Контрольная Работа На Тему Bonn, Madrid And Rome Tourism

Контрольная Работа На Тему Bonn, Madrid And Rome Tourism


Контрольная работа по дисциплине "Туризм" на тему: "Bonn, Madrid and Rome tourism".
В работе дана характеристика туристических ресурсов городов-центров туризма Берлина и Рима, а также Мадрида.
Выполнена контрольная работа на тему " Bonn , Madrid and Rome Tourism" .
1. Характеристика туристических ресурсов городов - центров туризма.
1.1. Города-центры туризма Германии.
1.2. Города- центры туризма Испании.
1.3. Города-центры Португалии.
1.4. Города-центры Италии.

Контрольная работа на тему «Bonn, Madrid & Rome tourism»
1. Bonn is the capital of Germany, located in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
It is the largest city in Germany and the seat of the federal government of the country.
The city was founded in the 11th century.
Bonn is a major financial, industrial and cultural centre of Germany.
2. Madrid is one of the most important and old cities of Spain.
In the Middle Ages, the city was the capital of the Kingdom of Castile.
Posted on February 18, 2018
The city is also home to the famous Bonn International Exhibition which has been held in the city since 1881. The city was even host to two World’s Fairs. It is a good example of German industrialism and also one of the greatest cities of Europe. The city of Bonn is located on the west bank of the Rhine River and is surrounded by the small Rhine towns of Münster, Cologne, and Aachen.
The role of the world’s leading tourism destinations in attracting tourists and visitors.
Tourism is a multi-billion dollar worldwide industry and is one of the largest contributors to the economy of many countries.
It is estimated that in 2014, the total number of tourists spent approximately $3.6 trillion on international travel (www.worldtravelstuff.com).
There are over 500 million international tourists each year, and the number is forecast to reach over 2 billion by 2025.
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Контрольная работа на тему bonn, madrid and rome tourism.
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Контрольная Работа На Тему bonn, madrid and Rome tourism
Тема: «Bonn, Мадрид и Рим туризм»
студентка группы
No 9-111
Научный руководитель:
Бондаренко И.В.
2011 г.
1. Bonn- столица Германии
2. Madrid- столица Испании
3. Rome- столица Италии
4. Bonn - Bonn
5. Madrid- Madrid
6. Rome- Rome
Список литературы
by David4.4
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Bonn, Madrid and Rome tourism essay
A guide to the city's major attractions.
Bonn is the capital of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The city is located on the river Rhine, about 45 kilometres (27 mi) west of Dortmund.
In the south, it is bordered by the Ruhr region and in the north by the Weser and Oker rivers.
It is the center of a large industrial, financial and cultural area.
Berlin, the capital city of Germany, is located to the north of Bonn.
Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Туризм» на тему: «Bonn, Madrid and Rome tourism» Цель: -изучить историю возникновения туризма в Испании, Италии и Германии.
Задачи: -рассмотреть особенности развития туризма в этих странах. -проанализировать туристическую инфраструктуру Испании, Италии, Германии. -определить роль туризма в экономике этих стран.

by Henry4.9

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