Контрольная Работа Биболетова 1 Четверть

Контрольная Работа Биболетова 1 Четверть


Контрольная Работа Биболетова 1 Четверть

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Опубликовано 16.11.2015 - 21:25 - Миннуллина Гульназ Радиковна
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Контрольная работа за 1 четверть, 8 класс, Биболетова М.З.
1. In each line circle the words with the general meaning.
1. earthquake, flood, disaster, volcanic eruption, drought
2. mountains, geography, deserts, coastlines, plains
3. lizards, snakes, animals, crocodiles, whales, monkeys
2. Match the two columns. Each word can be used only once.
3.   Open the brackets and use the Past Perfect Tense
1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to school.
2. He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his homework.
3.  By 8 o’clock the rain ... (to stop).
4. Alice was late because she ... (to miss) the bus.
5. She went to the post-office after she ... (to write) the letter.
4. Fill in the gaps with since  or for.
1. She has been studying English____ your birthday.
2. Meredith has been living here ____ 1997.
3. Meredith has been living here _____eighteen years.
4. He has been working here ______ the last two years.
5. We have been living here ______ 5 years.
5.   Open the brackets and use the Past Simple  or Past Continuous Tense.
1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.
2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday.
3. She (to do) her homework when mother came home.
4. We (to do) our homework yesterday.
5.   When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete.
1. In each line circle the words with the general meaning.
1. earthquake, flood, disaster, volcanic eruption, drought
2. mountains, geography, deserts, coastlines, plains
3. lizards, snakes, animals, crocodiles, whales, monkeys
2. Find the pair of the words / word combinations with similar meaning.
3.   Open the brackets and use the Past Perfect Tense.
1) We (see) him before they (make) friends with him.
2) I already (get) home before it (begin) to rain.
3) There (be) a new painting that I (not see) before.
4) Captain Cook (discover) the island before he (die).
5) Bob (eat) all the cakes before Sam (come) home.
4. Fill in the gaps with since  or for.
1. I have been living in New York ______ 1 year.
2. We have been waiting  _______ 12:30.
3. I have been living in Valencia ________ last June.
4. She has been studying English ________ two months.
5. He has been studying English _______ last January.
5.   Open the brackets and use the Past Simple  or Past Continuous Tense.
1. I (to play) computer games yesterday.
2. I (to play) computer games at five o'clock yesterday.
3. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday.
4. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday.
5.  She (to cook) the whole day yesterday.
Данная контрольная работа предназначена для учебника М.З.Биболетовой "Английский язык с удовольствием"для 5-6 класса.Направлена на развитие умений и навыков материала,пройденного за 1 четверть...
Данная контрольная работа составлена на основе УМК "Enjoy English - 11"  Биболетова М.З. для проверки качества знаний  по пройденным темам  UNIT 1 учащихся 11 класса....
Данная работа может быть использована для проверки уровня сформированности лексических и грамматичесих знаний учащихся по первому разделу учебника М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English". Она может служить д...
Контрольная работа подготовлена на основе УМК Enjoy English 4 класс. Может быть использована в качестве подготовительной работы или второго варианта....
Контрольная работа выполнена на основе УМК Enjoy English 4 класс. Может быть использована в качестве подготовительной работы или второго варианта....
Данная работа представляет собой лексико-грамматический тест, позволяющий проверить знания учащихся, полученные за з четверть. Работа включает 9 заданий: задания на проверку лексики по теме Семья",раз...

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Сочинение Описание Характера Человека
Реферат На Тему Виды И Стили Плавания
Мое Открытие Писателя И Человека Сочинение 4
Эссе На Тему Число
Геофизические Методы Исследования Скважин Реферат

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