Контрольная Работа По Английскому Чтение 7 Класс

Контрольная Работа По Английскому Чтение 7 Класс


Контрольная Работа По Английскому Чтение 7 Класс
Опубликовано 30.04.2015 - 17:58 - Веснина Ольга Геннадьевна
Контрольная работа по чтению для учащихся 7 класса.
I had this part-time job of baby-sitting. I worked on Wednesdays, from eight in the morning until two in the afternoon. I only had one little boy, and he was about four at the time. Andy was usually in bed when I got there in the mornings. He woke up around 9. Then after breakfast we went out round the park, then we’d go back and would have a sleep. When he got up we just read baby books. It was a good job. I got good play. I think it was 75 dollars an hour, which wasn’t bad. I really enjoyed it. I liked Andy and he liked me.
An English tourist, who was staying at a hotel in Paris came to the hotel restaurant 1._________. He could not speak French, but he did not want to show it to people. He sat down at the table. When the waiter came up to his table, 2. _______ and pointed to the first line. The waiter nodded and walked away. Very soon he returned and put a plate 3._________. The Englishman was very pleased with himself. He ate the soup and, when the waiter came up to the table again, pointed to the fifth line on the menu card. The waiter looked 4._________, but did not say a word. He walked away and soon returned, bringing the Englishman a plate of fish soup. The Englishman did not want to show the waiter that he did not know French, 5.__________. Then he pointed to a line in the middle of the menu card, hoping that he would get some second course at last. This time the waiter brought him a plate of chicken soup. In despair, the Englishman pointed to the last line on the menu card. And the waiter brought him a package of tooth-picks!
Bill: Ah Tony. I’m fine, thanks. I was looking for
you yesterday afternoon. Where were you?
Tony: Well, it was lovely and sunny so I went for
a picnic in the park with my sister. What was the
Bill: No problem. I was just trying to find Ann and
thought you might know where she was.
Tony: Well, I’m sure she had to go to the doc_
Bill: Oh, that’s probably why I couldn’t find her.
Bill: Do you know if Mary and John are around
or have they gone away for the summer?
Tony: Well, I saw Mary in the post office yester_
day morning and I know John was on his way to
catch a train to see his friend in Leeds when I
Bill: Oh, dear. I’m not having much luck.
Tony: Why do you want to know where everyone
Bill: It was my birthday yesterday and I was in a
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