Контрольная Работа По Английскому 6 Класс Spotlight

Контрольная Работа По Английскому 6 Класс Spotlight


Контрольная Работа По Английскому 6 Класс Spotlight

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Опубликовано 03.06.2019 - 19:49 - Клыкова Марина Владимировна
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Собрание лексико-грамматических тестов к УМК "Английский в фокусе 6 класс"
● parking ● road ● plane ● bike  ● lights ● handgrip ● kerb  
3. Fill in the gaps with CAN  or CAN’T .
5. Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.
-Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?
- Well, go straight on King’s Road then take the second turning left.
-Yes, there is. The post office is next to the Victorian Hotel.  
- Not really. Just about 10 minutes’ walk.
● boat ● left ● lean ● car  ● walk ● parking ●belt  
3. Fill in the gaps with CAN  or CAN’T .
5. Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.
- Yes, there is one in High Street opposite the sports centre.
- Excuse me, is there a chemist’s near here?
- Take the first turning left then the third right.
-Well, then I should go straight until the sports centre…
I. Complete the gaps with the words from the box, one is odd :
masks, tinsel, tree, turkey, celebrate, special
1.  Children decorate the Christmas ________ before the dinner.
2. We usually ________ the New Year with the family in Russia.
3. The Christmas is decorated with the lights and ________ .
4. Mothers and grandmothers make ________ dishes for the dinner.
5.  People often wear _________ at festivals.
II. Match the holidays with the descriptions:
A. It’s celebrated on the 2 nd  Saturday of June with military parades.
B. It’s in November and makes people to remember the victims of the world war I and II.
C. Makes people share their loving feelings.
D. It’s celebrated to thank the God for food and homes.
E. This day children wear scary masks and look like ghosts and witches.
III. Complete the sentences with make or do:
1. What’s your name? Let’s ______ friends.
2. We _______ the cleaning every Saturday.
3. Does your dad ______ enough money.
5. Who _____es the housework in your family?
IV. Put the words in the correct form of the Present Continuous:
1. All the people ___________ (watch) the street parades today.
2. I ________ (not, do) the gardening this week.
3. She _______ (wear) a witch costume at the moment.
4. ____ you ______ (play) computer games now?
5. He ________ (not, make) the bed, he’s still in it.
V. Put the sentences in the correct order and translate:
1. doing, they, the , right now, washing up, are.
3. am, making, I, not , coffee, at, moment, the.
Read the statements and mark as   true, false   or   doesn’t say :
"Hello. Today, I’m going to talk to you about an important festival in my country, India. In late autumn, we celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Diwali lasts five days. Before the festival, the whole family makes some preparations. We put up colourful decorations in our homes and children make special festive lamps. On that day we visit relatives, we have festive meals and we exchange gifts. In the evening, we light our Diwali lamps and we pray to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Finally, there is an exciting fireworks display. Everybody has a great time. Thank you for listening.”
1. Diwali takes place in winter.___                     4. They celebrate the holiday only with friends. ___
2. People spend most of the time outside. ___    5. They give each other presents this day. ____
3. It lasts 5 days._____                                        6. They don’t let off fireworks. ____
Read the statements and mark as   true, false   or   doesn’t say :
"Hello. Today, I’m going to talk to you about an important festival in my country, India. In late autumn, we celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Diwali lasts five days. Before the festival, the whole family makes some preparations. We put up colourful decorations in our homes and children make special festive lamps. On that day we visit relatives, we have festive meals and we exchange gifts. In the evening, we light our Diwali lamps and we pray to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Finally, there is an exciting fireworks display. Everybody has a great time. Thank you for listening.”
1. Diwali takes place in winter.___                     4. They celebrate the holiday only with friends. ___
2. People spend most of the time outside. ___    5. They give each other presents this day. ____
3. It lasts 5 days._____                                        6. They don’t let off fireworks. ____
Read the statements and mark as   true, false   or   doesn’t say :
"Hello. Today, I’m going to talk to you about an important festival in my country, India. In late autumn, we celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Diwali lasts five days. Before the festival, the whole family makes some preparations. We put up colourful decorations in our homes and children make special festive lamps. On that day we visit relatives, we have festive meals and we exchange gifts. In the evening, we light our Diwali lamps and we pray to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Finally, there is an exciting fireworks display. Everybody has a great time. Thank you for listening.”
1. Diwali takes place in winter.___                     4. They celebrate the holiday only with friends. ___
2. People spend most of the time outside. ___    5. They give each other presents this day. ____
3. It lasts 5 days._____                                        6. They don’t let off fireworks. ____
1. People visit Mineral Park to get an idea of / about  life was like in the past.
2. In order to get coal or metals workers go to grounds / mines .
3. When my baby brother comes to my room, it changes on/into  a mess.
4. Shakespeare studied/ taught  Latin at school.
5. The audience often cheered/ staged  actors.  
3.  Match the adjectives to their opposites.
4. Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs.
hear ― .......................                   know - ……………….
 see ― ..........................                  drop - ……………….          
 give ― ..........................                study - ……………...
 be― ..........................                    stay - ……………….
5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past simple form.
1. We ................... (decide) to stay in and watch a film last night.
2. We ................... (meet) on holiday last summer.
3. There ……………(not, be) a lot of cars in the past.
4. ………………..(Shakespeare, live) in London?
5. We …………(have) a great time in the theatre.
6. Tom …………….(not, visit) his grandparents yesterday.
1. When was your mom born? ……………………………………………(2p)
2. Did you go to the theatre last month?...............................................(1p)
3. Where did you learn about Shakespeare?.........................................(2p)
4. Were you at home at 5 pm yesterday? …………………………….(1p)
1. In the past citizens had fun in the   saloons/ schools .
2. He got married   on/to   Ann Hathaway.  
3. Nowadays the streets are   deserted/ desert   here.
4.  Shakespeare died on/ in  his birthday.  
5.  A “ghost town” is a place where every/no  one lives anymore.
3.  Match the adjectives to their opposites.
4. Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs.
read ― ..........................                go ― ..........................
like - …………………                  clap - ……………….
see ― ..........................                  take - ……………….
cry - ………………..                    play - ………………
5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past simple form.
1. Walt Disney ......................... (die) in 1966.
2. I’m sorry. I ......................... (not/do) my homework last night.
3. Peter ......................... (shout) at his sister this morning.
4. He …………………..(not, be) a playwright.
5. …………………..(grandparents, meet) after the World War II?
6. Mark ......................... (see) us last week.
1. When were you born? ……………………………………………(2p)
2. Did you go to school three days ago?...............................................(1p)
3. What was your mother’s town or city?.........................................(2p)
4. Did you do your homework yesterday? …………………………….(1p)
                                       PROGRESS CHECK MODULE 8                      (6 th  form)
1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
fast food restaurant    zoo    tent    palace       gallery        department store
1. Bob and Roy are staying in a small ___ at the campsite.
2. There are lots of works of art in the ___.
3. This is a really big ___. They sell everything here!
4. My little sister wants to see the animals at the ___.
5. I’m so hungry. Can we go to a ___?
6. The Queen lives in a big luxirious ___.
2. Choose and write out the correct item.
1. You can  have a picnic  /  listen to the song  /  watch a film  at the cinema.
2. You can  relax / do sports / swim  at the gym.
3. You can  take pictures / go camping / find a book  at the library.
4. You can  play football / see fish / buy some bread  at the aquarium.
1. You mustn’t/have to/needn’t talk during the test. It’s forbidden.
2. You can’t/have to/mustn’t  pay your rent. That’s the rule.
3. You needn’t/can’t/mustn’t  eat in the classroom. It’s the rule!
4. You can’t/don’t have to/ needn’t  have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.
4. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct degree:
1. Peter is ______(short) than Tom.
2. This is the ______(bad) film I’ve ever seen.
3. Jane is really good, she’s the _____ (good) person I know.
4. A palace is much ______ (spacious) than a cottage.
5. This is the ______(pretty) dress I bought.
5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. Tracy / do / to / has / up / washing / the.
2. is / the / intelligent / Sarah / most / girl / university / our / in.
3. have / wear / school / to / we / uniform.
4. is / biggest / Hyde Park / the / London / park / in.
6. Read the text and answer the questions.
Hi! How are you? I’m writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you.
Your family’s flat is very different from our cottage. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can’t go to the cinema or theatre. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can’t see a lot of people. I guess no one can have everything they want at once.
1. What kind of home does Kirsten live in?
3. Which home is near a cinema and a theatre?
4. Which home is in the countryside?
7. Match the questions to the answers.
1. How about going to the aquarium?                 A OK. I want to see the monkeys.
2. Shall we go to that new department store?     B I’d rather not. I don’t like him.
3. Why don’t we go to the zoo.                          C I don’t really like fish.
4. How about visiting Paul?                               D That sounds good. I’m tired.
5. Why don’t we go home?                                E Brilliant idea! I need some new
                                     PROGRESS CHECK MODULE 8                      (6 th  form)
1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
 swimming pool      department store     library       museum        gym      hotel
2. There are a lot of old pictures and statues in the ___.
3. This is a really big ___. They sell everything here!
4. My little brother wants to swim in the ______.
5. When we go abroad we often stay at a ______ .
6. I’m taking this book back to the ___.
2. Choose and write out the correct item.
1. You can  swim / buy a present / see  a play  at the theatre.
2. You can  have a picnic  /  listen to the song  /  watch a film  at the cinema.
3. You can  take pictures / go camping / find a book  at the campsite.
4. You can  play football / see fish / buy some bread  at the supermarket.
1. You mustn’t/have to/needn’t go to the dentist if you have a toothache.
2. You can’t/have to/may  be late for school. That’s the rule.
3. You needn’t/can’t/mustn’t  beat the classmates. It’s forbidden!
4. You can /don’t have to/ must  have any pets in this house. It’s OK.
4. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct degree:
1. Mark is ______(clever) than Tom at English.
2. This is the ______(good) film I’ve ever seen.
3. This building is the _____(modern) in our city.
4. My room is much ______ (big) than yours.
5. This is the ______(funny) cartoon in the world.
5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. doesn’t / to / Susan / have / the / clean / flat.
2. is / the / intelligent / Sarah / most / girl / university / our / in.
3. mustn’t / wear / school / at / we / jeans.
4. is / famous / Hyde Park / the / London / park / most/ in.
6. Read the text and answer the questions.
Hello! How are you? I’m writing thank you for letting me stay with you.
Your family’s flat is very different from our cottage but cozy. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can’t go to the cinema or restaurant. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can’t see a lot of people. I think no one can have everything they want at once.
4. Which home is near a cinema and a theatre?
7. Match the questions to the answers.
1. How about going to the cinema?                    A I’d rather not. I don’t like her.
2. Shall we go to that new department store?     B I’d rather do homework at home.
3. Why don’t we go to the library.                      C That sounds good. I’m tired.
4. How about visiting Pamela?                           D. I’m not fond of films.
5. Why don’t we go home?                                 E Brilliant idea! I need some shoes.
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Контрольные работы к УМК Spotlight 6 | Тест ( 6 класс )
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Spotlight 6 . Английский в фокусе. 6 класс . Контрольные задания.
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