Korea Crossdresser

Korea Crossdresser


Korea Crossdresser
Suggested: Japanese crossdresser | Sissy | tgirl | Ladyboy
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Japanese crossdresser | Sissy | tgirl | Ladyboy
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Japanese crossdresser | Sissy | tgirl | Ladyboy by Crossdresser Feminization 19,587 views
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Korean views on crossdressing; traveling to Korea and getting made over into a Korean girl
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I'm a 25 y.o. American guy. I sometimes like to play with gender norms. Though I usually present as male; I often present as female and have recently gotten surgery so that I have modest breasts (only obvious in women's clothing).
I have been to Korea a few times and have loved it and I have a few female Korean friends around my age. I met them on my first trip to Korea and have stayed in touch since. I have never crossdressed in Korea before, but they know about it and are accepting.
Soon, I will be traveling to Korea for a 3-month stay. I'll be renting a place in Seoul. During that time, I am hoping to make myself over into a Korean girl. I love Korean fashion and style and think it would be a lot of fun. My Korean friends think it's really funny and are supportive and eager to help me.
The trip would basically consist of coming to Korea as my 'normal' self and then getting my hair and nails done, going shopping for lots of clothes and underwear and accessories and makeup. My friends will teach me how to dress in Korean fashion, how to do my makeup in Korean styles etc. They'd also teach me stuff like how to behave and talk and walk etc. etc. (I speak decent Korean), plus just lots of going out and having fun.
It'd basically be bootcamp on becoming a modern, stylish Korean girl in her 20s (trying not to generalize).
I'm not too concerned about things like clothing sizes or hair etc. I have long hair and, tbh, my size/height is similar to that of a slim Korean female. (one of the reasons I was encouraged to try crossdressing was my body shape).
Hopefully, by the end of 3 months, I will have a stocked wardrobe and makeup supply plus a better ability to 'be a Korean girl'.
My main concern is how I'll be treated. My friends keep insisting I'll be fine. But I'm really wondering how things will be for me. on the plus side, I'll be in Seoul and will be spending times in the younger, more hip parts of the city, mostly. My friends are also confident that with the right clothing and makeup and training; I'll be able to pass as a female in public.
but, I'm still really concerned. will shops turn me away if they can tell? Will I run into negative attention? Should I be concerned? Is this a terrible idea?
Edit: also womdering if shops would be as willing to help me as they would female customers. Like what about makeup help at makeup shops or being able to try on clothes.
lol! That's a hilarious idea. I think if you're only dealing with young storeclerks, you're be more annoyed by them asking too many questions rather than being kicked out. That being said, Korean girl clothes are really freakin small and m2f transpeople sometimes have trouble finding clothes since they have different curves.
The makeup part is kind of funny since all the super popular items right now are American. Stock up on your Chacha Tint and Ginger eyeshadow, yo. But seriously, ask your friends if you should get any makeup in the states before you go since they will be cheaper in America.
Thank you for your great post. It's not intended to be hilarious, but I certainly see the humor in it :). It is meant to be tons of fun, but it's also a serious transformation. My friends and I want me to become just one of them, just another Korean girl :). Thus they're training me not only on looks, but also behavior. It's going to be fun, but also a lot of work. And I'm so grateful for them taking the time and effort. They're putting tons of thought and work into this.
I'm really excited about the shopping now! Lol, maybe they'll be annoying, but I love shopping and getting help from the employees. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two!
Fortunately, I know I'll fit into the clothes (as I mentioned in this thread). My tiny, Korean female-like frame is finally a blessing :).
As far as makeup, I love the Korean stuff, as do my friends, and they're going to train me on that. Gonna visit the shops like Missha and Etude House (super excited about Etude House; the shops look so fun and I love that style).
Thanks! Would love to hear more from you!
Just one question...are you Asian? If you are you can probably pull it off.
From personal experience, your friends are right. Even if some people notice they'll probably just ignore you unless you're doing something downright confronting. You'll probably be in your element in areas like Hongdae and accepted well in most place independent of whatever gender you try to present as.
Yes, I am Asian (more fair-skinned like Koreans, too).
You should absolutely be concerned. Being openly gay isn't even accepted in Korea. (I don't mean to assume your gay. Just making a point about what is and isn't accepted here.) Cross dressing outside of a comical context would be considered very taboo. I cannot imagine why your friends tell you if will be fine if they live here and they're Korean.
Don't get me wrong, to each his own. I have nothing against it and I'm a very liberal and accepting person. However, I think you will find that that is not the norm in Korea. It's a very conservative society and culture; please have no expectation of acceptance of cross dressing as you describe it if you come here.
That said, you'll only be here for 3 months, you have no job to worry about here and you can get on a plane to never return. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and I'm curious to hear the outcome.
Thank you for your post. that is a bit concerning to hear. My friends and I are certainly going to work very hard so that I can pass as a woman. they're already planning the 'bootcamp'; they're very serious about the whole thing so that I can be transformed. They're convinced they can train me to pass as a woman pretty quickly, but I guess I'm getting concerned about the time before I can pass.
I'm most concerned about the first day. I just have plain, long hair that I tie back (fairly normal for a guy with long hair); so they're going to be taking me to the salon first to get my hair styled and then to get nails done. Then we're supposed to do some shopping to get my basemakeup and wardrobe. I'm only supposed to arrive in Korea with one, men's outfit which we will discard as soon as we can get a new women's outfit for me. From that point on, I'm not allowed any more men's clothes or anything (they insist on that; are all Koreans this hardcore? lol).
So, I'm particularly nervous about the start. I'm mostly concerned if anyone will actually give me trouble.
This experience will be a dream come true as I love Korean fashion and style and get to spend time with my lovely friends. I hope it doesn't become a nightmare. Do you think anything bad will happen?
There is a law about misrepresenting yourself in Korea. The only thing you have to watch out for is making sure anyone you meets knows you're not really a woman. if anyone felt deceived by what you did, they could go to the police. I remember a case about this 2 or 3 years ago. I'll google around and see if I can find it.
thank you for the post. I have no interest in seducing any men, as I like women. Not really planning on doing any dating, though I'm certainly not opposed to it if the opportunity arises.
"There is a law about misrepresenting yourself in Korea" No, there is no such a law in Korea but be careful with Christians in Korea. They hold certain...reputation among Koreans and there are reason for that reputation .
Um I do not have any advice for u but I kinda want to bang you.........

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

▶ Femme name: Cindy ▶ Location: Netherlands ▶ How long you have been crossdressing : ...
▶ Femme name: Jennifer Marie ▶ Location: USA ▶ How long you have been crossdressing ...
▶ Femme name: Sylvia Greene ▶ Location: Scotland ▶ How long you have been crossdressing ...
▶ Femme name: Anita ▶ Location: Peru ▶ How long you have been crossdressing : ...
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : Since March, 2004
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience : I dress up as a woman and go to downtown, university, convenience store, cafe and restaurant.

▶ Reason you crossdress : When you wear pantyhose, it feels too soft to touch your skin. My legs are so beautiful when I wear a miniskirt. And my perfect crossdressing makes me fall in love.
Love you and your lovely pictures girl❤💃
You are absolutely gorgeous and keep doing what you do are you on Facebook would love to see more pictures
from one girl to another, you sweetie are absolutely beautiful and any guy or girl
would be very lucky to have you
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