Контрольная Работа По Английскому Языку Present Simple

Контрольная Работа По Английскому Языку Present Simple


Контрольная Работа По Английскому Языку Present Simple
Контрольная работа "Present Simple Tense"
Контрольная работа «Pre sent Simple Tense»
Задание 1. Перев едите на русский язык :
1. He gets up a t 7 o’clock in the m orning.
2. I go to the B lack Sea every y ear.
4. Sometim es we watch TV in the evening.
5. Does y our friend speak French ?
Задание 2. Раскр ойте скобки и поставьте г лаголы в Present Sim ple:
6. I (not to drink) c offee in the e vening.
Задание 3. Выбе рите из двух вари антов один в ерный:
1. Ann watch / wa tches TV every day.
2. My parents go / goes to work in th e m orning.
4. My sisters do / does sports after clas ses.
5. My brother a nd I have / has lunc h at hom e.
Задание 4. Встав ьте в пропуски “ Do ” or “ D oes ”.
1. ___ you watc h DVD after school?
2. ___ your fath er cook din ner?
3. ___ Ann and Ka te never ea t chocolate ?
4. ___ Jane rea d books in the e vening?
5. ___ my friend do sports in the m orning?
3. My granny watch TV every evening.
5. He com e to his off ice at 9 o’cl ock.
Задание 6. Поставь те предложени я в отрицательную и вопросите льную
5. I wash my hands before and a fter m eals.
Задание 7. Распред елите глаго лы по трем колонк ам:
Start, stand, sw itch, do, reac h, finish, m ix, speak, say , study, carry , fix, drink, bru sh
1. Выберите из д вух вариантов один в ерный:
2. The Earth goes / go round the sun.
3. Does your wife arriv e / arrives on M onday ?
4. I don’t understa nd / understand s this sentence.
5. Don’t / doesn’ t talk so loudly , I hear / hears y ou well.
6. How often do / d oes y ou go / goes to the dentist?
1.__________ ____ She take her bus?
3._________ an e lepha nt eat leaves?
5.__________ ____ She go t o the swim ming pool?
7._________ an e lepha nt eat leaves?
3. Перепишите п редложения, заменив имеющ ееся местоимени е на he
He_________ ____________ ______________ ___________ ____________ _
2. They go to t he cinem a every Sunday .
She_________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
She_________ _____________ _____________________ ___________ ____
4. We brush our teeth after m eals.
He_________ ____________ ______________ ___________ ____________ _
5. They tidy their bedroom every week.
She_________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
6. I catch the b us to sch ool every m orning.
He_________ ____________ ______________ ___________ ____________ _
7. We buy the newspaper on S aturday s.
He_________ ____________ ______________ ___________ ____________ _
__________8. I take a shower in the morning.
She_________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
4. Вставьте в место пропуск ов do или does.
3. _______ the bus arrive o n time?
5. _______ the dog bark l oudly at nig ht?
7. _______ Mar k and you go t o the cinem a in the even ing?
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