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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Каждое слово и значение представлены с семантико-грамматической, стилистической, экспрессивной, акцентологической, фразеологической, временной и территориальной географической характеристиками. В основу Словаря положены непосредственные наблюдения живой речи, произведения устного народного творчества, труды по этнографии и истории русской культуры. Особая задача издания связана с представлением культурно-исторического фона диалектных слов, что делает Словарь памятником русской народной культуры. Для языковедов, историков, фольклористов, этнографов и всех, кто любит и ценит родное слово. Valeria Kolosova. The article analyses Russian folk names of dandelion Taraxacum , with a special attention to motivation of phytonyms by various plant features. The dependence among names in Russian dialects, folklore, and using dandelion is analysed. There are also names motivated by taste, form and colour of inflorescences, leaves shape, locus of vegetation, using in folk medicine, magic, culinary. The manuscript with notes about the future dictionary was published much later in On this project Prof. Larin along with a lage group of lexicographers worked from collecting dictionary slips for the card index system, designated for the Dictionary of Old Russian on historical principles. The work was carried out very enthusiastically based on an excellent methodology of , planed by Prof. Larin until one tragic day in when the work was interrupted by the decision of the leadership of the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and later, the dictionary slips, the card index system without notification was moved to Moscow in by the order of Academician Victor Vinogradov and the Corresponding Members of the USSR Academy of Sciences Stepan Barkhudarov and Fedot Filin, although the materials for the letters A, B and C had already been prepared. This was the beginning of a great loss not only for Prof. Larin and some people who struggled to put the card index system together, but this was also an enormous loss for the Philological Faculty of Leningrad State University, world lexicography and history likewise. Larin of St. Petersburg State University. Vladislav Sobolev. In studies of the establishing of the Ancient Russian burial rite, a number of features are discriminated as characteristic not only of the Novgorod territories but also of the entire ancient Russian population of the forest zone of East Europe: the continuation of the tradition of building mounds, the presence of different objects and details of costume in the graves, small numbers of objects of private devotion in burials of the 11th to 14th century. The earliest phase of the formation of the Russian mortuary rites still remains poorly studied since there are practically no reliably dated sites up to the midth century. Beginning with the midth century, Russian inhumations appear throughout the entire Novgorod Land demonstrating diverse variants of the rite but remaining nevertheless within the frame of the Christian canon. Given the compliance with the main requirements claimed by the Church concerning the rite of interment, certain details of the mortuary practice, which were not regulated by the Orthodox canon, continued to evolve on the basis of prehristian traditions. Firstly, it concerns the presence of an over-grave mound and regional features of burial structures. Differences in the technique of construction of burial mounds allow us to discern a partial change of the population that took place in the western area of the Novgorod lands in the second half of the 12th century. Throughout the 13th century in the territories of Novgorod, the funerary rite becomes considerably uniform. Everywhere kurgans-zhalniks and flat zhalniks zhalniks — are graves edged around the perimeter with stone fences become widespread and stone crosses begin to be installed. The 13th century is the time of the gradual disappearance of ornaments and ceremonious costume in the burials. The youngest of the excavated zhalniks are datable on the basis of coin finds to the 14th—15th century, or possibly even to the 15th—16th century. In the first half of the 16th century, written sources recorded continuation of the kurgan rite at the outskirts of the Novgorod Land. However this practice was already an anachronism in that period. The problem of the time of transition from kurgan and kurgan-zhalnik necropoleis to church cemeteries among the rural population is also still unsolved. It seems necessary to stress that there are no grounds to divide the entire agglomerate of the mediaeval burials according to confessional features or according to the state of penetration of Christianity into the consciousness of particular residents of the Ancient-Russian Novgorod Land. Труды Института лингвистических исследований РАН. Роман Гайдамашко. В статье представлен этимологический и лингвогеографический анализ слов пучка и умра, зафиксированных в русских говорах Прикамья и обозначающих различные зонтичные растения Heracleum sibiricum L. Представлен опыт таксономической идентификации растений, которые обозначаются лексемами пучка и умра, их вариантами и производными. Прикамский диалектный материал нанесен на карту и сопоставлен со сходным севернорусским. Утверждается финно-угорское происхождение лексем для слова умра этимология предлагается впервые. They denote various Umbelliferae plants Heracleum sibiricum L. All Kama Region dialect data are mapped and compared with similar Northern Russian data. The Finno-Ugric origin of the lexemes is established, with an etymology of umra proposed for the first time. Публикуемый полный библиографический указатель посвя- щен истории исследования псковской народной речи и памятников древнепсковской письменности и охватывает период со времени первых публикаций, вышедших в XIX веке, до настоящего времени. В корпусе указателя в хронологической последовательности отражаются сведения о более чем работах, изданных в России и за рубежом. К их числу относятся монографии, словари, статьи, тезисы докладов, авторефераты диссертаций, предметом которых являются актуальные вопросы сбора, хранения и изучения псковской народной речи, а также проблемы издания и описания письменных памятников Пскова. Указатель адресован специалистам по языкознанию, учителям, студентам-филологам, краеведам — всем, кто интересуется историей и современным состоянием народной речи Псковщины — уникального по своим геополитическим, историко-культурным и языковым признакам края. Все обманы мира: Ложь в литературе и искусстве. Artem Verle. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Выпуск Related Papers. OLGA S. Подольские названия растений в славянском контексте.

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