Ксанакс трип

Ксанакс трип

Ксанакс трип

Ксанакс трип

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Copyright Mind Media. It is close to my birthday so a friend gave me 5 footballs. These pills say G on the face of them. I have always wanted to try them, because I hear they slow you down a bit and put you in a zen type of world. Well my friend spend the night with me, it was his first time to try them aswell. What I remember, I took one, and he took one. This totals to 3 taken by us. What I remember, is about midnight we were taking videos of me playing guitar and various things. Then I started talking to people girls on facebook, and he was on the phone to his ex-girlfriend trying to hook back up. After this, I have no recollection except for when I woke up the next morning. Apparently we both blacked out, at about the same time, I woke up to find ONE pill being left in the baggy, and mustard and ketchup all over the inside of my refridgerator. My girlfriend called me, wanting to know if I was okay, mentioning I had called her at 4: This is when I realized I had a black out. Apparently one of us me and my friend went into the kitchen, squirted condiments inside my fridge, made grilled cheese sandwiches left the bread open ate another football, made a series of calls slurring our words and all we remember is what happened around midnight. This is kinda scary because I could have done something really bad and not found out yet, my friend and I were on auto-pilot for about 5 hours. One question, if I take 1 more tomorrow at school, will it be noticeable? Maybe, some people build stronger tolerance than others, but you should probably just wait a few days to get the most out of it. Xanies can be pretty damn nice, especially with some good buds but it can get you into alot of trouble, and turn you into a careless soul steal, give away money and you may not remember anything about the duration you were on it. I have a couple friends that recently went to prison cuz they were on a bunch of xanax and broke into houses and stole a few thousand dollars worth of merchandise. They got arrested soon after and woke up in prison with no memory of what they had done. Try not to overdo it, you were new to it and you already kinda fucked up. I know man I feel mad because I could have hurt someone. I was broke too, no friends are missing th money. Always start low on new substances. I could drink 15 screwdrivers and not black out. Pretty neat addition to the smileys. Sir, I know this all too well. I went to party when I was God, I was stupid I take one bar two footballs , make a drink composed of 60 percent liquor. Sat down next to this girl Woke up in my bed at home. I had ketchup all over my bed and carpet. Apparently, I made a stop at steak n shake. Do I remember any of it. I could have killed someone or woke up in jail. All cultivation is for the growth of legal and edible gourmet mushrooms Not A Medical Doctor. Home Community Message Board. You are not signed in. Sign In New Account Username:. Jump to first unread post. In your dreams Last seen: First time you got stoned with your girlfriend? Trip report with my girlfriend.

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