Контрольная Работа Биболетова 10 Класс 1 Четверть

Контрольная Работа Биболетова 10 Класс 1 Четверть


Контрольная Работа Биболетова 10 Класс 1 Четверть



Дошкольное образование

Начальные классы










Русский язык

Английский язык

Немецкий язык

Французский язык



Всемирная история

Всеобщая история

История России


Окружающий мир






Технология (мальчики)

Технология (девочки)






Внеурочная работа




Классному руководителю


Финансовая грамотность



Школьному библиотекарю


Коррекционная школа

Всем учителям


Электронная тетрадь по английскому языку 10 класс ФГОС

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими...

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной...

Удобный поиск материалов для учителей




Данная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 10 класса, изучающих английский язык по УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З.  Работа направленна  на выявление уровня сформированности  умений употреблять изученные лексические единицы и  видовременные формы глагола. Задание по чтению состоит из двух текстов.
Контрольная работа по итогам 1 четверти для 10 класса УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З.
Fill in the blanks with necessary words.
You have to pay for your education at a ………………school. 2. At universities bright students get a ……………… . 3. Being away from home I am always ……………….. . 4. ……………….subjects must be studied by all students. 5. A school year in high school in Russia is divided into two …………….. . 6. A ………………studies and lives at school.
homesick, border, compulsory, private, semesters, scholarship
Put the verbs in the appropriate form.
You (find) out about the new timetable yet? 2. They (tell) us about holidays next Monday. 3. He (not, be) a newcomer now. He (appear) in our class last year. 4. We (be) here since 10 a.m. We (listen) to a lecture for an hour. 5. Our teachers (not, give) us only good marks. 6. All marks and notes (write) into our report books. 7. How long he (study) at this school? 8. By 11 a.m. yesterday they (finish) their test and from 11 to 12 they (write) an essay. 9. Some new subjects (learn) by students last year. 10. An interesting educational programme (show) to us next week.
3. Match the titles with the texts. One title is unnecessary.
First of all you shouldn't overeat, and try to keep to a diet. It's also im­portant to have some PT at least twice a week.
The safety of Zyrtec, at daily doses of 5 or 10 mg, has been demonstrated in 376 pediatric patients aged 6 to 11 years in test lasting up to four weeks and in 254 patients in 12-week tests.
Ten investors forsee no return of interest in the Argentine markets because of the country's economic chaos and default in January.
In 1989 News International entered the television market by launching a satellite TV network, Sky Television.
The magnificent palace of Hampton court situated on the bank of the river was built in the 16 th century. The best way to get there is by watertram or by train.
The exhibition opened yesterday in the . Tretyakov Gallery displays works by Serov, Vrubel, Korovin, Nesterov and others. They all represent the twentieth century art which is based on classical Russian Art, Symbolism and Socialist Realism.
4. Read the text and write whether the sentences are true or false .
Debates about education will never end. Some people consider our educational system to be close to perfect; others say that it is too hard and that it is unnecessary to study all the school subjects.
In Russian schools children have to study about 15—17 subjects — not more and not less, as they are required. Very rarely do schools have in the schedule special or professional subjects. In the United States, drama, journalism and photography are as important as chemistry and history. In our schools the curriculum is strict. In the USA you can choose what to study; but government, history, English and math are compulsory. There are also a number of subjects, like geography, chemistry, physics, biology and computer classes, that you have to take during a year or a half-a-year during your high school years. You can also take one of these subjects at an advanced level. A program of chemistry at the advanced level of a graduate class is common with our 9th grade programme. In Russia we can't study management or TV-production at school.
Such democracy in choosing subjects according to your own preferences makes school life easier and calmer. American students don't usually have much homework — half an hour of homework is too much for them. On the other hand, they have holidays only twice a year, and their summer vacations are only two and a half months long, while our children don't study in the summer at all. Americans study at school for 12 years, while we study only 11. So it is very hard to say which the best way of studying is.
Debates about education always take place.
The curriculum in America is more flexible (гибкий) than in Russia.
American children don’t study in summer at all.
Most people are not sure which way of studying is better.
Everybody thinks that our educational system is the best.
American students don’t study much at home.

* Свидетельство о публикации выдается БЕСПЛАТНО, СРАЗУ же после
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