Контрольная Работа По Английскому Тест 9

Контрольная Работа По Английскому Тест 9


Контрольная Работа По Английскому Тест 9
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Контрольные работы по английскому языку, 9 класс

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«Английский язык», Кузовлев В.П., Перегудова Э.Ш., Лапа Н.М.

Английский язык

9 класс


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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
The name of Balzac, the famous French writer, is well-known all over the world. He is the author of many novels that are translated into almost all European languages. His novels are translated into Russian, too. They enjoy great popularity. There are many stories about Balzac, his life and his adventures. But very few people know that Balzac was fond of telling a person’s character by his or her handwriting. He was very fond of this ability and often boasted of it among his friends.
Among his friends there was a lady who wanted to play a joke on the famous writer. One day she brought him an exercise book of a boy. She asked him to tell her what he thought of the boy’s character. She also added that the boy was not her son so Balzac should not be afraid to tell the truth.
Balzac was glad to show his ability again and began to study the handwriting. He worked very hard and at last he came to the conclusion that the boy was bad and lazy. He told it to the lady. The lady smiled and said: “My dear friend, this is a page from your own exercise book which you used when you were a boy”.
I. Choose the best title for the text.
1. Everybody knows the name of Balzac because _____________________________________________
2. Except writing novels he had an ability to_________________________________________________
3. When Balzac came to the conclusion that the boy was bad and lazy, he didn’t realize that it was his___
1. What did Balzac often boast of? ________________________________________________________
2. Did a lady bring Balzac a boy’s exercise-book or his own one? ________________________________
3. Why did a lady smile?_________________________________________________________________
1. Whom was the page from the exercise-book written by?
a) by lady’s son b) by Balzac c) by lady d) by unknown boy
1. Они завоевывают большую популярность. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Женщина хотела подшутить над знаменитым писателем.
VI. Imagine you are a lady who came to Balzac. You are telling your friend how you’ve played a joke on the famous writer. Make use of the key words.
Once I came to________________________________________________________________________
Balzac is known to_____________________________________________________________________
I decided to play a______________________________________________________________________
I brought him__________________________________________________________________________
I couldn’t help smiling, when_____________________________________________________________
1. The door opened and I _________ to come in and give my name.
a) asked b) have asked c) was asked d) ask
a) has introduced b) is introduced c) has been introduced d) have been introduced
3. I am glad that I_______by all my friends.
a) is respected b) are respected c) am respected d) respect
2. Write these sentences in the passive.
1. The pupils discussed the book “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy.
1. He is likely to keep his promise.
a ) Вероятно, что он сдержит свое обещание.
b ) Вероятно, что он сдержал свое обещание.
2. Snow was not expected to fall in November.
a ) Ожидали, что снег выпадет в ноябре.
b ) Не ожидали, что снег выпадет в ноябре.
d ) Ожидается, что снег выпадет в ноябре.
4. Change the sentences using Complex Subject.
1. We know Bernard Show to be a witty man.
2. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young.
5. Put the dialogue in the correct order. (Пронумеруйте реплики диалога в правильном порядке).
- Of course. You must tell me the names of your favourite science-fiction writers and I shall be able to help you.
- Thank you. When shall I have to return it to the library?
- Well, I see. Have a look. Here is one of the most interesting books by the Stroogatskies “Monday Begins On Saturday”. You will enjoy it, I believe.
- What books are you fond of, Tom? Adventures, detectives?
- Azimov, Bradbury, the Stroogatskies.
- As for me, I enjoy science-fiction most of all. May I take something on it?
- You will have to do it in ten days. Good-bye.
6. Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. There are a lot of different kinds of books in the world, for example…
2. Encyclopaedias, reference books and dictionaries…
3. Most of all I like reading detective stories, because…
4. I am particularly captivated by characters who…
5. Only in books you can find the answers…
c) … thrillers, historical novels, science-fiction, adventure books and others.
e) … help pupils to do well at school.
f) … “reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”.
1. Everybody knows the name of Balzac because he is the author of many novels that are translated into almost all European languages.
2. Except writing novels he had an ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting.
3. When Balzac came to the conclusion that the boy was bad and lazy, he didn’t realize that it was his exercise book.
1. Balzac often boasted of his ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting.
2. A lady brought Balzac his own exercise book.
3. A lady smiled because he came to the conclusion that the boy was bad and lazy.
2. A lady wanted to play a joke on the famous writer.
Balzac is known to have an ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting.
I brought him an exercise book of a boy.
I couldn’t help smiling, when he came to the conclusion that the boy was bad and lazy.
1. The book “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy was discussed by the pupils.
2. The walls have been just painted.
1. Bernard Show is known to be a witty man.
2. The book is said to be popular with both old and young.
6. 1 – c ) 2 – e ) 3 – d ) 4 – a ) 5 – b ) 6 – f )
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
The author of the famous book “The Lord of the Rings” John Ronald Tolkien loved ancient myths and for his books he borrowed characters from Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and other European mythology. He created his own world inhabited by wizards, elves, dwarves, goblins and certainly hobbits.
Hobbits are Tolkien’s own invention. They are rather short (about 1metre) creatures, they are peaceful, home-loving race, fond of their gardens and their cosy underground homes. They don’t like adventures, but the main character of “The Hobbit”, Bilbo Baggins, is forced to take part in a long and dangerous journey full of risk and extraordinary adventures.
In “The Lord of the Rings” Bilbo’s nephew, Frodo Baggins, is given a dangerous task. He must destroy the magic ring which gives its owner great power. The ring was made by Sauron the Dark Lord, but then it was lost and found by Bilbo, who didn’t know about its magic power. If the Ring falls into the hands of Sauron, he and his dark forces will rule the world. So Frodo has to take the Ring to Mordor, the Dark Lord’s own territory and throw it into the fires of Mount Doom.
“ The Lord of the Rings” was published in 1954. 100 million copies have been sold. It has been translated into 25 languages. In 1970 the word hobbit was included in the Oxford Dictionary. The book is considered to be the champion of fantasy novels. Sometimes it is called the greatest book of the twentieth century and Tolkien is called one of the greatest writers of the twenties century.
I. Choose the best title for the text.
a) A dangerous task of Frodo Baggins.
1. J.R. Tolkien’s love to Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and other European mythology helped him to _____
2. His magic world is full of wizards, elves, dwarves, goblins, but certainly his best creation is ________
3. Sauran the Dark Lord and his dark forces will rule the world if ________________________________
1. What world did J.R. Tolkien create in his book “The Lord of the Rings”? _______________________
2. How did Frodo have to destroy the magic ring? ____________________________________________
3. Why is “The Lord of the Rings” called the greatest book of the twentieth century? ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
1. Who is a dangerous task given to?
a) Bilbo Baggins b) Frodo Baggins c) Sauron the Dark Lord d) hobbits
1. Считается, что «Властелин колец» - величайшая книга двадцатого столетия.
2. Герои его книг были заимствованы из древних мифов.
VI. Imagine you are Frodo Baggins who is given a dangerous task. Tell your friend about it. Make use of the key words.
Well, my task was to ___________________________________________________________________
To tell the truth, I didn’t know that the magic ring ____________________________________________
I didn’t want the Ring to_________________________________________________________________
Otherwise ( иначе ), the dark forces ________________________________________________________
Finally, I _____________________________________________________________________________
1. The jazz variations created by Louis Armstrong _______ by the next generations.
a) will be admired b) is admired c) had been admired d) has admired
2. Gershwin’s jazz influences on popular songs _________ by 1935.
a) had been brought b) will be brought c) is being brought d) has been brought
3. The book _____ already ________ .
a) is sold b) was sold c) will be sold d) has been sold
2. Write these sentences in the passive.
2. Great Britain has produced a lot of popular music stars.
1. The girl was often heard to have sung the song.
a ) Девочка слышала, как часто пели песню.
b ) Девочка слышала, как поют песню.
d ) Слышали, что девочка часто пела эту песню.
a ) Похоже, что она сдержала свое слово.
d ) Похоже, что она сдержит свое слово.
4. Choose the sentences using Complex Subject.
1. They suppose that the most British men are excited about thrillers.
2. All people know that W. Shakespeare was an outstanding British writer.
5. Put the dialogue in the correct order. (Пронумеруйте реплики диалога в правильном порядке).
- Of course. You must tell me the names of your favourite fantasy writers and I shall be able to help you.
- Thank you. When shall I have to return it to the library?
- Well, I see. Have a look. Here is one of the most interesting books by J.K. Rowling “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”. You will enjoy it, I believe.
- What books are you fond of, Bob? Adventures, detectives?
- As for me, I enjoy fantasy books most of all. May I take something on it?
- You will have to do it in ten days. Good-bye.
6. Match the two parts of the sentences.
2. Usually I like to exchange books …
4. When I was a child I was keen on …
5. The plot was so complicated that …
6. One can enjoy reading romantic novels …
a) … but another one thinks it is boring.
b) … reading about the history of the world.
c) … I couldn’t understand anything.
d) … with my classmates or borrow books from the library.
f) … one of the best ways of spending the time.
1. J.R. Tolkien’s love to Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and other European mythology helped him to create his famous book “The Lord of the Rings”.
2. His magic world is full of wizards, elves, dwarves, goblins, but certainly his best creation is hobbits.
3. Sauran the Dark Lord and his dark forces will rule the world if the Ring falls into their hands.
1. He created his own world inhabited by wizards, elves, dwarves, goblins and certainly hobbits.
2. Frodo had to take the Ring to Mordor, the Dark Lord’s own territory and throw it into the fire of Mount Doom.
3. 100 million copies have been sold. It has been translated into 25 languages.
1. “The Lord of the Rings” is considered to be the greatest book of the twentieth century.
2. The characters of his books were borrowed from ancient myths.
Well, my task was to destroy the magic ring.
To tell the truth, I didn’t know that the magic ring gave its owner great power.
I didn’t want the Ring to fall into the hands of Sauron.
Otherwise, the dark forces would rule the world.
Finally, I throw the Ring into the fires of Mount Doom.
2. A lot of popular music stars have been produced by Great Britain.
1. The most British men are supposed to be excited about thrillers.
2. W. Shakespeare is known to be an outstanding British writer.
1. – b ) 2. – d ) 3. – f ) 4. – e ) 5. – c ) 6. – a )
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
Once a middle-aged woman felt that she was seriously ill. She decided to consult a physician. The sick woman managed to make an appointment with Dr.Prime and soon he consulted her. He listened to all her complaints very attentively, examined her very carefully, made the customary tests but failed to make any diagnosis. He could not say what the matter was.
The sick woman continued to describe her aches and pains, she spoke very loudly and quickly for an hour or so. The doctor thought: “If she were really ill, she wouldn’t be able to speak so energetically.” An idea came to his mind and he asked the sick woman to show him her tongue. Dr.Prime examined it carefully and thought: “How nice it is, when she doesn’t talk.”
After the physician had finished examining her tongue, the woman looked at him with hope and fear. She was afraid that her disease was incurable. At last she said: “I hope my disease is curable, doctor.” The physician smiled and said: “Quite. Just your tongue needs a long rest.”
The woman was clever enough to follow the physician’s advice and soon she felt much better.
1. A middle-aged woman decided to consult a physician because _______________________
2. The physician examined the tongue and said that it ________________________________
3. Soon the woman felt much better because ________________________________________
1. How did the physician listen to all the complaints of the woman?
2. What was the speaking manner of the woman?
3. What sort of advice did he give?
Why did the physician fail to make any diagnosis?
a) He listened to the woman’s complaints not very attentively.
b) All the customary tests were good.
c) He didn’t examine her carefully.
1. Больная продолжала описывать свои боли.
2. Женщина надеялась, что ее болезнь излечима.
VI. Imagine that you are the physician who consulted a woman. Tell your colleague about it.
Once I consulted a ______________________________________________________________
She thought she was _____________________________________________________________
I examined her carefully but ______________________________________________________
Suddenly an idea _______________________________________________________________
I said that her tongue_____________________________________________________________
The woman was________________________________________________________________
2. The old man … the doctor that he had pain in his right side.
3. The physician recommended me … at home for a week.
4. Mother told Nick … eat too much ice-cream.
5. My friend asked me if I … snacks and desserts.
a) will cut out b) have cut out c) had cut out
6. I asked him if the doctor … him some medicine.
a) had given b) has given c) have given
7. I wondered: “Why do people count a number of calories every day?”
a) I wondered why did people count a number of calories every day.
b) I wondered why people counted a number of calories every day.
c) I wondered why people count a number of calories every day.
8. A student asked his teacher: “What organ in the head controls thought and feeling?”
a) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head controlled thought and feeling.
b) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head has controlled thought and feeling.
c) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head controls thought and feeling.
9. Our PT teacher said that we … exercise much, take vitamins, and give up bad habits.
10. I promised myself that I … keep the diet and spend more time in the open air.
2. Match the problem and the piece of advice.
4. My eyes are often sore and I sneeze a lot.
a) Perhaps you should have an eye test.
b) You ought to do more exercises. It helps you to relax.
c) You should have some allergy tests.
d) You really must lose some weight.
II. 1. … she felt she was seriously ill.
3. … she was clever enough to follow the physician’s advice.
III. 1. He listened to all her complaints very attentively.
2. She spoke very loudly and quickly.
3. His advice was to give a rest to her tongue.
V. 1. The sick woman continued to describe her aches and pains.
2. The woman hoped that her disease was curable.
A vegetarian is someone who avoids eating the flesh of animals (meat, poultry, or fish). Most vegetarians will also not eat eggs or cheese, will not use cosmetics which contain animal ingredients or are tested on animals. The word “vegetarian” comes not from “vegetable” but from the Latin word vegetus meaning “whole, fresh, full of life”.
People become vegetarians for a number of reasons. Some think that it is wrong to keep and kill animals for use as food and in other products. Others choose to be vegetarians because they believe that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat. They refuse to eat meat as they consider it harmful. Such people believe that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer and vegetarians live longer than others. Indeed, a vegetarian diet fits in very well with modern medical advice to cut down on fat, salt, sugar, and to eat more fibre and fresh vegetables. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. Salads, beans and fruit are much better than steak and ice-cream. Besides, this sort of food is cheaper than meat.
Some people are vegetarians because of their religious beliefs. Some people have chosen to be vegetarians for ecological reasons. They argue that the growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock. Moreover, it is easier to provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables for food rather than raising vegetable-eating animals.
1. The word “vegetarian” comes from _________________________________________________
2. Salads, beans and fruit are believed_________________________________________________
3. Raising vegetable-eating animals is harder____________________________________________
1. What sort of cosmetics will not use a real vegetarian?
2. What advice does a vegetarian diet fit in with?
3. Why is it easier to provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables?
What word means “whole, fresh, full of life”?
a) “Vegetarian” means “whole, fresh, full of life”.
b) “Vegetus” means “whole, fresh, full of life”.
c) “Vegetable” means “whole, fresh, full of life”.
1. Вегетарианцы отказываются есть мясо, т.к. полагают, что овощная диета сокращает риск раковых заболеваний.___________________________________________________________
2. Выращивание овощных культур занимает гораздо меньше ценного пространства, чем разведение домашнего скота._____________________________________________________
VI. Imagine that you are a vegetarian. Try to convince your friend to follow your example.
There are a lot of reasons to_________________________________________________________
First of all, it is wrong _____________________________________________________________
Secondly, a vegetarian diet _________________________________________________________
Thirdly, this sort of food___________________________________________________________
Besides, it is easier________________________________________________________________
1. The woman … she felt sick while crossing the Channel.
2. I … my sister that she might catch cold.
3. The doctor asked me … to the waste.
a) undress b) to undress c) undressed
4. Granny reminded her grandson … forget to clean his teeth.
5. A young man asked a lecturer if it … dangerous to skip meals, eat unhealthy food and overeat.
6. I wondered if he … his temperature.
a) has taken b) had taken c) have taken
7. A group of students asked the specialist: “Why do people feel pleasure from taking drugs?”
a) A group of students asked the specialist why did people feel pleasure from taking drugs.
b) A group of students asked the specialist why people feel pleasure from taking drugs.
c) A group of students asked the specialist why people felt pleasure from taking drugs.
8. A student asked his teacher: “What organ clears the blood?”
a) A student asked his teacher what organ has cleared the blood.
b) A student asked his teacher what organ clears the blood.
c) A student asked his teacher what organ cleared the blood.
9. The man shared with his friend that he … spend a month at a health resort.
10. He hoped that he … greatly improve his health if he gave up bad habits.
2. Match the problem and the piece of advice.
a) Good, you needn’t come back for a month.
c) You’ll have to have a few injections.
d) You shouldn’t eat so much fried food.
2. … to be much better than steak and ice-cream.
3. … than growing vegetables for food.
III. 1. A real vegetarian will not use cosmetics which contain animal ingredients or are
2. A vegetarian diet fits in with modern medical advice to cut down on fat, salt,
sugar and to eat more fibre and fresh vegetables.
3. … because it takes up much less valuable space.
V. 1. Vegetarians refuse to eat meat as they believe that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer.
2. The growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
A vegetarian is someone who avoids eating the flesh of animals (meat, poultry, or fish). Most vegetarians will also not eat eggs or cheese, will not use cosmetics which contain animal ingredients or are tested on animals. The word “vegetarian” comes not from “vegetable” but from the Latin word vegetus meaning “whole, fresh, full of life”.
People become vegetarians for a number of reasons. Some think that it is wrong to keep and kill animals for use as food and in other products. Others choose to be vegetarians because they believe that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat. They refuse to eat meat as they consider it harmful. Such people believe that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer and vegetarians live longer than others. Indeed, a vegetarian diet fits in very well with modern medical advice to cut down on fat, salt, sugar, and to eat more fibre and fresh vegetables. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. Salads, beans and fruit are much better than steak and ice-cream. Besides, this sort of food is cheaper than meat.
Some people are vegetarians because of their religious beliefs. Some people have chosen to be vegetarians for ecological reasons. They argue that the growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock. Moreover, it is easier to provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables for food rather than raising vegetable-eating animals.
1. The word “vegetarian” comes from _________________________________________________
2. Salads, beans and fruit are believed to be_____________________________________________
3. Raising vegetable-eating animals is harder____________________________________________
1. What sort of cosmetics will not use a real vegetarian?
2. What advice does a vegetarian diet fit in with?
3. Why is it easier to provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables?
1. Вегетарианцы отказываются есть мясо, т.к. полагают, что овощная диета сокращает риск раковых заболеваний.___________________________________________________________
2. Выращивание овощных культур занимает гораздо меньше ценного пространства, чем разведение домашнего скота._____________________________________________________
V. Imagine that you are a vegetarian. Try to convince your friend to follow your example.
There are a lot of reasons to ________________________________________________________
First of all, it is wrong to ___________________________________________________________
Secondly, a vegetarian diet _________________________________________________________
Thirdly, this sort of food is__________________________________________________________
Besides, it is easier________________________________________________________________
2. The old man … the doctor that he had pain in his right side.
3. The physician recommended me … at home for a week.
4. Mother told Nick … eat too much ice-cream.
5. My friend asked me if I … snacks and desserts.
a) will cut out b) have cut out c) had cut out
6. I asked him if the doctor … him some medicine.
a) had given b) has given c) have given
7. I wondered: “Why do people count a number of calories every day?”
a) I wondered why did people count a number of calories every day.
b) I wondered why people counted a number of calories every day.
c) I wondered why people count a number of calories every day.
8. A student asked his teacher: “What organ in the head controls thought and feeling?”
a) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head controlled thought and feeling.
b) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head has controlled thought and feeling.
c) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head controls thought and feeling.
9. Our PT teacher said that we … exercise much, take vitamins, and give up bad habits.
10. I promised myself that I … keep the diet and spend more time in the open air.
*2. Fill in the correct form of the words.
(1) laugh (2) tradition (3) treat (4) entertain (5) success (6) reduce (7) tense
Medical research has found that happiness has a strongly beneficial effect on health. The healing properties of _____________ (1) are such that humor is now being used alongside more _______ _________ (2) courses of ______________ (3) in some hospitals. In a London children’s hospital, for example, two clowns are provided for the ________________(4) of patients. Doctors say that these clowns are _______________ (5) in making the children feel better.
It seems that when we laugh, there can be a _______________ (6) in both blood pressure and the amount of ________________ (7) in our muscles. Although it is _______________ (8) to prove it at the moment, this may also mean that people who feel unhappy and who are, therefore, ________
________ (9) to laugh so much, suffer more often from physical ____________ (10).
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
As you go through life, you will experience exciting and some uncomfortable or unpleasant times. This is natural. Life would be boring if you didn’t have ups and downs.
The way your body reacts to many different experiences you have in life is known as stress. Think back to the first time you had to give a talk to your class or before your entire school. Perhaps you felt a little nervous . Your heart beat faster than usual, your breathing became shallower. You were experiencing stress.
Stress can come from many kinds of experiencing. The thought of having a big exam in your weakest subject can cause stress.
As with many things, a little stress is good, but too much stress can be harmful. Too much stress can cause problems as indigestion, back pain, high blood pressure, heart disease and other ailments.
Modern living can cause a great deal of stress at times. In family life a separation or divorce, death of close relatives is stressful to all family members. Moving to a new school or town can cause stress too.
1. Life would be boring ____________________________________________________________
2. Stress is known to be the reaction of your body to______________________________________
3. Too much stress can_____________________________________________________________
3. What situations are stressful to all family members?
1. Жизнь была бы скучна без взлетов и падений. _____________________________________
2. Ваше сердце билось чаще, а дыхание становилось поверхностным. ____________________
V. Imagine that you are a professor. Try to explain your students what stress is.
Well, while going through life _______________________________________________________
Stress is known to be ______________________________________________________________
When you feel a little nervous your heart ______________________________________________
Passing the exams, moving to a new place can __________________________________________
But too much stress can ____________________________________________________________
1. The woman … she felt sick while crossing the Channel.
2. I … my sister that she might catch cold.
3. The doctor asked me … to the waste.
a) undress b) to undress c) undressed
4. Granny reminded her grandson … forget to clean his teeth.
5. A young man asked a lecturer if it … dangerous to skip meals, eat unhealthy food and overeat.
6. I wondered if he … his temperature.
a) has taken b) had taken c) have taken
7. A group of students asked the specialist: “Why do people feel pleasure from taking drugs?”
a) A group of students asked the specialist why did people feel pleasure from taking drugs.
b) A group of students asked the specialist why people feel pleasure from taking drugs.
c) A group of students asked the specialist why people felt pleasure from taking drugs.
8. A student asked his teacher: “What organ clears the blood?”
a) A student asked his teacher what organ has cleared the blood.
b) A student asked his teacher what organ clears the blood.
c) A student asked his teacher what organ cleared the blood.
9. The man shared with his friend that he … spend a month at a health resort.
10. He hoped that he … greatly improve his health if he gave up bad habits.
*2. Fill in the correct form of the words.
(1) popular (2) please (3) health (4) deny (5) resist (6) possible (7) effect
The British government has decided to take the ______________(1) decision to ban smoking in a lot of public places. Though a lot of people find smoking _____________ (2), and though experts all agree it is ______________ (3) and that it costs the state a lot to treat victims of smoking, it is also______________ (4) that many people get pleasure from the habit and find smoking ________ ______ (5) when they are in company.
However, it is now ____________ (6) to deny the anti-social nature of the habit. As advertising has proved ___________ (7) with many smokers, the government has made smoking __________ ______ (8) in most public places. Smokers who are _____________(9) to stop smoking may feel the new measures are unjust, but for the passive smokers for whom room full of smoke is ______ _____ (10) they will come a breath of fresh air.
2. … to be much better than steak and ice-cream.
3. … than growing vegetables for food.
III. 1. A real vegetarian will not use cosmetics which contain animal ingredients or are
2. A vegetarian diet fits in with modern medical advice to cut down on fat, salt,
sugar and to eat more fibre and fresh vegetables.
3. … because it takes up much less valuable space.
IV. 1. Vegetarians refuse to eat meat as they believe that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer.
2. The growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock.
*2. 1. laughter 2. traditional 3. treatment 4. entertainment 5. successful 6. reduction
7. tension 8. impossible 9. unlikely 10. illness
II. 1. … if you didn’t have ups and downs.
2. … many different experiences you have in life.
1. The way your body reacts to many different experiences you have in life is known as stress.
2. Stress can come from many kinds of experiencing.
3. A separation or divorce, death of close relatives is stressful to all family members.
1. Life would be boring if you didn’t have ups and downs.
2. Your heart beat faster than usual, your breathing became shallower.
*2. 1. unpopular 2. displeasing 3. unhealthy 4. undeniable 5. irresistible
6. impossible 7. ineffective 8. illegal 9. unable 10. unbearable
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
A vegetarian is someone who avoids eating the flesh of animals (meat, poultry, or fish). Most vegetarians will also not eat eggs or cheese, will not use cosmetics which contain animal ingredients or are tested on animals. The word “vegetarian” comes not from “vegetable” but from the Latin word vegetus meaning “whole, fresh, full of life”.
People become vegetarians for a number of reasons. Some think that it is wrong to keep and kill animals for use as food and in other products. Others choose to be vegetarians because they believe that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat. They refuse to eat meat as they consider it harmful. Such people believe that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer and vegetarians live longer than others. Indeed, a vegetarian diet fits in very well with modern medical advice to cut down on fat, salt, sugar, and to eat more fibre and fresh vegetables. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. Salads, beans and fruit are much better than steak and ice-cream. Besides, this sort of food is cheaper than meat.
Some people are vegetarians because of their religious beliefs. Some people have chosen to be vegetarians for ecological reasons. They argue that the growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock. Moreover, it is easier to provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables for food rather than raising vegetable-eating animals.
1. The word “vegetarian” comes from ______________________________________________________
2. Salads, beans and fruit are believed to be__________________________________________________
3. Raising vegetable-eating animals is harder_________________________________________________
1. What sort of cosmetics will not use a real vegetarian?
2. What advice does a vegetarian diet fit in with?
3. Why is it easier to provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables?
1. Вегетарианцы отказываются есть мясо, т.к. полагают, что овощная диета сокращает риск раковых заболеваний.__________________________________________________________________
2. Выращивание овощных культур занимает гораздо меньше ценного пространства, чем разведение домашнего скота.___________________________________________________________
* V. Imagine that you are a vegetarian. Try to convince your friend to follow your example.
There are a lot of reasons to _____________________________________________________________
First of all, it is wrong to ________________________________________________________________
Secondly, a vegetarian diet ______________________________________________________________
Thirdly, this sort of food is_______________________________________________________________
Besides, it is easier_____________________________________________________________________
2. The old man … the doctor that he had pain in his right side.
3. The physician recommended me … at home for a week.
4. Mother told Nick … eat too much ice-cream.
5. My friend asked me if I … snacks and desserts.
a) will cut out b) have cut out c) had cut out
6. I asked him if the doctor … him some medicine.
a) had given b) has given c) have given
7. I wondered: “Why do people count a number of calories every day?”
a) I wondered why did people count a number of calories every day.
b) I wondered why people counted a number of calories every day.
c) I wondered why people count a number of calories every day.
8. A student asked his teacher: “What organ in the head controls thought and feeling?”
a) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head controlled thought and feeling.
b) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head has controlled thought and feeling.
c) A student asked his teacher what organ in the head controls thought and feeling.
9. Our PT teacher said that we … exercise much, take vitamins, and give up bad habits.
10. I promised myself that I … keep the diet and spend more time in the open air.
2. Match the problem and the piece of advice.
a) Good, you needn’t come back for a month.
c) You’ll have to have a few injections.
d) You shouldn’t eat so much fried food.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
As you go through life, you will experience exciting and some uncomfortable or unpleasant times. This is natural. Life would be boring if you didn’t have ups and downs.
The way your body reacts to many different experiences you have in life is known as stress. Think back to the first time you had to give a talk to your class or before your entire school. Perhaps you felt a little nervous . Your heart beat faster than usual, your breathing became shallower. You were experiencing stress.
Stress can come from many kinds of experiencing. The thought of having a big exam in your weakest subject can cause stress.
As with many things, a little stress is good, but too much stress can be harmful. Too much stress can cause problems as indigestion, back pain, high blood pressure, heart disease and other ailments.
Modern living can cause a great deal of stress at times. In family life a separation or divorce, death of close relatives is stressful to all family members. Moving to a new school or town can cause stress too.
1. Life would be boring _________________________________________________________________
2. Stress is known to be the reaction of your body to___________________________________________
3. Too much stress can__________________________________________________________________
3. What situations are stressful to all family members?
1. Жизнь была бы скучна без взлетов и падений. __________________________________________
2. Ваше сердце билось чаще, а дыхание становилось поверхностным. ________________________
* V. Imagine that you are a professor. Try to explain your students what stress is.
Well, while going through life ____________________________________________________________
Stress is known to be ___________________________________________________________________
When you feel a little nervous your heart ___________________________________________________
Passing the exams, moving to a new place can _______________________________________________
But too much stress can _________________________________________________________________
1. The woman … she felt sick while crossing the Channel.
2. I … my sister that she might catch cold.
3. The doctor asked me … to the waste.
a) undress b) to undress c) undressed
4. Granny reminded her grandson … forget to clean his teeth.
5. A young man asked a lecturer if it … dangerous to skip meals, eat unhealthy food and overeat.
6. I wondered if he … his temperature.
a) has taken b) had taken c) have taken
7. A group of students asked the specialist: “Why do people feel pleasure from taking drugs?”
a) A group of students asked the specialist why did people feel pleasure from taking drugs.
b) A group of students asked the specialist why people feel pleasure from taking drugs.
c) A group of students asked the specialist why people felt pleasure from taking drugs.
8. A student asked his teacher: “What organ clears the blood?”
a) A student asked his teacher what organ has cleared the blood.
b) A student asked his teacher what organ clears the blood.
c) A student asked his teacher what organ cleared the blood.
9. The man shared with his friend that he … spend a month at a health resort.
10. He hoped that he … greatly improve his health if he gave up bad habits.
2. Match the problem and the piece of advice.
4. My eyes are often sore and I sneeze a lot.
a) Perhaps you should have an eye test.
b) You ought to do more exercises. It helps you to relax.
c) You should have some allergy tests.
d) You really must lose some weight.
2. … to be much better than steak and ice-cream.
3. … than growing vegetables for food.
III. 1. A real vegetarian will not use cosmetics which contain animal ingredients or are
2. A vegetarian diet fits in with modern medical advice to cut down on fat, salt,
sugar and to eat more fibre and fresh vegetables.
3. … because it takes up much less valuable space.
IV. 1. Vegetarians refuse to eat meat as they believe that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer.
2. The growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock.
II. 1. … if you didn’t have ups and downs.
2. … many different experiences you have in life.
1. The way your body reacts to many different experiences you have in life is known as stress.
2. Stress can come from many kinds of experiencing.
3. A separation or divorce, death of close relatives is stressful to all family members.
1. Life would be boring if you didn’t have ups and downs.
2. Your heart beat faster than usual, your breathing became shallower.
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Контрольные работы по английскому языку, 9 класс
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