Kristina Jati

Kristina Jati


Kristina Jati
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It's time to make the dreams of your healthier life a reality.
Why your breakfast may well be your enemy? Love to enjoy toast for breakfast? Or perhaps oatmeal? Cereals? Many “favourite” breakfast foods contain gluten. If you have gluten sensitivity (which most people do have, yet, they don’t know about it), the...
Hey there! Some links in this page are affiliate links which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I greatly appreciate your support! Knowing Your Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen is a Must Dirty...
 Refreshing Raspberry & Kefir Power Smoothie This fantastic refreshing smoothie features a blend of delicious raspberries, almond butter, flax meal and kefir >>> a combination that's not only going to boost your energy, but also your gut...
Maximise Your Brain Power For Years To Come Food is the code that programs your biology. You can literally upgrade or downgrade your biological software with what you choose to eat. Today, more than 95% of chronic disease is caused by: Toxic food ingredients...
GUILT-FREE BLISS BALLS for any occasion  Today I want to share with you easy and healthy treats you can put together in no time! The so-called protein or bliss balls are ridiculously easy to make at home, they are gluten-free, dairy-free, and you can...
The Best Foods To Boost Your Immune System This Season You know I am all in for eating seasonally. It is, after all, the most sustainable way known to man. And, the best part of it is the joy of supporting the local farmers, and the community we live in. Let's...
Since I started to dive deeper into the Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine Course I study these days, I became literally obsessed with nourishing herbal teas, their benefits and how to use them in various ways - think tinctures, capsules, hot tea = short infusion, cold...
TRADITIONAL APPLE SAUCE - FORGOTTEN FOOD FOR HEALING THE GUT Oh, my apple sauce! Do you have an abundance of apples this fall? That's fantastic news! Did you know that stewed apples were used for thousands of years to help with digestion? If you are trying to...
The Most Delicious Banana Bread In The World! Who doesn't like the occasional banana bread? In searching for the best banana bread recipe - I got myself on a real mission! I wanted my banana bread to be: GLUTEN-FREE NO SUGAR ADDED with added POPPY SEEDS not too...
 Oil Of Oregano - Benefits, How To Use, Where To Buy With upcoming fall/winter season, here come colder days and higher susceptibility of catching a cold, or coming down with flu. As always, I encourage you to use your power to look after your one &...
Nutrition & Mental Health - Say goodbye to anxiety the natural way! Mental well-being is a core component of optimal health and it's a status that individuals can manage stress from daily living and make positive achievements pursuing public interest and...
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please, read full disclosure for more information.  Heavenly No-Bake Cherry Cheesecake With Decadent Dark Chocolate Ganache...
Food Is A Fuel For Your Body. What You Eat Matters. What you fuel your body with matters. Imagine a car you fill instead of petrol with the wrong liquid (let’s say water or olive oil for that matter). The car might move, but after a while, it will certainly...
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I'll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please, read full disclosure for more information.  The Best Eco-friendly Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love This year has...
25+ Top Zero Waste & Eco-shops in UK If you, just like me, are a conscious person who loves to do things right, to preserve our one & only planet, you are recycling "the right way", and trying your best to shop with the minimum footprint. Because your...
Morning Highly Positive Quotes to Uplift, Encourage and Empower A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. When you wake up each morning, take a moment to appreciate what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy. The power of positive thinking and...
18 Powerful Mindfulness Quotes To Inspire you MINDFULNESS We were all born with it. So why is it so hard to practice mindfulness in everyday life? Perhaps because modern life makes MINDLESSNESS the default option. It's easy to go along with advertising...
5 Self-improvement ideas that will change your life Have you ever asked yourself a question: why do we need to keep growing?  Self-growth is a process of evolving from the inside out.  Personal growth is an important part of a person's growth,...
50 powerful yoga quotes for inspiration and motivation You know that feeling when no matter how much you want to do the yoga class, you simply just don't feel like it. When your brain comes up with dozens of other things to do instead. To keep you inspired and...
6 Simple & Powerful Daily Morning Habits To Boost Fat-loss If you want to lose weight, what you do throughout the whole day matters, however, it is crucially important to start your morning the right way, to have the motivation for the day ahead! In this...
Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Body - 9 Everyday Habits How To Heal Your Gut Naturally. In the past few years, every conversation about health seems to lead back to 'gut health'. Gut health became a prominent focus of the 21st century. Often referred to as the...
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. I am not a big fan of spending countless hours in the kitchen day by day - most of my meals are ready under 1/2 hour. The most important is to teach your brain to get out of the repeated comfort zone. Your brain will...
Divine Matcha & Raspberry Lime Spring Cake A healthy brain is an essential part of every human being; a positive mindset is also an important function and plays a significant role. But stress, inadequate sleep and a poor diet can lead to a foggy feeling...
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Hi, my name is Kristina. I am a Health & Wellness Coach and I want to share with you my secret to Health & Happiness.
Making SIMPLE but EFFECTIVE CHANGES in your life can help you to take control of your health. I will support you through your journey so that you feel empowered, stop fighting against your body and move forward with clarity and confidence.
❌ Enough of the information overload, let’s get healthy for good. With the right tools, everything is possible!
Let’s get you from confused to CONFIDENT!
My job as your coach goes far beyond giving advice and instructions. I offer support, accountability and the tools necessary to make lasting change in my clients' lives.
My MISSION is to make YOU a priority . To help you to become the best version of yourself, with all your special features that make you so unique. Everyone can achieve their goals with a tasty, healthy diet, enjoyment of exercise, refined lifestyle and the right mindset.
I am here to help you to OVERCOME THE OBSTACLES you're facing and would love to hold you accountable on your transformational journey to the best version of yourself!
This program was created for anyone who is ready to:
✓ Lose the'lockdown' weight quickly and effortlessly (never feel deprived!)
✓ Feel beautiful and ageless with glowing skin and endless energy
✓ Flush out excess toxins that are holding onto you like your BFF! (best friend forever)
✓ Kick their metabolism into high gear and live the life they desire
by Kristina | October 5, 2021 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | July 30, 2021 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | July 26, 2021 | HEALTH , RECIPES | 0 Comments
by Kristina | November 27, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | October 30, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | October 16, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | October 9, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | October 6, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | September 24, 2020 | RECIPES | 0 Comments
by Kristina | September 17, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | September 5, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | September 3, 2020 | RECIPES | 0 Comments
by Kristina | September 2, 2020 | MINDSET | 0 Comments
by Kristina | August 27, 2020 | LIFESTYLE | 0 Comments
by Kristina | August 13, 2020 | LIFESTYLE | 0 Comments
by Kristina | August 5, 2020 | MINDSET | 0 Comments
by Kristina | July 31, 2020 | MINDSET | 0 Comments
by Kristina | July 24, 2020 | MINDSET | 0 Comments
by Kristina | July 19, 2020 | MINDSET | 0 Comments
by Kristina | July 16, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | July 3, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | June 25, 2020 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
by Kristina | March 28, 2021 | HEALTH | 0 Comments
Getting healthier doesn't have to be overwhelming. You'll get: 
SMOOTHIE AND SUNSHINE is a blog designed for you to successfully implement healthy daily habits to leave you happier and emotionally and physically healthier. One step at the time. Healthy body = Healthy Mind.
for the weekly meaningful, inspirational, confidence-boosting, wellness-oriented real talk and (self)Love notes!
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Práve čítate: Kristina Jati – ohybná a poddajná
Niektorým ženám pozriete do tváre a okamžite viete, že sú vám sympatické na celom tele. Presne takým typom ženy je Kristina Jati. Nežná tvárička dvadsaťročnej blondíny, ale niečo vás na nej upúta. Je iná ako ostatné. Má dokonalé pery. Plné, prirodzené a akoby našpúlené. A vy zrazu viete, že niečo podobné má aj dole. BINGO!
Všetko je prirodzené Najlepšie na Kristine je prirodzený zjav. Ona je prirodzená nielen telesne, ale aj tým, ako si telo kultivuje. Miluje šport a preto je pre ňu omnoho prirodzenejšie chudnúť viac pohybom ako diétami. No príliš sa s váhou netrápi, ako priznáva, dostala prirodzené nadanie vyzerať dobre. A my sa kocháme jej telom a súhlasíme s jej slovami.
Plne rozvitá ružička Hovoríme tu o žene, ktorá nemá medzi nohami len čiarku, ale poriadnu nádielku. Je to kráska pre mužov, ktorí majú rady, ak má žena ružičku medzi nohami bohatú a prekrvenú. Práve vďaka tomuto talentu sa jej totiž otvorili dvere do siene slávy. Veľké prsia rozhodne nemá, ale lepšie prednosti má inde. Prečo teda nenazrieť, keďže si svoje tajomstvá nenecháva len pre seba? Vychutnajte si dievča, ktoré nezhltol svet amerických modeliek, ale sa s ňou stále zvládnete dohovoriť. Autor: Cosmopolis Foto: Morazzia
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