Контрольная Работа По Английскому 8 Класс Афанасьева

Контрольная Работа По Английскому 8 Класс Афанасьева


Контрольная Работа По Английскому 8 Класс Афанасьева
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Контрольные работы (8 класс, УМК: «English VIII» авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)

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19.87 КБ
test «Education the world of learning»,8кл..docx

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test «The world of travelling».docx

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test-1, 8кл.doc

16.68 КБ
test-2, 8th.docx

19.5 КБ
test-4, 8th.docx

31.5 КБ
Покупки, тест, 8кл.doc

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Выбранный для просмотра документ test «Education the world of learning»,8кл..docx
TEST «Education: the world of learning».
Most British children attend … schools.
public b) vocational c) comprehensive
parents’ meeting b) lunch together c) outing
There is some … in Modern languages.
When she failed the exam she broke …
… school in the USA is a free local school.
vanished b) disappeared c) squeaked
Some angry pupils take … on the teachers.
A new-comer wanted to … her authority.
There were doors that … unless you asked them politely.
neigh, chirp b) croak, howl c) hiss, bark
But for her remark they …complained about the noise.
If she … the doctor’s advice, she … sick now.
had followed, wouldn’t be b) will follow, won’t be c) follows, is
mess, punish b) will mess, punish c) mess, will punish
Why are you so … moving along the corridor?
He knows three languages but he speaks English …
This time they listened to me … than usual.
patient b) more patiently c) patienter
Выбранный для просмотра документ test «The world of travelling».docx
Answer the questions (use the new vocabulary)
To what places do people usually go when they go travelling?
Do more people go travelling on business or for pleasure?
What are the most popular methods of travelling?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of going by air, by train, by sea, on foot?
In what way have the means of travelling changed since old times to nowadays?
How often do you go travelling? To what places?
What makes a journey enjoyable or hateful?
What do you take with you when you go travelling? What do you bring home from a travel?
Where would you go if you had a chance? Why?
B: A week return to Manchester will cost 50$.
B: There’s a train at 3 p.m. and another one at 7.45 p.m.
Если бы я услышал звон посуды, я бы подумал о ссоре.
Она часто ездит в деловые поездки за границу?
Среди попутчиков встречаются милые люди, не так ли?
Тебе следовало бы оплатить перевес багажа.
Посмотри, кто там только что пришел.
Ты бы лучше поторопился, если хочешь попасть домой до темноты.
Мы случайно наткнулись на очаровательный домик после долгих поисков.
Я бы лучше взяла сумку и косметичку, чем большой и тяжелый чемодан?
На твоем бы месте я бы больше думал(а) о школе, чем о любви.
Выбранный для просмотра документ test-1, 8кл.doc
TEST-1 «Choosing a career. The world of jobs»
you wanted to sell your house _________________________
your bathroom tap were leaking _______________________
all the lights in your house had gone out _______________________
you saw an accident in the street ___________________________
you wanted some medicine to be made up _____________________
you wanted a consultation on some legal problem ____________________
you had a problem with your heart ___________________________
you wanted a plan of a country house you were going to build __________________
When can you hand ............ your papers?
The King handed ……….... his authority to the parliament.
The teacher handed ………... books to all the students.
We know you have the jewels, so hand them .............. .
Certain customs are handed ............to the younger generation.
Bob wouldn't have become a good surgeon if _________________________________________
She would be at the seaside if _____________________________________________________
If he were more reliable __________________________________________________________
If I didn't live so far away from school ______________________________________________
Sam will write the assay without mistakes if __________________________________________
If he had managed to buy a ticket for the flight________________________________________
If I don't cheat at the test_________________________________________________________
T F E R C I R I ____________________________________________________
Q A Y T U I L _____________________________________________________
L A U R O F V ____________________________________________________
X I E I N C G T __________________________________________________
P E C S R E _____________________________________________________
P S Y H I S C I T __________________________________________________
S O J A E L U _____________________________________________________
H T A R I O S _____________________________________________________
D V A A E N C D ___________________________________________________
C Y A U C R C A ___________________________________________________
N E T R T O ________________________________________________________
I R Q E U R E ______________________________________________________
D M B U ___________________________________________________________
Если бы автобус не опоздал, она бы не пропустила поезд в Лондон.
Если он будет жульничать во время игры, брат ему "задаст".
Ты убираешься в комнате сам или это делают за тебя?
Вам необходима (требуется) медсестра, если бабушка больна.
Кто тебя стрижет, Ваня? - Очень талантливый и модный парикмахер.
Если бы Том сейчас не был в Нью Йорке, я бы не чувствовала себя такой одинокой.
Эта работа потребует богатого воображения и большого опыта.
Эта вещь всегда передается по наследству в нашей семье.
Я знала наверняка, что мороженое со вкусом черники не стоит пробовать.
Выбранный для просмотра документ test-2, 8th.docx
1. Match the words with their definitions :
1 solid a) to touch someone lightly so that he feels funny
3 to relieve c) to take away pain or worry
4 to tickle d) a man who has magic power
5 to vanish e) hard, strong and reliable
1 экзамен на получение сертификата о среднем образовании
3. Choose the right verb to complete the sentences.
1You must learn/ study this poem for Monday.
2The moon disappeared / vanished at night.
3We are learning/ studying English because we want to work for British company.
4 Many plants have now disappeared/ vanished from the face of the earth.
5 Study/ learn the plan and express your opinion.
4. Use the right form of the verbs to make the sentences complete.
1. If Marry (buy) enough apples at the shop, she (bake) an apple-pie last Sunday.
2. If Kate (know) French, she (speak) it now.
3. If David (not cheat) at his test yesterday, he (not to be punished).
4. If the weather (to be) fine tomorrow, we (go) skiing.
5. If I (to be) you, I (not lie) to your teacher now.
5. Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences. Pay attention to the tenses the parts of the sentences refer to.
1 If Jack (went\ had gone) to university when he was 18, he (would be\ would have been) a doctor now.
2. If he (weren`t\ hadn`t been) encouraged by his teacher to do English when he was at school, he (wouldn`t be\ wouldn`t have been) a successful translator now.
3. Alice (would know\ would have known) more about USA now if she (read\had read) more about this country during the year.
4 Boris (would be\ would have been) healthy now, if he (followed\ had followed)
5. Jane (would be\ would have been) a winner of the race now if she (trained\had trained) during the year.
6. Make sentences complete using a comparative form.
1. You play too noisy. Can you play (quietly).
2. Yesterday he told this story (cheerfully) than today.
3. Jane is smiling (brightly) of all.
4. The garden looks (good) since you tidied it.
5. They spoke (patiently) today than yesterday.
2. Choose the right verb to complete the sentences .
1 Learn/ study the words for word dictation.
2 He disappeared/ vanished in the crowd and then I saw him again.
3 The sun disappeared / vanished in the dark sky.
4 He is such a bad person, I want him to disappear/ vanish from my life for ever.
5 Many species of animals have now disappeared/ vanished from the face of the earth.
3. Use the right form of the verbs to make the sentences complete.
1. If Mother (buy) all the ingredients, she (bake) our favourite cake for her birthday yesterday.
2. If Dan (know) English, he (speak) it now.
3. If Marry (to be more confident) at the test, she (get) a better mark at Math yesterday.
4. If it (not rain) tomorrow, we (go) swimming.
5. If I (to be) you, I (tell) the truth now.
4. Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences. Pay attention to the tenses the parts of the sentences refer to.
1 If Peter (went\ had gone) to university when he was 18, he (would be\ would have been) a good specialist now.
2. If he (weren`t\ hadn`t been) encouraged by his parents to study English when he was at school, he (wouldn`t be\ wouldn`t have been) a successful translator now.
3. We (would know\ would have known) more about English speaking countries now if we (read\had read) more information about them during the year.
4 Grandmother (wouldn`t be\ wouldn`t have been) sick now, if she (began\ had begun)
5. They (would be\ would have been) winners of the game now if they (trained\had trained) during the year.
5. Make sentences complete using a comparative form.
1 He answered quite (easily) than we expected.
2 She swam (quickly) of all the children.
3 He was seriously ill (seriously) than we thought at first.
4 Today the sun shines (brightly) of all the days of May.
5 When I wear glasses I can see (clearly).
6. Match the words with their definitions:
1 to concentrate a) someone who studies philosophy
2 to relieve b) to make someone do something when he doesn`t want to
3 a philosopher c) to take away pain or worry
4 to force d) to think hard about or look hard at something
4 a dormitory e) a line of people who are waiting to do something
5 a queue f) a big bedroom for a lot of people
Выбранный для просмотра документ test-4, 8th.docx
1. must/ have to/ can/ be allowed / could/ couldn`t/ may/ might
You ………. do the shopping. I went to the supermarket this evening.
2 . You …… be quiet in the library according to the rules.
3. ……. we eat in the classrooms? – No, we ……… . It is out of order!
4. Don`t forget to pack a sweater. It …… be cold in Scotland. ( You are sure).
5. She`ll …… study harder if she wants to pass the exam.
6. Adam …… speak Spanish when he was five but he ….. swim.
7. Melissa ……wash the dinner dishes. (You`re 50% sure she will do it).
8. David …….. take the books to the library (You`re 30% sure he will do it).
9. Can I park here? – No, you …… to.
10. It`s getting dark, I …. go home.
1. I`ll take care of your flat while you are out.
2. Last month he met Jeremy quite often.
3. I`m going to the station to say good bye to my friend.
4. Our teacher is so clever; she always understands when we are cheating.
4. none/ neither/ different/ various/ beside/ besides/ variety/ difference/ to invent/ to discover
1. These socks are not a pair. They are ….. .
2. You can find …… books in the library.
3. My ideas of success are absolutely …… from hers.
4. He doesn`t want to go to the disco, ….. he has a lot of work to do.
5. You can put the chair …… this table.
7. I have two good friends, ……. of them is my classmate.
9 ….. of us have seen today`s newspaper.
10. Scientists have ……. a new virus.
5. Match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:
1. essential problems a. выключатель
2. manned spaceship b. руководство пользователя
5. zero gravity f .материнская плата
6. disk drive g . космический корабль с человеком на борту
7. mother board h .основные проблемы
8. power switch i .транспортное средство
9. user ` s manual j .портативный компьютеру
10. CPU k .устройство защиты от перепадов напряжения
13. device o .корабль многоразового использования
14. probe p .средство, приспособление
Выбранный для просмотра документ Покупки, тест, 8кл.doc
A product made for stiffening cloth;
Goodness and nobleness of a character;
If you want to spend money, do you pay it in or withdraw it?
What sort of problem(s) do you usually come across?
She ____ not answer your question, it’s too personal (I’m sure).
Take off this stupid hat, you look _____ in it.
Of all the clocks in the house ____ _____ the oldest.
A ____ is a long fastener made of 2 sets metal or plastic teeth and a sliding piece.
Где мы можем купить предметы сервировки стола?
Если бы у меня был счет в банке, у меня была бы чековая книжка.
Она предпочитает делать покупки в торговом центре: там хорошее обслуживание и часто бывают скидки.
Что на тебя нашло? Почему ты такой злой?
Вам придется носить форму, даже если она вам не идет.
Как вы думаете, стоит сходить на дискотеку 14 февраля?
Не могли бы вы разменять 100 евро, банкомат дал все деньги сотнями.
Они вдруг оробели, но никто не обратил на это внимание.
Какого цвета твоя пижама: белая или синяя? – Черная, шелковая.
Give three forms of the verbs and translate them
To flap, to sink, to lay, to wrap, to strike, to chew, to teach, to cheat, to pay, to cost
Влияние сенсорной интеграции на ребенка с ОВЗ в дошкольный период
Данные контрольные работы по английскому языку составлены для проверки знаний и умений по определенным темам (разделам учебника) и предназначены для учащихся 8 класса (тесты составлены по УМК : « English VIII » авторов  О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева ). В контрольных работах предлагаются материалы на закрепление нескольких тем учебника: "Образование", "Профессии", "Покупки и магазины" и др.
Задания интересны и разносторонне, повышают познавательную активность и мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка. Учитель реализует личностно-ориентированный подход в обучении и приучает детей к самостоятельной работе.

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