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Один из лучших вариантов, выбранных нами в городе Дубай.В этом отеле к услугам гостей бассейн на крыше с видом на городской пейзаж Дубая.

Вылет Москва. Полный список. Страна ОАЭ. Багамские острова. Бермудские острова. Босния и Герцеговина. Коморские острова. Мьянма Бирма. Новая Зеландия. Папуа Новая Гвинея. Сан Марино. Сент-Винсент и Гренадины. Тринидад и Тобаго. Фарерские острова. Южная Корея. Погода в Дубае. Наши плюсы:. Максимальная открытость и достоверность. На сайте Вы найдете всю необходимую информацию - визы, памятки туристов, фотографии отелей и достопримечательностей, ознакомиться с картой расположения, 8 отзывами туристов на отдых. А наши менеджеры с радостью ответят на все Ваши вопросы. Для индивидуальных туристов мы предлагаем самостоятельное бронирование отеля booking. Описание Фото Карта Цены Отзывы. Показать на карте. В центре. Добавить ребенка 1 год. RO без питания. Найти туры. С авиабилетом:. Авиабилеты от руб. Горящие путевки от руб. Для детей: - няня. Расположение В центре. Чистый, хороший номерной фонд, высокий уровень обслуживания. Шикарный вид из окна! Удачное расположение, рядом торговый центр. Отличный бассейн на крыше. Очень вкусный ресторан. Египет закрыт. Решили погреться в Дубае. Отель выбирали по отзывам и по соотношению цена-качество. Мы не ошиблись. Отель , конечно не 5 звезд , но четверка очень добротная. В конце Матрац и подушки просто потрясающие, ложишься спать и моментально засыпаешь, настолько приятно. В номере имеется все необходимое: тапочки, халаты Потому не стали рисковать и выбирать отель попроще-подешевле, хотя и нужен он нам был только для ночлега. Отель очень даже ничего. По порядку. Очень чистый, хорошо отремонтированный. Лифтов 4 штуки, и двигаются быстро. На крыше замечательный бассейн с роскошными видами Рядом с Park Regis Kris Kin расположены. Галерея XVA. Дубайский музей. Рынок специй в Дейре. Andrianova 3 Лазаревское. Nanu Resort - Arambol 4 Арамболь. Все права защищены. Данный интернет сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и вся информация на нем не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 2 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации. Актуальную информацию, в том числе о стоимости туристического продукта можно получить у менеджеров компании по указанным на сайте телефонам. Перепечатка, включение информации, содержащейся в рекламных и иных материалах сайта допускаются только с письменного разрешения редакции сайта. Соглашение о конфиденциальности. Обратный звонок. Посмотреть все отзывы Соглашение о конфиденциальности SaleTur. Текст сообщения. Отправить сообщение. Ваши пожелания по туру Отправить заказ.

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ГОРЯЩИЕ ЦЕНЫ в Park Regis Kris Kin 5*. СКИДКИ И ЛУЧШИЕ ЦЕНЫ на отдых в ОТЕЛЕ Park Regis Kris Kin 5* ОТЗЫВЫ и ФОТО, АКЦИИ и СКИДКИ.

Очень приветливый персонал. Есть бассейн, спортзал, сауна на последнем этаже. С крыши открывается красивый панорамный вид. В номерах чисто и уютно. Есть все для отдыхающих. Рядом метро, остановка автобуса и много закусочных. Также рядом супермаркет. Рекомендую этот отель. Спасибо управляющему и всему персоналу за их работу. We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin when next you travel to Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis. Мы поехали в Дубай на весенние каникулы с дочерью. Отель Регис парк выбрали по отзывам здесь же, на Агоде! Спасибо всем, кто пишет про отель только хорошее, он и вправду, заслуживает похвалы! Очень просторный номер, в ванной есть все принадлежности, вплоть до одноразовой бритвы. Халат и тапочки, чай и кофе. Из холодильника попросила убрать минибар, что сделали за минуту, без проблем. При заселении депозит взяли долларами, ими же и вернули, при выселении. Хорошая уборка номеров, без нареканий. Есть бесплатный шатлбас в Дубай молл и на пляж Джумейру. Ходит 2 раза в день туда и обратно. Бассейн небольшой, но вполне уютный и с неплохим видом с крыши. Завтраки мы не брали, поэтому, ничего не могу сказать о качестве еды. Для курящих и некурящих отдельные этажи, а не номера, как иногда бывает. До метро недалеко, но нам не понравилось количество народа в вагонах — забито, что называется битком! Видимо, не хватает поездов, потому, что расстояние по времени, между последующим, довольно большое. Ездили на такси. Оно, хоть и не дорогое, но в Дубае огромные расстояния и получается очень ощутимо, в особенности, когда ездили в Глобал Виладж. Рядом с отелем, есть любые рестораны! Их просто огромное количество! Как фаст фуды, так и с прекрасной кухней без булок и пиццы. С удовольствием побывали в тайском ресторане. Том ям и сом там, абсолютно настоящие, как в Тае, только цена в 5 раз выше, за аналогичный счет. По отелю у меня нет ни одного нарекания, это не значит, что у него нет недостатков, просто они ничтожны. Dear Yevgeniya, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours. Dear Assel, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We stayed for one night to celebrate our anniversary. The room is really nice, clean and spacious. It has the view of Dubai downtown but is a bit obscured when you are already in the pool. We also had some nice drinks at the Kris Lounge. Breakfast is served on the 19th floor. The buffet choices are really good. I really wanted to sit by the window to have a better view but because we arrived at almost 9am, the place was already packed. I asked if they could arrange a table for us if ever there will be available and luckily, I asked the right person. Abi Restaurant Manager arranged a table for us just right before we started eating. Thanks Abi! Dear Ailene, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis. We booked for our first wedding and the lovely staff had given us a complimentary cake for that. So sweet. We did enjoy our stay and it even exceeded our expectation! Thank you. Dear Kristine, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. The property is super like a five star. Pros :- It is close to meena bazaar,Burjuman and Burj Dubai. Lots of Indian restaurants and fast food joints nearby. Good infinity swimming pool. Cons:- lower floors has music noise from club 7 joint and hence recommend to book deluxe rooms. Dear Ashish, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai. Yours Sincerely Park Regis. Excellent when available on special price. Very clean, well appointed room. The bar and restaurant on the 19th floor provide incredible day and night views of the Dubai skyline. Outstanding buffet breakfast. Fun, live music entertainment in Club 7. Nearest Metro is a good 10 minute walk away, not pleasant when hot outside. Dear Jason, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Great hotel, a little old, but charming, and the rooftop is what makes this hotel great! Very good value for money, but is in the old side of Dubai, so a little far away, but close to the airport and old Dubai. Dear Rami, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear felinorpe, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience. We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it is a great disappointment to us when this does not occur. We have read your comments with interest and will certainly follow up on the areas you mentioned with the appropriate department. We appreciate your constructive and frank comments, as these will enable us to better serve our customers in the future. I would like to thank one guy who was outstanding his name is francis he had an great skills in customer service. Dear Fared, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis. There is anything you need. Yes, the pool in very small, but it is nice and with a good view. Dear Marco, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Nice hotel, cool amenities. Dear Liudmila, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear nasir, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear Raman, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear Ahmed, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear Felinorpe, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it is a great disappointment to us when this does not occur. Only your constructive and frank comments will be appreciated, as these will enable us to better serve our customers in the future. Clean hotel, has everything for 5 star hotel. The staff r nice. I can really recommend this hotel to others. Dear Harshkumarpatel, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Very reasonably priced hotel, roomy and comfortable. A bit out of the way but easy access to taxis and metro. Our shower door would not stay closed, the pool is a bit cloudy probably from other guests not showering before use. Dear Lee, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it is a great disappointment to us when this does not occur. The hotel is really nice, front-desk staff is very helpful and the housekeeping good as well. We enjoyed our stray here and would highly recommend this place to anyone not wanting to break the bank yet get all the perks of a great hotel. Dear Yasha, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. I was under the assumption that these were all being responded to but it turns out this was not the case. Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience it is very much appreciated and any comments you made have been taken on board and where required we have either conducted further training to ensure that our team is always undertaking continual improvement or maintenance to rectify issues you may have experienced. I requested for interconnecting rooms and said ok. Only problem is it gets crowded easily. Dear Ferdinand, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Just found many flies in lobby area ,it was warm cause of the revolving door The rooms also had small insects which use to bite at night.. But overall the hotel is highly recommended.. Dear Sheetal, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it is a great disappointment to us when this does not occur. Dear Vishal, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it is a great disappointment to us when this does not occur. I dun recommend that hotel So bad service and staff r very rude. Very bad service ,the room not clean until 5 pm. I strongly advise NO to the people who r looking for that hotel. Excellent service, clean comfortable rooms, big breakfast variety with a lovely view of Dubai city. The location was perfect for us. Minutes walk to the Metro, shopping center across the road and loads of restaurants right next door. Loved the pool with a fantastic view of Dubai, especially at night. Thank you for a wonderful staff. Dear Tony, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Staff are very helpful and attentive. We really enjoy our stay in Park Regis Hotel. Dear John, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear Richard, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear Wongeon, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. I was upgraded to better room by Samer who was very polite and the other guys saurabh and Junel too very good. Dear Altaf, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Dear Sulis, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. It is very nice hotel with big size room with full feature and high clean place to stay in. Very near to burjoman mall and a few minutes from burj Khalifa and mall of Dubai. I highly recommend this hotel to anyone to stay in. Dear Mohamed, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. We got a great suite upgrade offered to us. The room was large, clean and comfortable. Breakfast was decent, but a little chaotic during the seating process. One problem my wife had though Overall a great stay and we would stay again. Dear Christopher, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a luxurious stay for a good value. Also, I would recommend you book the deluxe rooms, as you get to eat breakfast eventually lunch and dinner as well on the LUXURY 19th floor restaurant with a fabulous view on Dubai. Just a notice, the hotel has cancelled the shuttle to the beach as well as Dubai Mall, but the metro and bus stops are really close, so it is not a big deal. We shared your comments with our team as we are certain that this will serve as an encouragement to all of our staff as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. Thank you once again and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the near future! Sincerely, Park Regis Team. Good value for money Be back soon. Dear Philip, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Thanks for your great comments We look forward to welcoming you back Regards Park Regis. Location is nice, near metro, easy taxi access and near the shopping mall and lots of restaurants. The rooms are very large and spacious, especially the bathroom. Very clean. Great view from the roof top and the restaurant on 19th floor. Great buffet breakfast. Front office staff and Manager are very helpful. Staff at the Kris Restaurant made our birthday celebration memorable. Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience. It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Staff very good, check in check out could be quicker but normal for dubai, room very clean and very nice, internet works good, breakfast is good, bar is nice and good. Thank you for your comments and we are happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay. Regards Park Regis. Good location. Near pizzahut ,kfc , metro and bus station as i guess. The opposite side theres a mall. But it took time to reach the hotel as the roads are crowded. Pool is in roof nice place but small. With strong clorine smell. I like the jacuzzi and sauna private for female. Rooms are clean but some furniture are old. Good smell of linen and room. The things i hated is the towels. They were clean but there are some spots. Also we were waiting too long at check in and check out. Re check in and check out we note your comments and we are currently reviewing our procedures to see if we can speed this process up. It has a Jacuzzi and a gym. Was there for a short while. Checked the Jacuzzi, gym. Which are alright. The pool at the roof top is rather small given its a 5 star hotel. There are lots of local specialty restaurants nearby in the vicinity. And they did not even bother to refurbish or inform during my 3 nights stay. Or even change the room. There are small items that the hotel mgt should take care more precisely. Top board on the wall of the bed was full of strains of previous occupants and was not cleaned during my stay. Really admired the quick service of the house keeping though. And the concierge and check out check-in was very smooth. Dear Sami, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Location of Park Regis Kris Kin is really convenient if you are planning to do some sightseeing and still want to be not too far from airport. Burj Khalifa is about 10 mins drive away and you can see the Dubai skyline from the 19th floor restaurant. We felt staffs were really friendly and helped us with all our needs. Morning breakfast had good western and Indian combination. The roof top pool is bit small but comes with a great view. Dear Subhransu, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Room Size - Awesome Location - Perfect - easy public transport access. Staff - Smiling and Cooperative Noise Level - Quiet Rooms Only suggestion to try and do something for smoking rooms to get rid of the odour , maybe put some wood charcoal in a container below the bed on behind the TV cabinet that can absorb the smell. Rest as always a fantastic stay and surely will stay again there. Dear guest, Thank you for your review. We are pleased to hear you enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to see you again soon for your next visit. Great eateries around Had a wonder whole week stay Else would have been great, Dr Sreevals Menon. Great position to explore Dubai, between the old part and the new. Free shuttle to mall and beach. Great staff , good food , nice bar and a very nice room. The pool area on the roof is good but could use a few more umbrellas. We can highly recommend it. Lovely hotel in an ideal location. On a main street just opposite the popular Burjuman Mall, near the train station and easy access to shopping areas, restaurants and all. Gorgeous, massive suite, with tasteful decor and a bathtub large enough for 2 adults. The roof top pool and Kris restaurant on 19th floor gives an amazing view of Dubai city. Breakfast was delicious with a good variety of veg and non-veg selections. The location of this hotel is ideal. As a Travel Consultant I definitely recommend this hotel. Room size, Washroom size, comfortable bed, location, price, sumptuous breakfast, pool, jacuzzi everything was perfect Except that check out took about 25 mins due to a bit of rush. Maybe a bit more training can sharpen them to know how to organise and speed up the transactions when they see people waiting at the front desk. Will surely stay again very soon. Dear angel, Thank you for your review! We are pleased to hear you enjoyed your stay with us and we look forward to seeing you again for your next visit. In the heart of Bur Dubai mtrs away from Burjuman metro station with ample options for dining nearby and generous room size. Staff courteous and helpful. Bfast has a good spread. Only a Nespresso machine in the room might be a good addition. It is 5 stare hotel and I get a good chance in law session to stay in it. Big room. Dear Mohamed, Thank you for your review! Dear Jean-Yves, Thank you for your review! There was no fridge in my room despite the room booking specifying that there is a fridge. Also they charged me a city tax which was not mentioned in the Agoda booking. The staff member at reception was totally unhelpful when I brought up these issues. Apart from this the staff were very professional and attentive. The hotel was very comfortable and good value. Dear Stephen, Thank you for your review. We have noted your concerns highlighted which has been addressed with the team and we are truly sorry for the inconvenience caused. We do hope to have another opportunity to look after you with improvised services to ensure your stay will be a smooth and memorable one. I stay here twice already and I love the ambiance in the 19 flr were u can chill drink and eat good for relaxing after whole day at work. Dear Dyna, Thank you for your review! We are pleased to hear you enjoyed your stay with us. We have noted your feedback which has been addressed with the team and we hope to have another opportunity to look after you with improvised services to ensure a smooth and memorable stay for you. BA crew stay at the hotel that speaks for their quality i think!! Dear Luigi, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Check in is excellent. Room is clean and neat. Shower and toliet is working fine. Bed is cosy and excellent. Centrally located in old dubai or Burdubai. Only spend one night in this hotel. Food is available around the hotel and no problem. Check out is fast. The boys is helping with the luggage and taxi. Good hotel. Dear Zainudin, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Excellent hotel in a lower part of Dubai. Al Karamah area is considered not the best location in town where many workers live. I expected the hotel to be not so great but it was located close to Dubai Central Laboratory where I needed to be. I was pleasantly surprised to find the hotel was on the same level of most other 5-Star hotel in Dubai. I did not encounter any problem while staying there. Room service was perfect. Any issue, they were quick in their responses. The hotel also had a great club. Club Seven which caters for the Phillipino community. Although many foreigners were there enjoying the great band music. Dear Adil, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. I havent been to Dubai before so I am not aware of the hotel standards - but this hotel was fab, staff great really helpful, great pool pool attendant gave out water when guests started to look hot great gym - everything was above our expectations. Dear Joanne, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Bath room is large as well. Room service is great. Staffs are polite and helpful except the receptionist during check in. I highlighted the room that I booked with 2 big beds to avoid trouble to change room things like that later, because we are leaving our luggages first and going out before checking in the luggages into the room. Luckily at last we still get what we booked which is also a room being paid in advance. Dear Mei, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience it is very much appreciated and any comments you made have been taken on board and where required we have either conducted further training to ensure that our team is always undertaking continual improvement or maintenance to rectify issues. Dear Edward, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. Dear MD, Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of our response to your review. During check in, politely greeted by the door man and the reception. Reception is specially helpful comparing to other experiences I have had with other hotels I stayed in Dubai. Room is big, neat and clean. Hotel is within walking distance to Dubai Metro, which can take you to many prominent locations in city of Dubai. Surely a recommended hotel for leisure travellers in Dubai. Thank you for your comments they are much appreciated and will help us do better in the future Regards Park Regis Team. Thank you for your comments they are much appreciated Regards Park Regis Team. Nicely decorated hotel in general and room in specific, staff are friendly and the location is convenient. Limited in-room dining options and TV channels available but certainly good value for the price I payed. We arrived after a five hour drive from Damascus and were treated exceptionally from the moment we drove up, until the moment we left. The room was well-appointed and very well maintained, the bar fine, the pool and gym excellent Great location with amazing views. Breakfast is expensive but the food was great. I would suggest getting breakfast added to your package when booking. Dear Nathaniel, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. I would recommend this hotel to friends and family. The Staff is very very helpful. Well done Park. Dear Gulhamed, It was very pleasing to our team to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Sports bar needs a revamp physically and atmospherically. Very uninviting! Dear John, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it is a great disappointment to us when this does not occur. I visited and stayed at the hotel recently for 3 nights. Overall the stay was pleasant. The first night after 3 requests i was told that the baby cot is not available almost at midnight. The staff was also not very polite and was prompted by other staffs in background to not take the request seriously. The hospitality needs to be improved a lot to ensure the Guests feel welcome and their needs are properly dealt with. Dear Souvik, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for then taking the time to tell us about your experience We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it is a great disappointment to us when this does not occur. Оценка по отзывов Посмотреть, что думают гости. Общая оценка. Оценка по отзывов. Предоставлено гостями, проверено. Отзывы Agoda Отзывы Booking. Время года. Все типы номеров Все типы номеров Улучшенный номер Queen Улучшенный двухместный номер с 2 кроватями Номер Queen делюкс Улучшенный полулюкс Полулюкс Burj - клубные привилегии включены Полулюкс Burj - клубные привилегии включены Двухместный номер делюкс с 2 кроватями Улучшенный трехместный номер Трехместный номер делюкс. Проверенных отзывов гостей: Сортировать по Последние Оценка от высокой к низкой Оценка от низкой к высокой Самые полезные. Улучшенный номер Queen. Отзыв оставлен 22 мая We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin when next you travel to Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis Ответ отправлен 23 мая Был ли этот отзыв полезным? Да Нет. Yevgeniya — Казахстан. Семья с маленькими детьми. Рядом хороший молл Бурджуман. Отзыв оставлен 04 апреля Assel — Казахстан. Номер Queen делюкс. Отзыв оставлен 19 февраля Ailene — Филиппины. Одна ночь в Июнь Отзыв оставлен 07 июля We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis Ответ отправлен 10 июля Kristine — Сингапур. Улучшенный двухместный номер. Одна ночь в Июль More than a 5 star! Индивидуальный путешественник. Отзыв оставлен 29 июня Yours Sincerely Park Regis Ответ отправлен 30 июня Jason — Австралия. Classy hotel. Отзыв оставлен 17 июля We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis Ответ отправлен 21 июля Группа гостей. Улучшенный двухместный номер с 2 кроватями. Отзыв оставлен 19 мая Fared — Ливан. Отзыв оставлен 21 июля We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis Ответ отправлен 28 июля Marco — Италия. Отзыв оставлен 19 июля Liudmila — Россия. Very good hotel! Отзыв оставлен 18 июля Отзыв оставлен 20 марта Raman — Индия. Одна ночь в Март Отзыв оставлен 08 марта Ahmed — Оман. Улучшенный трехместный номер. Отзыв оставлен 14 июля Одна ночь в Май Отзыв оставлен 11 июля Good hotel! Отзыв оставлен 10 июля Harshkumarpatel — Оман. Семья с подростками. Улучшенный номер. Отзыв оставлен 01 июля Lee — Великобритания. Probably not 5 star but a good 4 star. Отзыв оставлен 16 июня Yasha — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 15 января Ferdinand — ОАЭ. Одна ночь в Август Отзыв оставлен 15 сентября Один путешественник считает этот отзыв полезным. Sheetal — ОАЭ. Very good hotel with very nice hospitality Отзыв оставлен 16 июля Vishal — Мьянма. Tony — Австралия. Улучшенный полулюкс. Thank for a great stay. Отзыв оставлен 14 апреля John — ОАЭ. Одна ночь в Апрель Отзыв оставлен 09 апреля Richard — ОАЭ. Отзыв оставлен 25 июня We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis Ответ отправлен 30 июня Wongeon — ОАЭ. Отзыв оставлен 27 мая We here at the hotel are extremely conscious of the part we play in ensuring our guests stay is a memorable one and we continually strive to achieve high standards of service and it gives us great satisfaction to receive feedback such as yours We look forward to perhaps welcoming you back to the Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai Yours Sincerely Park Regis Ответ отправлен 27 мая Отзыв оставлен 05 мая Sulis — Индонезия. Отзыв оставлен 31 августа Mohamed — Египет. Отзыв оставлен 27 августа Christopher — Соединенные Штаты. Отзыв оставлен 16 августа Matus — Словакия. Номер делюкс. Sincerely, Park Regis Team Ответ отправлен 12 июля Отзыв оставлен 02 июля Thanks for your great comments We look forward to welcoming you back Regards Park Regis Ответ отправлен 16 сентября Nalini — Тринидад и Тобаго. Отзыв оставлен 01 апреля Regards Park Regis Ответ отправлен 02 апреля Yasmeen — ОАЭ. Отзыв оставлен 29 марта Sami — Южный Судан. Отзыв оставлен 26 января Subhransu — Сингапур. Отзыв оставлен 06 января Одна ночь в Декабрь Отзыв оставлен 13 декабря Ответ отправлен 27 декабря Отзыв оставлен 17 ноября Отзыв оставлен 07 ноября Отзыв оставлен 26 октября Одна ночь в Сентябрь Отзыв оставлен 18 сентября Ответ отправлен 24 сентября Отзыв оставлен 22 августа Jean-Yves — Франция. Отзыв оставлен 15 августа Stephen — Австралия. DYNA — Филиппины. Отзыв оставлен 06 ноября Полулюкс Burj - клубные привилегии включены. Отзыв оставлен 24 мая Zainudin — Малайзия. Отзыв оставлен 22 апреля Adil — Катар. Отзыв оставлен 25 ноября Отзыв оставлен 22 сентября Mei — Малайзия. Отзыв оставлен 21 августа Одна ночь в Октябрь Отзыв оставлен 02 января MD — Бруней-Даруссалам. Отзыв оставлен 16 февраля Alvin — Сингапур. Отзыв оставлен 24 декабря Thank you for your comments they are much appreciated and will help us do better in the future Regards Park Regis Team Ответ отправлен 25 февраля ADIL — Оман. Отзыв оставлен 14 июня Thank you for your comments they are much appreciated Regards Park Regis Team Ответ отправлен 25 февраля Отзыв оставлен 10 мая Abdullah — Канада. Одна ночь в Февраль Отзыв оставлен 28 февраля What a bargain!! Отзыв оставлен 22 февраля Ming — Сингапур. A Great Hotel to stay in! Отзыв оставлен 31 января Nathaniel — Соединенные Штаты. Souvik — Индия. Отзыв оставлен 10 июня Показать больше отзывов. Весь мир. Отели: ОАЭ. Отели: Дубай. Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel.

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