Kristen Putrid

Kristen Putrid


Kristen Putrid

By Doghead_2000 (

So far, the day at the arena had been both interesting and fun. The Emperor had promised to lay on some great sport and entertainment for the people. The day had started with some minor gladiatorial combats with fights from the trainee gladiators from the local training schools. These were done with blunt weapons to avoid any serious injuries to the participants, but gave the audience a chance to see the stars of the future in action.

These minor events had been followed by a couple of bouts from the senior gladiators, who put on a great show of swordsmanship. Although some nasty injuries were inflicted, none of the fighters were fatally injured, and the Emperor had spared the fighters to fight another day.

Christians being fed to the lions followed the gladiator events. Men, old women and children had been herded into the arena and locked in, the traps around the arena walls had been opened, and starving lions had been released. At first the Christians had been passive and quietly praying in a group, that is until the first couple of lions had attacked the edges of the group and dragged off victims to maul and mutilate. As the rest of the lion's confidence grew, they started to attack in numbers.

As the pace of the killing frenzy speeded up, the audience were laughing and cheering as each victim was torn to shreds and disemboweled by the sharp teeth and claws of the animals. The resolve of the Christian's broke and they started to scatter to escape the attacking animals, but there was nowhere to run. They would be brought down screaming. Some of them were attacked by two or more animals and were literally torn apart while still alive, much to the enjoyment of the cheering crowd.

Eventually the arena was just full of mangled bodies, flesh and blood, and the animals were forced back into the traps to be caged again by their trainers with long sharp pointed spears and nets.

Yes! it had been a great start to the day's events. Slaves were now in the arena to scrape off the top surface and lay fresh sand ready for the day's main events, which had been advertised by the Emperor as a special Women's Day.

The first of the main events was to be the punishment of prostitutes and female house slaves that had upset their masters. Arena slaves brought in fifty strong heavy wooden tables and placed them in a large circle around the arena. Soldiers then led fifty naked women into the arena, these women had been especially chosen for their voluptuous looks, large firm breasted, long legs, wide hips and pretty faces. Not all of them had actually done anything wrong, some had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or had upset some high ranking official by refusing his sexual advances. Trumped up charges would have been made up to get them into the arena for this day.

The women made an erotic sight as they were marched naked around the arena to the catcalls and cheers of the audience. After being paraded around the outside of the arena a couple of times, so that the watchers could get a good look at their supple tanned bodies in motion, they were each led to a table, alternately they were lashed down onto the tables, one face down and the next face up.

The face down girls were tied with their legs spread wide and lashed to the legs of the table at the bottom. They were bent forward across the table and their wrists tied to the top of the legs at the far end of the table. The other girls were tied in a similar way but were bent backwards over the table so that their hips and buttocks were resting on the table edge. All of the spectators had a clear view of at least three of the girl's wide-open cunt areas from their positions in the stands.

At a signal from the Emperor, the soldiers retreated back out of the arena, leaving the fifty naked spread-eagled girls to be ogled at by the watching crowd. None of the girls were aware of the nature of their upcoming fate. They knew that they were there to suffer in the arena for the entertainment of the masses, but how, and if they would survive the ordeal alive, was unknown to them.

At another signal from the Emperor, a fanfare of horns sounded and two large gates at each end of the arena opened, From the North gate twenty-five great stallion horses were led into the arena, each tethered by four large men on ropes to keep them under control. From the South gates twenty-five extremely large bulls were led in, again tethered to four large men. All the animals were dressed up in colourful harnesses and ribbons, on their heads they wore large plumed headdresses. As they were paraded around the arena they made a spectacular sight.

The onlookers could not fail to notice that all the animals had huge erect swinging penis's dangling between their legs as they walked, an effect brought on by a combination of herbal ointments and a concealed rag in their headdresses that had been wiped on the sexual organs of an in heat cow or mare, the odours of which drifted into the animals nostrils as they walked.

The Emperor made a sign to the animal handlers, who led their beasts to the nearest appropriate girl. The horses were led to the upward facing girls and the bulls were led to the face down girls. At a signal, all the animals were urged up so that their front feet were on the table. A handler would guide the animal's penis into the naked girl while the other men held the animals back so that they couldn't completely ram itself home. The stallions were guided into the girl's cunts, while the bulls were guided into the girl's anuses.

For about five minutes the animals were allowed to pump themselves into the openings of the girls, without being able to get full access. The crowed cheered and shouted out for the handlers to let the animals ram their cocks fully home. Finally the Emperor waved his hand and the handlers slackened off the ropes to give the beast's full head.

As their engorged penises rammed fully home the fifty girls screamed out in unison as their innards were split apart by the massive members. As the lust crazed audience clapped and screamed out in delight and encouragement to the animals, the girl's cries were completely drowned out. The animals pumped their swollen members into the girls cunts and butts until they spewed their semen into the very bellies if the poor girls.

As each animal finished and stepped down, it was led from the arena by it's handlers to the thunderous roars of approval by the crowds. After the last animal was led out of the arena, the slaves returned and carried the girls out of the arena on their tables. Just behind the scenes, out of sight of the audience, the Master of the Arena was waiting for them.

As each girl was carried past, the slaves paused for him to inspect the girls. Some were dead already from massive internal damage and internal bleeding, others had been killed by a flying hoof to the head or crushed ribs. The Master of the Arena dispatched any of the girls that were still alive with a sharp blow to the side of the head with a hammer. Although some of these beautiful girls would have survived their ordeal in time with proper medical treatment, who would want to fuck a girl that had been raped by a horse or sodomised by a bull?

When the arena had been cleared from the last event, slaves started to bring in thirty ready-made platforms that had crosses sticking out of the top. These were placed at equal distances around the arena. Once the platforms were in place and the large crosses facing the audience, the arena slaves departed.

Thirty pretty young women were then paraded into the arena. Each of the girls was escorted with a soldier on each side of her. The girls were all identically dressed in a white flowing ankle length smock, round their waists they had a band of flowers forming a belt. Their hair was done up high on their heads, and another band of flowers was wrapped around their foreheads in the form of a headband.

As the girls were walked around the arena in their bare feet and their hands tied behind their backs, the audience could see the outline of the girls nubile bodies through the flowing thin material of their smocks, the lucky ones had the girls between them and the sun, these watchers could see through the gowns so well, it was as if the girls were walking around naked.

All of the girls were Christians, aged between eighteen and twenty, and the Emperors personal physician had certified them all as genuine virgins. The Emperors personal guard, who were leading them out into the arena, had been given the task over the last few days to ensure that their virginity had remained fully intact for the event.

After the girls had been paraded around the outside of the arena for a number of circuits so that the audience could get a good look at each of their frightened faces and young unused supple bodies, they were each led to one of the platforms where the soldiers assisted them to mount the steps. Standing with their backs to the crosses, the girl's arms were lashed to the cross members at the wrists, elbows and shoulders by the soldiers. Once the girls were secured the soldiers stood back and waited at each side of their platform for the event to continue.

A group of thirty temple priests then entered the arena, in their full colourful ceremonial dress and crossed over to the centre of the arena behind the girl's crosses. At a signal from the Emperor a hush fell over the arena's audience and the priests led them all in a prayer to their God's. This also included a blessing for the virgin Christian girl's about to be sacrificed.

As the prayers ended the priests all turned outwards and walked over to the platform of one of the terrified young girl's. In unison, they grabbed the neckline of the girls smock gowns and tore them from the girl's bodies. A loud gasp filled the auditorium of the arena as the fresh young naked bodies of the thirty virgins were exposed to the watching audience's gaze.

The choice of females had been well made, as each of them had a perfect unblemished body, they were all extremely beautiful with bodies that would be guaranteed to excite even the lowest sexually driven man in the auditorium. Their large young breasts were proud and sitting high up on their chests, at the top of their long shapely legs was an area totally devoid of any pubic hair, adding to their innocent look.

(The Emperors aging physician had spent many a pleasant hour in private doing the girls internal examinations to ensure their virginity, he also had a lot of fun playing with the girl's young pussies as he knelt between their bound outspread legs to shave them of any sign of pubic body hair. He loved to rub the virgin clitorises with his finger, and lick the tiny buds with his tongue, whilst inserting a long thick finger into their tight anal passages, often coming to orgasm at the same time as the virgin girls themselves.)

The priests then indicated for each of the two soldiers to lift and spread the virgin's legs wide, and lash them to the cross-members next to their wrists. When this was done the soldiers all marched smartly out of the arena, leaving just the priests and their charges. The audience now had a clear view of the girl's widespread naked virgin young cunts, many of the men were playing with themselves under their togas, as they imagined plunging their swollen cocks into those tight virgin holes on display.

Each of the priests produced a thick ten-inch black wooden dildo from inside their gowns; these were inserted into the exposed tight anuses of the girls. The virgins screamed out at this painful invasion of their bodies as the dildos were forced inside them for their full length. The base of the dildo's had a ring of small rearward facing spikes at the end, as the dildos disappeared inside the girl's stretched anal passages, these spikes dug into the skin on the inside of the opening, preventing the dildo from being removed or slipping out.

The Audience were clapping and stomping their feet in time with their laughing and cheering, as the virgins screamed out in agony at their cruel rear impalement by the sadistic priests. Many of the men playing with themselves shot their load into their togas at the scene of the girl's terrible torment.

The priests again reached under their robes to take out another dildo, these were even wider and longer than the first ones, a full twelve inches in length and nearly three inches in diameter. These dildos again had the rearward facing spikes at their bases, but they were made of a matt finished white material. One at a time the priests would screw the dildos half way into the virgin's exposed cunt, her voice would be heard above the crowd as she screamed out at the invasion, this would be answered by the cheers of the crowd.

The priest would then remove the dildo and step back, holding the white imitation penis high into the air so that the red bloodstained tip could be clearly viewed by the watching spectators as proof of the girl's former maidenhead status, this always brought even louder cheers from the onlookers.

As the cheers died down the priest would again slide the dildo into the young girls pussy, this time ramming it all the way home so that its full twelve inches buried itself inside the girl's cunt, once again the spikes would do their job and dig into the tender internal flesh of the girls naked pussy, preventing it from being removed or slipping out. As the girl was fully impaled and the priest stood back, the next priest would start to repeat the process on his virgin's cunt, and so this went on until all of the girls had been totally filled both front and back with the large, and only phallic objects, that they would ever experience during their short lives.

When the last virgin had had her maidenhead taken and her cunt filled to bursting point, the priests signalled for the arena slaves to return carrying bundles of wood faggots and kindling. These were placed on the platforms under the girls open crutches and around the crosses themselves. After the slaves had departed, soldiers returned to the centre of the arena carrying lit torches, which were handed to the priests.

After the soldiers had also left the arena, the first priest held up his burning torch to his girl's breasts, as the large firm breasts and nipples started to singe and burn, the girl would let out a horrendous scream of agony at the pain to her sensitive female puppies, this brought out loud cheers and whoops from the watching audience. Stopping before his girl passed out from the inflicted pain, the priest used the torch to ignite the faggots piled up between the girl's legs.

As the flame started to lick her most sensitive stuffed area she would shriek and howl out in pain, to the glee of the crowd. The next priest would wait until the first girl's body and cross were well ablaze and her cries silenced before he again repeated the full process on his girl.

Eventually all thirty of the burning platforms and crosses contained nothing but the chard remains of the once beautiful Christian virgins. The priests made their bows to the Emperor and the crowd before slowly marching out of the arena, to the loud hails of appreciation from the audience for their marvellous show.

As they departed, arena slaves once again swarmed into the arena to clear up the remains of the event and lay fresh sand to the arena.

The next event was a mass gladiatorial contest between pairs of women gladiators, who would be fighting to the death. The Emperors personal guard were the first to enter the arena in full uniform and carrying swords and spears. Hundreds of these elite soldiers came in and lined up shoulder to shoulder around the outside of the arena, facing the centre. This was always a necessity for death matches as sometimes the contestants would refuse to fight to the death, and they had to step in to cruelly execute both the combatants in a pair to set an example.

To the surprise, and delight, of the audience the one hundred female gladiators entered the arena in two lines, completely naked except for metal amour plates shielding their arms and legs from weapon blows. They carried the various usual assortment of weapons used for these events, short swords, spears, maces, tridents, nets and small round shields. They lined up in their two columns in front of the Emperor and gave the usual gladiator salute and chant of "We who are about to die salute you."

At a signal of acknowledgement from the Emperor they paired off and spread out around the arena and waited for the signal to commence fighting. The audience stared out at the fit nude bodies of the combatants and as usual chose the ones that they wanted as favourites, although, thanks to their heightened sexual state from the previous events, most were looking around to see which ones of these gorgeous naked women they most wanted to see gutted and impaled painfully on the spears and swords of their opponents.

A blast sounded from a trumpet high up in the stands and the combat commenced. The gladiators which were in fact captured slaves from many different countries around the empire, came in all shapes, sizes and colours, from towering muscular dark haired Amazonian's to small thin yellow skinned Asian women, from medium sized lithe dark skinned African's to tall blond fair skinned Scandinavian girls. There was someone for the tastes of all the eager anticipating audience.

As the women started to circle one another looking for openings to strike at their opponents without leaving themselves open to attack, all idea of modesty was forgotten and the crowd got some great views of the females as they crouched, spun and turned, their minds totally immersed in the battle in hand.

The first girl to go down, to the cheers of the onlookers, was a young Scandinavian blond with large bouncing breasts, her opponent had manage to trap her with her weighted net and drag her off her feet. As she was lying on the floor under the net facing upwards, her opponent used her three-pronged trident to impale her through the chest; the outer two prongs of the weapon entered the centre of the loser's breasts, piercing her through her nipples before tearing down into the girls lungs. The centre prong smashed through her breastbone to slice into the girl's heart, she died quickly with blood frothing up out of her mouth from her ruined lungs.

The second girl to die was an African beauty with a spear; she was fighting a large powerful Amazonian brandishing a sword and shield. The smaller dark girl had been able to use her speed and agility to get the better of the larger woman to start with, twice nicking the woman's flesh with her spear. However her luck ran out as she made another lung and the Amazon deflected the spear with a side wards swipe of her shield, this move knocked her off balance, and she was struck in the thigh by her opponent's Sharp cutting sword

The blow cut deep to the bone slicing muscle and tendons in its path, the injury slowed her right down as she was hardly able to stand on her leg. The Amazon feigned another sword attack and then struck the girl hard with her shield, knocking her sprawling to the ground. The girl let go of her spear as she skidded to a stop facing the ground, without hesitation the Amazon raised her sword in a two handed grip and drove it through the girl's side, it tore through her kidneys and sliced open part of her intestines in a fatal wound, before driving into the ground below her, pining her to the ground.

As the dying girl bled onto the arena surface, the Amazonian picked up the discarded spear, and to the delight of the watching crowd, rammed the weapon that had cut her, deep up into the dying girl's
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