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This atoll is full of overhangs, whip coral, dark red sponges and black coral bushes. This is an amazing destination for anyone who likes soft coral. The soft corals found in these overhangs are blue, yellow and green; pairs of porcelain crabs rest in anemone coral. This atoll surrounds the outer edge of Baa Atoll and offers a very different diving experience. The healthy coral reef gives good protection for colorful angelfish, butterflyfish and crabs and shrimps. Hawksbill turtles are often swimming along the drop off while green turtles, stingrays and reef cods sit in overhangs. With a PADI Travel account, you can favourite dive operators to come back to later on any device or computer. Earliest date. Its scuba is suited to beginners and advanced divers; expect overhangs, colorful reefs, manta rays and whale sharks. The thila is covered in different hard and soft corals, lots of macro life and large pelagic. On either side of the thila are large rocks where schooling black jacks hunt fusiliers. The south-west monsoon May to November sees manta rays using the thila as a cleaning station. Shoals of glassy fish also swim around the coral. Depending on the light and density of the shoal, it can be a spectacular sight. To the south-east of the atoll is Nelivaru Haa. The topography around this site is unique. The top of the reef is found at 46 feet 14 meters and drops off to 98 feet 30 meters. Advanced divers can explore Dhonfanu Thila and its swim through. The thila starts at 26 feet 8 meters , and as you descend you may see manta rays. Located at 82 feet 25 meters is the base of a narrow swim through lined with black coral. Expect to see lots of other fish: redtoothed triggers, black pyramid butterflyfish, parrotfish, angelfish and starry rabbitfish. When to go Rain and temperature Click to expand. Water temperature Click to expand. Amilla Fushi Resort. EUR 4, Per person for 7 nights for 2 divers. Aveyla Manta Village. EUR Per person for 7 nights for 2 divers. EUR 1, Per person for 7 nights for 2 divers. Baa Atoll This atoll is full of overhangs, whip coral, dark red sponges and black coral bushes. Goifulhafehendhoo Atoll This atoll surrounds the outer edge of Baa Atoll and offers a very different diving experience. Calendar For better readability of the table, pass into the landscape mode. Most likely sightings Possible sightings. During the low season discounts can be negotiated in the luxury resorts. The atoll is well known for its wooden, lacquered handicrafts and woven feyli — a cotton sarong. A more relaxing way to spend your time is to take a traditional dhoni to the islands and watch how the lacquered handicrafts are produced. On the way back, you can stop at an uninhabited island and reflect upon the feeling of solitude. In the evening, explore the corals during a night dive. Feeling tired but exhilarated, watch the sunset as the sand between your toes starts to cool. Getting there Male Ibrahim Nasir International Airport is well served by direct charter flights from Western Europe, but direct scheduled flights are rarer — it may require a lay-over in the Middle East first. The transfer to Baa Atoll will take 40 minutes by seaplane. MVR Currency. MLE Main airport. Note - Travel to any destination may be adversely affected by conditions including but not limited to security, entry and exit requirements, health conditions, local laws and culture, natural disasters and climate. Regardless of your destination, check your local travel advisory board or department for travel advice about that location when planning your trip and again shortly before you leave. Similar destinations View all dive destinations. Keep reading. Manta Trust Expeditions in the Maldives. Manta Trip with MantaMatcher in the Maldives. Start Chat Reject Chat.

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Горящие туры на Баа Атолл, Мальдивы из Москвы 2020

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