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A forum based on a foundation of free speech for all members. This very much includes ADULT discussions. This forum is not intended for any persons under the age of 18. If the free expression of human sexuality in all its forms offends you, or you are under the age of 18, DO NOT ENTER.
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What is the working definition of a Hotwife? For the purpose of this discussion since I am going to cover this in some detail, the definition of a Hotwife is a married woman whose marriage is open on her end only, so that she can date other men and have sex with…
I would say I am a fairly typical female. My husband tells me that it’s difficult to explain certain things to me because I’m not a logical thinker. Based on a lot of the shit he tries to “explain” to me, I would also say I am much better off being an…
For those of you who have been following me since the beginning of my personal journey as both a Hotwife, and a blogger, or on my website, over the years, you already know that one of my most frequently asked questions from men…
Last weekend was one of my more memorable experiences as a Hotwife. My two girlfriend witness’s and I do not agree on the reason it happened, but we do agree on the outcum.
I spend a lot of time talking about being a Hotwife who is living in the world of reality, so I get a lot of email wanting to know how a Hotwife who lives in the world of reality goes about Hotwife dating in real life. Hmm . . . lots of…
I have received quite a few emails lately from men who found me who aren’t quite sure exactly why they wrote to me or even if I can help them figure it out. So today I am going to put on my Dr. Lexi* hat and explain some things I…
“I think I finally found my Hallelujah! I have been waiting for this moment!” This was a quote in an email to me from a man I have been coaching for awhile, through the process of turning his desire to share his wife with other men into reality.
My name is Alexis McCall. I am a forty three year old wife and mother. I am also a Hotwife. That is to say I date other men for sex with both the support and encouragement of my husband.
I could probably write a whole series of articles on this subject. Now that I think about it, maybe I will since I have a somewhat larger voice now. The thing is, I don’t want to become single minded by seeming like I am being defensive about this…
It took me awhile to come up with a creative title for this post because the real subject matter is way outside my normal scope of providing useful, helpful information to those couples considering the Hotwife Lifestyle as a tool for not only…
These were the top 10 stories tagged with Wife Sharing; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , and 2022 .

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