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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Екатерина Михайлева , Елена Бирченко. Substantiation of the active forms in teaching and learning: the fundamental ideas in XX century anthropological discourse. Sophia Polyankina. Liubov Azarova. Aleksey Batan-Shmatko. The scientific journal Economic Research Institute Journal was founded in Certificate of state registration of Published in the Journal materials have scientific and practical interest for scientists, researchers, representatives of authorities and practitioners, provide an opportunity to present the results of their scientific research and practical experience in solving urgent problems in economics and law, with fundamental and applied nature, which will contribute to the practical implementation of scientific development, improve the skill level of scientific and pedagogical staff. Current issue: 3 15 , p. Content: Scientific articles Polovyan A. Lean production and higher education institution: the main mudas Tarash L. Labour productivity: the main approaches to measurement under market conditions and the possibility of application in statistics at the level of the economy of the Republic Belentsov V. Efficiency and effectiveness of the system of public tender procurement: criteria and methods of evaluation Bondaryeva I. Theoretical construct and nature of fraud in business structures Litvak E. Building a mechanism for strategic management of informatization of an educational institution of higher education Chernyakova I. Comprehensive approach to assessing the development sustainability levels of meat-processing enterprises by summarized indicator Lukyanchenko N. Coaching as a tool of increasing the personnel motivation in the organization Tarasov A. Foreign policy and foreign economic aspects of food security Chernikova L. Foreign methodology of modern occupational guidance Kononov V. Peculiarities of managing the socially-oriented personnel policy of subjects of public administration Sopova E. Complex estimation of efficiency of the functioning of institutes of social protection of disabled persons in corporate business environment Makovetskiy S. Institutional model of stimulating the greening of industrial enterprises Denisenko I. Assessing the improvement of marketing activity efficiency Leonova Y. Development of renewable energy in Russia Ashurkov O. Prospects of forming the state regulatory policy in the sphere of economic activity in the DPR Derbisheva O. Comparative analysis of the institute of replacing the improper defendant in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic legal systems in modern conditions. Inna Cheremnykh. Инновации в технологиях и образовании: сб. Белово: Кузбасский госу-дарственный технический университет имени, Олег Гоков. В статье рассмотрена первая русская военная миссия в Персию Иран и ее результаты. Впервые русский офицер был приглашён иранской стороной в качестве военного наблюдателя и мого на месте изучать иранские войска в быту и в бою. К тому же, его присутствие в войсках Аббас-мирзы позволяло кавказскому начальству иметь постоянную относительно свежую информацию о военных мероприятиях наследника иранского престола. Сергей Sergii Тукаев Tukaiev. Алексей Козуляев. The article sets the foundations for the innovative teaching methods of the formation of professional competences of an audiovisual translator. The methodology of the research is based on the idea of a combination of discourse-based, workflow-based and cognition-oriented approaches to teaching. Research technique — the analysis of the practical experience of the RuFilms School of Audiovisual translation where the teaching methodology was developed. Results of research — it is revealed the system of training of audiovisual translators contains a significant developmental component not only in terms of professional skills but personal qualities as well. Components of the system of the formation of professional competencies of an audiovisual translator are determined. The practical significance — the conclusion about the necessity of integration of discourse-based, workfloworiented and cognitive approaches in the system of formation of professional competencies of an audiovisual translator allowed to create modular scalable complexes of theoretical and practical training of audiovisual translators that were successfully tested in 11 Russian universities as well as Baltic International Academy Latvia and such companies as Neotech-Megatext Russia , Blizzard Inc France The article addresses the true potential of the comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the creation of the teaching system and practical exercises for the training of audiovisual translators on the basis of the combination of discourse oriented and workflow-related approaches. Elena Lilyavina. Igor Britchenko. В монографии представлены результаты исследования теоретических и практических основ управления процессами формирования и функционирования инновационной инфраструктуры Украины. Предложено авторское определение социально—экономической категории «инновационная инфраструктура». Обоснована необходимость активизации коммерческой заинтересованности в предоставлении сервисных услуг и взаимовыгодных рыночных отношений между субъектами инновационной инфраструктуры и бизнеса. Разработана модель функционирования инновационной инфраструктуры как комплекса взаимосвязанных рынков обеспечивающих софтизацию и сервизацию инновационных процессов в экономике знаний. Аргументирована взаимосвязь основных рынков, действующих в составе инновационной инфраструктуры страны. Разработаны экономико-математические модели оптимального распределения ресурсов среди субъектов инновационной инфраструктуры. Монография рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, в частности студентов, аспирантов, научных сотрудников, преподавателей высших учебных заведений экономического профиля, руководителей предприятий, учреждений и организаций. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Elena L Boldyreva. Related Papers. Substantiation of the active forms in teaching and learning: the fundamental ideas in XX century anthropological discourse Substantiation of the active forms in teaching and learning: the fundamental ideas in XX century anthropological discourse. European Applied Sciences 5 — Economic Research Institute Journal 3 Черемных И. Военная миссия барона Ивана Казимировича фон Аша в Персию в — гг. Verbal ethnic symbols as an indicator of language perception by bilinguals. Innovative Audiovisual Translation teaching Programs. Чигрина Лилявина Е. Свадебный обряд у томских татар в контексте теории А. Князевич ; под научн.

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