Контрольная Работа Письменная Часть Английский 7 Класс

Контрольная Работа Письменная Часть Английский 7 Класс


Контрольная Работа Письменная Часть Английский 7 Класс
12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
  Контрольная  работа по английскому языку в 7 классе.
                                        Name / form______________________________________        
.......... tea                           ..........money                      ..........coat
..........chair                         ..........leaf                           ..........cakes
.......... potatoes                   ..........sandwich                  ..........sugar
..........cup                            ..........cheese                      ..........elephant
He always asks ............. questions.
I don’t buy ............. food in this supermarket.
There aren’t ............. houses in the street.
.............. people come to Moscow in summer.
You mustn’t drink so ............. coffee.
3.      Form new words to fill the gaps.
She is a well-known ................ of children stories.             WRITE       
There was an international ............. of foreign students.     MEET
Those photos have made a great ............. on me.                IMPRESS
John is fond of sport. He goes in for ............. .                    DIVE
Do you know who is the ............. of this piece of art?        CREATE
Look at the ............. map and find the answers, please.      INFORM
4.      Choose the right variant of the verb form.
The lesson ............. five minutes ago.
a)      begins          b) began          c)will begin
Sam’s friends ............. a party next Saturday.
a)      will have         b) have          c) had
We ............. never .......... English pudding.
a) are eating          b) will eat          c) have eaten
The Smiths usually ............ their holidays at the seaside.
a) spent          b) were spending          c) spend
She ............. an interesting book at the moment.
a) is reading          b) reads          c) will read
last/ he/ English/ year/did/ study ?
morning/ I/ exercises/ a lot of/ do/ in/ the .
on/ talking/ the/ who/ phone/ is/ now ?
been/ London/ have/ ever/ you/ to ?
breakfast/ tomorrow/ will/ for/ have/ you/ what ?
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom.
... Last weekend my father and I went to Oxford. It was great. Do you like to travel? Where did you go last year? Are you going to visit some new places next summer?..
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Ask him 1 question.
Write 70 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Контрольная  работа по английскому языку в 7 классе.
                                          Name / form______________________________________         
.......... juice                       ..........food                 ..........shirt
..........table                        ..........window           .........sweets
.......... tomatoes                ..........crocodile         ..........porridge
..........tree                         ..........ham                  ..........orange
Usually she doesn’t spend ............. money.
I don’t eat ............. meat for dinner.
There wasn’t ............. furniture in their  flat.
They can’t see .............. cars near the airport.
You mustn’t eat ............. cakes.
7.      Form new words to fill the gaps.
She is a well-known ................ of children stories.             WRITE       
There was an international ............. of foreign students.     MEET
Those photos have made a great ............. on me.                IMPRESS
John is fond of sport. He goes in for ............. .                    DIVE
Do you know who is the ............. of this piece of art?        CREATE
Look at the ............. map and find the answers, please.      INFORM
8.      Choose the right variant of the verb form.
The pupils ............. to the museum an hour ago.
b)      go          b) will go        c) went 
Jill’s parents ............. back in two days.
b)      will come         b) came          c) come
He ............. never .......... hot milk.
a) has drunk          b) will drink         c) was drinking
The Browns always ........... small presents to their guests.
a) gave          b) give          c) have given
She ............. an interesting film at the moment.
a) is watching          b) will watch      c) watches
last/ he/ English/ year/did/ study ?
morning/ I/ exercises/ a lot of/ do/ in/ the .
on/ talking/ the/ who/ phone/ is/ now ?
been/ London/ have/ ever/ you/ to ?
breakfast/ tomorrow/ will/ for/ have/ you/ what ?
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom.
... Last weekend my father and I went to Oxford. It was great. Do you like to travel? Where did you go last year? Are you going to visit some new places next summer?..
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Ask him 1 question.
Write 70 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Система оценивания контрольной работы по английскому языку в 7 классе.
Общий балл – 40 (тестовые задания -34 балла, письмо или перевод – 6 баллов)
«2» - менее 50% - 19 и менее баллов
-организация текста (оформление, последовательность изложения, количество слов) – 2 балла;
-решение коммуникативной задачи (ответы на все предложенные вопросы, соответствие заданной теме) -  2 балла;
-грамотность (правильное использование грамматики, лексики, орфографии) – 2 балла.
    a chair           some cheese                     
    a leaf               an elephant
      5.  Did he study English last year?
           I do a lot of exercises in the morning.
           Who is talking on the phone now?
           Have you ever been to London?
           What will you have for breakfast tomorrow?
1. some juice          a crocodile 
   a table                some jam                     
   a tree                 some sweets
   some food           some porridge
      5.  Did he study English last year?
           I do a lot of exercises in the morning.
           Who is talking on the phone now?
           Have you ever been to London?
           What will you have for breakfast tomorro

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