Культивация Magic Mushrooms

Культивация Magic Mushrooms

Культивация Magic Mushrooms

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Культивация Magic Mushrooms


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magic mushrooms - High-Stone Форум – Выращивание конопли и псилоцибиновых грибов

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Даже рецепты местами попадаются. Всем советую! Автор дает практические советы по способам производства грибов, подробно описывает подготовку помещений и материалов для выращивания грибов. Для широкого круга желающих профессионально заняться промышленным производством грибной продукции и любителей. В нём показаны основные техники, позволяющие выращивать грибы в домашних условиях. Посвящён в основном выращиванию рода Псилоцибе из спорового материала, однако техники применимы и при культивации других видов грибов. При желании повторить техники, описанные в фильме, обязательно ознакомьтесь с законодательством вашей страны проживания!!! Advanced cultivation techniques for Agaricus brasiliensis, Pleurotus tuberregium, Sparassis crispa, Trametes versicolor, Tremella fuciformis and Agaricus brunnescens 'Portobello' mushrooms are have been added to the Third Edition. This book covers in detail state-of-the-art commercial cultivation techniques, liquid culture inoculation methods, mycological landscaping, growing room and lab designs, troubleshooting and more. Commonly referred to as 'The New Testament' by amateur and professional mycologists alike. The best book on mushroom cultivation just keeps getting better! As Doctor Alexander Smith once said, 'This book should be in every mycological laboratory. Меню пользователя allfungi Посмотреть профиль Профиль портала Фотоальбом Найти ещё сообщения от allfungi. Hall, Steven L. Stephenson, Peter K. Buchanan, Wang Yun and Anthony L. The authors provide expert advice on how to identify and distinguish between edible and poisonous wild mushrooms and how to record important details, with suggestions for taking photographs and preparing spore prints. More than stunning photographs accompany the text. Peter Buchanan is a mycologist at the Mt. By , only 32 percent of world production was A. China also produces more than 85 percent of Mushrooms are fast yielding, provide for nutritious food and can provide a source of income. Cultivation does not require any significant capital investment or access to land, as mushrooms can be grown on substrate prepared from any clean agricultural waste material. It can be carried out on a part-time basis, requires little maintenance and is a viable and attractive activity for rural, peri-urban and urban dwellers, in particular women and people with disabilities. This booklet addresses what to do and how to promote sustainable development of mushroom cultivation for the benefit of the poor. It is aimed at people and organizations providing advisory, business and technical support services. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. ISBN All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material in this information product for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of the copyright holders. Applications for such permission should be addressed to Делаем деньги на выращивании грибов яз. Date: Source: Gen. Portland, OR: U. We define chanterelles and then discuss North American species, their place among chanterelle species around the world, international markets for chanterelles, our current understanding of the organism, reasons for declining production in parts of Europe, and efforts to cultivate chanterelles. Shifting focus back to chanterelles of the Pacific Northwest, we describe our species, regional forest management issues, recent studies, and future research and monitoring needed to sustain this prized resource. Экология и Менеджмент промышленного грибоводства. Устройство рынка. Для грибоводов Шиитаке. Имя файла: Shiitake grow and marketing. Видео для грибознаев энтео-микологов. Мария Сабина DVD фильм. Документальный фильм о мексиканской целительнице Марии Сабине. Полный портрет всемирноизвестной Mazatec curandera целительницы и ее использования грибов рода psilocybe в ритуалах целительства и обрядах. Для грибоводов историков-экстрималов :mrgreen: Видео: года, цветное, язык испанский.. Один из первых энтемикологов который смог проследить, изучить историю и открыть всему миру один из самых загадочных грибов всех времён Если Вам интересна итория и культура гриба, то They also show potential for use in waste management. However, as fungi, mushrooms have life cycles very different from those of green plants. The choice of species to raise depends both on the growth media available and on market considerations. Oyster mushrooms, which grow on many substrates, are easiest for a beginner. Shiitake mushrooms already have earned considerable consumer demand. Only two mycorrhizal mushrooms, morels and truffles, have been commercially cultivated. Mushroom cultivation offers benefits to market gardens when it is integrated into the existing production system. A careful analysis of potential markets must be the first step in deciding whether to raise mushrooms to sell. Many information resources are available for further research Всё то же.. Растим и встаёт вопрос.. Язык английский. The current document represents the cooperative efforts of the Pennsylvania mushroom farm community representatives and environmental regulators on state and local levels. They are recognized for their commitment to facilitate understanding among the mushroom farm community, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, other regulatory agencies, and the community at large. Editing services for the manual were financed by the American Mushroom Institute and performed by Merry L. Morris, Ph. Of the estimated 1. The Chinese first culti- vated shiitake Lentinula edodes mushrooms around AD, with domestication efforts beginning centuries earlier. White button mush- rooms Agaricus spp. Грибоводство: Комерческие возможности и риски яз. Следующий шаг за хобби. This sixteen-page publication provides a review of mushroom growing and information on making a composted substrate, aerated Phase I composting, growing systems, finishing the compost, spawn maintenance, spawn production, spawning, substrate supplementation, casing, irrigation, pinning, harvesting, and post-crop pasteurization. Формат: Pdf Размер: 1. Now, in Mr. Money also showcases the lives of famed mycologists--including Reginald Buller who wore horse blinders as he walked to work, the better to study luminescent fungi in his dark lab, and Charles Tulasne, the Audubon of fungi, whose illustrations of specimens border on art. And he recounts his own childhood introduction to fungi in Mr. Replete with historical photographs and simple yet effective illustrations, told with a refreshing sense of humor,Mr. Данный релиз представляет собой ДВД с подробным и наглядным описанием процесса культивации и выращивания разнообразных грибов напр. Один из лучших видеокурсов по выращиванию грибов в домашних условиях. Фильм продолжительностью более 4 часов охватывает все основные направления грибоводчества. Видео подробно показывает технологии культивирования как для домашних условий, так и в более маштабных. В качестве субстрата описывается Сено, опилки, навоз, и т д каждый в отдельной серии. Показано как получить чистую культуру из спор в домашних условиях, как выращивать мультиспорой, как сделать самому отпечаток, или клонировать. Site rip mushroomexpert. Фото, описание видов, характеристики, научные данные. Описание видов и т д. Удобно смотреть оффлайн. Будет интересен любителям тематики. Будет интересен как миколагам, так и любителям тихой охоты.. Язык: финский, английский и т д в архиве. Интересно почитать. Фотосессии с походов и т д Будет интересен как миколагам, так и любителям тихой охоты.. Очень рекомендую.. Язык русский. Справочник грибника Справочник грибника З. Клепининой и Е. В книге дано подробное описание и около цветных иллюстраций. Кроме того, грибной календарь, а также тонкости грибной кулинарии. Федоров 'Грибы' Росагропромиздат, г. В сравнительных таблицах приведены методы отличия грибов-двойников, показаны их отличительные признаки. Рассказано об охране грибных ресурсов, выращивания грибов в культуре, способах заготовки и переработки. В третье издание внесены изменения в перечень съедобных и условно съедобных грибов. Книга предназначена для грибников-любителей. В нем приводятся подробные описания наиболее распространенных в России съедобных и ядовитых грибов, рассказано о том, как отличить «хорошие» грибы от их ядовитых двойников. Во второй части книги приводятся рекомендации по заготовке грибов на зиму: сушке, солению, маринованию, консервированию и замораживанию. Автор: И. Содержит Фотографии, описание, место обитания и обнаружения, кто нашёл, первый описал и т д. He meant it to launch his name upon history as a world thinker. He hoped it would illuminate the origins of thought and language, so that people could better understand where they came from, shed the trappings of religion, and take true responsibility for what they did to each other and their world. None of this got past the initial shock-waves. The mushroom cloud spread more derision than enlightenment. Underpinning The Sacred Mushroom is the idea that fertility must be of fundamental importance to primitive religion, as it is to life. John set out this concept in a preliminary plan of the book, sent to the publishers Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd. The reasoning is simple. Rain begets vegetation on the earth as spermatozoa beget offspring in the womb. God, the Creator, the source of rain, must therefore be the sperm of creation and the heavenly penis from which it spills. The storm is the orgasm of God. Earth is the womb of creation. In The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, John set out to trace the expression of this simple philosophy through the sacred literature of the ancient world. It appears that each of us, temporarily orchestrated out of physics, chemistry and biology, be enmeshed within a relentlessly sophisticated evolutionary process, a process which, for some reason, the Universe was always poised to sustain. Along with Mr Einstein before Nature consumed him , we bravely ask why the Universe should be endowed with such a remarkable capacity? Why on Earth should Nature have facilitated the eventual emergence of consciousness? What kind of a phenomenal tease is this? We rightly demand that Nature provide us with some answers! The seed of a new idea is here planted - namely that altered states of consciousness derived from wholly natural environmental resources can allow us to interface more intimately with such a user-friendly reality process. In this way, we might really get some answers as to the point of it all Имя файла: The Psilocybin Solution-Powell. Издательство: К. Дается характеристика экологических групп грибов, их значении в природе и деятельности человека. Помещен краткий словарь микологических терминов. Для студентов, аспирантов, специалистов-практиков в области микологии. The old adage that ignorance of the law is no excuse becomes a ludicrous statement when the laws themselves are rooted in ignorance. One classical example of this is the classification of the stimulant Cocaine as a narcotic. One is reminded of the King in Alice in Wonderland who made up his own language as he went along with total disregard for the accepted definitions of words. I will not even go into the question of whether any law enforcement agency has the moral or Constitutional right to dictate what substances we may or may not take into our own adult bodies. Nevertheless, we must contend realistically with the powers that unfortunately be at this time. They are the ones with the badges, guns, gavels and goons Chilton is easily the best source of information on growing mushrooms at home…. If you have been searching for information on this topic, you will find it to be all that you have been looking for and more. Detailed growth requirements for 15 mushroom species Sterile culture and mushroom spawn preparation techniques Procedures for strain selection and development Practical preparation methods for compost and bulk substrates The mushroom life cycle and mushroom genetics Identification of the major competitor molds, pathogens and pests Guidelines for the construction of mushroom growing rooms Ещё один фундаментальный труд Стаметса.. Рекомендуется к прочтению.. The strain this guide is intended to help you grow is Psilocybe cubensis Amazonian strain mushrooms. It is the intent of this document to enable the first time grower to succeed at a minimal cost and with a minimal amount of effort. This growing guide is the only reference you will need. After a person has completed the entire cycle successfully, later generations of mushrooms can be grown with even less cost and effort. Subsequent crops can be produced for several dollars with expected yields of several ounces of dried mushrooms. Имя файла: Symbiotic Fungi in the Garden. Первое издание. Detailed descriptions and color photos for over species are provided, as well as an exploration of their long-standing use by ancients and their continued significant to modern-day culture. Книга которую Стаметс писал много лет. В книге выложенна вся информация и Псилоцибиносодержащих грибах. История этно культуре. Разновидности гриба по всему миру их характеристики и данные. Oss and O. Oeric Dennis and Terence McKenna This well rounded book brings together some philosophy and technology of growing your own mushrooms. The book lays the indispensible groundwork that outfits the amateur mycologist with the basic theory of the mushroom growing process. The book also presents the complete growing instructions, that provided the starting point for many people who have improved the growing process. However, many of the techniques and advances such as the Psylocybe Fanaticus method described in papers available on the Internet are simpler and easier to carry out. Head-shops and alternative book stores often carry this book. It can also be ordered through the mail through companies such as those that often advertise in High Times and Psychedelic Illuminations. Книга известного автора Теренса Мак Кена. Именно он первый культивировал первый Псилоцибе и вывел технологию их культивирования. H Jarrold. Boil a bags are plastic bags that can go in the pressure cooker or microwave without melting. The PF Tek method English, 64p. The 6th edition of this book has lots of pictures and drawings to illustrate homegrow situations. Psilocybe Fanaticus — название компании, производившей и продававшей споры псилоцибиновых грибов в давних х. Новые владельцы сайта — находятся в Голландии. Роберт, его жена и соратники по бизнесу были арестованы го февраля , обвинены в производстве и распостранении псилоцина. Сейчас он на свободе и занимается написанем книг. В сентябре го года появилась заметка, а затем и реклама в High Times? Имя файла: Pf Tek Growing Mushrooms. Имя файла: oyster cap mushroom. Для чего они? Он описывывает невероятные гепотизы, что вкушённый плод может быть грибом и т д. Если интересно почитайте. However, we feel that this information should be provided freely for those individuals who feel a need to study the various aspects of entheogenic mind-altering fungi which occur in Australia and New Zealand. It is not the intention of the writer nor the publisher that this guide is to be used for the purpose of the illicit human consumption of said described fungi. Allen All photographs are by John W. Allen except Psilocybe aucklandii and Psilocybe australiana By C. Introducing a rich variety of psychoactive mushrooms from around the globe -including some rare and little-known species - the author describes dozens of species and covers a broad range of mushroom- related topics, from distribution maps to comparisons of cultural attitudes to laboratory analyses of active ingredients. Lavishly illustrated, well-organized and enriched by numerous accounts of mushroom experiences, this book explores the psychoactive mycoflora on five continents and reconstructs a continuity of psychoactive mushroom use throughout history, from as early as 10, years ago to the present day. You will also find detailed chapters on mushroom cultivation techniques, psychotherapy applications, the bluing phenomenon, the dangers of accidental poisonings caused by misidentification of species, and more. A treasure trove of information, illustrations and magnificent color photography, the book contains much novel information as well, such as the first report on the psychoactivity of baeocystin and up-to-date findings on the use of plant growth hormones to accelerate growth. Имя файла: growing psilocybe azurescens. It is a very simple tek that if followed properly will show the grower many of the benefits of a terrarium while eliminating the need for misting, fanning, and other such maintenance work. Имя файла: chronic tek. Characteristics of this promising mushroom is high lighted for growers to keep in mind, as they proceed to learn how to grow the mushroom. Details are given for the process of cultivation, including selection of strains, types of spawn, where to obtain the spawn, where to obtain bags for mushroom cultivation, and substrate formulation. The Mother Duck Press, Tuscon, Copyright Disclaimer: Contents of this page are indexed from the Internet. All actions are under your responsability. Можно пожалуйста выложить заново Архив сайта shroomery. Все ссылки уже не работают Заранее благодарен! Поиск в теме: BMW X3 г. ВАЗ Vesta г. RU Большой Воронежский автофорум Основные разделы раздел Управления организацией дорожного движения г. Перевод: zCarot. Литература по грибам. Опции темы. Литература по грибам Здесь обсуждаются книги, атласы, определители, статьи о грибах. Найти ещё сообщения от ppuskir. Tangram Центраборатор Сообщений: 3, Регистрация: Найти ещё сообщения от Tangram. Ser77 Форумец Сообщений: Регистрация: С Новым годом! Найти ещё сообщения от Ser Найти ещё сообщения от Al From Hell. Будем благодарны. Ishtar Форумец Сообщений: Регистрация: Найти ещё сообщения от Ishtar. Найти ещё сообщения от allfungi. FatherG Форумец Сообщений: 1 Регистрация: Найти ещё сообщения от FatherG. Поиск в теме:. 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