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Статья написана исключительно в ознакомительных целях, не пропагандирует и не побуждает к действию! Экстази — психоактивное вещество, галлюциногенный стимулятор, принадлежащий к группе фенилэтиламинов. Распространяется в виде таблеток и порошка яркого цвета. Изначально это вещество было синтезировано для использования в лечебных целях. Пик своей популярности и максимальной распространенности наркотическое вещество под названием экстази получило в е годы 20 века. Он стал неотъемлемым атрибутом молодежных вечеринок, и применялся для веселья и поднятия настроения. Наркотик экстази представляет собой полусинтетическое психотропное вещество из группы амфетаминов. Очень популярно среди молодежи и поэтому его называют уличным наркотиком или наркотиком вечеринок. Экстази называют по-разному:. В итоге состав был запатентован в году как гидрастинин. Лишь через 50 лет после этого было выявлено его наркотическое свойство. Ученые обнаружили особое строение молекулы MDMA — метилендиоксиметамфетамина. И тогда его начали изучать как психотропное вещество. Примерно с х годов 20 века началось массовое распространение экстази. Американский химик синтезировал его и опробовал на себе, понемногу увеличивая дозу. Результаты этого исследования собрал и опубликовал в одной из своих работ, которая быстро распространилась в научном сообществе. Ученный выяснил, что MDMA действует на психику и этот процесс можно проконтролировать. Позже оно начало использоваться при проведении психотерапевтических сеансов для пациентов. Спустя некоторое время с учетом усугубления ситуации, связанной с массовым потреблением молодежью таблеток, экстази были официально запрещены законодательно. Таблетки и порошок экстази употребляют на вечеринках и молодежных ночных клубах. Его действие схоже с эффектом от употребления алкоголя. Наступает чувство легкости и расслабления, уходит печаль и тревожность, становится легче завязывать новые контакты, ощущается уверенность в себе. Экстази имеет следующую особенность — цвета воспринимаются ярче, а звук слышится громче. После приема таблеток или порошка наркотик проникает в кровь уже через 15 минут. Примерно через 1 час наступает выраженный эффект, который протекает волнообразно. Расслабляющий эффект от экстази достигается за счет мощного выброса в кровь гормонов: окситоцина, кортизола, вазопрессина. Под их воздействием расслабляются мышцы, появляется ощущения радости и счастья. Действие MDMA длится до часов, после чего эффект постепенно угасает. Человек помнит все, что происходило в период действия наркотика. В редких случаях прием экстази носит негативную реакцию: у человека могут появиться судороги, тошнота и мышечные боли, галлюцинации. Систематическое употребление экстази переходит в зависимость. Главным признаком этого является ощущение эйфории после приема таблеток. Развивается зависимость достаточно быстро, уже через 1 месяц после регулярного употребления. Хотя экстази начинают принимать с небольших доз, постепенно организм адаптируется к ней, значительно сокращается длительность действия наркотика. И уже для получения прежних ощущений требуется повышение ее объема. Увеличение дозы значительно усиливает разрушающее действие наркотика. Приняв очередную дозу человек, ощущает мощный прилив сил. Одним из верных признаков употребления экстази является прикусывание губ и скрежет зубами. Это происходит из-за непроизвольного сокращения лицевых мышц. Чтобы скрыть это они постоянно жуют жевательную резинку или курят. Также экстази наркоман сильно потеет и постоянно пьет воду. Выдает наркомана и одурманенный взгляд. Лицо его выглядит отечным и расплывчатым. Зрачки ненормально расширены и с трудом фокусируются. Но в то же время способны реагировать на свет, чего не происходит при употреблении других галлюциногенов. Употребление MDMA, как и любого другого наркотического средства может привести к передозировке. Смертельных случаев от первого приема в повышенной дозе зарегистрировано не было, но состояние человека значительно ухудшается. Развиваются симптомы тяжелой интоксикации:. Привычным побочным действием экстази является повышенная жажда. Но этот наркотик снижает гемато-энцефалический барьер и вызывает нарушение натриевого обмена в головном мозге. Но в таком состоянии чрезмерно обильное питье несет смертельную угрозу, поскольку высок риск развития гипонатриемии — критическое снижение концентрации ионов натрия в крови. Длительное и постоянное употребление экстази разрушает рецепторы серотонина, что приводит к депрессии и меланхолии. В этом состоянии зависимый способен совершить суицид, поскольку полностью утрачивает удовольствие от жизни. Употребляющий экстази постепенно разрушает себя. Наблюдаются следующие последствия экстази:. Страдает не только психоэмоциональная сфера, но и физическое состояние. Под воздействием экстази происходит постепенное разрушение внутренних органов. Постоянное увеличение дозы для получения желаемого эффекта от наркотика может привести к летальному исходу в результате тяжелой интоксикации и нагрузки на внутренние органы. Для людей с заболеваниями сердечно-сосудистой системы и почек, сахарным диабетом, а также с психическими нарушениями таблетки экстази представляют смертельную опасность. Исследования выявили, что экстази повышает кровяное давление, приводит к учащению сердечных сокращений и усилению кровотока. Классификация наркопотребителей: портрет современного наркомана. Секса - нет, а наркотики были: наркомания в СССР. Читать подборку. Сеть реабилитационных центров 'Решение' subscribers. This article contains information about products that may be harmful to your health.

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This is how you do that;. Note that you can not sell drugs from those Sims, just buy drugs from them. You can also buy some bigger packages of drugs directly from Buy Mode. Note: If your Sim is addicted to a substance he or she can trade sex for the drug he or she is addicted to. This requires WickedWhims to work. After you have done that, you need to do the deed manually WickedWhims style. You need your drug dealers blessing to start peddling all four sellable drugs. You can sell as many or as few as you like. Once you have inquired about selling a drug from your drug dealer you will get a Dealer Trait, you will also get to level 1 of that drugs Dealing Skill level. Read more about Dealing Skills here. Once you have the dealer trait for a specific drug you can start working on your customer list. These interactions will change the more you talk about it, and the friendlier you get. Note that Straight Edgers will get mad at you for trying to convince them to buy drugs, whereas Clubbers will be easier to convince into buying. Once you have sealed the deal with a Sim, that Sim will be on your customer list for the drug you convinced them to buy, and you will get the option to sell them said drug. To start selling to a customer on your customer list; for amphetamine and cocaine you need to have a ziplock bag in your Sims inventory, for MDMA you need to have a pill jar and for cannabis you need to have a ziplock bag of weed. The Sims on your Customer List s will call you up requesting that particular drug, and when they come over to buy it, you will only be able to sell that drug to them, unless you have convinced them to be on the customer list for a different drug as well. When you start dealing cocaine you will eventually level up in the Cocaine Dealing Skill. Each level comes with rewards and perks related to cocaine dealing. Here is a rundown of each level and what comes with it. Level 2 You can now cut higher quality cocaine to lesser quality cocaine. Purchase baby laxatives from buy mode. You will get bags of lesser quality cocaine in return. Great way to start making a profit. Level 3 You can order drugs from the Dark Web. Click on Dark Web and select the drugs and quantity of them you want to order. They will be delivered by mail the next day. Level 4 Convince customers to have sex with you for drugs WickedWhims required. You need to have a slight friendship with the Sim you ask and flirt a bit with them before the option appears. You will also need to make sure your Sim has a ziplock bag of high quality cocaine in the inventory. When using the interaction, your Sim will hand over the ziplock bag of cocaine, and you may proceed to have sex with them like you normally would with WickedWhims. This proposition will always be accepted by the customer after you give them the drugs. You will then trick them into thinking the cocaine is higher quality than it actually is, and also earn more Simoleons on the sale. Cocaine addicts may not fall for this which will result in a loss of friendship and an upset customer. You will then get to choose from a list of prospective high level clients. These are Sims you can sell bricks of cocaine to. They will also get the cocaine dealing trait as soon as you sell to them, meaning that other Sims may start buying cocaine directly from those Sims. There is a 24 hour time limit in place on selling bricks of cocaine to your high level clients. After a high level client is removed you will get the option to add a new one. Level 7 Invite two flirty cocaine hungry companions over. You may choose to invite two female or two male companions over. These companions will be flirty, likely to have sex with your dealing Sim if you have WickedWhims installed and will also nag and beg you for a line of cocaine once their high wears off. You may dismiss them by clicking on them and selecting the Dismiss option. Level 8 Assign one additional high level client. Level 9 Invite a big shot cocaine dealer over. The drug dealer will arrive with two goons. You need to befriend him to get the options of buying cocaine. This drug dealer can only be called upon every three days but he will in return give you insanely good prices on cocaine. Your Sim will have to pay 10 Simoleons to bribe the police, but they will in turn stay off his or her back for 24 hours. Take your Cocaine Dealing Sim on a vacation to Selvadorada. He or she needs at least a Cocaine Dealing skill of level 5. Once you get to Selvadorada, hit up the local bar and start chatting up the local bartender. Once your friendship level is high enough, you can ask the bartender about getting the number to a Cocaine Hookup. Now you have 12 hours to call the number the bartender gave you. Note that you need to be in Selvadorada to call the number. If your Dealing Skill level is between there is a chance that the cops show up instead of the actual dealer. The cops will beat your Sim up, haul them off to jail and confiscate their inventory. There is also a chance of the dealer actually showing up, of course. Get acquainted and so on. Here you will have the option to buy high or low quality cocaine bricks in bulk. The higher your Dealing Skill level, the cheaper prices you will get. When you start dealing amphetamine you will eventually level up in the Amphetamine Dealing Skill. Each level comes with rewards and perks related to amphetamine dealing. Level 1 You just started dealing amphetamine. Level 2 You can now cut higher quality amphetamine to lesser quality amphetamine. You will get bags of lesser quality amphetamine in return. Good way to start making a profit. You will also need to make sure your Sim has a ziplock bag of high quality amphetamine in the inventory. When using the interaction, your Sim will hand over the ziplock bag of amphetamine, and you may proceed to have sex with them like you normally would with WickedWhims. You will then trick them into thinking the amphetamine is higher quality than it actually is, and also earn more Simoleons on the sale. Amphetamine addicts may not fall for this which will result in a loss of friendship and an upset customer. These are Sims you can sell packages of amphetamine to. They will also get the amphetamine dealing trait as soon as you sell to them, meaning that other Sims may start buying amphetamine directly from those Sims. There is a three day time limit in place on selling packages of amphetamine to your high level clients. After the high level client is removed you will get the option to add a new one. Level 7 Get better prices on amphetamine packages. Buy amphetamine packages like you normally would from your NPC drug dealer. You will get reduced prices on packages of both qualities. Level 9 Cut even more laxatives into your speed. You cheapskate, you. Time to make a proper profit on amphetamine! Each level comes with rewards and perks related to MDMA dealing. You will get reduced prices. Instead of selling entire pill bottles of MDMA, you can now start selling individual pills to your customers. You will get a pill presser as a reward when reaching level 5. That can be found in your household inventory. To manufacture pills you need ingredients. These can now be found online. Order the ingredients you want, they will arrive in your Sims mailbox the following day. Make sure you have the correct ingredients for the pill you want to press in your Sims inventory you can find out which ingredients are needed by clicking the pill presser and hovering the pill you want to press. Note that there is a two hour time restriction on using the pill presser. If you, for some reason, manage to loose the pill presser, it can also be bought back from the MDMA Ingredients section on the computer. It is pricey, though, so try to keep on to it. You will get even more reduced prices. Level 7 Pack 10 pills into empty ziplock bags. Order them, wait a day until they show up in your Sims mailbox. Even that expensive pill presser. Level 9 No time restriction on using the pill presser. The two hour time restriction on using the pill presser is removed at level 9. Press away, as much as you like. Level 10 Pack 30 pills into empty ziplock bags. This works exactly the same way as the level 7 reward. But this time around you can cram 30 of the same pill into one ziplock bag before you sell it. When you start dealing cannabis you will eventually level up in the Weed Dealing Skill. Each level comes with rewards and perks related to cannabis dealing. Level 2 You can sell cannabis at a higher price. Sell weed like you normally would to your customers. You will be able to sell it at a higher price rate than you used to. Earn double the profit by selling two ziplock bags of cannabis at the same time. You can order the special cure jars through the headshop on the computer. They will arrive in your Sims mailbox the following day after ordering. The special cure jars only require 8 buds to start curing compared to 15 for the regular ones and they take 24 hours to be fully cured compared to 48 for the regular ones. You can now sell the special grafted strains. Sell them like you normally would. You can only sell one mushroom at the time. The time constraint for selling to a customer is not as high as for cannabis and is on a separate timer, so you can still sell shrooms to a customer who has recently bought weed. Level 8 Sell two ziplock bags of grafted hybrid strains. See Level 4 for an explanation on how this works. To sell all strains at once for a big cash out, make sure your Sim has all of them in his or her inventory. All the special cure jars will now yield 2 ziplock bags of weed instead of one upon curing. Buying Drugs How to buy it. Selling Drugs How to sell it. Customer Calls Info about phone calls. Dealing Skills Rewards and perks. Buying Drugs. This is how you do that; Click on any Sim access the Drugs Menu. Back to Drug Dealing. Selling Drugs. Customer Phone Calls. Cocaine Dealing List of rewards. Speed Dealing List of rewards. Cannabis Dealing List of rewards. Dealing Skills - Cocaine. Level 1 You just started dealing cocaine This is quite self explanatory. Level 2 You can now cut higher quality cocaine to lesser quality cocaine Purchase baby laxatives from buy mode. Level 4 Convince customers to have sex with you for drugs WickedWhims required You need to have a slight friendship with the Sim you ask and flirt a bit with them before the option appears. Level 8 Assign one additional high level client See level 6 if you need to know how to do this. What will happen next depends on a few factors; 1. Back to Dealing Skills. Dealing Skills - Amphetamine. Level 1 You just started dealing amphetamine This is quite self explanatory. Level 2 You can now cut higher quality amphetamine to lesser quality amphetamine Purchase baby laxatives from buy mode. Level 7 Get better prices on amphetamine packages Buy amphetamine packages like you normally would from your NPC drug dealer. Level 10 Cut packages with baby laxatives Time to make a proper profit on amphetamine! Level 4 Start selling individual pills Instead of selling entire pill bottles of MDMA, you can now start selling individual pills to your customers. Level 5 Manufacture your own pills You will get a pill presser as a reward when reaching level 5. Level 9 No time restriction on using the pill presser The two hour time restriction on using the pill presser is removed at level 9. Level 10 Pack 30 pills into empty ziplock bags This works exactly the same way as the level 7 reward. Dealing Skills - Cannabis. Level 1 You just started dealing cannabis This is quite self explanatory. Level 2 You can sell cannabis at a higher price Sell weed like you normally would to your customers. Level 4 Sell two ziplock bags at once Earn double the profit by selling two ziplock bags of cannabis at the same time. Level 5 Get access to special cure jars You can order the special cure jars through the headshop on the computer. Level 6 Sell grafted hybrid strains You can now sell the special grafted strains. Level 7 Sell shrooms You can only sell one mushroom at the time. Level 8 Sell two ziplock bags of grafted hybrid strains See Level 4 for an explanation on how this works. Level 9 Sell all strains simultaneously To sell all strains at once for a big cash out, make sure your Sim has all of them in his or her inventory. Level 10 Boosted cure jars All the special cure jars will now yield 2 ziplock bags of weed instead of one upon curing. Are you 18 or older? This website requires you to be 18 years of age or older. Verify your age to view the content, or click 'Exit' to leave. I am over 18 Exit.

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