Контрольная Работа На Тему Компьютерные Вирусы. Методы И Средства Защиты

Контрольная Работа На Тему Компьютерные Вирусы. Методы И Средства Защиты


Файлов От Компьютерных Вирусов.
Computer viruses are a class of computer software that can infect other computer files, thereby corrupting or destroying the files or causing them to perform undesirable actions, such as self-replication, deletion, or modification of their contents. The term virus is derived from the Latin word for worm. Computer viruses have been around for many years and are still being created by amateur hackers.
There are two main types of viruses:
Информации В Среде Windows
Контрольная Работа На Тему Компьютерные Вирусы
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Информации От Компьютерных Вирусов
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This topic provides information about creating and using a computer virus. A computer virus (also called a virus, worm, or trojan) is a program that can infect your computer and replace your files with junk.

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от Компьютерных Вирусов.

Posted on November 17, 2018
A computer virus is a program that is designed to replicate itself and cause harm to the host computer. A virus can be designed to infect other programs or to cause the computer to perform unwanted actions. While computer viruses are not usually considered infectious diseases, they can cause serious damage if left unchecked.
What is a Computer Virus?

by Lydia3.1
This is the most powerful program ever.
The most important thing to understand is that it is impossible to protect yourself against a virus unless you have a working knowledge of how computers work. You can use the software to prevent your computer from being infected, but you must know how to change the settings of your computer to make sure it is not infected.
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