Контрольная Работа По Англ 8 Класс

Контрольная Работа По Англ 8 Класс


Контрольная Работа По Англ 8 Класс



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Электронная тетрадь по английскому языку 3 класс

Электронная тетрадь по английскому языку 8 класс ФГОС

ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Написание писем и эссе

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими...

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Сборник контрольных работ по английскому языку для 8 класса(стартовый срез,полугодовой,годовой)
Нулевой контрольный срез по английскому языку в 8 классе
Задание 1. Match the English word with its Russian equivalent.
Задание 2. Choose the correct variant.
1) There are a lot of … in the yard.
3) …she cook breakfast every morning?
Задание 3. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form.
2) I …(to live) in the USA for ten years.
3) John …(to work) very hard at the moment.
4) When they (to finish) their work, they went home.
Задание 4.Fill in the blanks with the following modal verbs: can, could, must, may, should.
1) She ___get up early in the morning.
3) You ___ cross the street when the light is green.
4) ___ you pass me a scone, please?
Блок C. Write an essay “My Summer Holidays”
Нулевой контрольный срез по английскому языку в 8 классе
Задание 1. Match the English word with its Russian equivalent.
Задание 2. Choose the correct variant.
a) are…speaking b) is…speaking c) am…speaking
3) Ann …(learn) German for six years.
a) have been learning b) has been learning has learnt
4) He … (to be) at the hospital last week.
5) She (to live) with her parents in London last year.
Задание 3. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form.
1) He often …(to play) table tennis.
3) Pete …(to help) about the house this week.
4) Where …they (to live)? In Glasgow.
5) Yesterday we (to discuss) this question last week.
Задание 4.Fill in the blanks with the following modal verbs: can, could, must, may, shouldn’t.
1) The sky is too grey. It ____ rain all day.
2) It is a secret. You ____tell it anyone.
3) Pupils ____ be at the lessons in time.
4) ___you tell me the way to the nearest library?
Блок C. Write an essay “My Summer Holidays”
1. 1)c 2) g 3)I 4) j 5) b 6) a 7) d 8) f 9) h 10) e
B. 3 1) have had 2) have been 3) is working 4)hadfinished 5) did …do
4. 1) must 2) can 3) should 4) could 5) may
1. 1) c 2) i 3) d 4) e 5) j 6) b 7) f 8) a 9) g 10) h
B.3. 1) plays 2) is cleaning 3) has helped 4) do…live 5) discussed
4. 1) may 2) shouldn’t 3) must 4) could 5) can
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе
за I полугодие 2013-2014 учебногогода
Задание 1. MatchtheEnglishword with its Russian equivalent.
Задание 2. Choose the correct variant.
I started school ________ the age of seven.
There is ____ cloak room, dining room and ____ library on the ground floor.
Astana is the capital _____Kazakhstan.
What ______ people be able to protect if they are environment-educated?
Задание 3. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form.
1) If I (have) much money, I’ll buy a new bicycle.
2) He (need) some money if he (go) out with his girlfriend.
3) If I were a scientist, I (invent) a time machine.
4) If the weather (be) fine, we (go) for a walk.
5) If I (see) Ann afternoon, I (tell) her the news.
Задание 4. Complete the sentences using the correct form.
4) If I were a Minister of Education, I …
5) If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I….
Блок C. Write an essay on one of the topics:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе
за I полугодие 2013-2014 учебного года
Задание 1. Match the English word with its Russian equivalent.
Задание 2. Choose the correct variant.
1. I enjoyed my visit ____the Gallery
3. Every pupil learns one ___ foreign languages.
4.The poem I’ve justrecited ___by Abai.
a) written b) was written c) was wrote
5. This time next week I ________ in the Black Sea.
a)shall be swimming b) shall swim c) will swim
Задание 3. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form.
1) If he (break) the window, he (pay) for a new one.
2) If it (not/be) cold, they (not/lit) the fire.
3) If I had free time now or tomorrow, I (send) the letter myself.
4) If I were you, I (visit) the doctor.
5) If he (have) free time yesterday, he (do) the work himself.
Задание 4. Complete the sentences using the correct form.
5) If I had had free time yesterday, …
Write an essay on one of the topics:
Ответы к контрольному срезу за 1 полугодие
h 2) e 3) g 4) i 5) j 6) a 7) b 8) c 9) d 10) f
have 2) willneed, goes 3) wouldinvent 4) is, shallgo 5) see, shall tell
1)c 2) h 3) a 4) I 5) j 6) d 7) e 8) f 9) g 10) b
1)breaks 2) isn’t, won’t 3) would send 4) would visit 5) had had, would have done
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе
за II полугодие 2013-2014 учебного года
A ) 1. MatchtheEnglishword with its Russian equivalent.
1. What did you have for lunch? …apple and …sandwich. …apple was very sweet.
a) an, a, the b) the, a, a c) an, -, a
2. … Pacific Ocean is … largest ocean in … world.
a) a, the, the b) the, the, the c) –, a, the
4. George Bernard Shaw, …well-known English playwright, was born in …Ireland in 1856.
5. In …Siberia there are many long rivers: …Ob, …Irtysh, …Yenissei, …Lena and …Amur.
a) -,the, the, the, the, the b) the, -, -, -, -, - c) the, a, a, a, a, a
B) 3. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form.
1) John got off the train while it (go).
2) He (walk) home when the rain began.
4) A lot of interesting films (show) next month.
5) I (wait) outside the cinema when I (see) an accident.
4. Choose the reported word and turn the following into Reported Speech.
Advised, promised, asked, refused, suggested
“I think you should take more exercise”, the doctor said to me.
“Do you know where I’ve put my hat?” he said to her.
“Go to your room now and do your homework”, the mother said to her son.
“I really will phone this evening”, he said to her.
C) Write a letter to your American friend about interesting facts you’ve learned about Washington.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе
за II полугодие 2013-2014 учебного года
A) 1. Match the English word with its Russian equivalent.
1. … London is … capital of … England and one of … most beautiful cities in … Europe.
a) - / the/ a/ the/ a. b) -/ the/ a/-/ a. c) -/the/-/ the/-.
3. … biggest state is Alaska,… smallest is Rhode Island.
4….Mississippi is …longest river in … world.
a) a, -, the b) the, the, the c) -, the, -
5. … Queen of … England lives in Buckingham Palace in …London.
a) -, the, - b) the, -, the c) the, -, -
B) 3. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form.
1.When Martin (arrive) home, Anna (talk) with somebody on the phone.
2. I (lie) in the bath when the phone (ring).
4. It (be) cold when we (go) to the park.
5. When my mother (come), I (play) with my friends.
4. Choose the reported word and turn the following into Reported Speech.
Asked, begged, advised, explained, promised
1. “Please, let me come with you”, she said to her sister.
2. “Let’s play in the garden”, Ted said.
3. “The Sun is bigger than the Earth”, Mary said to the children.
4. “I promise I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive”, said John to Mary.
5. “Please don’t shoot me!” he said to the robber.
C) Write a letter to your American friend about interesting facts you’ve learned about Washington.
Ответы к контрольному срезу за 2 полугодие
f 2) e 3) h 4) i 5) d 6) g 7) c 8) j 9) a 10) b
was going 2) was walking 3) will be painted 4) will be known
The doctor advised me to take more exercises.
He asked if she knew where he had put his hat.
The mother ordered her son to go to his room and do his homework.
He promised that he would phone her that evening.
d 2) g 3) h 4) i 5) j 6) b 7) a 8) c 9) e 10) f
arrived , was talking 2) was lying, rang 3) stopped 4) was, were going 5) came, was playing
She begged her sister to let her come with them.
Ted advised us to play in the garden.
Mary explained the children that the Sun is bigger than the Earth.
John promised Mary that he would write her as soon as he arrived.
He asked the robber not to shoot him.

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