Контрольная Работа По Английскому Языку Ваулина

Контрольная Работа По Английскому Языку Ваулина


Контрольная Работа По Английскому Языку Ваулина
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Spotlight 9 Test booklet Ответы — это контрольные работы по английскому языку в 9 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях. При постоянном использовании контрольных работ по английскому языку в 9 классе рекомендуем купить книгу:   Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко: Английский язык. 9 класс. Контрольные задания .  Сборник контрольных заданий включает контрольные задания, которые выполняются по завершении работы над каждым модулем, а также промежуточные тесты. Сборник обеспечивает процесс контроля на регулярной и объективной основе.
1 C;       17 C;      33 С;      49 В;      65 С; 2 B;       18 В;      34 С;      50 В;      66 А; 3 A;       19 в;      35 В;      51 С;      67 в; 4 A;       20 A;      36 А;      52 C;      68 А; 5 C;       21 C;      37 А;      53 А;      69 С; 6 В;       22 C;      38 В;      54 А;      70 В; 7 C;       23 C;      39 А;      55 В;      71 А; 8 A;       24 A;      40 В;      56 В;      72 А; 9 C;       25 В;      41 С;      57 С;      73 С; 10 В;      26 C;      42 А;      58 А;      74 А; 11 В;      27 A;      43 В;      59 В;      75 В; 12 A;      28 C;      44 В;      60 С;      76 А; 13 C;      29 В;      45 С;      61 С;      77 С; 14 A;      30 В;      46 C;      62 B;      78 С; 15 C;      31 В;      47 А;      63 А;      79 В; 16 В;      32 A;      48 С;      64 С;      80 B.
А 1 raised               5 bright               9 spare 2 make               6 strong              10 street 3 display            7 contest 4 life                   8 transformed В 11 blows out     15 annual           19 throw 12 exchange     16 remind          20 patiently 13 decorate      17 entering 14 attracts        18 made С 21 В       23 C       25 A      27 В       29 C 22 A       24 В       26 C       28 C       30 В D 31 whose            33 where            35 which 32 when             34 who Е 36 C       37 D      38 A      39 E       40 В F 41 NS    42 T       43 F       44 T       45 NS G 46 В       47 C       48 E       49 A      50 D
A 1 dust                  3 take                  5 do 2 hangout           4 mopped           6 keep                 7 makes В 8 spacious          12 nosy               16 extinct 9 went                 13 vacuum         17 lack 10 household    14 sociable         18 do 11 isolated         15 pitch C 19 getting           23 to become    27 waking 20 shopping       24 turning          28 promise 21 to take           25 stay                29 tidy 22 living              26 to have D 30 close enough              34 enough sleep 31 too forgetful              35 too busy 32 too noisy      36 big enough 33 modern enough E 37 Don’t worry about it.              38 I hope not. 39 Sorry! I didn’t realise it annoyed you. 40 That’s not very nice.                41 What have I done now? F 42 F      43 A      44 D      45 E       46 В G 47 В       48 C       49 A      50 A
1 a) sights                          5 a) glanced b) sightings                          b) spotted 2 a) existed                       6 a) violent b) survived                           b) horrifying 3 a) staring                        7 a) reflection b) glaring                              b) shadow 4 a) extinct                        8 a) imagination b) mythical                           b) illusion
9 alike                  13 giant              17 dull 10 human           14 appears         18 corridor 11 mind              15 impact 12 glimpse         16 fantasy 19 gasped           23 had been painting 20 was driving   24 hadn’t finished 21 was reading 25 found 22 had ever seen
26 When I was still at school, I would read a new ghost story every week. 27 In the past, my sister used to make fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them. 28 Eleanor’s parents never used to buy her books about monsters when she was a child. 29 Sally would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London. E 30 can’t               32 may                34 must 31 must              33 may                35 can’t F 36 b      37 a       38 b       39 a       40 b G 41 В       42 D      43 E       44 A      45 c H 46 D      47 В       48 E       49 C       50 A
A 1 emotional response                   4 phone line 2 broadband connection            5 figurative speech 3 email account              6 artificial brain В 7 become          11 caters             15 build 8 perform          12 exists             16 invented 9 subscription 13 modem 10 divided         14 overcome C 17 starts                            22 will have been working 18 Will you show            23 is giving 19 will pass                      24 will have completed 20 ’ll be attending         25 will install 21 is going to break       26 Are you buying D 27 В       29 В       31 A      33 C       35 В 28 С       30 С       32 C       34 В E 36 Е       37 D      38 C       39 A      40 В F 41       С 42       F 43       A 44      E 45 В G 46      В 47       С 48 A   49 E       50 D
A 1 C         7 C         13 В       19 А      25 В 2 C        8 В         14 A      20 В       26 А 3 В        9 В         15 В       21 А      27 С 4 В        10 В       16 С       22 С       28 А 5 A        11 A      17 В       23 А      29 В 6 C        12 В       18 С       24 С       30 С В 31 C       32 D      33 А      34 F       35 В С 36 C       37 А       38 В       39 В       40 С
A 1 remain             4 stunts               7 private 2 set                    5 miniature        8 artistic 3 still                   6 portray            9 plots В 10 action-packed            13 special effects 11 all-star                         14 box office 12 model making           15 potter’s wheel C 16 most talented           20 more accurately 17 most famous             21 more, easier 18 better, better            22 interesting 19 worst                           23 tiniest D 24 extremely                   29 very 25 would sooner            30 completely 26 totally                          31 would prefer 27 slightly                        32 rather 28 would rather             33 prefers E 34 I can’t make it, I’m afraid.      35 What sort of music do you like? 36 What do you think of Mozart? 37 I absolutely love it!                 38 Sure, count me in. F 39 В       41 C       43 C       45 В 40 A      42 В       44 A G 46 D      47 E       48 A      49 C       50 В
А 1 В         2 С         ЗА          4 А         5 В         6 А         7 С         8 А         9 В В 10 station                         12 cashier 11 gets involved             13 signs               14 skilful C 15 is visited       16 be touched                  17 was put out 18 will be powered         19 has already been sent             20 was built D 21 is having her portrait drawn (by a professional painter). 22 has had her London flat designed by a famous architect. 23 will have the handlebars on her bike fixed (by her father). 24 had her arm examined (by a doctor) yesterday. Е 25 Whichever                  26 Whatever                     27 wherever 28 However                      29 whenever F 30 themselves                 32 yourselves                   34 himself 31 myself                         33 ourselves G 35 About every ten minutes. 36 Go past the bank and turn left into Smith Street. 37 No, just a ten-minute walk away. 38 Yes, there’s one just around the corner. 39 Is it a long way from here? H 40 E       41 C       42 A      43 В       44 D 45 A      46 В       47 C       48 A
A 1 tasty                   5 embarrased                9 beat 2 home-made   6 cut                                 10 eating 3 roast                  7 bum                              11 screamed 4 starving            8 shaking                         12 chewing В 13 took up          15 snacks            17 rich 14 going on       16 human           18 leads C 19 were                             23 had eaten 20 doesn’t grow              24 discuss 21 wouldn’t have scratched        25 exercised 22 take                               26 will connect D 27 had                29 had brought                31 were not 28 used               30 had taken E 32 might             34 needn’t         36 shouldn’t 33 mustn’t         35 may F 37 В       38 A      39 D      40 E       41 C G 42 C       43 A      44 E       45 F       46 D H 47 C       48 A      49 A      50 В
A 1 rucksack          4 total                  7 face 2 map                 5 bump               8 bruised 3 sprained         6 first aid kit      9 survived В 10 rescued        11 sunscreen      12 sling 13 injured           14 instead of С 15 Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign country. 16 Mum told me not to be late for dinner. 17 James and Lilly said that they couldn’t go whftewater rafting that weekend. 18 Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three years before. 19 Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons in summer. 20 Sandy told me that the children were going on a roller coaster ride the next/the following day. D 21 Bill explained that he couldn’t be at basketball practice because he had broken his arm. 22 Anne refused to pay for Tom’s skydiving lessons. 23 Mary offered to help Sarah with her application form. 24 Dad warned the children not to play with the pen knife. 25 Jennifer complained that her throat was feeling sore. E 26 someone       28 everywhere                30 anyone 27 Everyone      29 nothing F 31 doesn’t he                  33 wasn’t it        35 shall we 32 has he                         34 doesn’t it G 36 Yes, it really hurts.                   37 Oh, that’s good. 38 Hmm … I don’t know.            39 Oh dear! What happened? 40 Get well soon. H 41 Ns    42 F       43 Ns    44 T       45 T 46 C       47 E       48 D      49 A      50 В
A 1 C         7 A         13 В       19 В       25 С 2 C         8 A         14 В       20 С       26 А 3 В        9 C         15 C       21 C       27 С 4 A        10 В       16 А      22 А      28 А 5 В        11 A      17 С       23 А      29 С 6 A        12 C       18 С       24 В       30 В В 31 Ns    32 T       33 F       34 Т       35 Ns C 36 C      37 В       38 Е       39 А      40 D
Spotlight 9 Test booklet Ответы — это контрольные работы по английскому языку с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение.
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Spotlight 9 Test booklet Ответы | КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ РАБОТЫ
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