Kristen Collection

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Blessed Easter🌸🌸🌸!!
Gods love is amazing steady and unchanging God’s love is a mountain from beneath my feet!
God bless you and your families this Easter!
G O D’ S 💕A M A Z I N G L O V E💕
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son...
💛Easter Giveaway💛!!
Stand a chance to WIN a Sarah Boxset with Paper Doll, Book and Art Print as well as a beautiful pink pencil bag from @ladybeebee_bags !
To enter:…
1.Follow the @thekristencollection and @ladybeebee_bags
2. Like this post.
3.Tag 3x friends in the comments below.
4. Share this post to your IG story for another entry.
💛Competition closes Monday the 5th of April.
💛Winner will be announced Tuesday the 6th of April.
💛Entries open for SA only.
Celebrating Easter!
Sweet girls excited for Easter! order your sweet products from our website:
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We love meaningful Easter boxes! Books to teach our girls to be patient and courageous. Mini dolls to make it all come alive 🌸🎀 order at
Bless your little girl with a book or doll for Easter!🎀
Pretty mini dolls and “Esther’s Brave Dance book” Available on our website and teaching our girls to be courageous!💕🌸🎀
Link in bio.
Hi friends hope your day is filled with a beautiful
A pretty flower bouquet from Esther’s book!
Join Esther, our shining star, as she bravely shows kindness and saves the show in this children's book designed for young girls.
Order your copy from our website. Link in bio.
Thank you @luminastudio for the beautiful illustrations.
🌸Pretty Paper Dolls🌸
Our collection is inspired by the women of the Bible.
Our Sarah Paper Doll comes in a beautiful keepsake box and encourages meaningful playtime .
Available on our website.
💛Sneak peek of the beautiful illustrations💛 from Esther’s Brave Dance, our second book that teaches COURAGE to young girls age 4-10years.
Thank you @luminastudio for painting these lovely pictures!
Meet our beautiful and sweet illustrator and friend @francietomaselli from @luminastudio !
Thank you for all the pretty illustrations and designs Frances! We love and appreciate you so much!
You are a bright shining light and amazing woman of God. We pray God’s sweet blessings over you!…
Go and follow her page @luminastudio and be sure that you’re in for a beautiful treat!
• @francietomaselli @luminastudio
Happy Thursday ladies!🌸
We have designed a pattern to go with every character. This pretty pink paisley pattern is designed for Esther our brave little lady. The Paisley designs are inspired by the Persian Queen Esther from the Bible.
Our books and stories are inspired by the women of the Bible. They are the perfect role models.
Journey with Esther as she bravely shows kindness...
Our second book, Esther’s Brave Dance teaches girls to be BRAVE.
Journey with Sarah as she discovers how beautiful it is to wear patience...
Our books and stories are inspired by the women of the Bible. They are the perfect role models.
Our first book is “Sarah’s Dream Dress” and it teaches girls to be patient.…
A glimpse into the beautiful illustrations of Esther’s book-done by our sweet and beautiful friend Frances from luminastudio!
Some pretty pastel tutu’s to brighten your Tuesday!
Order your copy of Esther’s Brave Dance on our website.…
Happy Monday🌸
Three character dolls perfect for your little lady to take with her on an adventure!
Order your sweet friends today!
From our website:
Happy Friday! TKC MINI DOLLS are here!💖
Purchase your new friends on our online store today!
They are tiny and can fit your bag and are happy to come with you on any fun adventure!…
By purchasing a set of mini dolls you support women and families! Thank you sweet @charlielovestudio for being a world changer by making these dolls! God bless you!🌸
Happy Friday! TKC MINI DOLLS are here!💖
Purchase your new friends on our online store today!
They are tiny and can fit your bag and are happy to come with you on any fun adventure!…
By purchasing a set of mini dolls you support women and families! Thank you sweet @charlielovestudio for being a world changer by making these dolls! God bless you!🌸
Hello Girls🌸
Our dream for the collection is that it will be a powerful and beautiful tool, equipping girls to meet life’s challenges bravely.
We have added an application with questions, a prayer and scripture page that encourages time to connect with your girl.
This is Esther’s prayer.
Happy Friday!🌸
Watch Olivia share a little bit about Patience.
Sarah’s story teaches girls about Patience.…
Available on amazon and
Дополнительные визуальные настройки
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Michele Taljaard Such good advice Livvy 🌸
Hello ladies! Find our Reading Plan on the Bible app.
Patience is one of the fruits of the spirit and something so rare to find today! Patience is something that we all can grow and practice in this season of waiting.
We can be still and know that He is God!…
@idisciplepublishing @luminastudio
spellq · 08-Июн-09 10:12 (11 лет 9 месяцев назад, ред. 08-Июн-09 14:45) не распространяет и не хранит электронные версии произведений, а лишь предоставляет доступ к создаваемому пользователями каталогу ссылок на торрент-файлы, которые содержат только списки хеш-сумм
Как скачивать? (для скачивания .torrent файлов необходима регистрация)
Гость · 26-Июл-09 17:03 (спустя 1 месяц 18 дней)
Фотки разные?, или есть повторения?
spellq · 08-Авг-09 12:31 (спустя 12 дней)
повторы маловероятны отсилы 20-30 штук будет
citizen1984 · 12-Мар-10 01:21 (спустя 7 месяцев)
Супер, очень красивая она, одна из любимых!!!
Lucasz · 19-Мар-10 16:01 (спустя 7 дней)
Спасибо оромное за такую огромную коллекцию! Обожаю Кристен
HellRacer · 02-Янв-11 21:19 (спустя 9 месяцев)
ого, вот это подборка O_O
ты мог бы сделать еще одну? Diane Kruger
или скажи, где взял столько материала ^_^
christinka_in_love · 11-Фев-11 01:50 (спустя 1 месяц 8 дней)
У Кристен безумно красивый цвет глаз. Просматривая, сильно привлекает.
Гость · 05-Мар-11 17:34 (спустя 22 дня)
огромное спасибо за раздачу! Обожаю эту девчонку!
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