Контрольная работа: Family and relatives

Контрольная работа: Family and relatives


Для цієї вистави потрібні декорації звичайної кімнати. Малюк, члени його родини вдягнені звичайно. Карлсон має бути вдягнений в картаті штани з ґудзиком на животі та іграшковим пропелером на спині. Для казки про ріпку потрібні костюми для Собаки, Кішки, Миши. Бабуся, Дідусь, Онук можуть бути вдягнені у звичайний одяг. Ріпка має бути великою, картонною. Коли вона витягнена – з’являється дівчинка в помаранчевому костюмі Ріпки. Бабуся Карлсона може бути в спідниці темного кольору, світлій хустці, світлій сорочці, можливо, у фартусі.

Hello, my dear pupils! We are going to talk about families, relatives, friends today. All of us have families. Some of them are big or very big, some of them are not. Why do we really need to have a family?
Pupil 1:
Everyone needs help, love, and care. If you have a family, you'll get it all.
Clever answer! Our today's guests can tell us a lot about having family. Because one of them has a big family, but another one has no family at all. Meet them, pupils! There are Kid and Karlsson!
Hi, pupils! I like to have fun any time! I hope you are really naughty!
Hello, Karlsson! We are glad to see you!
Hello, children! I hope you remember not only Karls­son but me too. I am called Malish. In English I am Kid. I'm glad to see you and want to be friends with all merry and playful pupils!
Hello, Kid! We are glad to see you too!
So, we have to greet our guests. And now I'd like to tell you a surprising thing. It's ...
Sorry for interrupting you, dear teacher!
Do it. I don't mind. You are so polite and nice!
Children! Today my best friend Karlsson has his birthday!
Ok! Ok! I've heard it. I don't like traditional birthday with relatives, tables with meals. It's boring! Let's break something or frighten somebody! Or maybe spoil a very important thing! That's real fun!
Poor thing! You must be very unhappy living alone. That's why you've never had a really funny birthday party and pretend you don't like this tradition at all.
No, I don't! I am really happy having a friend! I need not to have a family! It's silly and bothering! If you have a mother, she'll make you wash your hands, face every morning, brush your hair, keep your clothes clean. If you have a father, he will shout at you for bad marks, tell you about good manners. If you have a grandmother, she'll always worry about your weak health. If you have a grandfather, he'll forbid you to watch TV or to go for a walk when you really want to do it! Disgusting relationships!
But when you are ill, mother will give you a medicine, touch your head tenderly, kiss you with love. Father will read you a book, grandmother will tell you a fairy tale, grandfather will present you a new penknife.
A penknife? Cool! I'd like to have such a grandfather!
Pupil 2:
Karlsson! How couldn't you understand such an easy thing? You play with your friend Kid in the morning, afternoon or evening. But then you come back to your house absolutely alone. You have nobody to listen to you or to chat with you. Nobody will make you a cup of tea in the evening or in the morning. Nobody will cover you with a blanket as mothers usually do.
I've never thought about it! But maybe you areright ... Why did you make me upset? I don't want to think or talk about these things now!
And you shouldn't! Dear Karlsson! Today is your birthday and I have an unexpected present for you. My mum, and dad, and sister and brother have loved you as much as I do.
Kid's Father, Mother, Sister and Brother appear.

Kid's Mother:
Dear Karlsson! I would be glad to have one more son who is absolutely like you! We've found out that you are smart, funny, sometimes selfish but always full of life and energy!
Kid's Father:
Be with us forever, Karlsson! We really love you! Be a member of our family! Stay with us! Be our son! Our naughty, restless, charming son!
Kid's Brother:
Yes, Karlsson! We think so too! You are so cool and talented! Let's live and play together!
Kid's Sister:
Stay with us, Karlsson! I'll cook tasty cakes for you, I'll ...
Cakes? Will you cook them every day?
It suits me! I'm fond of eating cakes with cream. Will they be with cream?
Kid's Mother (laughing):
Great! Then I'll try to be your son and your brother. It will be like a new game. «Karlsson has a family now!» It's funny, pupils, isn't it?
Pupil 3:
It will be wonderful, Karlsson! Try to do it!
I'll be so happy to call you a «brother»! But you once said you had a grandmother, didn't you?
Yes, I did! I visit her every summer! She lives in the country in a lovely house near the river. My granny can cook so tasty rolls and pies! Saying nothing of puddings and biscuits! I love my Granny!
Karlsson's Grandmother:
And I love you too!
Karlsson's Grandmother:
Karlssonchik! (Hugs, kisses him, cries happily)

I have not expected to see you today!
Karlsson's Grandmother:
How could I forget about your birthday?
Pupil 3:
How do you do, dear grandmother of Karlsson? All of us are glad to meet you.
Karlsson's Grandmother:
So am I! You know, children, Karlsson is not as harmful as it seems to be. He is just too energetic. If we find an interesting hobby for him, Karlsson will be much better. I am sure!
Pupil 4:
So am I! Dear grandmother of Karlsson, I was always wondering why he lives alone? Where are his parents?
Karlsson's Grandmother:
It's a sad story. His father was my only son. His wife and he were the mountain climbers. They both were fond of high places, that's why they built that strange house on the roof of your one. They were very happy together because they loved each other very much. But one day they fell down from the top of the mountain. We lost them forever. (Crying sadly)

Granny ... Why do you ... Granny! I am with you! I love you! Stop crying, Granny! I can't look at it.
Karlsson's Grandmother:
Ok! Ok! He is right. He is with me since the age of five. But I had too much work about the house and had no time to bring you up carefully. That's why, children, he usually does whatever he wants. I shouted at him, punished him, but it didn't work. And one day he said that he wanted to live as a grown-up alone in the city. I had to agree with it or he could just disappear to nowhere. So I send him money, food every week, take him on summer holidays. But my dear Karlsson still lives absolutely alone in his parent's house. I worry about him a lot and the worst thing is that he doesn't like to come to school.
Kid's Mother:
That's a pity, Karlsson! All my children go to school. They like it, don't you children?
Kid's Brother:
Maybe, not all subjects ...
I’ll think about it! What's interesting in your school?
Everything! Imagine we are learning the topic «Family». We'll not only learn the words by heart, but tell rhymes, play games and sing song with them!
You won't know till you try. Children, let's do it!
What a poor Grandmother! Was there someone who helped her?
Pupil 6:
Yes, her neighbour who is my aunt Nina, explained her everything and comforted her.
What a funny Granny you have! Is she always so amazing?
Pupils 6:
Not at all. But her. husband, who is my Grandfather, is too serious and boring. So it is happier to be with Grandmother than with him.
Pupil 6:
My Granny knows a lot of fairy tales and she is fond of telling them constantly!
And what is your favourite one?
What a strange name for a fairy tale! I have never heard it.
Have you? It's a very interesting tale! Let's show it to Karlsson, pupils!
Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip)
One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
All right, my dear! I'm coming.
Grandmother and Grandfather (pulling together):
One, two, three!... One, two, three! (no results)
Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!
All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter (pulling together):
one, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three!... (No result)
Oh, it's too big for us!
Dog, Dog, help us, please!
The Dog:
All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter and the Dog (pulling together):
One, two, three!... One, two, three!... One, two, three!... (no result)
Oh, it's too big for us!
The Dog:
Cat, Cat, help us, please!
The Cat:
All right, Dog. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog and the Cat (pulling together):
One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... (No result)
Oh, its too big for us!
The Cat:
Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!
The Mouse:
All right, Cat. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog, the Cat, the Mouse (pulling together):
One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One,, two, three! ... (Fall down)

The Turnip (standing up):
Here I am!
All (together):
Oh! What a big turnip we have!
Nice story! What a friendly family they have!
Pupil 8:
I have a friendly family too. But they are fond of arguing who I look like to.
Pupil 9:
I know the similar case! I have a little brother. He's too small, he was born only a month ago. There is no answer who he looks like. So father says my brother will look like him, but mother only laughs and then says: «Nothing of the kind!»
What do you think about it?
Karlsson's Grandmother:
You are really nice sister! Do you know, pupils, that animals, birds, insects have families too?
Pupil 10:
Every summer I visit my Granny who lives in the country as you do. She has many domestic animals. But most of all I like the duck family.
And Mother Duck comes out with him,
«Quack, quack, quack», the mother calls.
Lovely family! Pupils, let's play a game! Divide into two teams. Kid will be the captain of one of them, and Karlsson will be the captain of the other one! Mother, Father, sister, brother of Kid can join us too! Grandmother of Karlsson, you will be the judge, if you don't mind.
Karlsson's Grandmother:
I will be the judge with pleasure!
The task is to guess the relative. For example, the daughter of my mother is ...
Yes, you are right! So, the team which says the right answer first gets 1 point. The winner is the team which has got the most number of quick right answers.
The sister of my mother is ….. (my aunt)

The son of my mother is …… (my brother)

The brother of my mother is …… (my uncle)

The sister of my father is …… (my aunt)

The father of my father is …… (my grandmother)

The mother of my mother is …… (my grandmother)

The mother of my sister is …… (my mother)

The father of my brother is …… (my father)

The son of my uncle is …… (my cousin)

The daughter of my aunt is …… (my cousin)

The husband of my mother is …… ...(my father)

The wife of my father is …… (my mother)

The husband of my aunt is ........ (my uncle)

The wife of my husband is …… (my mother)

The son of my brother is …… . (my nephew)

The daughter of my sister is …… (my niece)

Oh! What are the results, dear Grandma?
Karlsson's Grandmother:
The score is 6:5. The first team is the winner.
Our congratulations to you, pupils!
Kid's Mother.
And ours too! I'm so happy to be here today, pupils! But we have nearly forgotten a very important thing!
Isn't it so wonderful to be a birthday child?
Kid's Mother:
My dear new Son! My sweet Karlsson! I've got a very delicious cake for you! It's cooked exactly the way you like most of all! So,try to find out what have you always been dreaming about? Make a wish and blow out the candles!
Great! (blows all the candles).
You are a real mother! You are so tender, lovely and you are taking care of me so touchingly!
All of us have small presents for you, dear Karlsson, too.
I am fond of getting presents! Where are they!
Pupils give their presents to Karlsson.

I'm so happy today, pupils! Thank all of you!
Let's be hand in hand with one another.
The more we are together, together, together
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be!
For your friends will be my friends,
And my friends will be your friends,
The more we are together, the merrier we will be.
What a nice party we have today! Love your families and be honest and kind with your friends! Be happy, children!

Название: Family and relatives
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: контрольная работа
Добавлен 04:18:52 28 января 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 116
Комментариев: 13
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
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