Контрольная Работа На Тему Вредные И Опасные Факторы. Меры Безопасности При Работе На Тракторах

Контрольная Работа На Тему Вредные И Опасные Факторы. Меры Безопасности При Работе На Тракторах


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Контрольная работа по теме «Вредные и опасные факторы при работе на тракторах».
1. Вредными факторами, воздействующими на рабочих, занятых на работах с применением грузоподъемных машин, являются:
а) вибрация;
б) шум;
в) загазованность рабочей зоны;
г) электромагнитные поля;
д) повышенная температура воздуха рабочей зоны.
2. К опасным факторам, воздействующим на рабочих в условиях работы с применением грузоподъемной машины, относятся:
а). вибрация;
в). ударная волна;
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by Hildegarde4.5

by David4.2
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by FioriPosted on August 23, 2015
The control of the farm is a difficult task and requires the most advanced technology. This is why there are experts who are responsible for this task. These people are called agricultural technicians. They work with the use of computers, and they are always at the forefront of technological research. If you want to be a good technician, you should learn how to use the computer.
The following is a list of the most common toxic chemicals found in the workplace. However, there are many other toxic substances that can be found in a workplace environment. Although these chemicals are not as common, they are still very dangerous and should be handled and stored carefully.
Here are the common chemicals used in agriculture:

Posted on July 5, 2017
A list of all the most important exercises, drills, and tricks you can learn to keep your hands and arms safe when working with power tools and other tools. When you’re working on a job site, you need to be able to safely hold a tool. If you’re not careful, you might cut yourself. To help you stay safe, we’ve put together this checklist of the most common hand and arm injuries we see on the job site. These fall into three main categories.
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These are the most important and most essential parts of any computer system, from a single PC to a large server farm. They are the source of all computer power, speed, and functionality, and they are also the most critical part of any system.
In this section of the book, you can find the following topics:

С Прицепом
Контрольная Работа На Тему Меры Безопасности
Контрольную работу на тему «Вредные и опасные факторы» по дисциплине «Безопасность жизнедеятельности».
Вредные факторы при работе на тракторе с прицепом:
1. Повышенная запыленность воздуха рабочей зоны.
2. Повышенный уровень шума и вибрации.
3. Повышенное содержание вредных веществ в воздухе рабочей зоны (азота диоксид, фенол, аммиак).
4. Повышенное тепловое излучение.
5. Повышенная яркость освещения.

Control work on the harmful and dangerous factors. Prevention measures. Safety at work on tractors.
Work on a harmful and dangerous factor is carried out by the person who is responsible for the safety of the work. The main tasks of the responsible are:
• to ensure that the individual, who carries out the work, has full knowledge of its safety;
• at the workplace to be sufficient and adequate equipment, tools and other means of protection;
Наследование выморочного имущества
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