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The Agadir Crisis , Agadir Incident or Second Moroccan Crisis also known as the Panthersprung in German was a brief international crisis sparked by the deployment of a substantial force of French troops in the interior of Morocco in April Berlin threatened warfare, sent a gunboat, and stirred up angry German nationalists. Negotiations between Berlin and Paris resolved the crisis: France took over Morocco as a protectorate in exchange for territorial concessions to Germany from the French Congo, while Spain was satisfied with a change in its boundary with Morocco. David Lloyd George made a dramatic ' Mansion House ' speech that denounced the German move as an intolerable humiliation. There was talk of war, and Germany backed down. Relations between Berlin and London remained sour. In , a rebellion broke out in Morocco against the Sultan, Abdelhafid. By early April, the Sultan was besieged in his palace in Fez. The French prepared to send troops to help put down the rebellion, under the pretext of protecting European lives and property, dispatching a flying column at the end of April. On 8 June, the Spanish army occupied Larache , and three days later Alcazarquivir. The British government attempted to restrain France from adopting hasty measures and to dissuade her from sending troops to Fez but failed. In April, the Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey wrote: 'what the French contemplate doing is not wise, but we cannot under our agreement interfere'. The Royal Navy had a naval base in Gibraltar , south of Spain. They believed the Germans meant to turn Agadir into a naval base on the Atlantic. In the midst of this crisis, Germany was hit by financial turmoil. The stock market plunged by 30 percent in a single day, \\\\\\\\\\[7\\\\\\\\\\] the public started cashing in currency notes for gold, and there was a run on the banks. The Reichsbank lost a fifth of its gold reserves in one month. It was rumored that the French finance minister had orchestrated this crisis. On 7 July, the German ambassador in Paris informed the French government that Germany had no territorial aspirations in Morocco, and would negotiate for a French protectorate on the basis of 'compensation' for Germany in the French Congo region and the safeguarding of her economic interests in Morocco. On 21 July, David Lloyd George delivered a speech at the Mansion House, London in which he declared that national honour was more precious than peace: 'If Britain is treated badly where her interests are vitally affected, as if she is of no account in the cabinet of nations, then I say emphatically that peace at that price would be a humiliation intolerable for a great country like ours to endure. The area is partly marshland where sleeping sickness was widespread but gave Germany an outlet on the Congo River. Germany ceded to France a small area of territory to the southeast of Fort Lamy now part of Chad. Rather than scaring Britain into turning towards Germany, increased fear and hostility drew Britain closer to France. British backing of France during the crisis reinforced the Entente between the two countries and with Russia as well , increasing Anglo-German estrangement, deepening the divisions which would culminate in the First World War. Asquith to become First Lord of the Admiralty , which he accepted. The crisis led Britain and France to conclude a naval agreement by which the Royal Navy promised to protect the northern coast of France from German attack, while France concentrated her fleet in the western Mediterranean and agreed to defend British interests there. France was thus able to guard her communications with her North African colonies, and Britain to concentrate more force in home waters to oppose the German High Seas Fleet. In Western European history, the Agadir Crisis remains the best-known example of gunboat diplomacy. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Date April — November Location Morocco. German Empire. Scramble for Africa. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. World War I portal. Causes of World War I. Random House, The New York Times. Retrieved 27 November Lords of Finance. London: Windmill Books. Free Press. Diplomacy of the Great Powers — Franco-Spanish conquest of Morocco — French protectorate in Morocco Spanish protectorate in Morocco. Rif War —26 Zaian War — Mohamed Meziane. First Moroccan Crisis Agadir Crisis Hidden categories: CS1: Julian—Gregorian uncertainty CS1 French-language sources fr Use dmy dates from December All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May Articles needing additional references from June All articles needing additional references. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Part of Causes of World War I. A column of French Army troops on the move in a tented encampment in Morocco , 30 March Date April — November Alfred von Kiderlen-Waechter. Congress of Berlin. Triple Alliance. Franco-Russian Alliance. Anglo-German naval arms race. Entente Cordiale. Russo-Japanese War. First Moroccan Crisis. Anglo-Russian Entente. Bosnian Crisis. Italo-Turkish War. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

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