Контрольная Работа Форвард 6 Класс 1 Четверть

Контрольная Работа Форвард 6 Класс 1 Четверть


Контрольная Работа Форвард 6 Класс 1 Четверть
Диагностическая работа по английскому языку 6 класс за 1 четверть УМК «Forward»
УМК «Forward» для 6 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений
авторов М.В.Вербицкой, Б.Эббс, Э.Уорелл и др.
1 Прочитай текс ты и напиши к каждому из ни х подходящий заголовок.
a) Good pupil. b) At Sc hool. c) After Sch ool. d) In the morning.
1. Ann ge ts up very e arly. She gets up a t half past seven. She l ikes to get up earl y
in the morning. She washes her face and hands, dres ses and has breakf ast.
Sometimes s he has eggs, jam, and mi lk for breakfa st.
2. At half past eight she goe s to school. S he has five classes on Monday a nd
Thursday. She h as six classes on T ues day, Wedne sday, and Friday. A nn never has
classes on Sa turday and on Su nday.
3. Ann is a lways on time for her classes. She like s schoo l very much. She likes her
teacher Miss Re ed and her schoo l friends. Ann is a very good pupil. S he can read
very well. She c an count well to o. At half past twe lve Ann has lunch. I t is an apple,
4. At half past four Ann is a t home. She helps her gran ny, and plays on t he
computer. In t he evening Ann rea ds books and plays with her litt le sister.
1. 9:45 а) It’ s half past eight.
2. 8:30 b) It ’s five minutes to two.
3. 12: 10 c) It’s twenty minutes pa st six.
4. 1:55 d) It ’s quarter to ten.
5. 4:15 e) It’ s eleven o’cloc k.
6. 6:20 f) It’ s ten minutes past tw elve.
7. 11:00 g) It’s quarter past four.
3. Допишите хво стик разделительного вопр оса .
1. Moscow is the capital of R ussia, …?
4. You can' t live without a c omputer,…?
5. Jane wasn’ t interested in cla ssic music, …?
7. She plays sn owballs every winter, …?
9. They d id not go to Siberia, …?
10. The pupils will write a test tomorrow, … ?
4 . Напишите в т ор ую фор му г лаг ол ов в соо твет ств ующую к олонку .
can, cook, take, give, finish, buy , see, c lean, do, was h, sleep, swim, help,
Правильные г лаг олы Н еправильные г л аго лы
_________________ ___________________
_________________ ___________________
2. Children __ very fr iendly yesterda y .
3. He __ in the g arden five minu tes ago.
4. It __ very col d yesterday morn ing .
5. When I was f ive I __ very short.
6. During my h olidays my sister and I __ in Lond on.
8. Peter __ at the s upermarket an ho ur ago.
9. Mike and Pete r __ at the party last ni ght.
10. _ _ you at the c inema last nig ht? No, I __.
6. Раскройте скоб ки , употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past
1. They (to have ) a nice weeken d last week.
2. What your s ister (to do) ever y Sunday? – She (to meet) with her friends.
3. She (to get) up a t seven o'cloc k.
4. She (not to understand) the t eacher at the last l esson.
5. He usually ( to sleep) well. Bu t last night he (t o sleep) badly.
6. Queen Eliza beth II (to be) born i n 1926.
7. She (to do) h er morning exercises e very day.
8. My mother al ways (to take) a bus to get t o work, but yesterda y she (not to take)
a bus. Yesterda y she (to walk) t o her office.
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