Келю, попутно убивая ещё одного босса с его компаньонами. При входе в комнату Келя атаковать нельзя, пока он не договорит. Слушаем его речь про 'думаете, я мог дать такую власть какому-то эльфу? Поздравляю, вы сделали преквест. Ключа нам не дадут, как в большинстве героиков война, расходов и так много, а ещё и каждому авантюристу по ключику дарить? Комментарий от Тактика прохождения героика ретри-палом: врубаем печать света, БоК, разряжаем печать на хил по мобам, кушаем и т. Вырезаем весь трэш до 1-го босса, босса зергаем, кристаллы можно не разбивать. Проходим ко 2-му боссу, врубаем крылышки, сносим Вексалиусу хп до призыва 3-й и 4-й искры, после призыва искр кайтим его в середину комнаты, искры не валим, затем после следующего призыва искр кайтим в комнату между 1-м и 2-м боссом и так далее по инсту, пока босс не отдаст концы. Если босс всё-таки начал кастить глыбу, прыгаем в баббл. Бладрэйдж, Свежеватель Душ. Комментарий от А где она находится. Комментарий от сегодня утром прошел соло нормал, кровь дк, полу синий, эпик из героиков. Just an fyi to any naysayers. Комментарий от The difficulty level of this instance will be around that of Shattered Halls and Shadow Labyrinth. Комментарий от Conceited The large groups of Trash in this instance are the hardest part. Комментарий от The lack of good tanking gear in MT makes me sad except that really disgusting trinket. Most of the other gear looks really, really nice though. As I said above, our clear gave us reputation with no quests completed. We had 2 mages, so its safe to say this is a cc intensive instance, like many before it. Most of the pulls are concentrated before the first boss, and between the second and third bosses. Some trash pulls are of Wretcheds, just before the first boss. There are several arcane robots who cast a chain arcane lightning. Many of the mobs will throw a bomb at the party which will create a large semicircular dome on the ground. If your tank is tricky, he can move the caster mobs into these domes to reduce their damage. Watch out for Succubi, who inconveniently seduce healers. We also found that the warlocks were the hardest hitting mobs in the instance. Warlocks are immune to seduce as well. Following that boss will be a hallway with single pulls of mana worms, leading up to a hall with DOZENS of mana worms. The second boss is an arcane elemental, Vexillus. When the boss gets low he Overloads and AOEs the whole party. The third boss, High Priestess Delrissa, is like Moroes. She comes with a full party. All of the members are fully cc able and they can all be stunlocked, including the priestess. When we encountered her, she had a Shaman, Warrior, Hunter with ravager pet and Rogue. The rogue can gouge, the shaman can heal, the warrior can mortal strike. Good luck! Following her there is one pull until Kaelthas. Kaelthas fight consists of two phases, from what I could tell. The first phase, you dps him until he summons a phoenix friend who moves slowly and casts a hellfire on the ground. We had one member kill the phoenix, which then spawns an egg. The party then switched to damaging the egg until it dies. He also gives every member a damage per tick dot. Five large orbs also spawn that move about the room and hit party members for damage per hit. Oh, and another tip is move away from the orbs. Good Luck! This is one of the coolest things in the game. Using the orb hides your UI and shows you a cut scene reminiscent of the starting zone cut scenes in which you get to look around the 25 man dungeon, see the Dark Naaru, the Sunwell, and Kiljaeden himself. I like it! Stacks And in the main hall that Vexallus is in, theres groups of these mana worms with around 10 or so per group. The buff lasts only 20 seconds though. Each worm only hits for about on leather. Комментарий от Anyone know if there is going to be a key required to enter the instance on Heroic? Does completeing the quest give you an item that goes on your key ring? And also, it would be the only instance where an honored rep is not required for the Heroic version, as someone said about ish rep per clear, you could get through once and complete the quest, then go on heroic right after. Just an fyi and if someone has some numbers on the rep for the quest that would be great too. Комментарий от It was mentioned that this is on par with other lvl 70 instances like steam vaults , but I just want to be sure of something. For heroic difficulty, what specifications are required for a tank? Thanks in advance. Комментарий от This comment will save a lot of people lots of badges and gold. For a time frame, it took approx minutes the first run, and minutes was just learning the kael fight. The 2nd run was much quicker about minutes, cleared to kael in about minutes, wiped several times on him 3 first timers, learning the fight got him down after 3 attempts. The person above is right, as long as you move out of the way of the orbs only 3 of them now, and only arcane dps from gravity shift , you will be fine, orbs deal arcane damage if your within approx. When pulling groups containing warlocks, always take out the imp, then lock to avoid him nuking everyone with fire damage. Mages can also spell-steal the spell haste effect from the magisters in the instance. No real armor to be found here We rushed through normal mode then ran Heroic mode soon after it was released. The only problem we ran into was the 2nd boss. Wiped on him times because we were playing it wrong. On normal mode, you can just zerg down the 2nd boss with whoever killing the adds to get a huge damage buff. This does not work on heroic because the damage is just too intense for your healer. We beat on the boss until the first adds spawned, had the tank hit one, and a warlock hit the other. Waited for the debuffs to clear, then continued on the boss. It took a bit longer than it did on normal mode, but it was pretty clean cut kill. For the phoenixes, we just had the range kite it as they killed it. No damage ever landed on people. I would suggest 2 healers for the final boss though because the AoE damage during Kael is kinda painful. Maybe just a hybrid aka shadowpriest, elemental shaman, boomkin, or something of that nature. My advice is to but your sheep or strongest CC on them and kill the last. You cannot do this in blues as a tank if your dps is even slightly better geared than you. Very nice little bag too bad it is unique:o. Saved me gold on the AH though. Комментарий от ANimouz What i believe that happened on Kael thas is that while you defeat him and take Verdant Sphere from him , u stole his essence of power that he managed to drain from the Tempest Keep thus weakening him massivly. Комментарий от Mages will want to use their Spellsteal ability liberally in this instance. While the permanent buff cannot be stolen, the spell haste buffs can be. Each stack of the buff needs to be stolen separately, however. I believe that it lasts about 20 seconds. Комментарий от teranoid The difficulty level of this instance will be around that of Shattered Halls and Shadow Labyrinth. Happy instance grinding! Комментарий от How can you wipe a bunch of times? The only touble that we had on herioc was the third boss. On herioc i was healing the warrior tank and myself from the casters. Heroic is worth doing for the fact alone that each boss drops an epic and you get more rep. All in all a good job by blizz PS.. I just wish there were some vendors nearby We wiped twice, once on the first trash because of a misjudged patrol, and once on the trash just before Kael because a mob got loose and killed the priest. Only CC we used was freezing trap, and banish on the succubi when applicable. Blood knights are paladins. They hit fairly hard and cast Holy Light to heal themselves. Just move out of it. They also use an ability called Glaive Throw that deals damage to up to three targets and stuns them for 2 seconds. They use this fairly frequently and seem to favor targeting the healer. Physicians apply a poison DoT to their target and heal themselves and other mobs. Magisters cast frostbolt, fireball and arcane nova. Arcane nova is an aoe that also interrupts spellcasting, so healers should stand away from them. That effect is another buff, which in turn IS dispellable. Warlocks come with either a succubus or imp pet. The imp has about 3k hp and should be killed first in packs that feature it. The warlock himself casts shadowbolt and fear. Some times you have an Ethereal mixed in as well. Which order to kill them in depends on your group. We CCd the mage guard and focus fired the physician, then killed the blood knight. Those three seem to be part of every group, while the others only appear in some groups. Overall I think Blizzard has done a good job with MgT. I plan to try it on Heroic tomorrow. A possible experiment would be to LOS pull the pack with a mage knight, and have the healer stand where you would like to tank the mobs. At 2 runs, i have noticed the healer being the main target of the debuff barrier. But, a prot pally with its AoE tanking and fire resistance aura imho should be About time we get a more challenging 5 man. Since the nerfs, most heroics can be done naked. It can be done on normal mode easily without CC if you take a capable paladin tank, or anyone who can tank multiple mobs, and a decent healer. Certain configurations work very well, but just about any can do an instance provided there is a healer and somebody to take the damage. Especially on heroic. Комментарий от lagmoose I did this place for the first time, last night. Went with a druid tank, warlock, resto shaman, rogue and DPS warrior. Probably not the smartest thing to do considering all the CC that was needed. We wiped a few times on the pulls that were 6 to a pull. Unluckily one pull we had two Blood Knights and another 2 locks Only made it past the second boss and just gave up because everyone was in the red. This place is hard. I mean, HARD. I actually applaud Blizzard for this 5-man. It shows you can have a tough, but fun, dungeon with a 5 man limit. Wiped about 6 times, once before the priestess, on the pre Kael pull, once on Kael, and 2 other times because of LoS issues. You will want CC for this place!! And Kael was easy, though most of us died before we killed him. All and all the loot we got pretty much sucked, I think we sold all of it but the trash mob bag that dropped. Комментарий от Believe or not, we did this place in normal with virtually no tank, setup: Moonkin druid partial tank , rogue, hunter, holy paladin and warlock. Комментарий от Warriors: Make sure you have your spell reflect button handy, because it is going to be useful for the entire instance. Комментарий от Oriden The abbreviation for this instance is MrT. Use it foo! Комментарий от We cleared half the instance up to 3rd boss on heroic yesterday, then ran out of time and came back later that night with one person swapped out. Usually it opens when he dies. But I should mention I have only tried that on regular and not heroic. Комментарий от Chromatos Reputation after revered seems to be a bit inconsistent. Not sure how rep in normal mode works. They do at least twice as much damage than on Normal as well. Especially on the 3rd boss, our priest died and then the boomkin did fine healing. There are multiple mob types within they instance, focusing heavily on casters and a number of healing mobs. Mage Guards, a warrior type mob, are perhaps the most common and feature a grenade like move that places a Magic Dampening Field on the ground. Its basically a large purple bubble and not much of a problem. Just step out of it. Magisters are another common mob, but can be rather nasty thanks to the fact that they have they ability to increase their spell haste with each cast. Try to focus fire on these mobs and get them out of the way early. Light armor means you can clear them out rather early on. They also cast a rather powerful Holy Light spell that heals most mobs for half their health in a single cast. Focus on these mobs when they are in a pull and lay them out FAST. They use a Immolation ability that ticked for around every 3 seconds. Its is an entierly seperate mob. Easily broken, easily killed. There are a grand total of three sentiel type mobs in here. Their biggest threat is a chain lighting type move, but these guys can be handled pretty easily. A naga is also part of the pulls, Coilskar Siren I believe it is called. Perhaps the most dangerous of the mobs is they Ethereal Smuggler, which loves to blink into the middle of your group and spam Arcane Explosion. Take this mob out FAST or your going to have your healer struggling to heal everyone or dead within a few seconds. He will melee and uses a life drain from time to time, but neither of these are particularly powerful. After a few seconds, my best guess being 15, he will run to one of the nearby fel crystals and start draining from it. Destroy the crystal or he will unleash a wide area AOE manuver for about ten seconds. But its damage is actually rather weak, about a thousand a tick, and can be healed through if your healer is on the ball. Boss two is in a room with multiple non elite mana wyrms flying around. Pull the wyrms first and AoE them all hard and fast. The boss itself is similar to Curator in Kara, unleashing a small ball of energy called Pure Energy every few seconds that does damage to everyone around it. These have minimal health and were able to be killed with one shot. Boss three, the hardest I believe, is similar to Moroes in that she comes with four mobs. These mobs are random with each fight. Most also have cc abilites and can prove to be rather annoying. Final boss, Kael, is rather annoying, but after Priestess I found him to not be so bad. For the first half of the fight he will use Flamestrike and Fireball, along with a weak melee move. All ranged DPS should focus on the Phoenix to kill it quickly. Once dead, it will spawn a Phoenix Egg. Kill the egg quickly or the phoenix will respawn. Phase 2 is similar to the fight in TK, in which he will use Gravity Lapse to send you up into the air where you have to swim away from a trio of orbs floating around. Once Gravity Lapse ends, he will weaken and be stunned for a few seconds, allowing melee to rush in and wail on him. Once its up, he will use Gravity Lapse and you have to wash, rinse, repeat until dead. Most pulls are four to five man pulls, with the last pull before Kael being the worst. Almost every mob in this instance is in one group right inside the doorway for a grand total of six elite mobs Smuggler, Blood Knight, Magister, Warlock, Siren, and Succubus , seven if you count the Warlocks imp, in a single pull. It took us six times to push past that single group, less then it did to get past Priestess. This instance requires heavy CC and a lot of luck. This place CAN be beaten. Комментарий от EdgeReaver I completed it on my rogue last night, with a mage, warrior, priest, and warlock. The hardest part was the 5 pull boss. We had the shaman, the hunter, the rogue, and the MS warrior. We ended up banishing the hunter, sheeping the rogue, and sapping the MS warrior. Then, we just killed the shaman, then the priestess, MS warrior, rogue, and then hunter. And you have to think of it as a 5v5 arena fight. Комментарий от I am currently Exalted and Brightscale Wyrm still gave me reputation all the way up to that point. When he casts the gravity lapse, fly back all the way to the door you entered in. Not just you, the entire group. Have your range DPS get a few hits in while the bubbles come in, when they get close scatter. By this time you should be back on the ground. Keep doin the same thing until you get him down. Комментарий от chonchu Some tips for the heroic version. We brought a druid tank, survival hunter, ret pally, ice mage and healing druid myself. CC helps a lot here but the key is quick thinking people. The trash can goes from a smooth pull to a nightmare in a couple seconds if a tank or healer get stunned so make sure everyone is watching everything. Quick spells like scrater shot, frost nova, repentance and hammer of justice saved the day a lot of times. First boss We had intense DPS so on first boss we ignored the crystals. We burned him ASAP. He died after the 2nd cast of arcane explosion after draining the 2nd crystal. It was easy to heal just with DoTs. Second Boss We wiped a couple times until we got it right. The key here is go slow as possible. Everyone pretty much auto-attacked and wanded the boss the whole fight. The boss hits very hard and the 'flares' almost kill everyone when they pop out you get 02 of them on heroic. Once everyone is full health, a couple auto-attacks and more flares come out. If you zerg or DPS too hard the flares will come out when people is low health and you will see everyone dying at the same time. Its a nightmare to heal this fight. Wiped a couple times too until we sorted out the best CC. The Shaman was always healing a lot so we used wyvern sting as inicial CC and cyclone from the healer until the main boss was dead. Theres not much to say here. Face it like a arena fight. The tank used full DPS gear in cat form. Everyone used their 'survival' skills the best they could to keep them busy, kitted or stunned. We decided to sheep the warrior to avoid the mortal strike. Rogue was in the ice trap. Warlock was free but the pet got killed by the hunter. The start is the key to burn the main boss since all CCs are up. Once the CCs start to break hell gets loose. After the main boss we killed the shamman to avoid loosing more buffs and the heals. At this point healing on the group was very intense. DoTs were not working so I had to spam regrow on people non stop. Once the shamman died and people started to focus on the warlock everything was easy since the other two guys were CCed. Final pull The tank got two mobs, 3 CCs up Wyvern Sting, Ice trap and sheep and pally kept one busy with stuns and bubbled when he got low on health while everyone else killed the tanked ones. Not much to say. For the healers: spam heal your tank. The damage is insane. Everyone else taking damage from fenix should bandage. Once you get to phase 02 is almoust a win fight. Once he blast you into the sky, everyone should run back to the entrance of the room and take a look at the bubbles. Theres no rush here so take your time to avoid them. Melee is almoust useless at this point. Slowly the hunter killed him mage got killed by a bubble. Комментарий от Bring a mage, no matter what you do. The large array of buffs that can be stolen, combined with polymorph, and ice block, make them valueble members of the party. The list of things they can do are as follows: Spellsteal Sunblade warlock: fel armour can be spellstolen. As in greater than shade of aran damage. Frost mages can ice block twice, after a 30 sec interval, making them able to soak everything if the timing is right. Комментарий от do u need good gear or what? Комментарий от skoorb is it possible to zone into this instance on Regular under 70? Such as ? Комментарий от A Shadowpriest can be good here, with mindcontrol they can use warlocks in there for pretty nice damage. Комментарий от weezel Finally exalted. Never going back there : Ended up buying both shields and all four necks :D. Комментарий от I have heard from some better players then I that this instance gets easier on heroic mode and completing it on normal is the real challenge. I am not sure if this is true because 1: theyre better then me, and 2: that just doesnt make much sense to have a easy heroic and a hard normal. But it could be a challenge for less skilled player so they can get easier epics in the heroic mode. Комментарий от Once patch 2. Комментарий от When patch 2. Комментарий от A note to bear-tanks: During the Air Phase, nothing really stops you from dropping out of bear to help the healer deal with the ticking damage which can add up! I kno a lot of people already kno the loot because it is 'old' BUT for you people that just reached 70 heres some advice FIRST your gonna need atleast 2 cc in this place because u wouldnt want a tank with 5 guys on him! So keep your maximum at 1 dps that cant cc Prot Pally Комментарий от Sardon Little advice to warlocks, and groups with warlocks. They deal about damage to the mobs, and can easily off-tank a mob. But yeah, always enslave the Succubus, they have insane DPS for pets. Plus a 6-second stun, which is supposed to be a seduce, but seems to persist through damage. Комментарий от fenom how long will this take for an average group? I was thinking at least 2 hours because it is one of the harder 5 mans, but some of the comments make it seem like it is less of an endless grind of trash mobs that some of the other 5mans are. Комментарий от This dungeon is very difficult to do, so prepare well before going in. You need wicked CC and Tank. Most any other group can do it if they find a way but the dungeon is not too be fooled with. Комментарий от I did this instance with only one CC me and the last hard pull was extremly difficult. Good thing we had some ppl that were into raiding andhad some pretty good gear and wear basicly boosting us. So we made it after a few wipes. Basicly our plan was DPS like hell. And it workedtho nobody really belived it did. Комментарий от Hi there, Am I good with this gear to the heroic difficulty? Can you guys comment this? Thank you, Vicky. Комментарий от Quintana As of the latest patch this place along with most other heroics have become trivial. Комментарий от Frind This instance is one of my favourite heroics. Clever way of making bossfights aswell speaking of the 2nd boss, Vexallus. Комментарий от airtonix I got invite and on the first pull I made every one wipe because I trying to watch the TV at the same time. Bad idea. Комментарий от siscorskiy How much rep is attained from a full clear on normal? Комментарий от Lanceler Easily 2-mannable spelling? Комментарий от zeus13 how i do to get there? Комментарий от Anyone tried soloing heroic MgT on level 80? This requires the aid of a warlock, since at 66 they cannot use the portal from Shattrath or be summoned at the meeting stone. Комментарий от This instance, nerfed since 3. Комментарий от Soloed normal version at 80 as a PvE arcane mage some time ago. Reasonably challenging and caused quite a few deaths. Would expect it to be easier now that I have better gear though arcane barrage nerf might hurt alot. The big trash packs can be quite problematic, especially the one before KT. Sheep one mob, slow another and nuke a third down, moving asap to the fourth. If required, use mirror images to distract them. At the trash before KT, I had to use everything I got and kite, kite, kite and kite. First boss. Keep kiting him. Try to nuke as much as you can in the beginning and then focusing on surviving. Run up the stairs, jump down, repeat works to some extent. Second boss. Keep kiting him as much as possible. Stay at maximum distance, kill the sparks and ice block when the debuff gets too high. Full nuke when he reaches the critical point and stops chasing you. Third boss was the hardest or atleast equally hard to the second boss. I think it was because of my setup - warlock, rogue, warrior, shaman. I sheeped the warrior, barraged the imp, slowed the shaman, frost novaed the rogue and with a lucky counterspell on the shaman nuked Priestess down. Kael was, as expected, the easiest boss. Second phase was also easy due to my resistances and instant arcane barrage. Relaxing fight after all those before this one. Комментарий от does anybody know where this place is at, i would have had the quest, but, i never bothered to do it, so i totally forget now, lol, ahd 2 chances to do it too, i made a dk when i got my rogue to level 80, lol :. Комментарий от Crowax Soloed most of it in heroic mode on my feral druid yesterday. Trash: absolutely no group was a problem. Bash when they cast holy light to speed things up. Physicians can be annoying too with prayer of mending, but not as bad as knights. When he drains a crystal and begins aoe, pop barkskin, if needed also survival instincts and frenzied regen. Berserk to speed up boring kill. Vexallus: Difficult fight. This is the key to victory. Beware, you HAVE to target them directly, no aoe works, nor glyphed maul. Build up you rage, save cooldowns for 2nd or 3rd set of adds. When this comes, pop all cooldowns and trinkets you have and hope you will kill him before sparks kill you. Delrissa: I had this setup: rogue, warlock, mage, warrior. Which was kinda lucky without shaman. I still wiped quite a few times by a combination of slowing effects and mortal strike. This was when I tried firstly rooting warr or rogue. Then I just started in bear for having enrage - 20 more rage at start , waited for rogue to kidney shot me, popped all cooldowns after to assure im not stunned for long during berserk and opened up on rogue. Killed warr only few seconds after glyphed maul and bear mangle in berserk are a blessing xD With these two downed, rest was a cakewalk. Primal tenacity is a godsend for this fight. When bird is dead, kill the egg and continue on boss. Added 1. I was using feral staff from VH heroic before, now i luckily got the one from KT in naxx Strategy was basically what I advised. But you have to pay attention to positioning - his flamestrike still hurts a lot. You have to stand on either left or right side at max melee range and move to opposite side when he casts it in order to dps him fulltime without sudden dramatic changes in your HP. Delrissa: No setup is problematic, got a few upgrades. All in all - pretty challenging instance and a lot of fun to solo. Try it out ;- Edit: my armory - Enyo , was exactly what i had equipped at the time of writing. For the first boss, just burn him down. You can kill the crystals, but either way works. Save your barkskin for when you get about 3 sparks down. Most of the damage comes in the th spark. I was hitting k maul crits on him. Lacerate ticks for over 3k. Then burn the rest down. I killed the 2 trash pulls before him. Just kill the Blood Knight first, then the rest. Stay inside the Mage Guard dampening fields when they cast it. The BK will heal the imp, and you should be able to kill him before he gets another heal off. Burn him down, kill the phoenix and the egg, and stay outta the fire zones. When the phoenix came out, I tried to kill him next to Kael so my maul would still hit him unless I got a fire zone right on him. Occasionally, I have to run a little ways away from Kael, barkskin and heal up. His fireballs miss you more often than not. In phase 2, I just run swim? Once the orbs get close, swim back to him and dps him down. Phase 2 is by far the easiest part. The constant damage spell barely scratches me. The whole place takes me just under 20 minutes. Комментарий от Easily soloable as an unholy deathknight, in both tanking and dps spec, trash is the hardest part imo. A little write-up on how to pull it off without a lot of trouble: Gear etc: Always use Frost Presence, except on Kaelthas. Make sure you have some space to move, the Mage Guards cast a Anti-Magic zone that will greatly reduce your healing and AoE capabilities. Sellin Fireheart: This guy is easy, both in dps and tanking gear. Throw on your diseases, start whacking death strikes, or if your gear allows it, mix in a bit more dps. You can choose to save a pestilence and use it when he starts leeching a crystal, and dps it down, or just ignore it and continue on him. Anti-Magic bubble sufficiently reduces his overload-like ability after the crystal is drained. No need for AotD here. As mentioned before, a slow tactic may work for you, but is now needed however. Start dpsing him, kill the first 2 sparks yourself, giving you increased healing from Death Strike. Let your pet kill the second set of adds, he will likely die shortly after this, no worries though, summon a new one if you have the time. You can then choose to kill the 4th set of adds and nuke him, let your new pet kill them, or just completely ignore them and dps him down. Timing here may need some practice,it is definately doable though. Between Vexallus and Delrissa can be some annoying trash pulls, note that you only have to kill one pack in the room after Vexallus, you can jump up the ridge by using the tree as a stepping stone and skip them. Delrissa: Use frost presence and tanking gear here, although dps gear may very well work. You will need AotD here to make everything a lot easier. Use AotD on a safe distance from the pack, deathgrip in Delrissa herself and start nuking her. Using Gargoyle may help a lot here, though you cannot control which target he will attack. After this, it should be easy, Warlock Salaris has a priority after Delrissa, the fears can be quite painful. If you somehow managed to have AotD up, use it, but it is not required. When the phoenix spawns, use pestilence, put your pet on him and throw in a few strikes if he comes too close to Kael. During air phase, keep your pet on him at all times, use a cycle of Icy touch and Blood boil to dps and generate Runic power for deathcoils. Once he goes back into weakened state for a short while, hit him as hard as you can, and try to get some hp back. Bring wotlk food, or use single mobs like the robots to get your hp back up Use your cooldowns, Anit-Magic bubble is quite overpowered in this place. Have fun farming him! Комментарий от Can a lvl 80 solo this? Комментарий от How many normal runs do u need to do for exalted? Комментарий от exowizard What do ya know? Blizz what have you done to our once handsome prince? Комментарий от Priestess Delrissa second to last boss is completely avoidable. Wiped once on the 2nd boss make sure to kill the sparks and once on the last one make sure to kill the phoenix so it doesnt spam fireballs on you during p2. Gear-wise I have full t7. I took as many solo survivability talents as I could, though I main tank instances with this spec not any very difficult content. I have the Seal of Light and Divine Plea glyphs. Keep fire resist aura up at all times and try to keep your buffs on. Read more below Tips: Trash Fire resist aura, kill any and all magisters before they get too many stacks of their buff. Other than that, nothing really poses a threat. Blood Knights? Selin Fireheart Use fire resist aura. If you pull him without killing the trash in his room, all of the mobs in the room will aggro. I usually kill them before pulling him, but it will go faster if you can survive doing that. Vexallus This guy was hard until I learned the strategy. Use whatever aura you want, ret might be the best choice for this fight. The trick is to manage the adds. You see, each add gives you a stacking buff. It will increase your damage dealt, but it also does damage to you. Might want to check his wowhead page using the links at the top of the page. Anyway, start attacking and kill adds as soon as they pop up. As soon as your health is dangerously low, bubble, cancel your divine plea, and heal up. Toss on divine plea and repeat. Use your lay on hands if you need to. Priestess Delrissa This is a fairly easy fight. Just try to stay alive and kill what you feel is highest priority. You could use fire resist aura for the warlock, you could use ret for a melee heavy group, whatever. Use fire resist aura, seal of light, sacred shield, and use Avenging wrath at the beginning of the fight. The trick to this fight is to get him in phase 2 before he hits you with a pyroblast. However, if he does, just bubble before it hits you. When he spawns the bird, kill it as soon as you can. Kill the egg, too. After you start floating around, just take it easy. The hard part is over. Good luck on the mount and pet! Much of the trash after Vex can be safely skipped. Selin Fireheart - easy as either prot or ret, save interrupts for when he gets a life drain off on you. Vexallus - hardest boss to solo by far. Best way is to take him down as ret with a kite strat. On engage, pop wings, dps him fast until first spark spawns. Since he stands in place when summoning sparks, you can get a good lead on him quickly, then pop off a Holy Light or two to get healed back up make sure you are using instant FoL on Art of War and keeping SS up. By popping wings immediately, bubble will likely be up if you screw up along the way. Keep moving back to the start of the instance - the sparks are much slower than Vex and will never catch up with you unless you get yourself stuck in terrain along the way. If you get in trouble during overload, pop a health pot or use LoH or use bubble wall. You can either grab a mage guard for the healing debuff bubble or just faceroll it. Alternative strat is just to ignore her and kill whatever add you feel is most dangerous, again just running the priestess oom. Kael - I tried this both as prot and as ret, I find it easier to get done as ret. Use fire resist aura. I tried this and got overwhelmed by phoenixes, plus the problem with this strat is if you get a flamestrike in a bad spot, then you have to back away or die to phoenixes plus flamestrike. Strat I use now is simple priority - kill phoenix when up, dps kael. Either way, make sure you open with wings and burst as best you can before a bird pops. Enjoy your solo farming! Комментарий от Valdaimon I am looking for a good BC dungeon to run for gold and greens for enchant mats. Does anyone know if this dungeon is soloable by a 80 DK? Комментарий от Easily soloable on heroic as a Naxx geared Enhancement Shaman. Standard raiding Glyphs, nothing special. Usually takes about 20 min with select trash packs taking up the majority of the time. Depending on the make up of the pull, you may want to pop your Puppies to burn through and heal up heavy incoming damage. If a Sunblade Blood Knight is present, Hex or burn him first making sure to purge his seal which deals roughly holy damage. I do this by Hexing one of the melee mobs and LOSing around the corner. Repeat until clear. Dont bother switching to the crystals, just burn him down. Between Pups and the occasional instant healing wave, you should have no trouble with this guy. To be honest though, its not really needed. Stay on the boss the whole fight and he will drop rather quickly. Depending on your RNG, these guys can deal a ton of damage in a very short period to the point where you cant get enough Maelstrom stacks to heal up in time. I skip them by hugging the wall and waiting for them to pat by me then running by them. Mind the pat, run up from the hall where you will see one pack to your left and one in front of you surrounding a fountain. The method here is run right between the two packs and move left. If done right, neither should aggro. If one does, move directly into them, drop Stoneclaw and pop Puppies if you have it up. Assuming you made it past the first two packs, run to the left wall and hug it. You can squeeze by this pack by hugging the wall around the tree to the bush line. Jump behind that and run right while hugging the wall. When you hit the corner, jump and continue to move. The mobs seem to aggro depending on which mob is closest to the back. I would wait for your Pups cooldown before attempting to run past these guys incase you pull. After that pack you have a Sunblade Sentinel that you can either kill or skip using the same method as with the other two. This fight is the only one that can give you any trouble in this instance. Any combination of stuns and MS will be a huge pain here. Depending on the make of your instance this may be a breeze or suck badly. That will aggro the whole group. You can safely save Apoko for last since he runs oom rather quickly. Hex, LOS, burn. No big deal. He doesnt melee too hard at all. You wanna make sure to interrupt his casts right away though. A few seconds into the fight, drop Fire elemental and continue to burn ignoring his phoenix add. When drops his AE, move out and interrupt his next cast so he runs over to you. If you have the dps and Shamanistic Rage, you can out heal the AE damage and stand in it if you like. Dps him as much as you can while avoiding the spheres. Surviving the air phase is more important than dps. And i only bothered killing the Add the first time. Valda if your a blood tank possibly if not 2 man. Of course, being 68, once I saw 70 elites, I ran back outside, but I was able to enter as of Комментарий от About getting there Death Knights knows the FP on the island. For thoose who want to boost their alts. Комментарий от Thottbot I would recommend having more than one CC even for the non heroic. A good amount of pulls in here are pulls. When he gets to around 10 percent he will start 'overloading' when you see that he is overloading get out of the way it is an aoe like that of the final boss of shadow labrynth. Like other posts have mentioned, I think the hardest part of this instance were the trash pulls. You definitely need at least 2CC, and a druid or hunter that can kite the phoenix at the end. And since I have a Warrior myself it pains me to say that I agree with the statement that AOE taunts would be a big bonus here from Paladin tanks. Think Shattered Halls with a few more technical fights. Комментарий от Thottbot I am a 70 pally with only bonus healing and i just cleared this. Kaels wasnt too bad, when he spawns the phoenix all dps just nuke it. When tossed in the air avoid the blue balls they hurt. Комментарий от Thottbot So Комментарий от Thottbot Bring a mage. The trash mobs have three stealable spells. The third is a paladin seal, but better that you have it than the mob that would try to break it and judge your MT. Pretty good instance. Plenty of pulls. You groups dps need to take them on turns, both you will all get ekstra dmg, but also you dont get to much dmg. Also there will spawn a phoenix,this does aoe, you simply get a range dps to kite it around, couse its slow and dmg it self over time, when it dies an egg will spawn, you need to destroy that fast or it will be rebirthed. Its just like in water just you got all the air you want :P you will get a small dot, and there will be some orbs that will try to hit you, avoid them at all cost, cause they hurt alot. Else you just dmg him. So gl and hf, thats whats its all about : if I missed something or said anything wrong, then sry and il try to fix it when I find out. Комментарий от Thottbot Pally tank 14k health Elemental shammy Pom fireball mage Priest healer MM hunter Mobs: the mobs are fairly large groups, dont really need a c for them, just aope tanked them all, dps down one at a time, some of the groups are 6 or 7 people, they each do down extremely quickly is everyone is on one person, so we just makred them all and had the healer of the group go down first, then casters, then melee. First boss: Just like last boss in SV but with a twist. He did have a drain life ability that would target the second person on threat meter, although it did target me as the tank once. Second Boss: very easy to get to, just aoe all the mana wyrms. Third boss: everyone is saying you need 3 forms of cc for this fight, we only used one sheep. Комментарий от Thottbot Yes I did the same thing. We did this with a Pally tank and it made it so much easier on the cc. The Priestess was by far the hardest fight becasue we kept pulling aggro for no reason. We just stood there and did nothing as an experiment and for some reason they would leave the pally doing all he could and come slap us instead. Without a good pally tank I can see where you would definitely need really good cc. Short distances between bosses is very nice, makes it move very quicky. End boss is a piece of cake. Kill the bird, kill the egg, then the boss. Stay away from orbs when floating. Even if you do kill the egg he may well summon the bird again at some point. We always killed the egg and still got the bird three times I think. Heroic would be mid-Kara equivalent. As usual more about using your head than about your gear. AOE dps is needed purely for the two pulls just before the second boss in the room full of mana fishies. Just about the only advantage melee dps have here is to not be affected by the magic resistance bubbles spawned by mage guards and even then, a competent tank will always move the mobs out of these as soon as they spawn. The bosses as well, especially Kael, will go more smoothly with a group of ranged dps. The tactics will take at most one wipe to get used to. Kael and Vexa can be quite healing intensive with their rapid damage output, and therefore boil down to more of a gear check than anything else once you understand them albeit not much of one. Let me tell you, it was easy as hell. We wiped just three times, on the second, third and final bosses once each while we got used to them on heroic. At the end of it all I got some crappy retribution epics that no one else wanted :. Комментарий от Thottbot whoever said there is lots of tanking gear here is dead wrong Give it time. Also, its just one instance, and most instances favor a few classes over others. They had 20 something more healing then my cloth boots, but a smidgen less int, I did gain some Stam with them though. I also rolled on a piece of Epic Mail , for enh shaman or hunters. It came off the last boss in regular mode. Its just a 70 instance, its just going to drop lvl 70 stuff. Комментарий от Thottbot Quick post regarding Kael on Heroic. We too were baffled as to how to keep the tank alive from the Pyroblast, until our 4th attempt. So a half decent tactic is let your tank take the Pyro and then finish Kael off as a four man, res tank, loot. Hope this helps someone. Then there you go! Комментарий от Thottbot Any tips on healing the last boss? If i stop to cast chain heal i usually eat an orb and it hits 1 person. I have literally had it where i was the only person up for 10 minutes trying to dps him down as resto with no mana. Any tips what i can do different? DPS in our group was myself mage , rogue and ret pally. The other key to this fight is to not DPS too quickly. Комментарий от Thottbot ok. Комментарий от Thottbot the most successful heroic MGT I ran is a group of: 3 pallies, 1 mage 1 lock. Pots are important. Our pally tank had I got my mana regen boots and healing trinket in the last run! So to all pally healers, this instance is worth dying to get your luck over the nice gear. Комментарий от Thottbot i am a lvl 70 warrior with all blues and 1 epic do i have to be well geared for this? Комментарий от Thottbot dnc lvl 70 prot warrior do i have to be well geared to do this im all blues and 1 epic no greens. Комментарий от Thottbot and if u notice there is not alot of tanking gear here. My pally ran this instance in heroic mode twice as the only healing class in the group. First time we had a druid tank with half purple gear and hp, two rogues, a lock, and a pally me. We wipped once at 2nd boss and once at Kael, and cleared the whole place. Both wipes are actually avoidable melees stood in AOEs and fire circles. Second time we had a proc warrior HP , 2 mages with and hp unbuffed, a rogue, and me pally. This time we cleared this place in about an hour with no wipe, though some people did die times on the road. The key point is you need a good group with a well-geared tank, decent dps, and cc. Most importantly, everyone needs to know what to do during the fights so they wont get additional damages. Nice dpsers do help a lot because they can shorten the period of every fight. A healer with group heal does make the instance easier, but its definitely not a must in heroic MgT. To paladin healers, one small tip to heal through this instance is you need to know exactly what every mob can do and heal the right person at the right time. Save the most important person in the group first if you need to make the decision. My gear is not uber at all full kara items, HD and I hope this can give all pally healers out there some confidence. Комментарий от Thottbot this dungeon would require as much ranged cc as you can get minimum 2 and pally tank would be prefered. All in all this must be the hardest dungeon, which will require lots of focus. All bosses do aoe, or dmg to multiple targets like delrissa , so you need a good healer, which could be a drood HoTs r really useful agains all bosses, while non-hots might lose 1 or 2 healing targets, which will be fatal, and aoe heals basically takes lots time to cast. Dpsers must also be enough geared, because if dps is too low, even the best geared healers will run oom eventually. By that i mean try to aim for full epic ones for Heroics. Комментарий от Thottbot I am a warrior with all blues 1 epic no greens health unbuffed and about armour and about defense. Комментарий от Thottbot I am a poorly geared Pally tank. The hunters were pretty talented and used their traps and feign death well when necessary. I dont know why, but this instance has gone very well with hunters, more so than even mages, which seems counter intuitive to me. Maybe thats a fluke but big heals, a pally tank and good ranged dps and you can do this quite easily. I also love the loot. I got a great pally tank mace, theres a very nice tank trinkit and several plate pieces for war. Комментарий от Thottbot To all the paladin tanks wondering why you are losing agro on the third boss, she eats righteous fury! Комментарий от Thottbot This instance is the bane of my soon to be over wow life. I have been there almost every day sice 2. So far it has eluded me. So many bad groups, so many other drops, so many bugs.. Soon I will have to end it all. This may be the last thing i ever write on thottbot, in which case I leave my account and all my worldly epics, to my guild, or maybe some lucky gold farmer, so he can buy his next bowl of rice. MGT, I truely hate you. Perhaps my last will and testament - Grass, Druid. Burning Legion. Not seeing it anywhere on the loot table, not really sure what to make of it. Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. 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