Контрольная Работа По Англ 9 Кл Вербицкая

Контрольная Работа По Англ 9 Кл Вербицкая


Контрольная Работа По Англ 9 Кл Вербицкая

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Контрольная работа для 9 класса по учебнику FORWARD

Формирование позитивных жизненных перспектив старшеклассников в работе учителя

Продолжительность 72 часа
Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной...
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка
2760 руб.  
13800 руб.

1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности...
1200 руб.  
4000 руб.

Организация досуговой деятельности учащихся в рамках реализации...

Детский коллектив в процессе формирования личности. Средства...
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Данная контрольная работа составлена в 3 вариантах по учебнику FORWARD. Варианты  составлены в соответствии с учебником , учитывая разные способности учеников-дифференцированно/  var 1   предназначен для учащихся успевающих на "5", Var  3 для учащихся  успевающих на 4 , var 3 - состоит из 2х заданий для учащихся успевающих но "3" - Условаия получения той или иой оценки- критерии  можно учидеть в работе. Учитель может поменять их в соответствии со своим контингентом.
Полугодовая контрольная работа 9 класс ( Forward 9 кл) V .1
1 Complete the gaps with a\an,the or zero article.
_____ men are fond of hunting. 2 _____ red is my favourite colour. 3. He became___ doctor. 4______ highest mountians are in _____ Asia. 5 My uncle used to be ____ dentist before he retired. 6 London is ___ biggest city in Britain. 7 It was early morning on ___ Friday, the thirteenth of ___ December. 8 There are special schools for __ blind and ___ deaf.
2 Complete the sentences with the right form of verbs
Peter_____________ (go) home by the time I arrived.
If I ______________( have) the money , I ____________________( go) snowboarding.
Kate suddenly realised that he_________________-_____ (leave) his laptop on the train.
If I __________ ( be) fitter, I _________________ ( try) rock climbing.
Father was annoyed because I _______________________(not clean) my room.
______________(they / study) English before they went to the USA?
If I ______( be ) taller, I _____ ( play) volleyball.
I _______finish this report by the end of the week (must\have to).
9 Alex lives and works in Florida but he _________________ (have) a holiday in England at the moment.
10 Olga  ____________ (get up) at seven o'clock every morning.
11She ______________ (work) here for five years.
12 I ________________ ( run) when I saw some people.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
Mr Adams is from Ireland, ___________?
The bike isn't in the garage, ________?
Lena went to the library yesterday, ______________?
John didn't recognize me, ______________?
Buses pollute the environment, _____?
Mr. Jason has been to Scotland recently, __________?
The trip is very expensive, ________?
John had a red car, ________________?
4 Write a short message to your friend ( about 20-50 words). Ask him to give you advice about any problem.
«5»- допускается 2 ошибки. «4»- допускается 4 ошибки. «3»- допускается 5 ошибок.- в любом из заданий
Полугодовая контрольная работа 9 класс ( Forward 9 кл) V .2
Name __________________________________
Complete the sentences. Make new words from the words in capital letters.
A lot of people like to be ____________________ because it makes them feel better.  FASHION
Wearing ____________________ and other types of jewellery can be a sign that belong to a group, for example Goths.  EAR
UNICEF is an ____________________ which looks after children is underdeveloped countries.  ORGANISE
People usually join political parties because they ____________________ with their views on politics, economics and social issues.  IDENTITY
Some young people join gangs because they’re looking for ____________________ .  ACCEPT
The battery in my mobile is flat – I need to ____________________ it.  CHARGE
Fill in the gaps with the  Present Perfect  or  Present Perfect Continuous  forms of the verbs in brackets.
Alex ____________________ (write) songs since 2008.
Ron____________________ (write) hundreds of poems.
Ken____________________ (go out) with Ann for about a year.
Colin ____________________ (go out) for a drink with Lena.
Max ____________________ (play) in public many times.
Tracy ____________________ (play) the piano since she was six.
Steve ____________________ (act) in three music videos.
Stephan ____________________ (act) in a music video all day.
David ____________________ (save up) his money.
Peter____________________ (save up) almost $ 3,000.
Выполнение данной полугодовой контрольной работы гарантирует получение положительной оценки «3»- допускается 3 ошибки
Полугодовая контрольная работа 9 класс ( Forward 9 кл) V .3
1 Complete the gaps with a\an,the or zero article
Alex came into (1)______ bathroom to shut the window while they were still in bed. We have got (2)___headache. You will be (3)______ first man in my life. Give me please (4)_____coffee. (5)______Water is (6)___ necessary thing in the world. Rudolf Rolley,(7)_____ young piano salesman, was (8)____ true adventure. When he was walking along (9)___ street his attention was attracted by (10)____Pedro. (11)_____ Pedro was straight and handsome.
Complete the sentences with the right form of verbs
1Ann_____________ (go) home by the time her brother arrived.
2.If I ______________( have) the money , I ____________________( go)swimming.
3.Jane suddenly realised that Alex _________________-_____ (leave) his laptop on the train in the garden.
4My grandmother was annoyed because my sister _______________________(not clean) her room.
5. ______________(they / study) French before they went to France?
6. If I ______( be ) fitter, I _____ ( ride) a horse.
7Alex_______finish this report by the end of the week (must\have to).
8 Ann studies and works in France but she _________________ (have) a holiday in Russia now.
9 Jane  ____________ (get up) at nine o'clock every day.
10Fred ______________ (study) here for four years.
11 I ________________ (dance) when I saw some people.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct question tags
Alex didn't visit his parents ,______? 
4 Write 5 sentences about your future. Start : I want to be….. Выполнение данной работы гарантирует получение «4» - допускается 2 ошибки, 3-4 ошибки – «3», более – «2-неудовлетворительно»
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Электронная тетрадь по английскому...
Электронная тетрадь по английскому...
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Канукова Диана Казбековна


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образовательной деятельности
№5251 от 25.08.2017 г.

Контрольная работа для 9 класса по учебнику FORWARD
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