Контрольная Работа 9 Класс Кузовлев Unit 2

Контрольная Работа 9 Класс Кузовлев Unit 2


Контрольная Работа 9 Класс Кузовлев Unit 2

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Опубликовано 09.06.2016 - 9:21 - Пименова Надежда Викторовна
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Тест к Unit II в 9-ом классе по УМК В. П. Кузовлева: аудирование, грамматика, лексика, чтение, письмо.
ENGLISH-9                                                                                                                                 UNIT 2
1.  Прослушайте диалог и кратко ответьте на данные вопросы. Вы услышите диалог два раза.
1) How was Jolie's first big hit called?
4) Jolie likes Madonna, doesn't she?
5) What is the most important for Jolie: lyrics, rhythm or melody?
6) How many instruments can Jolie play?
2.  Соотнесите предложения 1 - 6 с текстами A и B.
1) Their music is really "popular".
2) They originated from the entertaining industry.
3) Their roots are in the middle of the 20th century.
4) They are chosen by professionals.
6) Their fans copy their idols' clothes.
Heavy metal bands have been around since the late 1950s. They originated mainly in the United Kingdom and the United States and have their musical roots in blues-rock and psychedelic music. Two of the most famous bands who are still playing after many years are Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. Many of the bands were formed by school friends who started playing music together in their family's garage. Bands are usually made up of drums and guitar and possibly a keyboard. A heavy metal band is not just about music but also about image. Band members usually have very long-hair, wear unusual cloths and behave in extreme ways on stage. The songs are far from romantic, and are often about "bad" subjects. The music is loud, and concerts can be unpredictable with the musicians performing strange things on the stage. Their fans are very loyal and on look very much like the band with long hair, beards, jeans and T-shirts with the band's picture on.
A boy band is a type of pop group which typically has three or four young male singers. The members of the band generally dance as well as sing, often performing different dances which have been carefully choreographed to fit their music. A boy band generally follows mainstream music trends, and the members will change their appearance to adapt to new fashions. Their shows are usually energetic and exciting to watch. Although they are called "bands", members of boy bands do not usually play musical instruments. They are often put together by talent managers or record companies who look for young singers and choose them for their appearance and dancing skills as well as for their singing ability. For this reason, boy bands are often criticised for being manufactured products. Famous boy bands are Backstreet Boys and Take That. Their audience is generally teenagers, especially young teenagers, and they are particularly popular with young girls.
3.  Для каждого из отзывов 1 - 6 подберите место действия.
1) We were dancing from night till morning.
3) Their improvisations were amazing.
4) The music was loud but the words were unclear.
5) We saw Queen with the new vocalist.
6) There were only two men and two computers on stage.
4.  Выберите из скобок подходящий вариант выражения будущего времени.
1) I'm very tired and I ( am going / go / going ) to bed.
2) Have you seen our timetable? The train ( will leave / leaves / is leaving ) at 12:00.
3) This bag looks heavy! I ( help / will help / am helping ) you.
4) Your shoes are dirty. Are you ( going / to go / going to ) clean them?
5) If you ( listening / will listen / listen ) to this song, you won't be so sad.
5.  Соотнесите две части предложений.
g) the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
i) art college before he was famous.
6.  Восстановите правильный порядок частей благодарственного письма. Ответ дайте в виде последовательности цифр (например, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7).
That's why I think you are the kind of professor that makes this university a great place to learn.
This class was the only thing standing between me and my degree, and, as you know, I had a very hard time understanding the concepts.
Thank you very much for the extra help you gave me so I could pass my chemistry class.
Thanks to you, I've succeeded in remembering them and I will be graduating in June.
ENGLISH-9                                                                                                                  UNIT 2
Interviewer:  Hi, Joolie! Great to meet you.
Jolie:  Hi, Toby. It's great to meet you, too.
Interviewer:  Can I ask you a few questions?
Interviewer:  What was the title of your first big hit?
Jolie:  It was called "Summer". It's a great song.
Interviewer:  Do you write your own songs?
Jolie:  Yes, I write most of them. My brother writes songs for me too. He is a genius.
Interviewer:  How old were you when you started singing?
Jolie:  I was just four years old. It was in 1995. All my family sang, so it was easy.
Interviewer:  Do you like travelling around the world?
Jolie:  I love it. I really love meeting people everywhere and seeing new places. I want to make a trip to the wild jungles in Africa. I've traveled all continents except this one.
Interviewer:  Who is your favourite musician?
Jolie:  I really like Justin Timberlake, but I also love Madonna. She isn't the greatest singer but her performances are amazing.
Interviewer:  What is the most important thing in your creative work?
Jolie:  I suppose rhythm, melodies and lyrics. But... As for me, lyrics is above all.
Interviewer:  What instruments can you play?  
Jolie:  I can play the guitar and the piano, and I also play the drums and the saxophone.
Interviewer:  Good bye and thanks for the interview.
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 5 баллов.
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 10 баллов.
Каждая цифра на своём месте – 1 балл. Всего – 7 баллов.
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